3,461 research outputs found

    Comparación de dos métodos de extracción de metales en suelos por formación de quelatos con EDTA 0,05 M y con DTPA 0,005 M

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    28 páginas.-- 23 figuras.-- 10 tablas.-- 11 referencias.-- Memoria presentada en el XLI Curso Internacional de Edafología y Biología VegetalDirectora: Díaz Barrientos, EncarnaciónEste trabajo se encuentra dentro del proyecto de investigación de ámbito nacional "Calidad de los suelos urbanos de Sevilla: Seguimiento de la disponibilidad de elementos tóxicos y propuestas para rehabilitación de áreas contaminadas", y del proyecto URBSOIL de la Unión Europea, ambos desarrollados por el grupo "Química de Interfases en Procesos Medioambientales" del Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla, en los que se pretende establecer la calidad de los suelos del área urbana de Sevilla, sobre todo de aquéllos de uso público (parques y jardines), con especial referencia al grado de contaminación en contaminantes orgánicos e inorgánicos. Estos proyectos, en especial el segundo, están enfocados a aportar a Ayuntamientos y otros órganos de decisión información acerca de I calidad de los suelos urbanos, y en última instancia se pretende proponer una "herramienta de apoyo a la decisión" (DST) para el manejo y uso del recurso suelo en zonas urbanas. Se van a estudiar los metales disponibles según dos extractantes: EDTA O.05M Y DTPA O.005M, ambos agentes complejantes orgánicos, y se compararán los dos para la extracción de los siguientes metales pesados: Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni y Zn. Aunque ambos métodos son frecuentemente utilizados para estudiar la biodisponibilidad de metales, conviene establecer si ambos métodos dan información comparable o, por el contrario, hay motivos que hagan aconsejable el uso de alguno de ellos en general o para algunos metales en particular.Peer reviewe

    Universitarios y prensa en Galicia: hábitos declarados y preferencias informativas

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    La presente investigación se inicia con objeto de conocer los hábitos de consumo y adquisición de prensa en papel por parte de los universitarios gallegos. Su interés resulta de especial relevancia, teniendo en cuenta que se trata de un target muy específico (entre 18 y 25 años, en periodo de formación superior), en un contexto mediático de especial interés (despegue de los medios electrónicos, irrupción de la prensa gratuita, programación televisiva de cuestionada calidad, etc.). Los resultados obtenidos permiten realizar una lectura que aporta los datos que definen sus preferencias mediáticas y sus hábitos de consumo informativo.The current investigation pretends to know the habits of press consumption and acquisition from the university students in Galicia. His interest is of special significance, considering that this is a very specific target (between 18 and 25 years, university education), in an interesting given media context (boom of electronic media, arrival of free newspapers, TV programming whose quality is criticized, etc. Thanks to the results of this work, we will contribute some clues about their informative habits and preferences

    A financial analysis of born-global firms: evidence from Spain

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    From the beginning of the 1970s to the present day, significant changes have taken place in the competitive and organizational behavior of small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). Recently, some of these factors have applied more intensively, and this has given rise to growth in the number of new companies that undertake overseas operations almost immediately (known as born globals). The phenomenon of early internationalization is relatively recent, so there are still many aspects that need to be studied. The objective of this study is to contribute to the scarce empirical literature existing in Spain on this topic, by providing evidence on the possible differences in character of the born-global firms compared with the rest of exporting companies. To this end, the focus of the study is on the analysis of variables such as the size and sector of activity of these companies, and their principal economic and financial magnitudes. A sample of 1,324 Spanish SMEs that were exporting in 2007 was surveyed; of this total approximately 12% identified themselves as having adopted early internationalization. The results obtained indicate that the born-global firms are, on average, smaller; they are classified mostly to the services sector; and they are much more leveraged than the rest of Spanish SMEs that export

    Multimode interference filter to solve degradation on coupler common-mode rejection

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    After quantifying degradation of a common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) 3dB-coupler due to excitation of TE01 mode, a novel compact circuit including multimode interference (MMI) coupler+bend+MMI+filter (CBF) is proposed. We show a CBF circuit has better CMRR at the expense of moderate loss. A complete tolerance analysis to main geometrical parameters has also been carried out.Publicad

    Adaptation and validation of the Yildirim & Correia nomophobia scale in Spanish students of ‘Compulsory Secondary Education’

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    Aunque no se trata de un fenómeno reciente, la Nomofobia (No Mobile Phone Phobia) entendida como una adicción comportamental que implica un alto temor a quedarse sin teléfono móvil, está siendo objeto de investigación desde diferentes disciplinas dada las importantes consecuencias que se están observando entre la población más joven. Sin embargo, son pocos los instrumentos capaces de medir esta adicción no reconocida como tal por el DSM-V. En el presente trabajo se ha llevado a cabo el proceso de adaptación y validación de la escala de medición de la Nomofobia de Yildirim y Correia. Para ello se procedió a una adaptación lingüística y cultural de la misma, seguida de una revisión por parte de expertos en la materia. La decisión del grupo de expertos supuso una modificación de la redacción y la inclusión de un nuevo ítem. La escala resultante se aplicó a una muestra de 372 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, en institutos públicos de la provincia de Alicante. Los resultados permitieron la validación de la escala objeto de este estudio.Although is not a recent phenomenon, Nomophobia (No Mobile Phone Phobia), understood as a behavioral addiction that implies a high fear of being left without a mobile phone, is being researched from different disciplines given the important consequences that are being observed between the younger population. However, there are few instruments to measure this addiction not recognized by the DSM-V. In the present work the process of adaptation and validation of the measurement scale of the Nomophobia of Yildirim and Correia has been carried out. A linguistic and cultural adaptation of the scale was carried out, followed by a review by the experts in the field. The group of experts proposed a modification of the wording and the inclusion of a new item. The final scale was applied to a sample of 372 students of Compulsory Secondary Education, in public institutes of the Province of Alicante. The results allowed the validation of the Yildirim and Correia scale

    Los mercados alternativos bursátiles: Una perspectiva regulatoria

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    The debate over the appropriate regulation of financial markets has become a burning issue, especially as regards alternative stock markets aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This article reviews the international research that, on the one hand, analyses alternative markets from an economic-regulatory perspective, and that, on the other hand, studies the control mechanisms that have been identified as key factors to overcoming the limitations of a light regulation, such as corporate governance, nominated advisors, and auditors. The results show that tougher legislation is not a panacea for solving the problems and the limitations that are presented by the development of these alternative stock markets, and that satisfactory results can be provided through the balance and permanent adjustment of the agents involved, and of control mechanisms.El debate sobre la adecuada regulación de los mercados financieros, y en especial sobre los mercados alternativos bursátiles dirigidos a las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME), es un tema de candente actualidad. Este trabajo realiza una revisión de los trabajos de investigación internacionales que, por un lado, analizan los mercados alternativos desde una perspectiva económico-regulatoria y, por otro lado, analizan los mecanismos de control que se han identificado como claves para superar las limitaciones de una regulación light y que ayudan al correcto funcionamiento de estos mercados. Entre ellos destacan el gobierno de la empresa, los asesores registrados y los auditores. Los resultados muestran que una legislación más dura no es la panacea para solucionar los problemas y limitaciones que está presentando el desarrollo de estos mercados alternativos bursátiles y sugieren que el equilibrio y permanente ajuste de los agentes participantes y los mecanismos de control proporcionan resultados satisfactorio

    La regulación de los mercados alternativos bursálites: ¿clave del éxito?

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    El debate sobre la adecuada regulación de los mercados financieros, y en especial sobre los mercados alternativos bursátiles dirigidos a las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME) es un tema de candente actualidad. Este trabajo realiza una revisión de los trabajos de investigación internacionales que, por un lado, analizan los mercados alternativos desde una perspectiva económico-regulatoria, y por otro lado, analizan los mecanismos de control que se han identificado como claves para superar las limitaciones de una regulación light y que ayudan al correcto funcionamiento de estos mercados. Entre ellos destacan el gobierno de la empresa, los asesores registrados y los auditores. Los resultados muestran que una legislación más dura no es la panacea para solucionar los problemas y limitaciones que está presentando el desarrollo de estos mercados alternativos bursátiles y sugieren que el equilibrio y permanente ajuste de los agentes participantes y los mecanismos de control proporcionan resultados satisfactorios

    Psychological Consequences Associated with The Intensity of Drug Use in The Adult Population of Ecuador

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    Introduction. The use of illegal substances is considered one of the health problems facing the world today, given the condition caused in the population by the damage or consequences of their consumption. Method. The present investigation was carried out an analytical-descriptive cross-sectional study, working with a sample of 480 patients representing 95% of the population, intentionally selected by non-probabilistic sampling. Results. The data obtained make it possible to determine the intensity of drug use and its relationship with anxiety, depression, perceived stress and self-esteem, in a population group of adult consumers; in addition to broadening the vision of the behavioral dynamics of these phenomena. Conclusions. These results can contribute to the epidemiological monitoring of the mental condition of hospitalized patients, as well as contribute to the generation of general and specific intervention proposals for anxiety, depression, stress and self-esteem by regulating drug use

    Fuel poverty as a determinant in energy retrofitting actions

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    Fuel poverty can be defined as “the inability to afford adequate warmth in the home" and it is the result of the combination of three items: low household income, housing lack of energy efficiency and high energy bills. Although it affects a growing number of households within the European Union only some countries have an official definition for it. In 2013, the European Parliament claimed the Commission and Estate Members to develop different policies in order to fight household energy vulnerability. The importance of tackling fuel poverty is based on the critical consequences it has for human health living below certain temperatures. In Spain some advances have been made in this field but main existing studies remain at the statistical level and do not deepen the understanding of the problem from the perspective of dwelling indoor habitability conditions. What is more, this concept is yet to be officially defined. This paper presents the evaluation of fuel poverty in a building block of social housing located in the centre of Zaragoza and how this issue determined the strategies implemented in the energy retrofitting intervention project. At a first step, fuel poverty was appraised through the exploration of indoor thermal conditions. The adaptive thermal comfort (UNE-EN 15251:2008) method was used to establish the appropriate indoor temperatures and consequently to determine what can be called 'comfort gap'. Results were collated and verified with energy bills collection and a survey work that gathered data from neighbours. All this permitted pointing out those households more in need. Results from the social analysis combined with the evaluation of the building thermal performance determined the intervention. The renovation project was aimed at the implementation of passive strategies that improve households thermal comfort in order to alleviate households fuel poverty situation. This research is part of the project NewSolutions4OldHousing (LIFE10 ENV/ES/439) cofounded by the European Commission under the LIFE+ Programme

    Thermal characterization of urban heat island (UHI) according to urban morphology of Madrid

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    Present research is framed within the project MODIFICA (MODelo predictivo - edIFIcios - Isla de Calor Urbana) aimed at developing a predictive model for dwelling energy performance under the urban heat island effect in order to implement it in the evaluation of real energy demand and consumption of dwellings as well as in the selection of energy retrofitting strategies. It is funded by Programa de I+D+i orientada a los retos de la sociedad 'Retos Investigación' 2013. The scope of our predictive model is defined by the heat island effect (UHI) of urban structures that compose the city of Madrid. In particular, we focus on the homogeneous areas for urban structures with the same urban and building characteristics. Data sources for the definition of such homogeneous areas were provided by previous research on the UHI of Madrid. The objective is to establish a critical analysis of climate records used for energy simulation tools, which data come from weather stations placed in decontextualized areas from the usual urban reality, where the thermal conditions differs by up to 6ºC. In this way, we intend to develop a new predictive model for the consumption and demand in buildings depending on their location, the urban structure and the associated UHI, improving the future energy rehabilitation intervention