501 research outputs found

    Model-based approach for household clustering with mixed scale variables

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    The Ministry of Social Development in Mexico is in charge of creating and assigning social programmes targeting specific needs in the population for the improvement of the quality of life. To better target the social programmes, the Ministry is aimed to find clusters of households with the same needs based on demographic characteristics as well as poverty conditions of the household. Available data consists of continuous, ordinal, and nominal variables, all of which come from a non-i.i.d complex design survey sample. We propose a Bayesian nonparametric mixture model that jointly models a set of latent variables, as in an underlying variable response approach, associated to the observed mixed scale data and accommodates for the different sampling probabilities. The performance of the model is assessed via simulated data. A full analysis of socio-economic conditions in households in the Mexican State of Mexico is presented

    Multi-wavelength observations of planet forming disks: Constraints on planet formation processes

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    Our understanding of protoplanetary disks has greatly improved over the last decade due to a wealth of data from new facilities. Unbiased dust surveys with Spitzer leave us with good constraints on the dust dispersal timescale of small grains in the terrestrial planet forming region. In the ALMA era, this can be confronted for the first time also with evolutionary timescales of mm grains in the outer disk. Gas surveys in the context of the existing multi-wavelength dust surveys will be a key in large statistical studies of disk gas evolution. Unbiased gas surveys are limited to ALMA CO submm surveys, where the quantitative interpretation is still debated. Herschel gas surveys have been largely biased, but [OI] 63 mic surveys and also accretion tracers agree qualitatively with the evolutionary timescale of small grains in the inner disk. Recent advances achieved by means of consistent multi-wavelength studies of gas AND dust in planet forming disks reveal the subtleties of the quantitative interpretation of gas surveys. Observational methods to determine disk masses e.g. from CO submm lines require the knowledge of the dust properties in the disk. Understanding not only the gas evolution, but also its chemical composition will provide crucial input for planet formation models. Kinetic chemical results give profoundly different answers than thermodynamic equilibrium in terms of the C/O ratios as well as the water ice/rock ratios. Again, dust has a key impact on the chemical evolution and composition of the gas. Grain growth for example affects freeze-out processes and strongly increases the cosmic ray induced UV field.Comment: appears in the proceedings of the conference "The Cosmic Wheel and the Legacy of the AKARI archive: from galaxies and stars to planets and life", October 17-20, 2017, Tokyo, Japa

    Learning of Weighted Dynamic Multi-layer Networks via Latent Gaussian Processes

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    Inspección eléctrica en el jardín el despertar con base en el RETIE y la NTC 2050

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    Este trabajo presenta la verificación e inspección de las instalaciones eléctricas en el jardín El Despertar en la ciudad de Pereira con el fin de diagnosticar el estado en las que se encuentran estas, teniendo en cuenta la seguridad con que deben contar e identificar problemas de acuerdo a normas establecidas e ir creando conciencia ante los riesgos que conllevan la electricidad y además su importancia en la vida actual. La dependencia y el aumento progresivo del consumo de la electricidad en la vida actual, nos obliga a establecer unas exigencias y especificaciones que garanticen la seguridad de las personas con base en el buen funcionamiento de las instalaciones, la fiabilidad y calidad de los productos, la compatibilidad de los equipos, su adecuada utilización y mantenimiento. Por ello, el Reglamento Técnico de Instalaciones Eléctricas (RETIE), tiene como objetivo principal, crear conciencia sobre los riesgos eléctricos existentes en todo lugar donde se haga uso de la electricidad. Adicionalmente se le hará entrega al Jardín El despertar los planos un detallado informe de cómo se encuentra actualmente el sistema eléctrico

    Infraestructura para la automatización de procesos de software : enfoque sobre testing y calidad

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2016, Director: Lluís Garrido OstermannThe current project is aimed to build an infrastructure to generate automatized software processes focused on web application testing. An infrastructure has been designed to be easily adapted to settings for Agile developing. It will be subject to an exhaustive set of automatized testing before the release of an integration or deployment. In order to achieve the maximum efficiency, the root issue has been studied, adopting a new working procedure that includes every stage of the software’s life cycle. Furthermore, to obtain a significant reduction in the cost of buying software licenses, OpenSource tools have been chosen. Finally, this infrastructure will have the necessary mechanisms to increase the quality and to reduce the delivery time of a software product to the client

    Preparación de la (E,E)-piridin-2- carboxaldehido-[2- heptiltiopirimidin-4,6-dill] bishidrazona para el diseño de sistemas supramoleculares

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    Se diseñó y sintetizó el nuevo compuesto bishidrazónico tiopirimidínico (E,E)-Piridin-2-carboxaldehído-[2-heptiltiopirimidin-4,6-diil]bishidrazona cuya base estructural es el sistema piridina-hidrazona-tiopirimidina. La obtención de esta molécula implicó 4 etapas sintéticas, y cada uno de sus precursores, al igual que la bishidrazona, fueron caracterizados mediante espectroscopia de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear (RMN) monodimensional (1H, 13C, DEPT-135) y bidimensional (HSQC, NOESY), FT-IR, y espectrometría de masas. Una vez obtenida esta bishidrazona, se realizaron algunos estudios fotofísicos mediante espectrofotometría de ultravioleta-visible y fluorescencia en solventes de diferente polaridad. Posteriormente, se realizó la síntesis de los complejos metálicos con zinc, níquel y plomo del compuesto bishidrazónico obtenido. De los anteriores se destaca el complejo formado con zinc, para el cual se propuso una estructura, donde los iones de zinc están unidos al sistema piridina-hidrazona-pirimidina y la configuración del ligando cambia de transoide a cisoide. Una vez obtenidos los complejos metálicos, se observó su comportamiento fotofísico mediante las técnicas de espectrofotometría mencionadas. Finalmente se llevó a cabo un estudio fotoquímico de la bishidrazona sintetizada, en solventes orgánicos deuterados como CD3OD, DMSO-d6 y Acetona-d6. La obtención de los diferentes isómeros configuracionales se siguió por RMN 1H. La fotoisomerización de este sistema es una reacción consecutiva de primer orden, se calcularon las constantes cinéticas k1 y k2 de los procesos de fotoisomerización [E,E]-[E,Z] y [E,Z]-[Z,Z] respectivamente. La preparación de este compuesto bishidrazónico permitirá la obtención de sistemas supramoleculares tales como complejos heterobimetálicos, interruptores moleculares y estructuras poliméricas capaces de coordinar iones metálicos y adherirse a superficies exhibiendo una alta solubilidad en solventes orgánicos.PregradoQUÍMICO(A

    Is asthma a risk factor for COVID-19? Are phenotypes important?

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    Asthma is a major health problem all over the world [1]. Since severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a respiratory pathogen, it is important to quantify the risk that the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic may represent for patients with asthma. These results reaffirm the idea that asthma does not appear to be a risk factor for the development of #COVID19. However, most of the asthma patients in this study had a non-T2 phenotype

    “Perfectas para el papel”: representaciones de las mujeres científicas en la ciencia-ficción contemporánea

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    En la actualidad, el papel que la mujer desempeña en el cine de ciencia-ficción ha crecido en importancia, como demuestran los sucesivos papeles protagonistas de Sandra Bullock, Amy Adams o Natalie Portman en, respectivamente, Gravity (Alfonso Cuarón, 2013), La llegada (Arrival, Denis Villeneuve, 2016) y Aniquilación (Annihilation, Alex Garland, 2018). El análisis en profundidad de estos filmes recientes, y su comparativa con filmes pioneros previos como Alien, el octavo pasajero (Alien, Ridley Scott, 1979) o Contact (Robert Zemeckis, 1997) – que ya presentaban a dos prominentes personajes femeninos – nos servirá para establecer una genealogía de mujeres científicas en la ciencia-ficción contemporánea y para cuestionar cómo la presencia de estas “heroínas solitarias” puede, de algún modo, haber transformado algunas de las características esenciales de un género cinematográfico tan fuertemente masculinizado

    Cross-sectional structure evolution of phase-separated spin-coated ethylcellulose/hydroxypropylcellulose films during solvent quenching

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    Porous phase-separated ethylcellulose/hydroxypropylcellulose (EC/HPC) films are used to control drug transport out of pharmaceutical pellets. The films are applied on the pellets using fluidized bed spraying. The drug transport rate is determined by the structure of the porous films that are formed as the water-soluble HPC leaches out. However, a detailed understanding of the evolution of the phase-separated structure during production is lacking. Here, we have investigated EC/HPC films produced by spin-coating, which mimics the industrial manufacturing process. This work aimed to understand the structure formation and film shrinkage during solvent evaporation. The cross-sectional structure evolution was characterized using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), profilometry and image analysis. The effect of the EC/HPC ratio on the cross-sectional structure evolution was investigated. During shrinkage of the film, the phase-separated structure undergoes a transition from 3D to nearly 2D structure evolution along the surface. This transition appears when the typical length scale of the phase-separated structure is on the order of the thickness of the film. This was particularly pronounced for the bicontinuous systems. The shrinkage rate was found to be independent of the EC/HPC ratio, while the initial and final film thickness increased with increasing HPC fraction. A new method to estimate part of the binodal curve in the ternary phase diagram for EC/HPC in ethanol has been developed. The findings of this work provide a good understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the morphology development and allow tailoring of thin EC/HPC films structure for controlled drug release

    High-brightness blue polariton organic light-emitting diodes

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    H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions - 101023743; University of St Andrews; Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung; European Research Council - 101097878; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - RTG2591Polariton organic light-emitting diodes (POLEDs) use strong light-matter coupling as an additional degree of freedom to tailor device characteristics, thus making them ideal candidates for many applications, such as room temperature laser diodes and high-color purity displays. However, achieving efficient formation of and emission from exciton-polaritons in an electrically driven device remains challenging due to the need for strong absorption, which often induces significant nonradiative recombination. Here, we investigate a novel POLED architecture to achieve polariton formation and high-brightness light emission. We utilize the blue-fluorescent emitter material 4,4′-Bis(4-(9H-carbazol-9-yl)styryl)biphenyl (BSBCz), which exhibits strong absorption and a highly horizontal transition-dipole orientation as well as a high photoluminescence quantum efficiency, even at high doping concentrations. We achieve a peak luminance of over 20,000 cd/m2 and external quantum efficiencies of more than 2%. To the best of our knowledge, these values represent the highest reported so far for electrically driven polariton emission from an organic semiconductor emitting in the blue region of the spectrum. Our work therefore paves the way for a new generation of efficient and powerful optoelectronic devices based on POLEDs.Peer reviewe