208 research outputs found

    La experiencia de la UAM-AZC: con modelos estructurales de experimentación como material didáctico

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    Ponencia presentada a Session 3: Educación y arquitectura en las universidades / Architectural education in the universitie

    Pre-silicon FEC decoding verification on SoC FPGAs

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    Forward error correction (FEC) decoding hardware modules are challenging to verify at pre-silicon stage, when they are usually described at register-transfer (RT)/logic level with a hardware description language (HDL). They tend to hide faults due to their inherent tendency to correct errors and the required simulations with a massive insertion of inputs are too slow. In this work, two verification techniques based on FPGA-prototyping are applied in order to complement the mentioned simulations: golden model vs implementation matching with thousands of random codewords and codeword/bit error rate (CER/BER) curve computation. For this purpose, a system on chip (SoC) field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is used, implementing in the programmable hardware part several replicas of the decoder (exploiting the parallel capabilities of hardware) and managing the verification by parallel programming the software part of the SoC (exploiting the presence of multiple processing cores). The presented approach allows a seamless integration with high-level models, does not need expensive testing/emulation platforms and obtains the results in a reasonable amount of time.This work has been supported by Project TEC2017-86722-C4-3-R, funded by Spanish MICINN/AEI

    Use of water troughs by wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in a farmland area of north–west Spain

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    P. 233-240Use of water troughs by wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in a farmland area of north–west Spain.— Installation of water troughs is a common approach to increase densities of small game species in the Iberian peninsula but little is known about the watering patterns of target species, such as the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Using camera trapping, we monitored the use of water troughs by wild rabbits over 228 weeks in three consecutive periods, from June to October in 2008, 2009 and 2010, on farmland in north–west Spain. Wild rabbits used 43% of the water troughs. A significantly higher number of rabbits were observed drinking at troughs surrounded by shrub cover than at those in open fields. Most drinking events were recorded from July to September (98%), though the use of water troughs was not clearly related to weather. Wild rabbits drank mainly during the morning (52% of rabbits), less so in the evening and at night, and rarely in the afternoon. Wild rabbits were photographed together with red–legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) in 6% of photographs. These findings suggest water troughs are useful for species such as wild rabbits and should be allocated close to shrub areas. Uso de bebederos por parte del conejo de monte (Oryctolagus cuniculus) en un paisaje agrícola en el noroeste de España.— En la península Ibérica, los bebederos son una herramienta de gestión de hábitat muy frecuente para incrementar las densidades de especies de caza menor, aunque el comportamiento de ingestión de agua de las especies "diana" no se ha estudiado en profundidad, como es el caso del conejo de monte (Oryctolagus cuniculus).Estudiamos el uso de bebederos por parte de conejos de monte durante 228 períodos de una semana en tres períodos consecutivos (junio–octubre) de 2008, 2009 y 2010 en un paisaje agrícola de noroeste de España, utilizando cámaras de fototrampeo. Los conejos utilizaron el 43% de los bebederos y se observó un número significativamente mayor de conejos bebiendo en bebederos rodeados por cobertura vegetal en comparación con bebederos situados en campos abiertos sin dicha cobertura vegetal. La mayoría de los conejos que bebieron fueron fotografiados de julio a septiembre (98%), si bien la utilización de bebederos no se relacionó claramente con la climatología. Los conejos bebieron principalmente durante la mañana (52% de los conejos) no tanto durante la tarde y noche, y raramente durante el mediodía. Los conejos se fotografiaron junto con perdices rojas (Alectoris rufa) en el 6% de las fotografías. Estos hallazgos sugieren que los bebederos son útiles para el conejo y otras especies con necesidades hídricas similares y que debieran ser colocados cerca de zonas con cobertura vegetal arbustiva.S

    Influence of the emotional alterations in the arterial stiffness index and cardiovascular risk of pre-hypertensive patients

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    Purpose: To determine the influence of emotional alterations in the arterial stiffness index and cardiovascular risk of pre-hypertensive patients.Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 48 pre-hypertensive patients. Emotional alterations, global cardiovascular risk and arterial stiffness index were evaluated. The PPG technique was used to record the arterial pulse wave in the first finger of the lower right limb, using the ANGIODIN® digital plethysmograph.Results: Pre-hypertensive patients with emotional alterations had major Weight, Body Mass Index, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and arterial stiffness index with respect to patients who did not find emotional alterations. In pre-hypertensive patients, 58.3% presented a positive Cornell test, 39.6% of them female, and 18.8% male. There was a significant relationship (p<0.001) between the presence of emotional disturbances and moderate cardiovascular risk.Conclusions: Emotional alterations in pre-hypertensive patients is associated with an increase in arterial stiffness and an increased global cardiovascular risk

    Behavioural activity of wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) under semi-natural rearing systems: establishing a seasonal pattern

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    P. 263-270The activity of 2 populations of wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus, L. 1758), consisting of 14 adults (>9 mo of age) each (4 males and 10 females), was analysed over 2 consecutive years. Rabbits were captured in the wild and kept in 2 separate enclosures of 0.5 ha, with each enclosure divided into 2 zones: a smaller area where warrens were located (breeding area) and a larger area where food and water were provided (feeding area). Seven rabbits in each enclosure were individually tagged with a microchip (2 males and 5 females) and, after installing 2 detection devices, it was possible to identify which of the 2 areas they were located in and record the length of time spent in each. To regulate the size of the breeding population, young rabbits produced in the enclosures were captured and removed regularly. Considering the number of movements between areas and the time spent in the feeding area, a circadian activity pattern was found, reporting 2 maximum activity peaks coinciding with twilight (18.35% of the total movements, 6-8 a.m.) and daybreak (22.95%, 7-10 p.m.) while activity was dramatically decreased during the midday hours (1.86%, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.). Rabbits displayed a seasonal pattern throughout the year, with maximum activity levels during winter (45.76% of the total movements, January-March) and spring (42.91%, April-June), which could be related to higher reproductive activity at this time of the year as a higher breeding output was reported in June and September. The levels of activity exhibited by males (13.44% daily activity rate) were significantly higher than those displayed by females (9.80%). No significant differences were found regarding time spent on the feeding area in relation to season or gender. The average duration of each foray to the feeding area was higher during the summer, higher for females than males and higher during the middle of the night than the rest of the day.S

    An approach to the statistics of wild lagomorph captive rearing for releasing purposes in Spain

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    P. 49-56Despite the importance of rearing wild lagomorphs in captivity for hunting and predator conservation in Spain, little is known about this production sector. Taking official data into account, in this work the number and distribution of farms in Spain and the possible number of animals produced were analysed during the period 2005-2010. In 2010, 114 wild rabbit farms were widely distributed throughout the country (especially Cataluña, Galicia, Andalucía and Castilla La Mancha regions), while 21 hare farms were registered, the majority in Extremadura, Castilla La Mancha and Andalucía. A possible production figure of 225 000-265 000 rabbits and 1 034 hares was estimated in 2010. Game farms of wild lagomorphs are established in Spain and placement would be related to a high demand for hunting and predator conservation in certain regions. Although more research is needed, the number of animals produced would be an important part of the total animals released to the wild.S

    Evolución del sector de la producción del toro de lidia en España. Censos y ganaderías

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    P. 207-221En este trabajo se describe la situación de la producción del Toro de Lidia en España, ahondando en los orígenes, evolución y distribución de las ganaderías, analizando sus características actuales y su repercusión en la economía española, ofreciendo datos del número de ganaderías y festejos celebrados en los últimos 10 años y comparando los censos de la raza de Lidia con los del resto de razas bovinas. Abordamos la estructura básica de una ganadería “tipo” y sus peculiaridades económicas, productivas y de gestión. Se observa una progresión positiva en el número de ganaderías y de animales, consecuencia de un aumento en el número de festejos taurinos durante la pasada década. Sin embargo, en los últimos años la crisis económica ha hecho que los festejos desciendan en un 38%, lo que ha repercutido en una bajada de los precios de las reses, añadido a otros problemas como el aumento del coste de la alimentación. Por todo ello, se constata la emergencia de un momento crítico para las explotaciones de Lidia, que deberán adaptarse a la nueva situación aumentando la presión de selección y mejorando la oferta con productos de mayor calidad.S

    Una visión sobre la avicultura para la producción de caza en España

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    P. 169-183Se aborda la situación de la producción de aves para la Caza en España. Para ello se analiza la evolución histórica del sector desde sus comienzos hasta la actualidad, realizando una descripción de los sistemas productivos propuestos en las distintas etapas, enumerando los logros y problemas más notables y ofreciendo datos relativos al número de granjas y cantidad de aves producidas. En líneas generales el sector ha evolucionado hacia la obtención de un gran número de animales aptos para su caza directa mediante sistemas de producción intensiva, distribuidos en la mayor parte de la geografía nacional. Sin embargo, han aparecido un gran número de alteraciones de potencialidades etológicas, ya que un elevado porcentaje de individuos producidos no son capaces de expresar patrones antipredatorios correctamente, lo cual dificulta la supervivencia en el medio natural de la mayoría de los individuos liberados y ponen en riesgo las poblaciones silvestres. En consecuencia, urge el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas alternativos de producción semi-intensivos y semi-extensivos, compatibles con las nuevas directrices de sostenibilidad, bienestar animal y fomento de la biodiversidad, con el fin de obtener productos diferenciados de calidad y alto valor económico, en nuestro caso aves capaces de integrarse y reproducirse en el medio natural.S

    Project of the academic performance improvement

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    The transition of students from high school to university is a changing and complicated stage. It is during the initial phase when most drop-outs from engineering degrees occur. There are several reasons for this, however, the most highlighted ones are: i) the mismatch between the students knowledge level after finishing high school and the initial level required by the university degrees; and ii) the lack of a habit and constancy of study on the part of the students. The proposed project aims to design specific tools to improve academic performance in the initial phase of the Degree in Industrial Technologies imparted at ESEIAAT by addressing the two problems mentioned before. In light of this, the measures adopted to solve these points will be tackled separately and properly explained in the following two blocks: block I) Initial level acces, block II) Monitoring of self-learning. Finally, an assessment of the strategies followed will be carried out in a final phase, block III) Integration project