192 research outputs found
From Messengers to Receptors in Psoriasis: The Role of IL-17RA in Disease and Treatment.
The paradigm of psoriasis as a Th17-driven disease has evolved in the last years towards a
much deeper knowledge of the complex pathways, mechanisms, cells, and messengers involved,
highlighting the crucial role played by the IL-17 family of cytokines. All IL-17 isoforms signal through
IL-17R. Five subunits of IL-17R have been described to date, which couple to form a homo- or heteroreceptor
complex. Characteristically, IL-17RA is a common subunit in all hetero-receptors. IL-17RA
has unique structural—containing a SEFIR/TILL domain—and functional—requiring ACT-1 for
signaling—properties, enabling Th17 cells to act as a bridge between innate and adaptive immune
cells. In psoriasis, IL-17RA plays a key role in pathogenesis based on: (a) IL-17A, IL-17F, and other
IL-17 isoforms are involved in disease development; and (b) IL-17RA is essential for signaling of
all IL-17 cytokines but IL-17D, whose receptor has not been identified to date. This article reviews
current evidence on the biology and role of the IL-17 family of cytokines and receptors, with focus on
IL-17RA, in psoriasis and some related comorbidities, and puts them in context with current and
upcoming treatments.post-print1.096 K
Didactic proposal to change misconceptions about the contribution of the fusion of the ice to the rise in sea level
En la actualidad existen muchos estudios acerca del conocimiento teórico de la población sobre el
cambio climático. Los resultados de estos estudios muestran la existencia de confusiones e ideas alternativas
respecto a determinados fenómenos y conceptos básicos de gran importancia, las cuales constituyen un serio
obstáculo para el aprendizaje en educación ambiental. En este trabajo se analiza una de esas ideas, relacionada
con el impacto directo que tiene la fusión del hielo flotante en el aumento del nivel del mar. Concretamente, se
muestra una primera aproximación respecto a su extensión y fortaleza entre alumnado de secundaria y
profesorado en formación, detallando a su vez una estrategia didáctica, basada en la resolución de un problema
como investigación, con la que conseguir su cambio o evolución hacia la idea científicamente correcta. En dicha
estrategia se integran de manera funcional, contenidos teóricos, experimentación y nuevas tecnologías.Many studies on the theoretical knowledge that the population has about climate change are now
available. The results of some of these studies show the existence of confusions and alternative ideas regarding
certain phenomena and basic concepts of great importance, which constitute a serious obstacle to learning in
environmental education. In this paper, one of these ideas, related to the direct impact that the melting of
floating ice has on the increase of sea level is studied. Specifically, a first approach is shown regarding its
extension and strength among secondary school students and teachers in training. An educational strategy to
achieve its change towards the scientifically correct idea, based on the resolution of a problem is also detailed.
In such strategy, theoretical contents, experimentation and new technologies are integrated in a functional
Carbon Xerogels Hydrothermally Doped with Bimetal Oxides for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
A total of two carbon xerogels doped with cobalt and nickel were prepared by the sol–gel
method. The obtained carbon xerogels underwent further surface modification with three binary
metal oxides namely: nickel cobaltite, nickel ferrite, and cobalt ferrite through the hydrothermal
method. The mesopore volumes of these materials ranged between 0.24 and 0.40 cm3/g. Moreover,
there was a morphology transformation for the carbon xerogels doped with nickel cobaltite, which
is in the form of nano-needles after the hydrothermal process. Whereas the carbon xerogels doped
with nickel ferrite and cobalt ferrite maintained the normal carbon xerogel structure after the
hydrothermal process. The prepared materials were tested as electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction
reaction using 0.1 M KOH. Among the prepared carbon xerogels cobalt-doped carbon xerogel had
better electrocatalytic performance than the nickel-doped ones. Moreover, the carbon xerogels doped
with nickel cobaltite showed excellent activity for oxygen reduction reaction due to mesoporosity
development. NiCo2O4/Co-CX showed to be the best electrocatalyst of all the prepared electrocatalysts
for oxygen reduction reaction application, exhibiting the highest electrocatalytic activity, lowest onset
potential Eonset of -0.06 V, and the lowest equivalent series resistance (ESR) of 2.74 W.This research was funded by science and technology development fund [STDF] grant number [STF-25402]
and from the project P12-RNM-2892 (Junta de Andalucía)
Microbiología y cultura científica para discapacitados intelectuales
Trabajo presntado al XXIII Congreso Nacional de Microbiología celbrado en Salamanca del 11 al 14 de julio de 2011 y que recibe el Premio del Grupo Especializado de Docencia y Difusión de la Microbiología de la Sociedad Española de Microbiología (SEM) al mejor poster presentado.Los firmantes del presente trabajo financian su investigación científica con los proyectos ALIBIRD-CM-P2009/AGR-1469 (Comunidad de Madrid) AGL2009-07894 y CSD2007-00063FUN-C-FOOD (CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010) del MINCINN.Peer Reviewe
Seguridad en pasos a nivel y factor humano: La experiencia del proyecto europeo SAFER-LC.
Trabajo presentado en: R-Evolucionando el transporte, XIV Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte (CIT 2021), realizado en modalidad online los días 6, 7 y 8 de julio de 2021, organizado por la Universidad de BurgosLos accidentes en pasos a nivel constituyen un significativo problema de intersección
ferrocarril –carretera, pero también conlleva unas consecuencias relevantes sociales a nivel
personal, social, de salud pública y de impacto social. Adicionalmente, estos sucesos tienen
importantes repercusiones para la operación ferroviaria y por carretera debido a los
elevados costes económicos, de tiempo y sanitarios.
Entre 2010 y 2019 fallecieron 2.736 personas en los pasos a nivel localizados en la UE-27.
En España, en este período se registraron 74 decesos en los pasos a nivel, a lo que se
suman 32 personas que sufrieron heridas graves y 125 con heridas leves.
Los pasos a nivel representan, por tanto, un punto de seguridad crítico en el transporte
ferroviario y por carretera que requiere un continuo análisis. Teniendo en cuenta que, el
factor humano es la causa del 90% de los accidentes de tráfico, resulta fundamental
identificar los errores humanos y los requisitos de los usuarios, para mejorar la seguridad
en las infraestructuras de los pasos a nivel.
El artículo aborda el tema del Factor Humano en los Pasos a Nivel con el objetivo de
contribuir a la reducción de la siniestralidad. Este estudio se basa en la experiencia
adquirida en el proyecto europeo SAFER-LC: Pasos a nivel más seguros mediante la
integración y optimización de la gestión y el diseño de infraestructura vial y ferroviaria,
(2017-2020), y que se enmarca en la línea de investigación sobre seguridad ferroviaria
desarrollada por los grupos de investigación de la FFE.
Los resultados de este análisis permitirán incorporar elementos del comportamiento
humano en las soluciones tecnológicas y no tecnológicas de los diseños de pasos a nivel.
También tienen como objetivo impulsar la cooperación entre las diferentes partes
interesadas de los diferentes modos de transporte implicados en los pasos a nivel
ObRa and ObRe are differentially expressed in adipose tissue in aged food-restricted rats: Effects on circulating soluble leptin receptor levels
Copyright (2005) The Endocrine Society .The paper can be found at the following URL on the website http://endo.endojournals.org
Caenorhabditis elegans to Model the Capacity of Ascorbic Acid to Reduce Acute Nitrite Toxicity under Different Feed Conditions: Multivariate Analytics on Behavioral Imaging
[EN] Nitrocompounds are present in the environment and human diet and form part of vegetables and processed meat products as additives. These compounds are related to negative impacts on human and animal health. The protective effect of ascorbic acid has been demonstrated by some biological systems as regards several nitrocompounds. This work focused on studying the possibility of modeling this effect on nitrite toxicity with the model Caenorhabditis elegans. The three factors studied in this work were ascorbic acid concentration, nitrite exposure concentration, and presence/absence of food. The protective effect was evaluated by scoring lethality and its impact on behavior by means of multivariate statistical methods and imaging analytics. The effects of nitrite and the influence of food availability were evidenced. Apart from increasing lethality, nitrite had disruption effects on movements. All the observed symptoms reduced when ascorbic acid was administered, and it diminished lethality in all cases. Ascorbic acid maintained nematodes' postural capacities. The results suggest that nitrites' nonspecific toxicity in C. elegans can be mitigated by ascorbic acid, as previously evidenced in other biological systems. Thus, our results reveal the ability of C. elegans to reproduce the known protective effect of ascorbic acid against nitrite.This study was supported by the University Polytechnic of Valencia by the program "Ayudas para la Contratacion de Doctores para el Acceso al Sistema Espanol de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion, en Estructuras de Investigacion de la UPV" (PAID-10-17).Verdu, S.; Pérez Jiménez, AJ.; Carrascosa, C.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Talens Oliag, P.; Grau Meló, R. (2021). Caenorhabditis elegans to Model the Capacity of Ascorbic Acid to Reduce Acute Nitrite Toxicity under Different Feed Conditions: Multivariate Analytics on Behavioral Imaging. International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health. 18(4):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18042068S11418
Optimising the Therapeutic Interval for Biologics in Patients with Psoriasis
In our clinical experience, more than half of patients do not present a complete response
to biologic drugs, or drug loses its efficacy over time. Plasma determinations of drug and antidrug
antibodies levels are an objective tool for optimisation in these patients; however, established
therapeutic ranges are not suitable, so the objective of this study was to study these patients and
optimise their healthcare. We have made a retrospective, observational study, using data of plasma
levels of drugs and anti-drugs antibodies of infliximab, adalimumab or Etanercept, we summarise all
data and make a study of sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value on current
therapeutic ranges. We have found a statistically significant association between subtherapeutic
levels and therapeutic failure in psoriasis treated with infliximab and adalimumab. New ranges
were found with higher sensitivity than the established ones, we propose 2–10 g/mL therapeutic
range for infliximab, 3–11 g/mL for adalimumab, and 1–7 g/mL for etanercept. In conclusion,
levels of drug and anti-drug antibodies are a decisive tool for predicting therapeutic response. The
current therapeutic ranges may have minimum values that are excessively high, owing to which
lowering them significantly increases the sensitivity of the test in all cases, and negative predictive
value in the case of etanercept. Further prospective studies are needed to prove the usefulness of
these new ranges.9 página
NAPA: An algorithm to auto-tune unicast reliable communications over DDS
This paper proposes NAPA (Non-supervised
Adaptative Publication Algorithm) a framework for a uto-tuning unicast reliable communications over DDS. We provide the
NAPA design rationale, and some implementation details. After the experimental conducted evaluation, we demonstrate how using the subscriber's feedback, as NAPA does, the publisher
can vary its sending rate in order to improve the overall performance in terms of end-to-end latency and throughput in
DDS applications.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Teoría de la Señal, Telemática y ComunicacionesThis research was partially founded by Spanish Ministry of Education (collaboration grant 2012-2013)
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