1,047 research outputs found

    Improving the quality of Portuguese SMEs through competence evaluation

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020Problem and goal. Since we are going through a key moment in terms of technological advances and their effect on the labour field, the investigation of the on-the-job training processes gains a predominant role. Moreover, the need to research an approach that promotes a balance between the four spheres of development of learning – economic, sustain-able, community and personal – is emerging. This study was conceived as a result of this ur-gency, aiming to respond to the following problem: to what extent does a training model, based on the VPL (Validation of Prior Learning) approach and supported by principles of the educational sciences, can contribute to individual empowerment and, consequently, to an improvement in the organizational quality of Portuguese SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)? Methodology. The division of the research into two parts – Study 1 and Study 2 – al-lowed the collection and analysis of structural data (Study 1) that served as a basis for the defi- nition of a dynamic strategy (Study 2). Although undertaken at different times, they have thus proved to be complementary. In fact, the design of the training model was based, firstly, on the results obtained through exploratory interviews with key informants and, secondly, on the data obtained throughout the training process that involved ninety-two employees from ten Portuguese SMEs from diverse categories and sectors. Results. The training model, which emerged from the interaction between the theoreti-cal reflection and the practical context, comprises five components: distance learning, recog-nition of skills, language skills, intercultural skills and an individual action plan. Conclusion. This study, being an important contribution to the topic of on-the-job training in Portuguese SMEs, at the same time opens the way for the continuation of the research.publishersversionpublishe

    Polyphenols and antioxidant activity in macroalgae from Azores.

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    International Symposium FloraMac 2010”. Ponta Delgada, Açores, 23-25 de Setembro

    Violência física como prática educativa

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    This descriptive and correlational study, carried out at a teaching hospital in 2004, aimed to get to know if, in the context of domestic violence, parents use physical violence as an educational practice. Semistructured interviews were used to characterize the population, and situations of daily family life to identify parents' attitude in the education process. Results: the most vulnerable situation to use physical punishment was disobedience to parents' predetermined orders (40%), followed by the situation when the child steals something (31.7%). The use of physical violence as a disciplinary practice was significant (p=0.020), associated with unemployment. Forty percent of the population reported they imposed their will on their child, and 57% mentioned they had been physically punished by their parents in limit-imposing situations. Knowledge and reflection on factors involving domestic violence are very important to consolidate prevention programs and which could generate a collective consciousness.Estudio descriptivo y correlacional realizado en un hospital de enseñanza, en 2004, con el objetivo de conocer, si dentro del contexto de violencia doméstica, los padres utilizan la violencia física como práctica educativa. Se utilizó una entrevista semi-estructurada para caracterizar la población y situaciones del cotidiano familiar para identificar la actitud de los padres en el proceso de educación. Resultados: la situación donde hubo gran vulnerabilidad para el uso de la violencia física fue la de desobediencia a órdenes preestablecidas (40%), acompañada por la situación donde el niño hurta cualquier cosa, con el 31.7% de los casos. Fue significante (p= 0.020) el uso de la violencia física como práctica disciplinadora, asociada al desempleo. El 40% de la población afirmó imponer su voluntad sobre el hijo, y el 57% de haber sido físicamente punido por sus padres en situaciones para imponer límites. Es importante el conocimiento y la reflexión sobre los factores involucrados en la violencia doméstica, para consolidar programas de prevención que sean capaces de generar una conciencia colectiva.Estudo descritivo e correlacional, realizado em um hospital de ensino, em 2004, objetivando conhecer se, dentro do contexto de violência doméstica, os pais utilizam a violência física como prática educativa. Utilizou-se entrevista semi-estruturada para caracterizar a população, e situações do cotidiano familiar para identificar a atitude dos pais no processo de educação. Resultados: A situação de maior vulnerabilidade para o uso de violência física foi a de desobediência às ordens pré-determinadas (40%), seguida pela situação na qual a criança furta algo, com 31,7% dos casos. Foi significante (p= 0,020) o uso da violência física como prática disciplinadora, associado ao desemprego. Quarenta por cento da população afirma impor sua vontade sobre seu filho, e 57% ter apanhado de seus pais em situações de impor limites. Julga-se importante o conhecimento e a reflexão dos fatores que envolvem a violência doméstica, para alicerçar programas de prevenção e que sejam capazes de gerar uma consciência coletiva

    Allocation of nutrients during the reproductive cycle of Ophidiaster ophidianus (Echinodermata: Asteroidea)

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    Copyright © 2011 Taylor & Francis.The reproductive cycle of Ophidiaster ophidianus (strictly protected status) from Sa˜o Miguel Island, in the Azorean Archipelago was studied. The reproductive strategy; the energy allocation of each sex during the reproductive cycle and the nutritional condition of the population were analyzed. Gonadal index (GI) showed a clear seasonal pattern with spawning between August and October but histological examination revealed that gamete release can occur throughout the entire year. The pyloric caeca index (PCI) showed little annual variation but with an inverse relationship with the GI. Allocation of energy to the gonads and to the pyloric caeca reflected the seasonal reproductive strategy of this species. Individuals were able to simultaneously develop gonads, pyloric caeca, and quickly regenerate lost arms. There was a major expenditure of energy by females compared to males but, sexual size dimorphism was not observed. The reproductive pattern observed in O. ophidianus combining rich food availability and seawater temperatures characteristic of a temperate zone may be the key to the success of this species in the Azorean oceanic Island.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)

    Radiobiological evaluation of forward and inverse IMRT using different fractionations for head and neck tumours

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>To quantify the radiobiological advantages obtained by an Improved Forward Planning technique (IFP) and two IMRT techniques using different fractionation schemes for the irradiation of head and neck tumours. The conventional radiation therapy technique (CONVT) was used here as a benchmark.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Seven patients with head and neck tumours were selected for this retrospective planning study. The PTV1 included the primary tumour, PTV2 the high risk lymph nodes and PTV3 the low risk lymph nodes. Except for the conventional technique where a maximum dose of 64.8 Gy was prescribed to the PTV1, 70.2 Gy, 59.4 Gy and 50.4 Gy were prescribed respectively to PTV1, PTV2 and PTV3. Except for IMRT2, all techniques were delivered by three sequential phases. The IFP technique used five to seven directions with a total of 15 to 21 beams. The IMRT techniques used five to nine directions and around 80 segments. The first, IMRT1, was prescribed with the conventional fractionation scheme of 1.8 Gy per fraction delivered in 39 fractions by three treatment phases. The second, IMRT2, simultaneously irradiated the PTV2 and PTV3 with 59.4 Gy and 50.4 Gy in 28 fractions, respectively, while the PTV1 was boosted with six subsequent fractions of 1.8 Gy. Tissue response was calculated using the relative seriality model and the Poisson Linear-Quadratic-Time model to simulate repopulation in the primary tumour.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The average probability of total tumour control increased from 38% with CONVT to 80% with IFP, to 85% with IMRT1 and 89% with IMRT2. The shorter treatment time and larger dose per fraction obtained with IMRT2 resulted in an 11% increase in the probability of control in the PTV1 with respect to IFP and 7% relatively to IMRT1 (p < 0.05). The average probability of total patient complications was reduced from 80% with CONVT to 61% with IFP and 31% with IMRT. The corresponding probability of complications in the ipsilateral parotid was 63%, 42% and 20%; in the contralateral parotid it was 50%, 20% and 9%; in the oral cavity it was 2%, 15% and 4% and in the mandible it was 1%, 5% and 3%, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A significant improvement in treatment outcome was obtained with IMRT compared to conventional radiation therapy. The practical and biological advantages of IMRT2, employing a shorter treatment time, may outweigh the small differences obtained in the organs at risk between the two IMRT techniques. This technique is therefore presently being used in the clinic for selected patients with head and neck tumours. A significant improvement in the quality of the dose distribution was obtained with IFP compared to CONVT. Thus, this beam arrangement is used in the clinical routine as an alternative to IMRT.</p

    Alojamento conjunto e parto cesáreo em maternidades do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE: To disclose the existence of rooming-in (RI) in public and government contracted private hospitals that offer obstetric beds, in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and to examine whether there is any association between RI and another quality care indicator which influences breastfeeding, namely the rate of cesarean section operations performed in these hospitals. METHOD: A survey was made of the existence of RI through a questionnaire sent to the Municipal Health Offices, the information collected being confirmed by telephone with each maternity hospital. The C-section rate data was obtained from the Rio de Janeiro State Health Office and divided into 2 groups: "below 40%" and "40% and above". The prevalence ratio was applied to the measurement of the association between the variables. RESULTS: A rooming-in rate of 65.2% was found for the State as a whole, with regional variations: a better situation in the capital (84.8%), an intermediate one in the interior (69.9 %), and a worse one in the metropolitan belt (44.2%). The public maternity hospitals revealed a higher rate (89.7%) than that of the government contracted private hospitals (53.3%). A direct relation between the practice of RI and low C-section rates was found in the hospitals. However, this association did not present the same weight in all regions of the State. The lowest proportion of hospitals adopting RI was verified in the metropolitan belt, whereas the highest relative number of hospitals with high C-section rates was observed in the interior. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that to reverse the observed status, government authorities must fulfil their gerencial role within their own health system, as well as in the government contracted private hospitals.OBJETIVO: Conhecer a existência de alojamento conjunto (AC) nos hospitais que possuem leitos obstétricos da rede pública e conveniada do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e verificar se o AC guarda associação com outro indicador de qualidade de assistência que tem influência sobre o aleitamento materno: as taxas de cesárea (TC) praticadas por esses hospitais. METODOLOGIA: Procedeu-se a um levantamento sobre a existência de AC através de questionário enviado às Secretarias Municipais de Saúde, informação validada por inquérito telefônico. As TC foram obtidas junto à Secretaria Estadual de Saúde-RJ. Foi utilizada a razão de prevalência para a medida da associação entre as variáveis. RESULTADOS: Foi encontrada uma proporção de 65,2% das maternidades com AC, no Estado. Verificou-se relação direta entre a presença de AC e baixas taxas de cesárea no conjunto dos hospitais, porém essa associação não se confirmou com o mesmo peso em todas as regiões. A menor proporção de hospitais com AC foi verificada no cinturão metropolitano (44,2%), enquanto a maior proporção de hospitais com elevadas taxas de cesárea está no interior (73,1%)

    Anthracene and lead adsorption on a Portuguese soil : competitive studies

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    Fostering quality in MOOCs: a european approach

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    Societal, educationaland personal changes have brought Open (Online) Education in the forefront of the global learning setting. One of the most significant challenges behind the EU Modernization Agenda is for education to respond to the characteristics of future students and to new needs in society. According to the Europe 2020 agenda, 40% of young people should complete higher education studies by 2020. The entire European university sector witnesses an increase of student numbers. Conventional learning methods are suboptimalsolutions for these massive student numbers. Thus, important questions and issues arise: How can we anticipate increasing student numbers combined with the likelihood of lower funding? How should we combine online and traditional formats to devise sustainable university business-models? In order to address these challenges Europe is investing in flexible educational solutions as this is embraced by the EC in its Open Educational Resource (OER) agenda. During the last years Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) became very popular: Since the year 2008, when the first MOOC was provided, the number of MOOCs is constantly increasing. The year 2012 was considered as the "Year of the MOOCs". However, MOOCs and OER are a good solution as long as they retain a certain level of quality. So far, experience and practice are leading to an increasing debate about their quality as an educational tool. The high drop-out rates of MOOCs that are typically measured in traditional distance education courses as well as in all formal education settings are discussed causing requests for rebooting MOOCs and the research on them and their quality. This article addresses the open issue of integration of quality approaches and mechanisms into the design of MOOCs through the development of a European MOOC Quality Reference Framework (QRF). The MOOC QRF provides a generic, organisation-wide system to help Higher Education Institutions and external stakeholders to design, develop, monitor, evaluate and improve the effectiveness of MOOCs along with the quality management practices. Based on flexible, configurable quality criteria and indicative descriptors, monitoring and reporting is adapted to organisational needs. The article presents the structure and quality dimensions of the MOOC QRF.It is based on the first international quality standard ISO/IEC 40180 and currently submitted to the European and international standardization committee (CEN TC 353 and ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36) for approval as first quality standard for MOOCs. The MOOC QRF is practical to encompass a wide range of approaches to quality assurance emphasizing that it is the quality of the outcomes that matters most in the design of MOOCs, thus leading to a new era of learning experiences in Europe.This article is supported by MOOQ, the European Alliance for Quality of Massive Open Online Courses (www.MOOC-quality.eu). The vision of MOOQ is to foster and improve quality in MOOCs leading to a new era of learning experiences. MOOQ is partly funded bythe European Commission under the following project number: 2015-1-NL01-KA203-008950.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fostering quality in MOOCs: a european approach

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    Societal, educationaland personal changes have brought Open (Online) Education in the forefront of the global learning setting. One of the most significant challenges behind the EU Modernization Agenda is for education to respond to the characteristics of future students and to new needs in society. According to the Europe 2020 agenda, 40% of young people should complete higher education studies by 2020. The entire European university sector witnesses an increase of student numbers. Conventional learning methods are suboptimalsolutions for these massive student numbers. Thus, important questions and issues arise: How can we anticipate increasing student numbers combined with the likelihood of lower funding? How should we combine online and traditional formats to devise sustainable university business-models? In order to address these challenges Europe is investing in flexible educational solutions as this is embraced by the EC in its Open Educational Resource (OER) agenda. During the last years Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) became very popular: Since the year 2008, when the first MOOC was provided, the number of MOOCs is constantly increasing. The year 2012 was considered as the "Year of the MOOCs". However, MOOCs and OER are a good solution as long as they retain a certain level of quality. So far, experience and practice are leading to an increasing debate about their quality as an educational tool. The high drop-out rates of MOOCs that are typically measured in traditional distance education courses as well as in all formal education settings are discussed causing requests for rebooting MOOCs and the research on them and their quality. This article addresses the open issue of integration of quality approaches and mechanisms into the design of MOOCs through the development of a European MOOC Quality Reference Framework (QRF). The MOOC QRF provides a generic, organisation-wide system to help Higher Education Institutions and external stakeholders to design, develop, monitor, evaluate and improve the effectiveness of MOOCs along with the quality management practices. Based on flexible, configurable quality criteria and indicative descriptors, monitoring and reporting is adapted to organisational needs. The article presents the structure and quality dimensions of the MOOC QRF.It is based on the first international quality standard ISO/IEC 40180 and currently submitted to the European and international standardization committee (CEN TC 353 and ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36) for approval as first quality standard for MOOCs. The MOOC QRF is practical to encompass a wide range of approaches to quality assurance emphasizing that it is the quality of the outcomes that matters most in the design of MOOCs, thus leading to a new era of learning experiences in Europe.This article is supported by MOOQ, the European Alliance for Quality of Massive Open Online Courses (www.MOOC-quality.eu). The vision of MOOQ is to foster and improve quality in MOOCs leading to a new era of learning experiences. MOOQ is partly funded bythe European Commission under the following project number: 2015-1-NL01-KA203-008950.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio