2,857 research outputs found

    τ\tau-Flavour Violation at the LHC

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    We study the conditions required for χ2χ+τ±μ\chi_2 \to \chi + \tau^\pm \mu^\mp decays to yield observable tau flavour violation at the LHC, for cosmologically interesting values of the neutralino relic density. These condition can be achieved in the framework of a SU(5) model with a see-saw mechanism that allows a possible coexistence of a LHC signal a low prediction for radiative LFV decays.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Prepared for the proceedings of the workshop: "LC09: e+ee^+ e^- Physics at the TeV Scale and the Dark Matter Connection", 21-24 September 2009, Perugia, Ital

    Lepton Flavor Violating Photoleptonic Effect

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    We study lepton flavor violating analogs of the photoelectric effect, with a final μ\mu or τ\tau instead of an electron: γeμ\gamma e\to \mu and γeτ\gamma e\to \tau. On the basis of the general parametrization of the matrix element of the electromagnetic current we estimate the upper limits for the cross sections and event rates of these processes, imposed by the current experimental bounds on μeγ\mu\to e \gamma and τeγ\tau\to e \gamma decays.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, RevTeX

    Exotic coloured fermions and lepton number violation at the LHC

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    Majorana neutrino mass models with a scale of lepton number violation (LNV) of order TeV potentially lead to signals at the LHC. Here, we consider an extension of the standard model with a coloured octet fermion and a scalar leptoquark. This model generates neutrino masses at 2-loop order. We make a detailed MonteCarlo study of the LNV signal at the LHC in this model, including a simulation of standard model backgrounds. Our forecast predicts that the LHC with 300/fb should be able to probe this model up to colour octet fermion masses in the range of (2.6-2.7) TeV, depending on the lepton flavour of the final state.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Search for Tau Flavour Violation at the LHC

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    We explore the prospects for searches at the LHC for sparticle decays that violate τ\tau lepton number, in the light of neutrino oscillation data and the seesaw model for neutrino masses and mixing. We analyse the theoretical and phenomenological conditions required for tau flavour violation to be observable in \chi_2 \to \chi + \tau^\pm \mu^\mp decays, for cosmologically interesting values of the relic neutralino LSP density. We study the relevant supersymmetric parameter space in the context of the Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Extension of the Standard Model (CMSSM) and in SU(5) extensions of the theory. We pay particular attention to the possible signals from hadronic tau decays, that we analyse using PYTHIA event simulation. We find that a signal for \tau flavour-violating \chi_2 decays may be observable if the branching ratio exceeds about 10%. This may be compatible with the existing upper limit on \tau \to \mu \gamma decays if there is mixing between right-handed sleptons, as could be induced in non-minimal SU(5) GUTs.Comment: 24 pages, 10 fig

    Diseño hidráulico de la tubería de presión de la Central Hidroeléctrica La Koya

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorEl documento digital no refiere asesorMuestra los cálculos realizados con el fin de realizar el correcto diseño hidráulico de la tubería de presión de la Central Hidroeléctrica La Koya, que operará con un caudal de diseño de 3.5 m 3 /s, con una caída bruta de 272.21m. y con una potencia instalada total de 7,662 KW. Como parte de los estudios básicos, se realizaron los levantamientos topográficos, el estudio hidrológico en los puntos de captación; y el estudio geológico-geotécnico del área del proyecto. El cálculo de la tubería se ha realizado según el código ASME sección VIII, divisiones 1 y 2; y en base a acero ASTM A-36, sin embargo, se recomienda que de acuerdo a las normas existentes, se deba hacer el replanteo en obra revisando el diseño y la topografía del terreno.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    El clima social familiar y su relación con el aprendizaje del área de personal social en los estudiantes del 5o grado de educación primaria de la I.E.P. "San Ignacio de Loyola. Huacho. Lima.2012

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo establecer la relación que existe entre el clima social familiar y el aprendizaje del área de personal social en los estudiantes del 5º grado de educación primaria de la I.E.P. "San Ignacio de Loyola”. Huacho Lima 2012; la población fue de 125 estudiantes del 5º grado de educación primaria, la muestra censal puesto que consideró toda la población, en los cuales se han empleado la variable: Clima Social Familiar y la variable Aprendizaje del Área de Personal Social. El método empleado en la investigación fue el hipotético-deductivo. Esta investigación utilizó para su propósito el diseño no experimental de nivel correlacional de corte transeccional, que recogió la información en un período específico, que se desarrolló al aplicar el instrumento cuestionario de clima social familiar para alumnos, el cual estuvo constituido por 44 preguntas en la escala dicotómica (bueno, regular), y la prueba de personal socia, que estuvo constituido por 40 preguntas en la escala de 0-20, que brindaron información acerca de clima social familiar y el aprendizaje del área de personal social, a través de la evaluación de sus distintas dimensiones, cuyos resultados se presentan gráfica y textualmente. La investigación concluye que existe evidencia significativa para afirmar que: El clima social familiar se relaciona significativamente con el aprendizaje del área de personal social en los estudiantes del 5º grado de educación primaria de la I.E.P. "San Ignacio de Loyola”. Huacho Lima 2012

    Sushi domain-containing protein 4 controls synaptic plasticity and motor learning

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    Fine control of protein stoichiometry at synapses underlies brain function and plasticity. How proteostasis is controlled independently for each type of synaptic protein in a synapse-specific and activity-dependent manner remains unclear. Here, we show that Susd4, a gene coding for a complement-related transmembrane protein, is expressed by many neuronal populations starting at the time of synapse formation. Constitutive loss-of-function of Susd4 in the mouse impairs motor coordination adaptation and learning, prevents long-term depression at cerebellar synapses, and leads to misregulation of activity-dependent AMPA receptor subunit GluA2 degradation. We identified several proteins with known roles in the regulation of AMPA receptor turnover, in particular ubiquitin ligases of the NEDD4 subfamily, as SUSD4 binding partners. Our findings shed light on the potential role of SUSD4 mutations in neurodevelopmental diseases.Agence Nationale de la Recherche ANR 9139SAMA90010901Agence Nationale de la Recherche ANR-15-CE37-0001-01ATIP-AVENIR RSE11005JSAEcole des Neurosciences de ParisFondation pour la Recherche Medicale DEQ20150331748Fondation pour la Recherche Medicale DEQ20140329514H2020 European Research Council SynID 724601Idex PSL ANR-10-IDEX-0001-02 PSL*Labex ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02Labex Memolife ANR-10-LABX-5

    Dark Matter in SuperGUT Unification Models

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    After a brief update on the prospects for dark matter in the constrained version of the MSSM (CMSSM) and its differences with models based on minimal supergravity (mSUGRA), I will consider the effects of unifying the supersymmetry-breaking parameters at a scale above M_{GUT}. One of the consequences of superGUT unification, is the ability to take vanishing scalar masses at the unification scale with a neutralino LSP dark matter candidate. This allows one to resurrect no-scale supergravity as a viable phenomenological model.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figures, To be published in the Proceedings of the 6th DSU Conference, Leon, Mexico, ed. D. Delepin

    Slepton mass-splittings as a signal of LFV at the LHC

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    Precise measurements of slepton mass-splittings might represent a powerful tool to probe supersymmetric (SUSY) lepton flavour violation (LFV) at the LHC. We point out that mass-splittings of the first two generations of sleptons are especially sensitive to LFV effects involving τμ\tau-\mu transitions. If these mass-splittings are LFV induced, high-energy LFV processes like the neutralino decay {\nt}_2\to\nt_1\tau^{\pm}\mu^{\mp} as well as low-energy LFV processes like τμγ\tau\to\mu\gamma are unavoidable. We show that precise slepton mass-splitting measurements and LFV processes both at the high- and low-energy scales are highly complementary in the attempt to (partially) reconstruct the flavour sector of the SUSY model at work. The present study represents another proof of the synergy and interplay existing between the LHC, i.e. the {\em high-energy frontier}, and high-precision low-energy experiments, i.e. the {\em high-intensity frontier}.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. v2: added discussion on backgrounds, added references, version to be published on JHE