10,827 research outputs found

    Inmate to Citizen: Using Person-Centered Practices to Facilitate the Successful Re-entry of Inmates with Special Needs into Community Membership Roles – Module III

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    Making Community Connections. Module 3 deepens the learning participants acquired in the previous core trainings by advancing the concepts of community beyond the typical surface approach to making community connections. Participants learn and apply methods of Asset-Based Community Development to the drafting of a preliminary transition plan that integrates the development of a positive profile with the identification of potential community roles that are the respected and valued contributions of citizens. Strategies for teaching participants how to identify critical planning partners to expand the network for effective transition services completes this module in the series

    Unmet Needs of Unaccompanied Minors from Central America: Perceptions of Professionals from Multiple Sectors

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    Background: In recent years, there has been a significant influx of Central American youth who cross the U.S.-Mexico border without a parent or legal guardian. While federal procedures are established to oversee the treatment and placement of unaccompanied minors, less is known about the needs of unaccompanied minors and available services afterthey are placed in appropriate custody. Methods: Purposive and strategic sampling of professionals from medical, social work, education and legal fields was conducted. Fourteen informants were recruited across the U.S. for confidential semi-structured interviews, which were audio recorded and transcribed in 2016 to 2017. Standard anthropological methods were employed, including immersion and crystallization techniques that incorporated within-case and across-case analytic strategies. Results: Recruited informants had previous or current direct experience working with immigrant minors for three or more years in addition to extensive public health experience. Unaccompanied minors were described as predominantly adolescent boys, ranging from 2 to 18 years old. Children faced unmet mental, medical and psychosocial needs that are interconnected and largely unmet due to children’s legal status and ineligibility to access services in most jurisdictions. The most pressing challenge affecting the health of youth was their immigration status. Across sectors,informants revealed an imbalance between the growing demand for services, including legal counsel, and the limited supply of professionals and well-funded services to meet children’s complex needs. Informants emphasized the value of trauma-informed practice, Spanish language proficiency, child-informed practice and intercultural awareness and humility towards their clients as key features of equipped professionals working with this vulnerable population. Regardless of sector, professionals emphasized the importance of culturally-informed care to immigrant youth. Building these skills is associated with greater confidence to provide services to unaccompanied minors, many of whom have experienced as significant burden of childhood trauma. Conclusions: The health needs of unaccompanied minors are complex and span across medical, social work, education, and legal fields. Interdisciplinary collaboration is needed to address the challenges faced by unaccompanied minors in their efforts to integrate themselves into their new communities and promote their resilience. Promising initiatives include co-location of inter-sector services for increased access and efficiency of services and development of professional trainings and resources for professionals in sectors that serve this population

    The Use of Models in Litigation: Concise or Contrived

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    Implications of the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program for Young Adults

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    On December 17, 1999, President Clinton signed the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act (P.L. 106-170) into law establishing in section 101(a) the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program (Ticket to Work Program) as well as several other provisions to support the movement of beneficiaries with disabilities who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) into employment. The Ticket to Work Program was established to expand the universe of providers available to beneficiaries with disabilities as they are afforded the opportunity to choose from whom they access their needed employment services and supports. The Ticket to Work Program also increased provider incentives to serve these individuals. The Social Security Administration (SSA) administers this new program with the support of Maximus, Inc, the entity contracted with by the SSA to serve as the program manager. The SSA is currently contracting with agencies to serve as Employment Networks (EN). These ENs perform an array of duties under the law, including providing employment services, vocational rehabilitation (VR) services, and other support services to assist individuals with disabilities to obtain and maintain employment. Under this program, the SSA is directed to provide to beneficiaries with disabilities who meet certain eligibility criteria a Ticket they may use to obtain employment services, VR services and/or other support services from an EN of their choice. “A Ticket under the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program is a document that provides evidence of SSA’s agreement to pay an EN or a State VR agency for providing employment services, VR services and/or other support services to a Ticket recipient who requests such services.” (SSA 2001, p. 12) The Ticket to Work Program will be phased in nationally over a three-year period beginning in January, 2002, with beneficiaries in 13 states: Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Vermont and Wisconsin. The remaining states will be included by January, 2004

    Measuring Income Risk

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    We provide a critique of the methods that have been used to derive measures of income risk and draw attention to the importance of demographic factors as a source of income risk. We also propose new measures of the contribution to total income risk of demographic and labour market factors. Empirical evidence supporting our arguments is provided using data from the British Household Survey.Income risk, demographics, panel data

    Measuring Income Risk

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    We provide a critique of the methods that have been used to derive measures of income risk and draw attention to the importance of demographic factors as a source of income risk. We also propose new measures of the contribution to total income risk of demographic and labour market factors. Empirical evidence supporting our arguments is provided using data from the British Household Survey.
