756 research outputs found

    Current trends on subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation in recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders Attualità in tema di petrosectomia subtotale con impianto cocleare nelle patologie croniche dellorecchio medio recalcitranti

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    Obiettivo. Stabilire la sicurezza ed efficacia dell’intervento di petrosectomia subtotale con posizionamento di impianto cocleare nei pazienti affetti da patologia cronica dell’orecchio medio refrattaria a precedenti trattamenti chirurgici. Metodi. È stato svolto uno studio retrospettivo multicentrico riguardante quei pazienti af- fetti da patologie croniche dell’orecchio medio recalcitranti, sottoposti a petrosectomia subtotale con posizionamento di impianto cocleare. Le informazioni sono state raccolte dai database di 11 centri di riferimento di III livello in Italia. A complemento, è stata svolta una revisione della più recente letteratura. Risultati. Nello studio sono stati inclusi 55 pazienti con un follow-up medio di 44 mesi. Il colesteatoma ha rappresentato la più comune pato- logia ricorrente dell’orecchio medio e il 50,9% dei pazienti aveva una cavità aperta. L’80% dei pazienti è stato sottoposto ad una chirurgia a singolo stadio. Sette pazienti hanno mostrato complicanze post-operatorie, di cui un caso di espianto. Conclusioni. L’intervento di petrosectomia subtotale con posizionamento di impianto cocleare rappresenta una tecnica chirurgica di riferimento per la gestione dei pazienti affetti da otite media cronica recalcitrante. L’intervento chirurgico a singolo stadio è la strategia più frequentemente raccomandata. Il follow-up ottimale è ancora ad oggi oggetto di dibattito. Sono richiesti ulteriori studi per stabilire il ruolo di questo intervento nei pazienti pediatrici.Objective. To establish the safety and effectiveness of subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation in patients affected by chronic middle ear disorders to refractory to previous surgical treatments. Methods. A multicentre, retrospective study was conducted on patients affected by recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders who underwent cochlear implantation in combination with subtotal petrosectomy. Patients’ details were collected from databases of 11 Italian tertiary referral centres. Additionally, a review of the most updated literature was carried out. Results. 55 patients were included with a mean follow-up time of 44 months. Cholesteatoma was the most common middle ear recurrent pathology and 50.9% of patients had an open cavity. 80% of patients underwent a single stage surgery. One case of explantation for device failure was reported among the 7 patients with post-operative complications. Conclusions. Subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation is a benchmark for management of patients with recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders. A single stage procedure is the most recommended strategy. Optimal follow-up is still debated. Further studies are required to investigate the role of this surgery in paediatric patients

    Current trends on subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation in recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders

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    Objective. To establish the safety and effectiveness of subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation in patients affected by chronic middle ear disorders to refractory to previous surgical treatments. Methods. A multicentre, retrospective study was conducted on patients affected by recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders who underwent cochlear implantation in combi-nation with subtotal petrosectomy. Patients’ details were collected from databases of 11 Italian tertiary referral centres. Additionally, a review of the most updated literature was carried out. Results. 55 patients were included with a mean follow-up time of 44 months. Cholestea-toma was the most common middle ear recurrent pathology and 50.9% of patients had an open cavity. 80% of patients underwent a single stage surgery. One case of explantation for device failure was reported among the 7 patients with post-operative complications. Conclusions. Subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation is a benchmark for management of patients with recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders. A single stage procedure is the most recommended strategy. Optimal follow-up is still debated. Further studies are required to investigate the role of this surgery in paediatric patients

    An improved geometric inequality via vanishing moments, with applications to singular Liouville equations

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    We consider a class of singular Liouville equations on compact surfaces motivated by the study of Electroweak and Self-Dual Chern-Simons theories, the Gaussian curvature prescription with conical singularities and Onsager's description of turbulence. We analyse the problem of existence variationally, and show how the angular distribution of the conformal volume near the singularities may lead to improvements in the Moser-Trudinger inequality, and in turn to lower bounds on the Euler-Lagrange functional. We then discuss existence and non-existence results.Comment: some references adde

    Interpretation, Evaluation and the Semantic Gap ... What if we Were on a Side-Track?

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    International audienceA significant amount of research in Document Image Analysis, and Machine Perception in general, relies on the extraction and analysis of signal cues with the goal of interpreting them into higher level information. This paper gives an overview on how this interpretation process is usually considered, and how the research communities proceed in evaluating existing approaches and methods developed for realizing these processes. Evaluation being an essential part to measuring the quality of research and assessing the progress of the state-of-the art, our work aims at showing that classical evaluation methods are not necessarily well suited for interpretation problems, or, at least, that they introduce a strong bias, not necessarily visible at first sight, and that new ways of comparing methods and measuring performance are necessary. It also shows that the infamous {\em Semantic Gap} seems to be an inherent and unavoidable part of the general interpretation process, especially when considered within the framework of traditional evaluation. The use of Formal Concept Analysis is put forward to leverage these limitations into a new tool to the analysis and comparison of interpretation contexts

    Stress ocupacional no ensino : um estudo com professores dos 3º ciclo e ensino secundário

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    Este trabalho foi realizado com 689 professores portugueses, a leccionarem nos terceiro ciclo e ensino secundário. Foram avaliados indicadores de stress, “burnout”, saúde física e satisfação profissional. Observaram-se valores significativos de stress ocupacional (perto de 40%), e de “burnout” (10% na exaustão emocional, 3% na baixa realização pessoal e 1% na despersonalização), vários problemas de saúde física e valores de insatisfação profissional perto dos 20%. As análises de regressão múltipla apontaram diferentes variáveis preditoras para as três dimensões do “burnout” (62% de variância explicada na exaustão emocional, 16% na realização pessoal e 13% na despersonalização). As análises discriminantes e “t-test” para amostras independentes demonstraram maior stress ocupacional nas mulheres, nos professores mais velhos, nos profissionais com vínculos profissionais mais precários, nos professores com mais horas de trabalho e com mais alunos em sala de aula. No final, apresentam-se as limitações do estudo e as implicações para a investigação futura.(undefined

    The spin label amino acid TOAC and its uses in studies of peptides: chemical, physicochemical, spectroscopic, and conformational aspects

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    We review work on the paramagnetic amino acid 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-N-oxyl-4-amino-4-carboxylic acid, TOAC, and its applications in studies of peptides and peptide synthesis. TOAC was the first spin label probe incorporated in peptides by means of a peptide bond. In view of the rigid character of this cyclic molecule and its attachment to the peptide backbone via a peptide bond, TOAC incorporation has been very useful to analyze backbone dynamics and peptide secondary structure. Many of these studies were performed making use of EPR spectroscopy, but other physical techniques, such as X-ray crystallography, CD, fluorescence, NMR, and FT-IR, have been employed. The use of double-labeled synthetic peptides has allowed the investigation of their secondary structure. A large number of studies have focused on the interaction of peptides, both synthetic and biologically active, with membranes. In the latter case, work has been reported on ligands and fragments of GPCR, host defense peptides, phospholamban, and β-amyloid. EPR studies of macroscopically aligned samples have provided information on the orientation of peptides in membranes. More recent studies have focused on peptide–protein and peptide–nucleic acid interactions. Moreover, TOAC has been shown to be a valuable probe for paramagnetic relaxation enhancement NMR studies of the interaction of labeled peptides with proteins. The growth of the number of TOAC-related publications suggests that this unnatural amino acid will find increasing applications in the future

    Prazer e dor na docência: revisão bibliográfica sobre a Síndrome de Burnout

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    Os transtornos mentais, atualmente, são os principais responsáveis pelo afastamento do trabalho por longos períodos de tempo. São eles que conferem riscos para a manutenção da saúde mental, através do comportamento e da emoção. Burnout é o resultado ao estresse crônico, incrementado na interação com outras pessoas. Esta pesquisa objetiva apresentar algumas reflexões acerca dos principais fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da Síndrome de Burnout entre os docentes, a fim de compreendê-los dentro de um processo de desgaste físico-emocional em decorrência do trabalho. Para tanto, realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica, de natureza qualitativa, na base de dados da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS/BIREME), de artigos sobre a temática em questão. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram a carência de pesquisas nessa área. É necessário aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a manifestação do estresse ocupacional entre os docentes, a fim de se compreender e elucidar alguns problemas enfrentados por essa atividade, como a insatisfação profissional, o baixo rendimento no trabalho, o absenteísmo e algumas doenças ocupacionais, dentre elas o Burnout.Today, the mental disorders are mainly responsible ones for the absence from work for long periods of time. They are who confer risks for the maintenance of the mental health, through the behavior and of the emotion. Burnout is a reply of one stress chronic, caused by the interaction with other people. This research aims to present some reflections on the main risk factors for the development of Syndrome of Burnout between teachers, in order to understand them within a physical and emotional wear as a result of the work. For such, a bibliographic search, of qualitative nature, was made in the Virtual Health Library (BVS/BIREME), articles on the topic in question. The results of this study demonstrate the lack of research in this area. It is necessaryto increase knowledge about the manifestation occupational stress between teachers, in order to understand and elucidate some problems faced by this activity, such as dissatisfaction, low work performance, absenteeism and some occupational diseases, among them Burnout