5 research outputs found

    Fundamentals of Brazilian Honey Analysis: An Overview

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    Brazilian honey possesses large floral sources with various colors and flavors due to botanical and geographical differences and the large extension of the country. The absence of antibiotics and pesticides contamination positively differentiates Brazilian honey in the international market. Thus, the present chapter presents an overview of regulatory aspects for identity and quality evaluation of honey produced and commercialized in Brazil and international markets, as well as, it compares the production and consumption of honey with other countries. In addition, the chapter presents physicochemical and microbiological analysis commonly used in honey, as fundamentals of the technics and literature results with different kinds of honey obtained in Brazil. Physicochemical quality control and microbiological analysis of honey samples is of fundamental importance for assessing their quality, possible adulteration and storage conditions. In the literature, several methodologies exist to be used in the performance of honey quality control and each one complements the results in order to have an idea about the quality of the product, the absence of adulteration, deterioration, and environmental pollution and geographical area. Finally, we will present the market scenario nowadays with future perspectives and some recognition obtained for Brazilian bee products in international events

    In vitro metabolism of the major compound of Brazilian green propolis, Artepillin C, employing liver microsomes

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    O Artepelin C (ART C) é um produto natural presente na própolis verde brasileira que apresenta diversas atividades biológicas. Dentre essas, destacam-se as atividades anticancerígenas, o que o torna um promissor candidato à fármaco para o tratamento de diversos tipos de câncer (pulmão, rins, cólon, testículos, próstata e leucemia). A determinação do metabolismo de um candidato a fármaco é uma das etapas primordiais no desenvolvimento do mesmo. Atualmente, modelos in vitro para a determinação do metabolismo do candidato frente às enzimas da citocromo P450 (CYP450) vem sendo largamente utilizados. Esses modelos apresentam como principais vantagens a simplicidade, o baixo custo e a ausência ou uso reduzido de animais. No presente trabalho, avaliou-se o metabolismo in vitro do ART C empregando microssomas hepáticos de ratos e de humanos, com o objetivo de caracterizar os parâmetros cinéticos enzimáticos e identificar os possíveis metabólitos formados durante o metabolismo. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido e validado um método analítico para análise do ART C em meio microssomal. A análise do ART C foi realizada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência, empregando coluna C18 e fase móvel composta por metanol : solução aquosa de ácido fórmico 0,1% (70:30, v/v). A vazão utilizada foi de 1,2 mL min-1 e a detecção foi realizada em 315 nm. A metodologia analítica foi validada de acordo com o guia para validação de métodos bioanalíticos da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, avaliando-se os parâmetros seletividade, linearidade, efeito residual, limite inferior de quantificação, precisão, exatidão e estabilidade, sendo que os resultados obtidos corroboraram com as exigências do guia. A seguir, foram determinadas as condições de velocidade inicial da reação enzimática (V0), necessárias para a determinação dos parâmetros cinéticos enzimáticos do metabolismo do ART C em microssomas hepáticos de ratos e humanos. As condições de V0 determinadas foram tempo de incubação de 30 minutos e concentração proteica microssomal de 0,5 mg mL-1 para os microssomas de ratos e tempo de incubação de 40 minutos e concentração proteica microssomal de 0,5 mg mL-1 para os microssomas de humanos. O modelo microssomal de rato demonstrou um possível perfil cinético sigmoidal, adequando-se ao modelo cinético de Hill. Os parâmetros cinéticos determinados foram: Vmáx = 0,7567 ± 0,0212 µmol mg-1 min-1, coeficiente de Hill = 10,90 ± 2,80 e S50 = 33,35 ± 0,55 µM. A partir desses parâmetros obteve-se o clearance intrínseco para o ART C de 16,63 ± 1,52 µL min-1 mg-1. Para o modelo microssomal de humanos, os resultados do metabolismo do ART C não se adequaram a nenhum dos modelos cinéticos enzimáticos já descritos. Em ambos os modelos microssomais, foi possível a identificação de dois metabólitos do ART C. Para tanto, foi empregado a cromatografia liquida acoplada a espectrometria de massa de alta resolução ou acoplada a espectrometria de massa de múltiplos estágios. Os resultados revelaram que ambos os metabólitos formados são produtos de hidroxilação do ART C.Artepillin C (ART C) is a natural product present in Brazilian green propolis, which has several biological properties. Among these ones, the anticancer properties have been highlighted, making ART C a promising drug candidate for treatment of several types of cancer (lungs, kidneys, colon, testicles, prostate and leukemia). The knowledge of a drug metabolism is one of the key stages in early drug development. Nowadays, in vitro models have been used to determine the metabolic route by the cytochrome P450 (CYP450) enzymes for a drug candidate. The main advantages of using these models are the simplicity, the relative low cost and the absence or reduced use of animals. In this project, we determined the in vitro metabolism of ART C by employing rat and human liver microsomes, in order to characterize the enzymatic kinetics parameters and to identify possible produced metabolites during the metabolism. To accomplish that, an analytical method was developed and validated for ART C analysis in microsomal medium. The ART C analysis was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography, using a C18 column and methanol : formic acid aqueous solution 0.1% (70:30, v/v) as mobile phase. The flow rate used was 1.0 mL min-1 and detection was set at 315 nm. The analytical methodology was validated according to ANVISA guideline for bioanalytical method validation. The following parameters were evaluated: selectivity, linearity, carryover, lower limit of quantification, precision, accuracy and stability, wherein the obtained results corroborate to the guides requirement. Hereafter, the initial velocity conditions for the enzymatic reaction (V0) of ART C metabolism in rat and human liver microsomes was determined. The V0 conditions were incubation time 30 minutes and microsomal protein concentration 0.5 mg mL-1 for rat microsomes and incubation time 40 minutes and microsomal protein concentration 0.5 mg mL-1 for human microsomes. The metabolism by rat liver microsomes suggested a sigmoidal profile, adapting to the Hills kinetics model. The enzymatic kinetics parameters determined were: Vmax = 0.7567 ± 0.0212 µmol mg-1 min-1, Hill coefficient = 10.90 ± 2.80 and S50 = 33.35 ± 0.55 µM. Based on these parameters, the calculated intrinsic clearance for ART C was 16.63 ± 1.52 µL min-1 mg-1. The in vitro metabolism assay employing human microsomes did not fit any enzymatic kinetics models. In both microsomal models, two ART C metabolites were determined. The identification of the metabolites was performed by liquid chromatography coupled to a high resolution mass spectrometry or coupled to a multiple-stage mass spectrometry. The results revealed that both ART C metabolites were produced after a hydroxylation reaction

    A Review of Analytical Methods for Codeine Determination

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    Codeine is derived from morphine, an opioid analgesic, and has weaker analgesic and sedative effects than the parent molecule. This weak opioid is commonly used in combination with other drugs for over-the-counter cough relief medication. Due to the psychoactive properties of opioid drugs, the easily obtained codeine often becomes subject to misuse. Codeine misuse has emerged as a concerning public health issue due to its associated adverse effects such as headache, nausea, vomiting, and hemorrhage. Thus, it is very important to develop reliable analytical techniques to detect codeine for both quality control of pharmaceutical formulations and identifying drug misuse in the community. This review aims to provide critical outlooks on analytical methods applicable to the determination of codeine

    A Review of Analytical Methods for Codeine Determination

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    Codeine is derived from morphine, an opioid analgesic, and has weaker analgesic and sedative effects than the parent molecule. This weak opioid is commonly used in combination with other drugs for over-the-counter cough relief medication. Due to the psychoactive properties of opioid drugs, the easily obtained codeine often becomes subject to misuse. Codeine misuse has emerged as a concerning public health issue due to its associated adverse effects such as headache, nausea, vomiting, and hemorrhage. Thus, it is very important to develop reliable analytical techniques to detect codeine for both quality control of pharmaceutical formulations and identifying drug misuse in the community. This review aims to provide critical outlooks on analytical methods applicable to the determination of codeine