97 research outputs found

    Literary Structure and Unbelief: A Study of Deuteronomy 1:6 - 46

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    Recent Pentateuchal Studies

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    Efficient gene-driven germ-line point mutagenesis of C57BL/6J mice

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    BACKGROUND: Analysis of an allelic series of point mutations in a gene, generated by N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) mutagenesis, is a valuable method for discovering the full scope of its biological function. Here we present an efficient gene-driven approach for identifying ENU-induced point mutations in any gene in C57BL/6J mice. The advantage of such an approach is that it allows one to select any gene of interest in the mouse genome and to go directly from DNA sequence to mutant mice. RESULTS: We produced the Cryopreserved Mutant Mouse Bank (CMMB), which is an archive of DNA, cDNA, tissues, and sperm from 4,000 G(1 )male offspring of ENU-treated C57BL/6J males mated to untreated C57BL/6J females. Each mouse in the CMMB carries a large number of random heterozygous point mutations throughout the genome. High-throughput Temperature Gradient Capillary Electrophoresis (TGCE) was employed to perform a 32-Mbp sequence-driven screen for mutations in 38 PCR amplicons from 11 genes in DNA and/or cDNA from the CMMB mice. DNA sequence analysis of heteroduplex-forming amplicons identified by TGCE revealed 22 mutations in 10 genes for an overall mutation frequency of 1 in 1.45 Mbp. All 22 mutations are single base pair substitutions, and nine of them (41%) result in nonconservative amino acid substitutions. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) of cryopreserved spermatozoa into B6D2F1 or C57BL/6J ova was used to recover mutant mice for nine of the mutations to date. CONCLUSIONS: The inbred C57BL/6J CMMB, together with TGCE mutation screening and ICSI for the recovery of mutant mice, represents a valuable gene-driven approach for the functional annotation of the mammalian genome and for the generation of mouse models of human genetic diseases. The ability of ENU to induce mutations that cause various types of changes in proteins will provide additional insights into the functions of mammalian proteins that may not be detectable by knockout mutations

    QSAR-Driven Discovery of Novel Chemical Scaffolds Active against Schistosoma mansoni.

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    Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of Schistosoma mansoni (SmTGR) is a validated drug target that plays a crucial role in the redox homeostasis of the parasite. We report the discovery of new chemical scaffolds against S. mansoni using a combi-QSAR approach followed by virtual screening of a commercial database and confirmation of top ranking compounds by in vitro experimental evaluation with automated imaging of schistosomula and adult worms. We constructed 2D and 3D quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models using a series of oxadiazoles-2-oxides reported in the literature as SmTGR inhibitors and combined the best models in a consensus QSAR model. This model was used for a virtual screening of Hit2Lead set of ChemBridge database and allowed the identification of ten new potential SmTGR inhibitors. Further experimental testing on both shistosomula and adult worms showed that 4-nitro-3,5-bis(1-nitro-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)-1H-pyrazole (LabMol-17) and 3-nitro-4-{[(4-nitro-1,2,5-oxadiazol-3-yl)oxy]methyl}-1,2,5-oxadiazole (LabMol-19), two compounds representing new chemical scaffolds, have high activity in both systems. These compounds will be the subjects for additional testing and, if necessary, modification to serve as new schistosomicidal agents

    Refining trait resilience: identifying engineering, ecological, and adaptive facets from extant measures of resilience

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    The current paper presents a new measure of trait resilience derived from three common mechanisms identified in ecological theory: Engineering, Ecological and Adaptive (EEA) resilience. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of five existing resilience scales suggest that the three trait resilience facets emerge, and can be reduced to a 12-item scale. The conceptualization and value of EEA resilience within the wider trait and well-being psychology is illustrated in terms of differing relationships with adaptive expressions of the traits of the five-factor personality model and the contribution to well-being after controlling for personality and coping, or over time. The current findings suggest that EEA resilience is a useful and parsimonious model and measure of trait resilience that can readily be placed within wider trait psychology and that is found to contribute to individual well-bein
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