3,882 research outputs found

    Magnetic nanoparticles: from the nanostructure to the physical properties

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    Some of the synthesis methods and physical properties of iron-oxide based magnetic nanoparticles such as Fe3-xO4 and CoxFe3-xO4 are reviewed because of their interest in health, environmental applications, and ultra-high-density magnetic recording. Unlike high crystalline quality nanoparticles larger than a few nanometers that show bulk-like magnetic and electronic properties, nanostructures with increasing structural defects yield a progressive worsening of their general performance due to frozen magnetic disorder and local breaking of their crystalline symmetry. Thus, it is shown that single-crystal, monophasic nanoparticles do not exhibit significant surface or finite-size effects, such as spin canting, reduced saturation magnetization, high closure magnetic fields, hysteresis-loop shift or dead magnetic layer features which are mostly associated with crystallographic defective systems. Besides, the key role of the nanoparticle coating, surface anisotropy, and inter-particle interactions are discussed. Finally, the results of some single particle techniques -- magnetic force microscopy, X-ray photoemission electron microscopy, and electron magnetic chiral dichroism -- that allow studying individual nanoparticles down to sub-nanometer resolution with element, valence and magnetic selectivity, are presented. All in all, the intimate, fundamental correlation of the nanostructure (crystalline, chemical, magnetic) to the physical properties of the nanoparticles is ascertained

    Conventional Matrices Loaded Onto a Graphene Layer Enhances MALDI-TOF/TOF Signal: Its Application to Improve Detection of Phosphorylated Peptides

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    International audienceThis is the first study where graphene is used as a MALDI adjuvant in combination with the traditional matrix α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA) to improve the signal intensity of peptide samples. Use of this amended matrix not only leads to increased signals but also to a higher number of peaks detected in complex samples. Additionally, the use of graphene has a stabilizing effect that can also be exploited to improve the detection of easily cleavable molecules

    Evolución de los Derechos de Sucesión en Ecuador: Análisis de reformas legislativas recientes y su efecto en la distribución equitativa de bienes hereditarios

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    Succession rights, as a fundamental part of the Ecuadorian legal system, have undergone substantial changes in recent times. This study focuses on the legislative evolution of these rights in Ecuador, with emphasis on the most recent reforms and their impact on the equitable distribution of hereditary property. Through the analysis of relevant laws, judicial precedents and notarial practices, we seek to understand the evolution of the legal framework and how these transformations have influenced the protection of the rights of heirs and the equitable distribution of inheritance. In particular, key reforms are examined such as the General Organic Code of Processes (COGEP) of 2015 and the Organic Law of the Right to Succession (LODH) of 2018, which introduced provisions to streamline succession procedures and ensure the fair distribution of assets. . The importance of these reforms is highlighted to protect the rights of heirs, particularly those considered forced heirs, such as spouses and children, as well as to promote gender equality and eliminate possible discrimination in matters of inheritance. Despite these legislative advances, challenges remain to effectively implement these regulations, particularly in rural areas and indigenous communities, where traditional practices may conflict with existing legislation.Los derechos de sucesión, como parte fundamental del ordenamiento jurídico ecuatoriano, han sufrido cambios sustanciales en los últimos tiempos. Este estudio se centra en la evolución legislativa de estos derechos en el Ecuador, con énfasis en las reformas más recientes y su impacto en la distribución equitativa de la propiedad hereditaria. A través del análisis de leyes relevantes, precedentes judiciales y prácticas notariales, buscamos comprender la evolución del marco legal y cómo estas transformaciones han influido en la protección de los derechos de los herederos y la distribución equitativa de la herencia. En particular, se examinan reformas clave como el Código Orgánico General de Procesos (COGEP) de 2015 y la Ley Orgánica del Derecho a la Sucesión (LODH) de 2018, que introdujo disposiciones para agilizar los procedimientos sucesorios y garantizar la distribución justa de los bienes. Se destaca la importancia de estas reformas para proteger los derechos de los herederos, particularmente aquellos considerados herederos forzosos, como cónyuges e hijos, así como para promover la igualdad de género y eliminar posibles discriminaciones en materia de herencia. A pesar de estos avances legislativos, persisten desafíos para implementar efectivamente estas regulaciones, particularmente en áreas rurales y comunidades indígenas, donde las prácticas tradicionales pueden entrar en conflicto con la legislación existente

    Modelling the Inorganic Bromine Partitioning in the Tropical Tropopause over the Pacific Ocean

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    The stratospheric inorganic bromine burden (Bry) arising from the degradation of brominated very short-lived organic substances (VSL org ), and its partitioning between reactive and reservoir species, is needed for a comprehensive assessment of the ozone depletion potential of brominated trace gases. Here we present modelled inorganic bromine abundances over the Pacific tropical tropopause based on aircraft observations of VSL org of two campaigns of the Airborne Tropical TRopopause EXperiment (ATTREX 2013 carried out over eastern Pacific and ATTREX 2014 carried out over the western Pacific) and chemistry-climate simulations (along ATTREX flight tracks) using the specific meteorology prevailing. Using the Community Atmosphere Model with Chemistry (CAM-Chem), we model that BrO and Br are the daytime dominant species. Integrated across all ATTREX flights BrO represents ~ 43 % and 48 % of daytime Bry abundance at 17 km over the Western and Eastern Pacific, respectively. The results also show zones where Br/BrO >1 depending on the solar zenith angle (SZA), ozone concentration and temperature. On the other hand, BrCl and BrONO 2 were found to be the dominant night-time species with ~ 61% and 56 % of abundance at 17 km over the Western and Eastern Pacific, respectively. The western-to-eastern differences in the partitioning of inorganic bromine are explained by different abundances of ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) , and total inorganic chlorine (Cly).Fil: Navarro, María A.. University of Miami; Estados UnidosFil: Saiz-lopez, Alfonso. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Química Física; EspañaFil: Cuevas, Carlos Alberto. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Química Física; EspañaFil: Fernandez, Rafael Pedro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina. Universidad Tecnologica Nacional. Facultad Regional Mendoza. Secretaría de Ciencia, Tecnología y Postgrado; ArgentinaFil: Atlas, Elliot. University of Miami; Estados UnidosFil: Rodriguez Lloeveras, Xavier. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Química Física; EspañaFil: Kinnison, Douglas E.. National Center For Atmospheric Research. Amospheric Chemistry División; Estados UnidosFil: Lamarque, Jean Francois. National Center For Atmospheric Research. Amospheric Chemistry División; Estados UnidosFil: Tilmes, Simone. National Center For Atmospheric Research. Amospheric Chemistry División; Estados UnidosFil: Thornberry, Troy. State University of Colorado at Boulder; Estados Unidos. Earth System Research Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Rollins, Andrew. State University of Colorado at Boulder; Estados Unidos. Earth System Research Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Elkins, James W.. Earth System Research Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Hintsa, Eric J.. State University of Colorado at Boulder; Estados Unidos. Earth System Research Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Moore, Fred L.. State University of Colorado at Boulder; Estados Unidos. Earth System Research Laboratory; Estados Unido

    The AXIOM software layers

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    AXIOM project aims at developing a heterogeneous computing board (SMP-FPGA).The Software Layers developed at the AXIOM project are explained.OmpSs provides an easy way to execute heterogeneous codes in multiple cores. People and objects will soon share the same digital network for information exchange in a world named as the age of the cyber-physical systems. The general expectation is that people and systems will interact in real-time. This poses pressure onto systems design to support increasing demands on computational power, while keeping a low power envelop. Additionally, modular scaling and easy programmability are also important to ensure these systems to become widespread. The whole set of expectations impose scientific and technological challenges that need to be properly addressed.The AXIOM project (Agile, eXtensible, fast I/O Module) will research new hardware/software architectures for cyber-physical systems to meet such expectations. The technical approach aims at solving fundamental problems to enable easy programmability of heterogeneous multi-core multi-board systems. AXIOM proposes the use of the task-based OmpSs programming model, leveraging low-level communication interfaces provided by the hardware. Modular scalability will be possible thanks to a fast interconnect embedded into each module. To this aim, an innovative ARM and FPGA-based board will be designed, with enhanced capabilities for interfacing with the physical world. Its effectiveness will be demonstrated with key scenarios such as Smart Video-Surveillance and Smart Living/Home (domotics).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Comparison of piezosurgery and conventional rotary instruments in schneider?s membrane sinus lifting : a pilot randomized trial

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    The present study aimed to evaluate and compare the postoperative effects of the piezoelectric device and conventional rotary instruments in Schneider's membrane sinus lifting procedure. Twenty patients requiring bilateral maxillary bone graft augmenta

    Injection of iodine to the stratosphere

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    © 2015. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. We report a new estimation of the injection of iodine into the stratosphere based on novel daytime (solar zenith angle < 45°) aircraft observations in the tropical tropopause layer and a global atmospheric model with the most recent knowledge about iodine photochemistry. The results indicate that significant levels of total reactive iodine (0.25-0.7 parts per trillion by volume), between 2 and 5 times larger than the accepted upper limits, can be injected into the stratosphere via tropical convective outflow. At these iodine levels, modeled iodine catalytic cycles account for up to 30% of the contemporary ozone loss in the tropical lower stratosphere and can exert a stratospheric ozone depletion potential equivalent to, or even larger than, that of very short-lived bromocarbons. Therefore, we suggest that iodine sources and chemistry need to be considered in assessments of the historical and future evolution of the stratospheric ozone layer.Peer Reviewe

    Injection of iodine to the stratosphere

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    We report a new estimation of the injection of iodine into the stratosphere based on novel daytime (solar zenith angle < 45°) aircraft observations in the tropical tropopause layer and a global atmospheric model with the most recent knowledge about iodine photochemistry. The results indicate that significant levels of total reactive iodine (0.25-0.7 parts per trillion by volume), between 2 and 5 times larger than the accepted upper limits, can be injected into the stratosphere via tropical convective outflow. At these iodine levels, modeled iodine catalytic cycles account for up to 30% of the contemporary ozone loss in the tropical lower stratosphere and can exert a stratospheric ozone depletion potential equivalent to, or even larger than, that of very short-lived bromocarbons. Therefore, we suggest that iodine sources and chemistry need to be considered in assessments of the historical and future evolution of the stratospheric ozone layer.Fil: Saiz López, Alfonso. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Química Física; España. National Center For Atmospheric Research. Amospheric Chemistry División; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Baidar, S.. Cooperative Institute For Research In Environmental Science; Estados Unidos. State University of Colorado at Boulder; Estados UnidosFil: Cuevas, Carlos Alberto. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Química Física; EspañaFil: Koening, T. K.. State University of Colorado at Boulder; Estados UnidosFil: Fernandez, Rafael Pedro. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Química Física; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Dix, Barbara. State University of Colorado at Boulder; Estados UnidosFil: Douglas E. KINNISON. National Center For Atmospheric Research. Amospheric Chemistry División; Estados UnidosFil: Jean-Francoise LAMARQUE. National Center For Atmospheric Research. Amospheric Chemistry División; Estados UnidosFil: Xavier Rodriguez-Lloeveras. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Química Física; EspañaFil: Campos, T.L.. National Center For Atmospheric Research. Amospheric Chemistry División; Estados UnidosFil: Volkamer, Rainer. Cooperative Institute For Research In Environmental Science; Estados Unidos. State University of Colorado at Boulder; Estados Unido

    Active wetting of epithelial tissues

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    Development, regeneration and cancer involve drastic transitions in tissue morphology. In analogy with the behavior of inert fluids, some of these transitions have been interpreted as wetting transitions. The validity and scope of this analogy are unclear, however, because the active cellular forces that drive tissue wetting have been neither measured nor theoretically accounted for. Here we show that the transition between 2D epithelial monolayers and 3D spheroidal aggregates can be understood as an active wetting transition whose physics differs fundamentally from that of passive wetting phenomena. By combining an active polar fluid model with measurements of physical forces as a function of tissue size, contractility, cell-cell and cell-substrate adhesion, and substrate stiffness, we show that the wetting transition results from the competition between traction forces and contractile intercellular stresses. This competition defines a new intrinsic lengthscale that gives rise to a critical size for the wetting transition in tissues, a striking feature that has no counterpart in classical wetting. Finally, we show that active shape fluctuations are dynamically amplified during tissue dewetting. Overall, we conclude that tissue spreading constitutes a prominent example of active wetting --- a novel physical scenario that may explain morphological transitions during tissue morphogenesis and tumor progression

    Eficiencia agronómica del arroz INIAP-17 con niveles de fertilización química y biológica en el Litoral Ecuatoriano

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    The investigation was carried out in the experimental farm of the College of Agricultural Sciences of the Technical University of Babahoyo, canton Babahoyo. Ten treatments were evaluated with three repetitions. The objective was to analyze the influence of four organic bioestimulantes on the efficiency of the conventional chemical fertilization in rice (Oryza sativa), to measure the effect on the agronomic behavior of the cultivation. The variety of rice INIAP-17 was sowed in parcels of 20 m2. The treatments were distributed at random in a design of complete blocks. For the evaluation of stockings the test was used from Tukey to significancia 5%. At the end of the cycle of the cultivation was evaluated: height of plants, sprout number for m2, grains for panicles, length and number of panicles m2, days to flowering, days to crop, number of grains for panicles, weight 1000 grains and yield for hectare. The results determined that the application of a program of high fertilization level (140-60-90-30 kg/ha, of N-P-K-S) + Azospirillum 3 L/ha, the grain yield increased with increments of 23,44% with relationship to the witness. In the same way applications of Bacilllus and Azotobacter more levels means (120-40-60-20) and first floor (100-30-40-10) of application of N-P-K-S, they don't impact in days to the flowering, tipping, weight of 1000 grains, number of grains for panicles and relationship grain/straw.La investigación fue realizada en la granja experimental de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, cantón Babahoyo. Se investigaron diez tratamientos y tres repeticiones. El objetivo fue analizar la influencia de cuatro bioestimulantes orgánicos sobre la eficiencia de la fertilización química convencional en arroz (Oryza sativa), para medir el efecto sobre el comportamiento agronómico del cultivo. Se sembró la variedad de arroz INIAP-17 en parcelas de 20 m2. Los tratamientos se distribuyeron en un diseño de bloques completos al azar. Para la evaluación de medias se utilizó la prueba de Tukey al 5 % de significancia. Al final del ciclo del cultivo se evaluó altura de plantas, número de macollos por m2, granos por panícula, longitud y número de panículas m2, días a floración, días a cosecha, número de granos por panícula, peso 1000 granos y rendimiento por hectárea. Los resultados determinaron que l aplicación de un programa de alto nivel de fertilización (140-60-90 kg/ha) + Azospirillum 3 L/ha, aumentó el rendimiento de grano con incrementos del 23,44 % con relación al testigo. De la misma manera aplicaciones de Bacilllus y Azotobacter&nbsp; más niveles medios y bajos de aplicación de N-P-K-S, no inciden en días a la floración, volcamiento, peso de 1000 granos, número de granos por panícula y relación grano/paja. La variedad&nbsp; INIAP-17 con la aplicación de un programa de alto nivel de fertilización (140 N-60 P-90 K-30 S kg/ha) + Azospirillum 3 L/ha (5236,5 kg/ha) obtuvo un rendimiento superior a otros tratamientos