5 research outputs found

    Effect ofplankton-derivedorganic matter on themicrobial community of coastal marine sediments

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    An experimental study was carried out to observe the microbial response to two different plankton-derived organic matter inputs in a coastal sedimentary community of Ubatuba, São Paulo, SE Brazil. The organic enrichment experiment was conducted in order to test experimentally the stimulus of the sediment prokaryotic community after the input of labile material simulating an algal bloom reaching the sea floor. A total of 57 corers (two treatments: the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutun and the phyto flagellate Tetraselmis sp. and a control) were maintained for a total of 30 days in constant temperature, circulation and oxygenation. After the addition of algae an increase in oxygen consumption was observed, accompanied by an increase of prokaryotic total and live density, showing an immediate response from the community to the input of labile material in the sediment. Analyses of molecular fingerprints of bacterial communities by denaturing gel gradien electrophoresis (DGGE) showed differences in bacterial community composition between both treatments and control just after algae addition. This was well evidenced after bacteria genomic libraries analyses that showed differences in diversity and dominance between treatments. In general, Gammaproteobacteria was the most diverse and abundant grouping the sediment samples. However, the addition of phytoflagellates led to as hiftin dominance in favor of Alphaproteobacteria while diatom input led to a greater bacterial diversit

    Draft genome sequence of strain HIMB100, a cultured representative of the SAR116 clade of marine Alphaproteobacteria

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    Strain HIMB100 is a planktonic marine bacterium in the class Alphaproteobacteria. This strain is of interest because it is one of the first known isolates from a globally ubiquitous clade of marine bacteria known as SAR116 within the family Rhodospirillaceae. Here we describe preliminary features of the organism, together with the draft genome sequence and annotation. This is the second genome sequence of a member of the SAR116 clade. The 2,458,945 bp genome contains 2,334 protein-coding and 42 RNA genes

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    Bacterial dynamics in coastal sediments of Ubatuba, São Paulo

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    Sedimentos de regiões costeiras são caracterizados por altas concentrações de matéria de orgânica. As bactérias desempenham um fator chave na decomposição da matéria orgânica e na reciclagem de nutrientes inorgânicos essenciais. Além de representar um dos mais importantes recursos alimentares para a meio- e macrofauna. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a abundância e biomassa da comunidade bacteriana bêntica de duas enseadas na região costeira de Ubatuba (SP), relacionando-as ao aporte de matéria orgânica de diferentes fontes (marinha, terrestre e antrópica) e à estrutura da comunidade bêntica. Foram realizadas seis coletas bimensais em quatro estações por enseada ao longo de um transecto costa-oceano. O sedimento de cada testemunho foi fatiado a bordo em três camadas (0-2, 2-5 e 5-10 cm). A análise bacteriana foi conduzida através de contagem direta em microscópio de epifluorescência e a atividade através da freqüência de células em divisão. A análise dos parâmetros sedimentares como granulometria, qualidade e quantidade de matéria orgânica, bem como dados de macro e meiofauna foram obtidos através do Projeto DIAGEN, do qual o presente estudo faz parte. Os resultados de densidade e biomassa bacteriana mostraram valores sempre maiores na enseada de Ubatuba em relação à Fortaleza, acompanhado por teores mais elevados de matéria orgânica total, clorofila-a, feopigmentos e biomassa microbiana. O padrão de deposição das enseadas provavelmente teve papel decisivo nos altos valores de biomassa e densidade bacteriana nas regiões centrais e rasas das enseadas. Densidades e biomassas bacterianas mais elevadas foram encontradas no inverno (junho de 2005), não sendo observadas relações direta com os valores de matéria orgânica total ou clorofila-a. O estudo mostrou uma alta atividade bacteriana na camada superficial do sedimento, em especial no outono, com valores sempre maiores na enseada de Fortaleza, contrastando com os valores de densidade e biomassa.Coastal sediments are characterized by high organic matter contents. Bacteria play a key role in organic matter decomposition and are essential in the nutrient recycling process. Moreover, represent an important food source for meio- and macrofaunal organisms. The present study aimed to evaluate the abundance and biomass of the benthic bacterial community in two bays of the coastal region of Ubatuba (SP). Bacterial abundance and biomass were compared with the distribution and abundance of different organic matter sources (marine, terrestrial and anthropogenic) and with the structure of the benthic community. We collected samples every two months for a period of one year in four stations on each bay along a coast-ocean transect. Tube cores were used to collect sediment samples, which were sliced on board in three layers (0-2, 2-5 and 5-10 cm). Bacterial abundance and biomass were counted and measured under epifluorescence microscopy and bacterial activity was estimated by the frequency of dividing cells. Information on sediment grain size distribution, quality and quantity of organic matter, as well as macro- and meiofauna were available from Project DIAGEN, from which this study is part. Bacterial density and biomass were always higher in Ubatuba bay, which appeared to be related to larger amounts of total organic matter, chlorophyll-a, pheopigments and microbial biomass. The differential deposition pattern observed in both bays was probably important determining the higher values of bacterial biomass and density found in the central and shallow portions of the bays. Despite higher bacterial density and biomass were found during the winter (June 2004) in most stations, this seemed not to be related to total organic matter or chlorophyll-a. Bacterial activity was high in surficial sediments, especially during autumn, with consistently larger values in Fortaleza bay

    Microbial responses to natural disturbamces in coastal sediments

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    O presente estudo visou investigar os efeitos da ressuspensão do sedimento e enriquecimento orgânico por diferentes microalgas na estrutura das comunidades microbianas do sedimento. Para tanto dois experimentos laboratoriais separados foram realizados (Nov-Dez/2009 e Abr-Maio/2011) com o intuito de simular as condições de ressuspensão e pulsos de produtividade primária observadas em campo e assim observar como a comunidade microbiana do sedimento é influenciada por esses eventos. Ambos os experimentos foram mantidos por um total de 30 dias após o tratamento, durante os quais amostras para análises sedimentares, densidade de procariotos e composição da comunidade bacteriana foram tomadas em seis períodos diferentes. A camada superficial do sedimento foi estudada mais detalhadamente e mostrou que tanto a chegada de material algal quanto a ressuspensão são responsáveis por mudanças significativas na densidade, metabolismo e composição da comunidade bacteriana do sedimento. Ainda, a chegada de diferentes tipos de algas ao sedimento (fitoflagelados e diatomáceas) levou a diferentes repostas tanto na densidade quanto na diversidade dos micro-organismos sedimentares. A estrutura vertical dos micro-organismos na coluna sedimentar também foi estudada. A chegada de material algal no sedimento não levou a grandes mudanças na estrutura da comunidade mais profundas da coluna sedimentar. A estabilidade criada pelo ambiente experimental parece ter levado a um aumento tanto da densidade quanto da diversidade microbiana na camada intermediária do sedimento, em ambos os tratamentos e no controle. Já a ressuspensão parece influenciar de forma mais efetiva a distribuição dos micro-organismos na coluna sedimentar, devido a mistura da coluna sedimentar e mudanças nas condições redox das camadas sedimentares. Concluindo, tanto a chegada de alimento no sedimento, como eventos de ressuspensão são responsáveis por mudanças significativas na comunidade microbiana dos sedimentos costeiros.The present study aimed to investigate the effects of sediment resuspension and organic enrichment by different microalgae on the sedimentary microbial community structure. We run two separate laboratory experiments (Nov-Dec/2009 and Apr-May/2011) to simulate resuspension conditions and pulses of primary productivity observed in the field, and analyze how these events affect the microbial community. Both experiments were maintained for a total of 30 days following treatment when samples were taken for sedimentary analysis, prokaryotic density and bacterial community analyses at six different sampling times. The sediment surface layer was studied in more detail, and showed that both the input of algal material and resuspension are responsible for significant changes in density, metabolism and bacterial community composition. Also, the arrival of different types of algae to the sediment (phytoflagellates and diatoms) led to different responses in both density and diversity of sedimentary microorganisms. The vertical structure of microorganisms in the sediment column was also studied. The arrival of algal material in the sediment did not show important changes in community structure of the deeper sedimentary layers. The stability created by the experimental environment seems to increase both the density and diversity of microbes in the middle layer of sediment in both treatments and control. On the other hand resuspension seems to influence more effectively the distribution of microorganisms in the sedimentary column due to sediment mixing and changes in redox conditions of different layers. In conclusion, both the arrival of food on the sediment and resuspension events is responsible for important changes in the coastal sediment microbial communities