437 research outputs found

    Characterization of dynamical regimes and entanglement sudden death in a microcavity quantum - dot system

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    The relation between the dynamical regimes (weak and strong coupling) and entanglement for a dissipative quantum - dot microcavity system is studied. In the framework of a phenomenological temperature model an analysis in both, temporal (population dynamics) and frequency domain (photoluminescence) is carried out in order to identify the associated dynamical behavior. The Wigner function and concurrence are employed to quantify the entanglement in each regime. We find that sudden death of entanglement is a typical characteristic of the strong coupling regime.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Real time vehicle recognition: a novel method for road detection

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    Knowing the location of the road in an intelligent traffic systems is one of the most used solutions to ease vehicle detection. For this purpose we propose a vehicle recognition algorithm which performs a real time automatic detection of the zones which vehicles occupy. Such algorithm is capable of functioning under extreme conditions such as low resolution, low capture angle and gray scale images.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    E-Commerce, social media and Social Inclusion: A Typology of Users Over 60 Years of Age in Spain

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    The growth of e-commerce and the ageing of the world population converges in a situation which represents significant challenges for the economy: a large population of over 65year-olds with major limitations for online shopping. The digital division, although reduced in certain sectors, in others, such as e-commerce persists. This research involves the study of 405 subjects, Spanish seniors aged between 60 and 79, to discover and analyse the barriers, motivators and behaviour with regards to shopping online. Using a telephone survey and a random sample, a typology of users was established as per their behaviour and perception of e-commerce. The main finding is the segmentation in eleven typologies of users, identified through cluster analysis. The major conclusions confirm the barriers related to data security or levels of confidence. Furthermore, with basic digital skills, seniors consider themselves capable of completing purchases on the Internet. Online shoppers feel empowered being digitally self-sufficient, while non-shoppers desiring to be independent, require the implementation of measures to aid the process on commercial websites.El crecimiento del comercio electrónico y el envejecimiento de la población mundial convergen en una situación que representa importantes retos para la economía: una gran población de mayores de 65 años con grandes limitaciones para realizar compras en línea. La brecha digital, aunque se ha reducido en algunos sectores, en otros, como el del comercio electrónico, persiste. Esta investigación consiste en un estudio de 405 sujetos, españoles de entre 60 y 79 años, para conocer y analizar las barreras, las motivaciones y el comportamiento ante las compras online. Mediante una encuesta telefónica y con una muestra aleatoria, se estableció una tipología de usuarios según su comportamiento y percepción del comercio electrónico. El principal hallazgo es la segmentación en once tipologías de usuarios, identificadas a través del análisis de clúster. Las principales conclusiones confirman las barreras relacionadas con la seguridad de los datos o los niveles de confianza. Por otro lado, con unas habilidades digitales básicas, los mayores se consideran capaces de realizar compras en Internet. Los compradores online se sienten capacitados siendo autosuficientes digitalmente, mientras que los no compradores que desean ser independientes, requieren la implementación de medidas de ayuda al proceso en los sitios web comerciales

    Experimental setup and procedure for the measurement of the 7Be(n,p)7Li reaction at n_TOF

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    Following the completion of the second neutron beam line and the related experimental area (EAR2) at the n_TOF spallation neutron source at CERN, several experiments were planned and performed. The high instantaneous neutron flux available in EAR2 allows to investigate neutron induced reactions with charged particles in the exit channel even employing targets made out of small amounts of short-lived radioactive isotopes. After the successful measurement of the 7Be(n,) cross section, the 7Be(n,p)7Li reaction was studied in order to provide still missing cross section data of relevance for Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), in an attempt to find a solution to the cosmological Lithium abundance problem. This paper describes the experimental setup employed in such a measurement and its characterization.Séptimo Programa Marco de la Comunidad Europea de la Energía Atómica (Euratom)-Proyecto CHANDA (No. 605203)Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN)-UMO-2012/04/M/ST2/00700-UMO-2016/22/M/ST2/00183Croatian Science Foundation-HRZZ 168

    La vulnerabilidad estructural y las nuevas perspectivas en medicina social sobre la salud de los migrantes: entrevista a James Quesada y Seth M. Holmes

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    A decade ago, a number of English-speaking authors focused mainly on the analysis and intervention of processes of social determination of health of migrants developed the concept of structural vulnerability as a way to combat individualism, biologism, the invisibilization of processes of structural determination and the blaming of victims. As part of the historical contributions of social medicine, the current developments of the structural vulnerability approach have been disconnected from the discussions of the collective health movement and Latin American social medicine in general, among other reasons due to linguistic barriers associated with the scarcity of publications in Spanish. The present interview, conducted with two of the primary representatives of the structural vulnerability approach, investigates its historical origins and seeks to explore the specific contributions that are being made today, as a way to bring them closer to Spanish-speaking readers and so enable dialogue with the proposals of Latin American social medicine.Desde hace una década, varios autores anglófonos, centrados principalmente en el análisis e intervención de los procesos de determinación social de la salud de los migrantes, forjaron el concepto de vulnerabilidad estructural, como una forma de combatir el individualismo, el biologismo, la invisibilización de los procesos de determinación estructural y la culpabilización de las víctimas. Siendo parte de las contribuciones históricas de la medicina social, los actuales desarrollos de la aproximación sobre la vulnerabilidad estructural han quedado desconectadas de las discusiones del movimiento de la salud colectiva y la medicina social latinoamericana en general, entre otras razones, por las barreras lingüísticas asociadas a la escasez de sus publicaciones en español. La presente entrevista, realizada a dos de sus principales representantes, indaga los orígenes históricos de dicha aproximación y busca explorar las contribuciones específicas que hoy está realizando, como una forma de acercarlas a los lectores de habla hispana, favoreciendo el diálogo con las propuestas de medicina social latinoamericanas

    Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in “La Charca de Suárez” Wetlands, Spain

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    La Charca de Suárez (LCS) is a Protected Nature Reserve encompassing 4 lagoons located 300 m from the Mediterranean coast in southern Spain. LCS is a highly anthropized area, and its conservation is closely linked to the human use of water resources in its surroundings and within the reserve. Different methodologies were applied to determine the hydrodynamics of the lagoons and their connection to the Motril-Salobreña aquifer. Fieldwork was carried out to estimate the water balance of the lagoon complex, the groundwater flow directions, the lagoons-aquifer exchange flow and the hydrochemical characteristics of the water. The study focussed on the changes that take place during dry-wet periods that were detected in a 7-month period when measurements were collected. The lagoons were connected to the aquifer with a flow-through functioning under normal conditions. However, the predominant inlet to the system was the anthropic supply of surface water which fed one of the lagoons and produced changes in its flow pattern. Sea wave storms also altered the hydrodynamic of the lagoon complex and manifested a future threat to the conservation status of the wetland according to predicted climate change scenarios. This research presents the first study on this wetland and reveals the complex hydrological functioning of the system with high spatially and temporally variability controlled by climate conditions and human activity, setting a corner stone for future studies.This study was supported by grant CGL2016-77503-R from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), cofounded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union (EU), and the RNM-369 research group of the regional government of Andalusia

    Recent results in nuclear astrophysics at the n_TOF facility at CERN

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    The neutron time of flight (n_TOF) facility at CERN is a spallation source characterized by a white neutron spectrum. The innovative features of the facility, in the two experimental areas, (20 m and 185 m), allow for an accurate determination of the neutron cross section for radioactive samples or for isotopes with small neutron capture cross section, of interest for Nuclear Astrophysics. The recent results obtained at n_TOF facility are presented

    Calidad y diversidad de la dieta en la población urbana de Argentina

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    Una dieta variada se asocia a una mayor probabilidad de incorporar micronutrientes esenciales. El índice de diversidad de dieta (IDD) es el indicador que mide esta variedad, mientras que el índice de calidad de dieta (ICD) determina cuánto de esa diversidad refleja la inclusión de alimentos saludables. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la calidad y diversidad de la dieta de la población argentina identificando las diferencias por sexo, edad, nivel socioeconómico, estado nutricional y región. La muestra fue de 1266 sujetos de población urbana, de ambos sexos, entre 15 y 65 años y de todos los NSE. Se realizó una evaluación antropométrica y de la ingesta, a través de 2 recordatorios de 24 horas. El IDD se evaluó siguiendo las guías propuestas en el año 2016 por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura y el desarrollo del ICD se realizó siguiendo la metodología de Imamura y col. El ICD fue relativamente bajo, con un puntaje de 63.9%. El IDD fue de 4.48 de un máximo de 10, lo que refleja una dieta poca variada; adicionalmente, solo el 50% de la población informó una dieta variada. Estos indicadores fueron significativamente menores en las personas con bajo NSE. El IDD y el porcentaje de personas con dieta diversa fue mayor en los habitantes del área metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Este estudio evidenció que la calidad de la dieta en la población argentina es baja y con un consumo limitado de los grupos de alimentos que más aportan micronutrientesUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Salud::Facultad de Medicina::Escuela de MedicinaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas (IIP)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Centro de Investigación en Neurociencias (CIN

    Predicting environmental gradients with fern species composition in Brazilian Amazonia

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    Conclusions: Fern species composition can be used as an indicator of soil cation concentration, which can be expected to be relevant also for other components of rain forests. Presence-absence data are adequate for this purpose, which makes the collecting of additional data potentially very rapid. Comparison with earlier studies suggests that edaphic preferences of fern species have good transferability across geographical regions within lowland Amazonia. Therefore, species and environmental data sets already available in the Amazon region represent a good starting point for generating better environmental and floristic maps for conservation planning.</p