41 research outputs found

    Experimental Everglades Virus Infection of Cotton Rats (Sigmodon hispidus)

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    We characterized Everglades virus infection of cotton rats from South Florida to validate their role as reservoir hosts in the enzootic transmission cycle

    Equine Amplification and Virulence of Subtype IE Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Viruses Isolated during the 1993 and 1996 Mexican Epizootics

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    To assess the role of horses as amplification hosts during the 1993 and 1996 Mexican Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) epizootics, we subcutaneously infected 10 horses by using four different equine isolates. Most horses showed little or no disease and low or nonexistent viremia. Neurologic disease developed in only 1 horse, and brain histopathologic examination showed meningeal lymphocytic infiltration, perivascular cuffing, and focalencephalitis. Three animals showed mild meningoencephalitis without clinical disease. Viral RNA was detected in the brain of several animals 12-14 days after infection. These data suggest that the duration and scope of the recent Mexican epizootics were limited by lack of equine amplification characteristic of previous, more extensive VEE outbreaks. The Mexican epizootics may have resulted from the circulation of a more equine-neurotropic, subtype IE virus strain or from increased transmission to horses due to amplification by other vertebrate hosts or transmission by more competent mosquito vectors

    Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus Infection of Spiny Rats

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    Enzootic strains of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) circulate in forested habitats of Mexico, Central, and South America, and spiny rats (Proechimys spp.) are believed to be the principal reservoir hosts in several foci. To better understand the host-pathogen interactions and resistance to disease characteristic of many reservoir hosts, we performed experimental infections of F1 progeny from Proechimys chrysaeolus collected at a Colombian enzootic VEEV focus using sympatric and allopatric virus strains. All animals became viremic with a mean peak titer of 3.3 log10 PFU/mL, and all seroconverted with antibody titers from 1:20 to 1:640, which persisted up to 15 months. No signs of disease were observed, including after intracerebral injections. The lack of detectable disease and limited histopathologic lesions in these animals contrast dramatically with the severe disease and histopathologic findings observed in other laboratory rodents and humans, and support their role as reservoir hosts with a long-term coevolutionary relationship to VEEV

    Structural and Nonstructural Protein Genome Regions of Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus Are Determinants of Interferon Sensitivity and Murine Virulence▿

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    Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) causes sporadic epidemics of human and equine disease in North America, but South American strains have seldom been associated with human neurologic disease or mortality, despite serological evidence of infection. In mice, most North American and South American strains of EEEV produce neurologic disease that resembles that associated with human and equine infections. We identified a South American strain that is unable to replicate efficiently in the brain or cause fatal disease in mice yet produces 10-fold higher viremia than virulent EEEV strains. The avirulent South American strain was also sensitive to human interferon (IFN)-α, -β, and -γ, like most South American strains, in contrast to North American strains that were highly resistant. To identify genes associated with IFN sensitivity and virulence, infectious cDNA clones of a virulent North American strain and the avirulent South American strain were constructed. Two reciprocal chimeric viruses containing swapped structural and nonstructural protein gene regions of the North American and South American strains were also constructed and found to replicate efficiently in vitro. Both chimeras produced fatal disease in mice, similar to that caused by the virulent North American strain. Both chimeric viruses also exhibited intermediate sensitivity to human IFN-α, -β, and -γ compared to that of the North American and South American strains. Virulence 50% lethal dose assays and serial sacrifice experiments further demonstrated that both structural and nonstructural proteins are important contributors to neurovirulence and viral tissue tropism. Together, the results of this study emphasize the complex and important influences of structural and nonstructural protein gene regions on EEEV virulence

    Variation in Interferon Sensitivity and Induction among Strains of Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus

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    Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) causes human encephalitis in North America (NA), but in South America (SA) it has rarely been associated with human disease, suggesting that SA strains are less virulent. To evaluate the hypothesis that this virulence difference is due to a greater ability of NA strains to evade innate immunity, we compared replication of NA and SA strains in Vero cells pretreated with interferon (IFN). Human IFN-α, -β, and -γ generally exhibited less effect on replication of NA than SA strains, supporting this hypothesis. In the murine model, no consistent difference in IFN induction was observed between NA and SA strains. After infection with most EEEV strains, higher viremia levels and shorter survival times were observed in mice deficient in IFN-α/β receptors than in wild-type mice, suggesting that IFN-α/β is important in controlling replication. In contrast, IFN-γ receptor-deficient mice infected with NA and SA strains had similar viremia levels and mortality rates to those of wild-type mice, suggesting that IFN-γ does not play a major role in murine protection. Mice pretreated with poly(I-C), a nonspecific IFN inducer, exhibited dose-dependent protection against fatal eastern equine encephalitis, further evidence that IFN is important in controlling disease. Overall, our in vivo results did not support the hypothesis that NA strains are more virulent in humans due to their greater ability to counteract the IFN response. However, further studies using a better model of human disease are needed to confirm the results of differential human IFN sensitivity obtained in our in vitro experiments