183 research outputs found


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    Objetivo: verificar o nível de conforto de familiares com um membro em unidade de terapia intensiva. Método: estudo quantitativo, de corte transversal, que entrevistou 98 familiares de um hospital público em Feira de Santana - Bahia, aplicando-se a Escala de Conforto para Familiares de Pessoas em Estado Crítico de Saúde (ECONF). Os dados foram analisados pela estatística descritiva. Resultados: a média do nível global de conforto foi de 3,83 (±0,53). Para a dimensão Segurança foi de 4,38 (±0,54), Interação familiar e ente de 4,19 (±0,70) e Suporte de 2,92 (±0,74). Conclusão: os níveis de conforto evidenciaram que os familiares se sentiam mais confortáveis ao perceberem a competência técnico científica e de relacionamento interpessoal da equipe hospitalar, a possibilidade de recuperação do parente e de apoio ao mesmo. Menor conforto foi relacionado a limites para estar com ou próximo ao parente e lacunas no sistema de informação hospitalar. Descritores: Cuidados de conforto; Família; Enfermagem

    Adaptive Deployment for Pervasive Data Gathering in Connectivity-Challenged Environments

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    International audienceSome current and future pervasive data driven applications must operate in "extreme" environments where end-to-end connectivity cannot be guaranteed at all times. In fact, it is likely that in these environments partitions are, rather than exceptions, part of the normal network operation. In this paper, we introduce cover, a suite of adaptive strategies to control the trajectory of "infrastructure" nodes, which are deployed to bridge network partitions and thus play a critical role in data delivery. In particular, we focus on applications where end (or target) nodes are mobile and their mobility is unknown. Our goal is then to deploy and manage infrastructure nodes so that application-level requirements such as reliable data delivery and latency are met while still limiting deployment cost and balancing the load among infrastructure nodes. Cover achieves these goals using a localized and adaptive approach to infrastructure management based on the observed mobility of target nodes. To this end, Cover takes advantage of contact opportunities between infrastructure nodes to exchange information about their covered zones, and thus, help monitor targets in a more efficient fashion. Through extensive simulations, we show how Cover's adaptive features yield a fair distribution of targets per infrastructure node based only on limited network knowledge

    Comfort of the patient's family in an Intensive Care Unit related to welcoming

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    This study aimed to identify the level of comfort of families of patients in a critical health condition related to the welcoming practices performed by the hospital staff. Interviews were conducted with 250 relatives in hospitals of the state Bahia, using a Likert scale. Data were analyzed as percentages and quartiles. For nine of the 12 statements of the scale, most relatives scored their comfort level between very and totally comfortable, median of 4,revealing kindness, tranquility and friendly communication with family members. More than half of the sample scored its level as not at all to more or less comfortable, median of 3, for statements about demonstration of interest towards the relative by the staff and flexible visiting of the patient. The necessity of greater interest of the team in the condition and needs of the family was observed. Promoting comfort from the dimension of welcoming demands interdisciplinary actions grounded in humanistic philosophy, in which the nurse has an important role to play.El objetivo del estudio fue identificar el nivel de confort de familiares de personas en estado crítico de salud como resultado de las prácticas de acogida del equipo hospitalario. Se entrevistó a 250 familiares, en hospitales del Estado de Bahía y se utilizó la escala Likert. Los datos fueron analizados en porcentajes y separados en matrices. Para 9 (nueve) de las 12 (doce) afirmaciones de la escala, la mayoría de los familiares señaló su nivel de confort entre mucho y totalmente confortable; mediana de 4, revelando gentileza, tranquilidad y comunicación cordial con los familiares. Más de la mitad de la muestra señaló su nivel de nada a más o menos confortable (mediana=3), para las afirmaciones sobre las demostraciones de interés del equipo por el familiar y flexibilidad de la visita al paciente. Se constató la necesidad de mayor interés del equipo en relación a la condición y necesidad del familiar. Promover el confort en la acogida exige una acción interdisciplinaria basada en la filosofía humanística, donde la enfermera tiene un rol importante que desempeñar.Objetivou-se identificar o nível de conforto de familiares de pessoas em estado crítico de saúde decorrente das práticas de acolhimento da equipe hospitalar. Foram entrevistados 250 familiares em hospitais do Estado da Bahia, utilizando-se uma escala Likert. Os dados foram analisados em percentuais e separatrizes. Para nove das 12 afirmativas da escala, a maioria dos familiares pontuou seu nível de conforto entre muito e totalmente confortável, mediana de 4, revelando gentileza, tranquilidade e comunicação cordial com familiares. Mais da metade da amostra pontuou seu nível de nada a mais ou menos confortável, mediana=3, para afirmativas sobre demonstrações de interesse da equipe pelo familiar e flexibilização da visita ao ente. Constatou-se a necessidade de maior interesse da equipe quanto a condição e necessidade do familiar. A promoção do conforto na dimensão acolhimento demanda a interdisciplinaridade da ação assentada em filosofia humanística para o qual a enfermeira tem importante papel a desempenhar

    Oscilaciones del centro de gravedad en la mielopatía asociada al HTLV-1/paraparesia espástica tropical

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    [Abstract] Introduction: Postural control in individuals with HTLV-1-associated myelopathy or tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) is usually compromised, which increases the risk of falls, makes it difficult to perform activities of daily living, and impairs the quality of life. The profile of the center of gravity oscillations in this population is unknown and may aid in clinical follow-up and research. Objective: To compare the stabilometric values between HAM/TSP and uninfected individuals and verify the existence of correlations between stabilometric variables and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS). Method: A cross-sectional observational study was performed with infected individuals, classified as defined and likely (WHO criteria), compared to accompanying persons and seronegative relatives. A baropodometry platform (Footwork®) was used to obtain the oscillation values of the body’s center of gravity in total oscillation area (TOA), anterior-posterior oscillation (APO) and lateral oscillation (LO). Mean values were correlated with BBS by Spearman’s Correlation (5% alpha). Approved by the ethical committee of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública under Opinion 49634815.2.0000.5628. Results: An asymmetric distribution of all the stabilometric variables analyzed in the HAM/TSP population was found, different from the uninfected group (p < 0.05). It was also possible to verify strong to moderate and inverse correlations between the variables of center of gravity oscillation with the scores obtained in BBS, especially for TOA and LO. Conclusion: People with HAM/TSP presented higher values for the center of gravity oscillations and these were correlated with the BBS in the balance evaluation.[Resumo] Introdução: o controle postural em indivíduos com mielopatia associada ao HTLV-1 ou paraparesia espástica tropical (HAM/TSP) é geralmente comprometido, o que aumenta o risco de quedas, dificulta a realização de atividades de vida diária e prejudica a qualidade de vida. O perfil das oscilações do centro de gravidade nesta população é desconhecido e pode auxiliar no acompanhamento clínico e na pesquisa. Objetivo: comparar os valores estabilométricos entre pessoas com HAM/TSP e não infectados, e verificar a existência de correlações entre variáveis estabilométricas e a Escala de Equilíbrio Berg (EEB). Método: foi realizado um estudo observacional transversal com indivíduos infectados, classificados como definidos e prováveis (critérios da OMS), comparados com acompanhantes e familiares soronegativos. Uma plataforma de baropodometria (Footwork®) foi utilizada para obter os valores de oscilação do centro de gravidade do corpo em área de oscilação total (AOT), oscilação anteroposterior (OAP) e oscilação laterolateral (OLL). Os valores médios foram correlacionados com a BBS pela Correlação de Spearman (alfa 5%). Aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública sob o CAAE 49634815.2.0000.5628. Resultados: encontrou-se distribuição assimétrica de todas as variáveis estabilométricas analisadas na população com HAM/TSP, diferentes do grupo de não infectados (p < 0,05). Também foi possível verificar correlações de forte a moderada e inversas entre as variáveis de oscilação do centro de gravidade com os escores obtidos na EEB, especialmente para AOT e OLL. Conclusão: Pessoas com HAM/TSP apresentaram valores maiores para as oscilações do centro de gravidade e estas foram correlacionadas com a EEB na avaliação do equilíbrio.[Resumen] Introducción: El control postural en individuos con mielopatía asociada al HTLV-1 o paraparesia espástica tropical (HAM/TSP) suele estar comprometido, lo que aumenta el riesgo de caídas, les dificulta en las actividades de la vida diaria y perjudica su calidad de vida. Conocer el perfil de las oscilaciones del centro de gravedad en esta población puede ayudar en el seguimiento clínico y la investigación. Objetivo: Comparar los valores estabilométricos entre personas con HAM/TSP y personas no infectadas, y verificar la existencia de correlaciones entre las variables estabilométricas y la Escala de Equilibrio de Berg (BBS). Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional transversal con individuos infectados, clasificados como definidos y probables (criterios de la OMS), comparados a acompañantes y familiares seronegativos. Se utilizó una plataforma de baropodometría (Footwork®) para obtener los valores de oscilación del centro de gravedad del cuerpo en el área de oscilación total (AOT), oscilación antero-posterior (OAP) y oscilación lateral-lateral (OLL). Los valores medios se correlacionaron con la BBS por la correlación de Spearman (alfa 5%). Estudio aprobado por el Comité de Ética de la Escuela Bahiana de Medicina y Salud Pública bajo CAAE 49634815.2.0000.5628. Resultados: Se encontró una distribución asimétrica de todas las variables estabilométricas analizadas en la población HAM/TSP diferente en el grupo no infectado (p <0,05). También fue posible verificar correlaciones de fuertes a moderadas e inversas entre las variables de oscilación del centro de gravedad con las puntuaciones obtenidas en la BBS, especialmente para AOT y OLL. Conclusión: Las personas con HAM/TSP presentaron valores más altos en las oscilaciones del centro de gravedad, las cuales se correlacionaron con la BBS en la evaluación del equilibrio

    Usando Redes Aleatorias na Analise de Mobilidade

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    National audienceThe constant advancement of information systems has allowed more data to be generated and stored from the most diverse situations. It is fascinating that, behind these records, we see the reflection of the environment itself, since every record represents a decision made by some entity. In this work, we modeled real-world scenarios of mobility from using temporal complex networks. The analysis assumes that these systems are composed of entities able to interact in a rational manner, reflecting their interests and activity dynamic. In this direction, we propose a technique for analyzing mobility scenarios from random graphs. This technique examines how the real system would evolve if the agents' decisions were random, and from there, you can check, for example, which edges are random and which are derived from social relationships, such as friendship or professional.O avanco constante de sistemas de informacao tempermitido que mais dados sejam gerados e armazenados a partir das mais diversas situacoes. E fascinante que, por tras de cada registro, seja possıvel ver o reflexo do ambiente em si, ou seja, alguma decisao tomada por alguma entidade. Neste trabalho, sao estudados cenarios reais de mobilidade a partir de uma modelagem usando redes complexas temporais. A analise parte do pressuposto que esses sistemas sao compostos de entidades capazes de interagir entre si de uma maneira racional, refletindo seus interesses e dinamica de atividade. Nessa direcao, e proposta uma tecnica para analisar cenarios de mobilidade a partir de grafos aleatorios. Essa tecnica verifica como o sistema real evoluiria caso as decisoes dos seus agentes fossem aleat'orias e, a partir dela, pode-se verificar, por exemplo, quais arestas s˜ao aleat'orias e quais s˜ao provenientes de relac¸ ˜oes sociais, tais como relac¸ ˜oes de amizade ou profissionais

    RECAST: Telling Apart Social and Random Relationships in Dynamic Networks

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    International audienceIn this paper, we argue that the ability to accurately spot random and social relationships in dynamic networks is essential to net- work applications that rely on human routines, such as, e.g., op- portunistic routing. We thus propose a strategy to analyze users' interactions in mobile networks where users act according to their interests and activity dynamics. Our strategy, named Random rElationship ClASsifier sTrategy (RECAST), allows classifying users' wireless interactions, separating random interactions from differ- ent kinds of social ties. To that end, RECAST observes how the real system differs from an equivalent one where entities' decisions are completely random. We evaluate the effectiveness of the RECAST classification on real-world user contact datasets collected in diverse networking contexts. Our analysis unveils significant dif- ferences among the dynamics of users' wireless interactions in the datasets, which we leverage to unveil the impact of social ties on opportunistic routing

    Histone deacetylase activity is necessary for left-right patterning during vertebrate development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Consistent asymmetry of the left-right (LR) axis is a crucial aspect of vertebrate embryogenesis. Asymmetric gene expression of the TGFβ superfamily member <it>Nodal related 1 </it>(<it>Nr1) </it>in the left lateral mesoderm plate is a highly conserved step regulating the <it>situs </it>of the heart and viscera. In <it>Xenopus</it>, movement of maternal serotonin (5HT) through gap-junctional paths at cleavage stages dictates asymmetry upstream of <it>Nr1</it>. However, the mechanisms linking earlier biophysical asymmetries with this transcriptional control point are not known.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To understand how an early physiological gradient is transduced into a late, stable pattern of <it>Nr1 </it>expression we investigated epigenetic regulation during LR patterning. Embryos injected with mRNA encoding a dominant-negative of Histone Deacetylase (HDAC) lacked <it>Nr1 </it>expression and exhibited randomized sidedness of the heart and viscera (heterotaxia) at stage 45. Timing analysis using pharmacological blockade of HDACs implicated cleavage stages as the active period. Inhibition during these early stages was correlated with an absence of <it>Nr1 </it>expression at stage 21, high levels of heterotaxia at stage 45, and the deposition of the epigenetic marker H3K4me2 on the <it>Nr1 </it>gene. To link the epigenetic machinery to the 5HT signaling pathway, we performed a high-throughput proteomic screen for novel cytoplasmic 5HT partners associated with the epigenetic machinery. The data identified the known HDAC partner protein Mad3 as a 5HT-binding regulator. While Mad3 overexpression led to an absence of <it>Nr1 </it>transcription and randomized the LR axis, a mutant form of Mad3 lacking 5HT binding sites was not able to induce heterotaxia, showing that Mad3's biological activity is dependent on 5HT binding.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>HDAC activity is a new LR determinant controlling the epigenetic state of <it>Nr1 </it>from early developmental stages. The HDAC binding partner Mad3 may be a new serotonin-dependent regulator of asymmetry linking early physiological asymmetries to stable changes in gene expression during organogenesis.</p

    Measurements of indoor 222Rn concentration in two art galleries

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    It is point out that radon and their decay products in environment give high dose to human lung. Studies indicate that the indoor radon inhalation by humans has been considered probably the second most important cause of lung cancer after of smoking. A passive-type radon detector was used for measuring indoor radon concentration in two art galleries at Rio de Janeiro city during 90 days January to March, 2009. The aim of this study is to evaluate the occupational and public radon exposure in art galleries and museums. This paper shows the preliminary results of samples collected at two art galleries located in Gávea, Rio de Janeiro city. 30 LEXAN (GE) track detectors were exposed in the air (indoor as well as outdoor). The samples were collected in the same building which is a construction of XIX century. The analysis of the results suggests that the 222Rn concentration levels are different in both sampling site, in closed environmental, demonstrating that, although the construction materials are the same the absence of circulating air is a factor very important to increase the concentration of indoor Rn

    Aleitamento materno: a importância da nutrição materna

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A OMS e o MS preconizam o aleitamento materno exclusivo durante 6 meses após o nascimento, mantendo-o até os 2 anos de forma complementar. O leite materno é o alimento padrão-ouro nessa fase da vida, e a nutrição da gestante influencia diretamente na saúde e nutrição infantil. OBJETIVO: Conhecer como a nutrição materna e qualidade nutricional do leite materno favorece a saúde materno-infantil. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de revisão integrativa de literatura, no período de 2018 a 2023, com os seguintes descritores das Ciências da Saúde (DeCS):“Nutritional maternal”; “Pregnancy”; “Composition milk”; “Health”; “Maternal-Child”; “Breast feeding”. Encontrou-se 17 artigos na base MEDLINE, sendo 14 selecionados para análise. RESULTADOS: Pode-se demonstrar a influência da nutrição materna na saúde infantil desde antes da concepção, e outros fatores sobre o estado nutricional. CONCLUSÃO: A nutrição materna afeta a saúde materno-infantil dependendo fatores maternos intrínsecos e extrínsecos, e a interrupção da amamentação pode revelar uma insegurança alimentar

    Establishment of the bacterial fecal community during the first month of life in Brazilian newborns

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    OBJECTIVE: The establishment of the intestinal microbiota in newborns is a critical period with possible long-term consequences for human health. In this research, the development of the fecal microbiota of a group of exclusively breastfed neonates living in low socio-economic conditions in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, during the first month of life, was studied. METHODS: Fecal samples were collected from ten neonates on the second, seventh, and 30th days after birth. One of the neonates underwent antibiotic therapy. Molecular techniques were used for analysis; DNA was extracted from the samples, and 16S rRNA libraries were sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed after construction. A real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed on the samples taken from the 30th day to amplify DNA from Bifidobacterium sp. RESULTS: The primary phylogenetic groups identified in the samples were Escherichia and Clostridium. Staphylococcus was identified at a low rate. Bifidobacterium sp. was detected in all of the samples collected on the 30th day. In the child who received antibiotics, a reduction in anaerobes and Escherichia, which was associated with an overgrowth of Klebsiella, was observed throughout the experimental period. CONCLUSION: The observed pattern of Escherichia predominance and reduced Staphylococcus colonization is in contrast with the patterns observed in neonates living in developed countries