925 research outputs found


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    Este trabalho se propõe a fazer uma análise do livro A Linguistic Theory of Translation, publicado em 1965, de autoria do renomado linguista Ian Catford, grande nome no estudo de linguística aplicada e também muito lembrado nos estudos de tradução. A intenção da análise é refletir sobre a influência da linguística aplicada na tradução, bem como questionar e contestar a influência desse manual para a tradução e o que pode ainda ser considerado para os estudos de tradução nos dias de hoje

    Relationships between soil physicochemical properties and nitrogen fixing, nitrifying and denitrifying under varying land-use practices in the northwest region of Argentina

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the response pattern of diazotrophic microbes, denitrifiers and nitrifiers to different types of land use management, such as soybean monoculture (M) during 5 and 24 years (M5 and M24) and soybean-maize rotation (R) during 4 and 15 years (R4 and R15) in two subsequent years at the time point of flowering. Soil samples from a site recently introduced into agriculture (RUA) and a pristine soil under native vegetation (NV) were used as controls. Abundances of different functional groups of microbes were assessed using the direct quantification of marker genes by quantitative real-time PCR using extracted DNA from rhizosphere samples. In addition, soil chemical and physical properties were analysed and correlated with the abundance data from the functional microbial groups under investigation. Overall, the results indicate that the abundance of nifH genes was higher under R treatments compared to M treatments. The abundance of ammonium monooxygenase genes amoA (AOA) was generally higher under rotation systems and decreased under M24. RUA evidenced a negative effect on the establishment and development of AOA communities. The influence of land use on nirS abundance was inconsistent. However, R treatments showed a high abundance of nirK genes compared to M treatments. In both growing seasons, the abundance of nosZ genes was higher under NV compared with the other treatments. Furthermore, M24 treatment was related to strongly changed chemical and physical soil properties compared with the other sites. As expected, soil samples from RUA showed the strong dynamics of measured parameters indicating the high sensitivity of soils under transition to environmental parameters. Our results also indicated that the long-term crop rotation modified the abundance of the investigated microbial groups compared to the monoculture and increased soil chemical and physical quality. Therefore, our results provide evidence for a stimulatory effect of the long-term crop rotation on the abundance of microbes involved in N transformation.Fil: Perez Brandan, Carolina Gabriela. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Meyer, Annabel. Helmholtz Center Munich German Research Center For Environmental Health; AlemaniaFil: Meriles, Jose Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Huidobro, Jorgelina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Schloter, Michael. Helmholtz Center Munich German Research Center For Environmental Health; AlemaniaFil: Vargas Gil, Silvina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Do party supporters accept policy compromises in coalition governments?

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    Coalition governments generally involve policy compromises from the parties involved, but how do party supporters react to these agreements? Drawing on a new study covering the Spanish general election in November 2019, Carolina Plescia, Alejandro Ecker and Thomas M. Meyer find that the more attached voters are to parties, the harder it is for them to accept compromises. There is also evidence that voters find it more difficult to give in on important issues

    Clonal dispersal of Cryptococcus gattii VGII in an endemic region of cryptococcosis in Colombia

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    This study characterized the genotype and phenotype of Cryptococcus gattii VGII isolates from Cucuta, an endemic region of cryptococcal disease in Colombia, and compared these traits with those from representative isolates from the Vancouver Island outbreak (VGIIa and VGIIb). Genetic diversity was assessed by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) analysis. Phenotypic characteristics, including growth capacity under different temperature and humidity conditions, macroscopic and microscopic morphology, phenotypic switching, mating type, and activity of extracellular enzymes were studied. Virulence was studied in vivo in a mouse model. MLST analysis showed that the isolates from Cucuta were highly clonal, with ST25 being the most common genotype. Phenotypically, isolates from Cucuta showed large cell and capsular sizes, and shared phenotypic traits and enzymatic activities among them. The mating type a prevailed among the isolates, which were fertile and of considerable virulence in the animal model. This study highlights the need for a continuous surveillance of C. gattii in Colombia, especially in endemic areas like Cucuta, where the highest number of cryptococcosis cases due to this species is reported. This will allow the early detection of potentially highly virulent strains that spread clonally, and can help prevent the occurrence of outbreaks in Colombia and elsewhere. © 2019 by the authors

    Validity of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) in a Brazilian Sample

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    The study of the relationship between reasoning and emotional processes is not new in Psychology. There are currently two main approaches to understanding the aspects related to these processes called emotional intelligence: the ability model and the trait model. This study focuses on the latter, analyzing the factor structure, reliability, and validity of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) in a Brazilian sample. 4314 adults with ages ranging from 18 to 60 years (M = 30.37; SD = 9.73) answered the TEIQue and other online instruments measuring emotional regulation, impulsiveness, alexithymia, loneliness, quality of life, positive and negative affect, personality traits, emotional perception, emotional understanding, and reasoning tests. The original four-factor structure of the TEIQue was replicated, Cronbach's alphas ranged from 0.60 to 0.89 for the facets, and from 0.76 to 0.90 for the factors and global score. The correlations followed theoretically expected directions, showing a stronger pattern for self-report measures than for performance tasks. Our results corroborated previous studies with the TEIQue, confirming the psychometric adequacy of the instrument in the Brazilian context. Future studies may focus on participants with lower levels of education and additional external criteria, such as career preferences, job performance, and health

    Comparison of nekton utilization of smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) marsh based on marsh size and degree of isolation from like habitat : do size and site location matter?

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    Influence of salt marsh size and proximity to like habitat on nekton use was examined. Comparisons were made among six naturally occurring isolated island marshes, three each of small (~400-1,000 m ) and large 2 (~3,000-10,000 m2) island size classes and six paired mainland marshes (at least 76,000 m2 in size). Two species representing opposites for dispersal ability and life history strategies, mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) and pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides), were used as representative species to examine population patterns. Fundulus heteroclitus exclusively utilized marsh habitats and not adjacent shallow flats during high tide while L. rhomboides utilized both. At high tide island marshes acted as a refuge for F. heteroclitus among shallow water flat habitats. Densities of marsh dependent species, including F. heteroclitus, were an order of magnitude lower within the large island compared to the mainland marshes, and nonexistent within small island marshes. Similarities among mainland and large island marshes for larvae and disparity in juvenile F. heteroclitus abundances suggested a bottleneck constrained adult and juvenile F. heteroclitus populations at large island marshes. Differential predation rates among marsh types significantly contributed to disparities in young of year abundance. Patterns of abundance suggest two crucial time periods for F. heteroclitus population maintenance, one during late spring/early summer spawn-recruitment and the second during the dispersal/emigration during the late fall/winter time period when water temperatures are colder and predator levels are significantly reduced. In contrast, L. rhomboides recruitment and dispersal occurs simultaneously during the late fall/winter when low predator levels create an optimal time for recruitment to estuaries

    Rearing and Maintenance of Galleria mellonella and Its Application to Study Fungal Virulence

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    Galleria mellonella larvae have been widely used as alternative non-mammalian models for the study of fungal virulence and pathogenesis. The larvae can be acquired in small volumes from worm farms, pet stores, or other independent suppliers commonly found in the United States and parts of Europe. However, in countries with no or limited commercial availability, the process of shipping these larvae can cause them stress, resulting in decreased or altered immunity. Furthermore, the conditions used to rear these larvae including diet, humidity, temperature, and maintenance procedures vary among the suppliers. Variation in these factors can affect the response of G. mellonella larvae to infection, thereby decreasing the reproducibility of fungal virulence experiments. There is a critical need for standardized procedures and incubation conditions for rearing G. mellonella to produce quality, unstressed larvae with the least genetic variability. In order to standardize these procedures, cost-effective protocols for the propagation and maintenance of G. mellonella larvae using an artificial diet, which has been successfully used in our own laboratory, requiring minimal equipment and expertise, are herein described. Examples for the application of this model in fungal pathogenicity and gene knockout studies as feasible alternatives for traditionally used animal models are also provided

    Efecto del procesamiento del membrillo sobre el perfil fenólico durante la elaboración de lámina de fruta

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    49 p.Las láminas de fruta o “fruits leathers”‖corresponden a un producto elaborado de puré de fruta, el cual se desarrolló en base a la deshidratación del puré de fruta sobre bandejas de aluminio durante 20 horas dentro de un horno convector de aire caliente a 60°C, que dio paso a 4 tratamientos (5,10,15 y 20 minutos de cocción) con 4 repeticiones. Las formulaciones fueron en base a membrillo (Cydonia Oblonga Miler) que se obtuvo en una parcela de los Niches, ubicado en la Región Del Maule, Chile. Se evaluó efecto del procesamiento del membrillo para la elaboración de láminas de fruta con diferentes tiempos de cocción mediante la determinación y cuantificación de fenoles en puré de fruta fresca, cocida y en láminas por medio del uso de cromatografía liquida de ultra alto rendimiento con espectrometría de masas, en el cual se ingresaron 18 estándares.Como resultado se cuantificaron 11 metabolitos secundarios, con diferentes concentraciones dentro de los procesos al membrillo, todos expresados en ng/g de peso fresco (PF), los que fueron: ácido gálico, ácido trans-cinámico, ácido p-cumárico, 7-O-glucósido de luteolina, apigenina, 7-Oglucósido de apigenina, 3-O-glucósido de kaempferol, quercetina, 3-O-rutinósido de quercetina, quercitrina y rhoifolin. Donde el efecto del procesamiento del membrillo si influyó sobre el contenido de fenoles cuantificados ya que todos los metabolitos secundarios presentaron diferencias entre la fruta fresca y los procesos, aumentando también en fenoles específicos como ácido pcumárico y apigenina. Los tiempos de cocción no influyeron sobre el contenido de perfil fenólico exceptuando en Ácido p-cumárico fue el único que presentó diferencias en la interacción del proceso del membrillo con los diferentes tiempo de cocción, con una concentración de 10.000 ng/g en la lámina-10 minutos. La mayoría de los compuestos fenólicos cuantificados son reconocidos científicamente como beneficiosos para la salud, es por esto que las pulpas de membrillo podrían ser exitosas para la elaboración de fruit leathers o láminas de fruta.Palabras claves: membrillo, láminas de fruta, perfil fenólico./SUMMARY:f"Fruit leathers" are thin layers of dried fruit made by using fruit puree, which was dehydrated on aluminum trays for 20 hours within a hot air convection oven at 60 ° C, which led to 4 treatments (5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes of thermal treatment) with 4 repetitions. The formulations were based on quince (Cydonia oblonga Miller) obtained from an agricultural field of the Niches, located in Maule Region, Chile. Effect of quince processing for the production of fruit leathers with different thermal treatment times was assessed through the identification and quantification of phenols in fresh and cooked puree, and leathers using ultra high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (uHPLC-MS) employing 18 standards. As a result 11 secondary metabolites were quantified showing different concentrations within the processing conditions, all data was expressed in ng / g fresh weight (PF). Gallic acid, transcinnamic acid, p-coumaric acid, 7- O-glucoside, luteolin, apigenin 7-O-glucoside apigenin, 3-Oglucoside kaempferol, quercetin 3-O-rutinoside of quercetin, quercitrin and rhoifolin were quantified. The effect of processing quince influenced in the content of quantified phenols, since all secondary metabolites showed differences between fresh fruit and processed puree, with an increase of specific phenols such as p-coumaric acid and apigenin. Thermal treatment times did not affect the phenolic profile except in p-coumaric acid, which was the only one to show differences in the interaction of quince processing with different thermal processing times, resulting in a concentration of 10,000 ng / g in the 10 minutes leathers. Most phenolic compounds of this study are scientifically recognized as beneficial for human health concluding that quince pulp could be successfully used for making fruit leathers as a healthy snack. Keywords: Quince, Fruit leathers, Phenolic profil

    Efecto de distintos procesamientos agroindustriales en frutos de Maqui (Aristotelia chilensis Mol. Stuntz,), sobre las características físico-químicas, perfil fenólico y capacidad antioxidante.

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    40 p.El maqui en un fruto nativo chileno de la familia de los Elaeocarpaceae, el cual posee un fruto en forma de pequeñas bayas de no más de 5 – 6 mm de color púrpura muy oscuro, este fruto nativo es una de las especies de berries chilenas más importante por su gran contenido de compuesto fenólicos y capacidad antioxidante.El alto contenido de antocianinas presente en este fruto hace que sea atractivo para la creación de alimentos elaborados, tanto para la comercialización nacional como internacional. Por este motivo es de gran relevancia evaluar como los distintos métodos de conservación actualmente en uso, pueden afectar la mantención de las propiedades fisicoquímicas, contenido fenólico y capacidad antioxidante de estos productos elaborados. Estos aspectos son claves en el éxito de la comercialización de maqui y sus derivados, y por ende su efecto sobre la rentabilidad de este cultivo en Chile. Para determinar el método óptimo de conservación de frutos de maqui, que involucre la menor pérdida de sus propiedades, se evaluaron 5 métodos de conservación: (1) congelamiento, (2) liofilización, (3) deshidratación convencional por aire forzado, (4) deshidratación osmótica y (5) conserva tradicional, cada método con tres repeticiones. En relación a los análisis físico-químicos, los distintos métodos de conservación de maqui tuvieron efecto significativo en el contenido de solidos solubles y color, pero no en el pH de las muetras analizadas. El análisis del perfil fenólico, a través de los metabolitos kaemferol-3-o-glucósido,quercetrina, quercetina, rutina, hiperosido, demostraron que el proceso de liofilización fue el más eficiente en cuanto a la conservación del contenido fenólico. /ABSTRACT: The maqui is a native chilean fruit from Elaeocarpaceae family, which has a fruit in form of small berries of 5 - 6 mm, it is dark purple. this is one of the most important native chilean berries because of its high content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity. The high content of anthocyanins of this berry makes it attractive to the creation of new products, processed food, etc; both for national and international marketing. For this reason, it is important to evaluate how the different conservation methods currently use can affect the maintenance of physicochemical properties, phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of these processed products. These aspects are significant in the success of the maqui's commercialization and its derivatives, and therefore its effect on the profitability of this crop in Chile. To determine the best conservation method to maqui's fruit, that involves the least loss of its properties, has been evaluated 5 conservation methods: 1) freezing 2) lyophilization 3) conventional dehydration by forced air 4) osmotic dehydration 5) traditional preserve, each method with three repetition. In relation to physico-chemical analysis, the different methods of maqui's conservation had a significant effect on the soluble solids content and color, but not on the pH of the mutras analyzed. The analysis of the phenolic profile, through the metabolites kaemferol-3-o-glucoside, quercetrin, quercetin, rutin, hyperoside,has been shown that lyophilization process was the most eficient in terms of the conservation of the phenolic content

    Cubiertas vegetadas : fuente o sumidero de contaminantes atmosféricos? Estudio de caso en CABA - Argentina

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    En las últimas décadas han surgido diversas tecnologías con el objetivo de mitigar las problemáticas ambientales asociadas a la expansión de las ciudades y el proceso de urbanización existente a nivel mundial. Dentro de las mismas, se han desarrollado las denominadas cubiertas vegetadas. Se han evidenciado impactos positivos de su instalación, particularmente en referencia a la reducción de escorrentías superficiales de agua en grandes áreas impermeabilizadas, disminución del impacto de la isla de calor urbana y aumento del rendimiento energético. Posteriormente, se ha planteado la posible capacidad que tienen estos sistemas de absorber contaminantes de origen difuso existente en los centros urbanos. Sin embargo, son escasas las referencia en la bibliografía respecto si las cubiertas vegetadas actúan como fuente o sumidero de estos contaminantes orgánicos e inorgánicos. El objetivo de esta experiencia es comenzar a analizar, para las condiciones climatológicas de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, si las parcelas de simulación de cubiertas vegetadas son fuente o sumidero de contaminantes atmosféricos.Fil: Bargiela, Martha. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Recursos Naturales y AmbienteFil: Fiorito, Carolina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Recursos Naturales y AmbienteFil: Rosatto, Héctor. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Recursos Naturales y AmbienteFil: Cazorla, Laura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Ingeniería AgrícolaFil: Meyer, Maia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Ingeniería AgrícolaFil: Moyano, Gabriela. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Ingeniería AgrícolaFil: Gamboa, Paula. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Ingeniería AgrícolaFil: Waslavsky, Agustina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Ingeniería AgrícolaFil: Groisman, Alan. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícol