56 research outputs found

    The Impact of the New Economy in Spanish Firms

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    The new e-conomy characterizes itself by its newness and its potentiality of growth. In order to participate in this activity, the companies are renewing their processes of business, as well as the old ways to serve and to attract their clients. This has motivated traditional business to move its commercial operations towards others, much more dynamic, that are based on using computer supports and the use of networks through the connection to the Internet and the web pages. The main obstacle for using new technologies has been the great number of Spanish business, specially the small and medium ones, that have restricted themselves only to include these information technologies to apply them exclusively, to their processes and internal procedures, instead of using them to overcome the difficulties and the barriers imposed by their environment, or to improve their competitiveness and their position in the market. With all the above, this work will be based on the examination and overhaul of the “Resource-Based View” (RBV), of the Theory of the Distinguishing Competitions, and its adjustment to the dynamic and turbulent environment that characterizes this segment of business. The incorporation of technological advances in the telecommunications and computer science fields, has supposed the consolidation of worldwide scale markets that are provided with a great facility for the analysis of an ample volume of information, that allows decision taking in real time. The sum of these new technologies in the companies can be turned into inimitable resources, where the characteristics of their products it have to be differentiated in a very evident way. That is the reason why it can be generated competitive advantages, especially in costs leadership or differentiation of the products. The processes known with the name Digital Economy B2B or B2C, receive the denomination of e-business, including the field that is known as e-conomy. In agreement with [1, p.21], there are different steps in the evolution of initiatives by e-business channel, that go from the provision of information, to the creation of markets, which would culminate the cycle of this evolution. The main conclusions will be: A great part of the Spanish companies are in the first step of the preparation for e-business cycle. Another of the detected problems is the difficulty that exists to get to know the behavior habits of the consumers. Finally, we will mention the nonexistence of a model of enterprise culture for small and medium business, which could support the technological infrastructures that are necessary to complete all the stages of e-business, as well as the construction of trustworthy and periodically updated databases, that would go over the profiles of the customers

    Alteridad y escuela. Una aproximación a la construcción del otro desde las Aulas Temporales de Adaptación Lingüística

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    Libro de actas CIMIE16 de AMIE licenciado bajo Creative Commons 4.0 International License. Disponible en http://amieedu.org/actascimie16/El desconocimiento de la lengua vehicular de la escuela es asumido por las ATAL como un problema, aunque encontramos autores que señalan que el problema recae dentro del sistema educativo actual, el cual posee una estructura monocultural (García Castaño et al. 2011). Nuestro interés está en conocer cómo se trabajan estas cuestiones en la transposición de la normativa reguladora de las ATAL a la práctica educativa de éstas, con el fin de conocer los discursos sobre alteridad en los que su alumnado no solo se educa y se forma académicamente, sino social y culturalmente en un medio en el que la diversidad cultural se problematiza por la propia presencia en los centros educativos de alumnado de nacionalidad extranjera.Este trabajo es fruto del Proyecto I+D+i "Construyendo en las diferencias en la escuela. Estudio de la trayectoria de las ATAL en Andalucía, de su profesorado y alumnado" del Instituto Migraciones de la Universidad de Granada. Concedido por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad en la convocatoria del Plan Nacional I+D+i para los años 2013-2016.Concesión a Carmen Clara Bravo Torres de una beca denominada: Iniciación a la Investigación en el Máster, por la Universidad de Granada (curso 2015/2016). Esta beca se ha disfrutado durante la realización del Máster en Estudios e Intervención Social en Inmigración, Desarrollo, y Grupos Vulnerables.Concesión a Nazaret Lastres Aguilar de una beca de colaboración del Ministerio de Educación en el departamento de Antropología Social y Cultural de la Universidad de Granda en el curso 2015/2016 en el Máster en Estudios e Intervención Social en Inmigración, Desarrollo, y Grupos Vulnerables

    A web-oriented application for 3D craniofacial reconstruction in forensic medicine

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    uman identification from a skull is a critical process in legal and forensic medicine, especially when no other means are available. Traditional clay-based methods attempt to generate the human face, in order to identify the corresponding person. However, these reconstructions lack of objectivity and consistence, since they depend on the practitioner. Moreover, the results of the reconstruction cannot be easily distributed and consulted from everywhere. This paper presents a completely objective 3D craniofacial reconstruction automatic system that provides access to the reconstructions through the Web. The software tool is able to generate an individual facial reconstruction from the 3D image of the skull and three parameters: age, gender and Body Mass Index (BMI) of the individual. Afterwards, the reconstruction can be manually modified by changing any tissue depth value. Both entry data and the reconstructions generated by the tool will be stored in a database, so they are accessible from the Internet. Conclusions of this paper yield promising results: on the one hand, the scientific and technical feasibility of the presented craniofacial reconstruction technique is proved, and also its preference against traditional craniofacial reconstruction methods. On the other hand, this procedure means a remarkable advantage from the point of view of access, visualization and sharing of information, and also in terms of security, since it includes an authentication protocol

    Computerized Three-Dimmensional Craniofacial Reconstruction from Skulls Based on Landmarks.

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    Human identification from a skull is a critical process in legal and forensic medicine, specially when no other means are available. Traditional clay-based methods attempt to generate the human face, in order to identify the corresponding person. However, these reconstructions lack of objectivity and consistence, since they depend on the practitioner. Current computerized techniques are based on facial models, which introduce undesired facial features when the final reconstruction is built. This paper presents an objective 3D craniofacial reconstruction technique, implemented in a graphic application, without using any facial template. The only information required by the software tool is the 3D image of the target skull and three parameters: age, gender and Body Mass Index (BMI) of the individual. Complexity is minimized, since the application database only consists of the anthropological information provided by soft tissue depth values in a set of points of the skull

    IDT-3D: Identification and tracking in controlled environments using a 3D unified user interface

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    Identification and tracking of objects in specific environments such as harbors or security areas is a matter of great importance nowadays. With this purpose, numerous systems based on different technologies have been developed, resulting in a great amount of gathered data displayed through a variety of interfaces. Such amount of information has to be evaluated by human operators in order to take the correct decisions, sometimes under highly critical situations demanding both speed and accuracy. In order to face this problem we describe IDT-3D, a platform for identification and tracking of vessels in a harbour environment able to represent fused information in real time using a Virtual Reality application. The effectiveness of using IDT-3D as an integrated surveillance system is currently under evaluation. Preliminary results point to a significant decrease in the times of reaction and decision making of operators facing up a critical situation. Although the current application focus of IDT-3D is quite specific, the results of this research could be extended to the identification and tracking of targets in other controlled environments of interest as coastlines, borders or even urban areas

    Next Generation of Energy Residential Gateways for Demand Response and Dynamic Pricing

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    Predictions about electric energy needs, based on current electric energy models, forecast that the global energy consumption on Earth for 2050 will double present rates. Using distributed procedures for control and integration, the expected needs can be halved. Therefore implementation of Smart Grids is necessary. Interaction between final consumers and utilities is a key factor of future Smart Grids. This interaction is aimed to reach efficient and responsible energy consumption. Energy Residential Gateways (ERG) are new in-building devices that will govern the communication between user and utility and will control electric loads. Utilities will offer new services empowering residential customers to lower their electric bill. Some of these services are Smart Metering, Demand Response and Dynamic Pricing. This paper presents a practical development of an ERG for residential buildings

    Lessons learned on home energy monitoring and management: Smartcity Málaga

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    The Smartcity Málaga project is one of Europe?s largest ecoefficient city initiatives. The project has implemented a field trial in 50 households to study the effects of energy monitoring and management technologies on the residential electricity consumption. This poster presents some lessons learned on energy consumption trends, smart clamps reliability and the suitability of power contracted by users, obtained after six months of data analysis

    A simplified energy consumption model for fiber-based Next Generation Access Networks

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    ICTs account nowadays for 2% of total carbon emissions. However, in a time when strict measures to reduce energyconsumption in all the industrial and services sectors are required, the ICT sector faces an increase in services and bandwidth demand. The deployment of NextGenerationNetworks (NGN) will be the answer to this new demand and specifically, the NextGenerationAccessNetworks (NGANs) will provide higher bandwidth access to users. Several policy and cost analysis are being carried out to understand the risks and opportunities of new deployments, though the question of which is the role of energyconsumption in NGANs seems off the table. Thus, this paper proposes amodel to analyze the energyconsumption of the main fiber-based NGAN architectures, i.e. Fiber To The House (FTTH) in both Passive Optical Network (PON) and Point-to-Point (PtP) variations, and FTTx/VDSL. The aim of this analysis is to provide deeper insight on the impact of new deployments on the energyconsumption of the ICT sector and the effects of energyconsumption on the life-cycle cost of NGANs. The paper presents also an energyconsumption comparison of the presented architectures, particularized in the specific geographic and demographic distribution of users of Spain, but easily extendable to other countries

    Virtual Domotic Systems: a 3D Interaction Technique to Control Virtual Building Devices Using Residential Gateways

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    Residential gateways are systems based on different control technologies that provide a unified way of communication for various devices and appliances present in homes and buildings (sensors, control systems, electronic devices, etc.). The massive introduction of residential gateways in the market is often hindered by the lack of intuitive configuration and visualization interfaces. Moreover, users frequently obtain very limited feedback about the status of the building after the actions carried out by the residential gateway, what reduces the confidence in such systems. This paper presents a Virtual Domotic System (VDS), an innovative solution to provide a Virtual Reality interface to manage residential gateways. VDS comprises three main blocks. The first of them is the residential gateway and the associated control devices of the building. The second element is an advanced 3D Virtual Environment that reliably represents the building, the state of control devices and the environmental characteristics (such as lighting or temperature). Finally, the system includes the software that enables the communication and synchronization between the virtual environment and the control technologies and appliances of the building. The VDS introduces a new 3D interaction technique, where the inputs that modify and configure the 3D virtual environment come directly from the sensors and actuators installed in the buildin