528 research outputs found

    Developmental simulation of the adult cranial morphology of australopithecus sediba.

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    The type specimen of Australopithecus sediba (MH1) is a late juvenile, prompting some commentators to suggest that had it lived to adulthood its morphology would have changed sufficiently so as to render hypotheses regarding its phylogenetic relations suspect. Considering the potentially critical position of this species with regard to the origins of the genus Homo, a deeper understanding of this change is especially vital. As an empirical response to this critique, a developmental simulation of the MH1 cranium was carried out using geometric morphometric techniques to extrapolate adult morphology using extant male and female chimpanzees, gorillas and humans by modelling remaining development. Multivariate comparisons of the simulated adult A. sediba crania with other early hominin taxa indicate that subsequent cranial development primarily reflects development of secondary sexual characteristics and would not likely be substantial enough to alter suggested morphological affinities of A. sediba. This study also illustrates the importance of separating developmental vectors by sex when estimating ontogenetic change. Results of the ontogenetic projections concur with those from mandible morphology, and jointly affirm the taxonomic validity of A. sediba.Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and National Geographic Society.NCS201

    Constructing Hybrid Baryons with Flux Tubes

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    Hybrid baryon states are described in quark potential models as having explicit excitation of the gluon degrees of freedom. Such states are described in a model motivated by the strong coupling limit of Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory, where three flux tubes meeting at a junction play the role of the glue. The adiabatic approximation for the quark motion is used, and the flux tubes and junction are modeled by beads which are attracted to each other and the quarks by a linear potential, and vibrate in various string modes. Quantum numbers and estimates of the energies of the lightest hybrid baryons are provided.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX. Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    On the derivative of the associated Legendre function of the first kind of integer order with respect to its degree

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    In our recent works [R. Szmytkowski, J. Phys. A 39 (2006) 15147; corrigendum: 40 (2007) 7819; addendum: 40 (2007) 14887], we have investigated the derivative of the Legendre function of the first kind, Pν(z)P_{\nu}(z), with respect to its degree ν\nu. In the present work, we extend these studies and construct several representations of the derivative of the associated Legendre function of the first kind, Pν±m(z)P_{\nu}^{\pm m}(z), with respect to the degree ν\nu, for mNm\in\mathbb{N}. At first, we establish several contour-integral representations of Pν±m(z)/ν\partial P_{\nu}^{\pm m}(z)/\partial\nu. They are then used to derive Rodrigues-type formulas for [Pν±m(z)/ν]ν=n[\partial P_{\nu}^{\pm m}(z)/\partial\nu]_{\nu=n} with nNn\in\mathbb{N}. Next, some closed-form expressions for [Pν±m(z)/ν]ν=n[\partial P_{\nu}^{\pm m}(z)/\partial\nu]_{\nu=n} are obtained. These results are applied to find several representations, both explicit and of the Rodrigues type, for the associated Legendre function of the second kind of integer degree and order, Qn±m(z)Q_{n}^{\pm m}(z); the explicit representations are suitable for use for numerical purposes in various regions of the complex zz-plane. Finally, the derivatives [2Pνm(z)/ν2]ν=n[\partial^{2}P_{\nu}^{m}(z)/\partial\nu^{2}]_{\nu=n}, [Qνm(z)/ν]ν=n[\partial Q_{\nu}^{m}(z)/\partial\nu]_{\nu=n} and [Qνm(z)/ν]ν=n1[\partial Q_{\nu}^{m}(z)/\partial\nu]_{\nu=-n-1}, all with m>nm>n, are evaluated in terms of [Pνm(±z)/ν]ν=n[\partial P_{\nu}^{-m}(\pm z)/\partial\nu]_{\nu=n}.Comment: LateX, 40 pages, 1 figure, extensive referencin

    The structures and biological activities of the lipo-oligosaccharide nodulation signals produced by type I and II strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum

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    Bradyrhizobium japonicum produces lipo-oligosaccharide signal molecules that induce deformation of root hairs and meristematic activity on soybeans. B. japonicum USDA135 (a Type I strain) produces modified chitin pentasaccharide molecules with either a terminal N-C16:0- or N-C18:1-glucosamine with and without an O-acetyl group at C-6 and with 2-O-methylfucose linked to C-6 of the reducing N-acetylglucosamine. An additional molecule has N-C16:1-glucosamine and no O-acetyl group. All of these molecules cause root hair deformation on Vicia sativa and Glycine soja. The C18:1-containing molecules were tested and found to induce meristem formation on G. soja. USDA61 (a Type II strain) produces eight additional molecules. Five have a carbamoyl group on the terminal N-acylglucosamine. Six have chitin tetrasaccharide backbones. Three have a terminal N-acyl-N-methylglucosaminosyl residue. In four molecules, the reducing-end N-acetylglucosamine is glycosidically linked to glycerol and has a branching fucosyl, rather than a 2-O-methylfucosyl, residue. One molecule has a terminal N-acylglucosamine that has both acetyl and carbamoyl groups (one each).Plant science

    Threshold analyses and Lorentz violation

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    In the context of threshold investigations of Lorentz violation, we discuss the fundamental principle of coordinate invariance, the role of an effective dynamical framework, and the conditions of positivity and causality. Our analysis excludes a variety of previously considered Lorentz-breaking parameters and opens an avenue for viable dispersion-relation investigations of Lorentz violation.Comment: 9 page

    In-situ X-ray computed tomography characterisation of 3D fracture evolution and image-based numerical homogenisation of concrete

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    In-situ micro X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) tests of concrete cubes under progressive compressive loading were carried out to study 3D fracture evolution. Both direct segmentation of the tomography and digital volume correlation (DVC) mapping of the displacement field were used to characterise the fracture evolution. Realistic XCT-image based finite element (FE) models under periodic boundaries were built for asymptotic homogenisation of elastic properties of the concrete cube with Young’s moduli of cement and aggregates measured by micro-indentation tests. It is found that the elastic moduli obtained from the DVC analysis and the FE homogenisation are comparable and both within the Reuss-Voigt theoretical bounds, and these advanced techniques (in-situ XCT, DVC, micro-indentation and image-based simulations) offer highly-accurate, complementary functionalities for both qualitative understanding of complex 3D damage and fracture evolution and quantitative evaluation of key material properties of concrete

    Predictions of total and total reaction cross sections for nucleon-nucleus scattering up to 300 MeV

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    Total reaction cross sections are predicted for nucleons scattering from various nuclei. Projectile energies to 300 MeV are considered. So also are mass variations of those cross sections at selected energies. All predictions have been obtained from coordinate space optical potentials formed by full folding effective two-nucleon (NN) interactions with one body density matrix elements (OBDME) of the nuclear ground states. Good comparisons with data result when effective NN interactions defined by medium modification of free NN t matrices are used. Coupled with analyses of differential cross sections, these results are sensitive to details of the model ground states used to describe nuclei

    Haematological and biochemical parameters in Churra-da-Terra-Quente ewes from the northeast of Portugal

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    Hematological and biochemical parameters, including plasma electrolytes and thyroid hormones, were determined in 73 clinically healthy Churra-da-Terra-Quente ewes, a typical breed from the northeast of Portugal. The hemogram values were: erythrocytes 9.8±1.51012/L; haemoglobin 118.1±19.1g/L; haematocrit 40.8±5.9%; leukocytes 5.7±1.8109/L; and platelets 544.3±177.2109/L. The thrombin time was 17.3±1.7 seconds. The values of biochemical parameters were: total protein 76.4±6.1g/L; glucose 2.87±0.60mmol/L; total cholesterol 1.65±0.33mmol/L; aspartate aminotransferase 155.9±49.2U/L; alanine aminotransferase 23.2±9.6U/L; γ-glutamyl transferase 48.0±18.7U/L; total alkaline phosphatase 121.6±76.1U/L; glutamate dehydrogenase 6.4±3.7U/L; urea 7.32±2.22mmol/L; creatinine 123.0±54.1μmol/L; total calcium 2.53±0.25mmol/L; phosphorus 2.10±0.46mmol/L; magnesium 1.01±0.09mmol/L; sodium 152.04±3.65mmol/L; potassium 4.7±0.4mmol/L; ionized calcium 1.32±0.07mmol/L; total thyroxine 111.75±42.29nmol/L; total triiodothyronine 1.01±0.28nmol/L; free T4 11.93±1.78pmol/L; free T3 4.22±1.33pmol/L; and thyroid-stimulating hormone 0.18±0.19μIU/mL. Although differences among the Churra-da-Terra-Quente breed and other breeds may occur, the hematological and biochemical parameters, plasma electrolytes, and thyroid hormones, for this indigenous breed, were generally situated within the reference intervals previously reported for sheep

    Heavy quarkonium: progress, puzzles, and opportunities

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    A golden age for heavy quarkonium physics dawned a decade ago, initiated by the confluence of exciting advances in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and an explosion of related experimental activity. The early years of this period were chronicled in the Quarkonium Working Group (QWG) CERN Yellow Report (YR) in 2004, which presented a comprehensive review of the status of the field at that time and provided specific recommendations for further progress. However, the broad spectrum of subsequent breakthroughs, surprises, and continuing puzzles could only be partially anticipated. Since the release of the YR, the BESII program concluded only to give birth to BESIII; the BB-factories and CLEO-c flourished; quarkonium production and polarization measurements at HERA and the Tevatron matured; and heavy-ion collisions at RHIC have opened a window on the deconfinement regime. All these experiments leave legacies of quality, precision, and unsolved mysteries for quarkonium physics, and therefore beg for continuing investigations. The plethora of newly-found quarkonium-like states unleashed a flood of theoretical investigations into new forms of matter such as quark-gluon hybrids, mesonic molecules, and tetraquarks. Measurements of the spectroscopy, decays, production, and in-medium behavior of c\bar{c}, b\bar{b}, and b\bar{c} bound states have been shown to validate some theoretical approaches to QCD and highlight lack of quantitative success for others. The intriguing details of quarkonium suppression in heavy-ion collisions that have emerged from RHIC have elevated the importance of separating hot- and cold-nuclear-matter effects in quark-gluon plasma studies. This review systematically addresses all these matters and concludes by prioritizing directions for ongoing and future efforts.Comment: 182 pages, 112 figures. Editors: N. Brambilla, S. Eidelman, B. K. Heltsley, R. Vogt. Section Coordinators: G. T. Bodwin, E. Eichten, A. D. Frawley, A. B. Meyer, R. E. Mitchell, V. Papadimitriou, P. Petreczky, A. A. Petrov, P. Robbe, A. Vair

    Psychosocial Treatment of Children in Foster Care: A Review

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    A substantial number of children in foster care exhibit psychiatric difficulties. Recent epidemiologi-cal and historical trends in foster care, clinical findings about the adjustment of children in foster care, and adult outcomes are reviewed, followed by a description of current approaches to treatment and extant empirical support. Available interventions for these children can be categorized as either symptom-focused or systemic, with empirical support for specific methods ranging from scant to substantial. Even with treatment, behavioral and emotional problems often persist into adulthood, resulting in poor functional outcomes. We suggest that self-regulation may be an important mediat-ing factor in the appearance of emotional and behavioral disturbance in these children