289 research outputs found

    Firms Output Growth And Financial Ratios

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    The central focus of this paper is on the relationship between output growth of the firm and its financial ratios. The analysis is based on managerial theories of the firm, in particular, on Baumols (1967) article that suggests sales revenue maximization as a goal of the firm instead of profit maximization. A cross-section equation was estimated for three Brazilian industries covering the year 2000. We regress a firms output growth on a constant and a vector of financial ratios. The results obtained from ordinary least-squares regressions show firms with good financial performance present higher output growth

    The Sources Of Experimental Science Teaching And Epistemological

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    Resumen Se discute la naturaleza de la Didáctica de las Ciencias en cuanto disciplina, considerándola comola“teoría práctica” o la “tecnociencia” relacionada con la educación en ciencias, un componente de esa práctica social que es la Educación. La noción de teoría práctica contrasta con la de teoría explicativa, la propia de las disciplinas científicas en sentido estricto. Desde esta comprensión de la naturaleza de nuestra disciplina se entiende que el saber experiencial o práctico de los docentes es una de sus fuentes fundamentales, a la par de las fuentes usualmente consideradas, a saber la filosofía de la educación, la disciplina científica objeto de aprendizaje (en sí misma y en su historia y epistemología), las disciplinas humanas y sociales (psicología, sociología, lingüística), y la investigación educativa. Abstract We discuss the nature of Science Education as a cognitive endeavor, considering it as the practical theory or “design science” related to scientific education, that component of the social practice called Education. The notion of practical theory contrasts with the notion of explanatory theory, the specificoneof the scientific disciplines strictusensu. This vision of the nature of Science Education Research implies that the experiential or practical knowledge of teachers is one of its main sources, at the same level as the sources normally considered: the philosophy of education, the scientific discipline to be learned (in itself and in its history and epistemology), the human and social disciplines (psychology, sociology, linguistics), and educational research proper

    Estudio descriptivo exploratorio de los problemas fundamentales que confronta el programa de riesgos profesionales frente a las reformas a la seguridad social en Panamá-II.

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    Objetivo General: Analizar los factores que influyen en la tendencia a la disminución del Balance Actuarial del Programa de Riesgos Profesionales. Objetivos Específicos 1. Investigar los problemas que afronta el Programa de Riesgos Profesionales en los últimos años los cuales han evidenciado un déficit. 2. Evaluar las propuestas que se han planteado en torno al programa y a las leyes que lo rigen. 3. Evaluar el comportamiento del flujo de caja del Programa de Riesgos Profesionales

    Liver transplantation before 1 year of age

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    Since 1981, 20 infants younger than 1 year of age received 26 orthotopic liver transplants. Immunosuppression was with cyclosporine and corticosteroids. Thirteen (65%) of the reciplents were discharged from the hospital. To date, 12 (60%) of the 20 reciplents are surviving, with follow-up of 1 to 56 months (average 14 months). The 5-year acluarial survival is 53.8%. The allograft liver function in the majority of surviving infants is excellent. The predominant causes of mortality were primary nonfunction of the allograft (three patients) and sepsis (three). Major morbidity was caused by hepatic artery thrombosis (five patients), gastrointestinal complications (six), biliary tract complications (five), and bacterial and viral infections (13). Six patients underwent retransplantation; three of these six survived. Results could be improved by prevention of hepatic artery thrombosis, by decreasing the incidence of sepsis, and by procurement of more and better suited pediatric donors. © 1987 The C. V. Mosby Company

    Desenvolvimento dos conhecimentos sobre alunos durante as experiências no practicum: o caso de uma licencianda em Física

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    through her first year of pre-service experiences. For that purpose, we adopted a narrative inquirymethodology: stories were used as a rhetoric resource to show Alicia’s knowledge, and, simultaneously,as the object of inquiry and the research method. The sources used to collect data wereaudiotaped interviews, videotaped teaching episodes, researcher’s field notes and the teacher’swritten documents. The data analysis revealed some characteristics of Alicia’s developing knowledgeabout her students, and allowed us to document this development as a three-stage process. In thefirst stage, she got acquainted with her students’ motivation (motivated-unmotivated), academicperformance (high-low) and classroom behaviors (positive-negative). In the second stage, Alicialearned some effective strategies to motivate her students, and more appropriate ways to interactwith her students to promote learning within them, especially with those that made her feel anemotional, cognitive and relational security or insecurity. In the third stage, the teacher learnedabout some students’ difficulties to perform certain typical tasks of physics classes (solving physicsstandardized problems and reading physics textbooks); as well as their difficulties to understandphysics concepts (such as distinguishing and relating every day language and scientific language orinferring meaningful relations between scientific concepts). We discussed some of the implicationsfor the initial education of physics’ teachers.En este artículo se documenta cómo una aspirante a profesora de física desarrollósus conocimientos sobre sus estudiantes durante su primer año de experienciasdocentes pre-profesionales (practicum). Para ello se adoptó una metodologíanarrativa: las historias se utilizaron como un recurso retórico para expresar losconocimientos de la profesora y, simultáneamente, fueron vistas como el fenómenoy el método de la investigación. Se usaron varias fuentes para recolectarla información: grabaciones de audio de las entrevistas y conversaciones, vídeograbaciones de episodios de enseñanza, notas de campo de los investigadoresy documentos escritos por la profesora. El análisis narrativo de la informaciónreveló algunas características de los conocimientos de la profesora sobre susestudiantes, y permitió documentar su desarrollo como un proceso de construcciónde nuevos sentidos en respuesta a situaciones particulares de clase,en tres etapas. En la primera, la profesora empezó a conocer la disposición deánimo, el rendimiento académico y el comportamiento de sus estudiantes. En lasegunda, aprendió algunas estrategias de motivación y formas de interactuar másapropiadas para propiciar los aprendizajes de algunos de ellos, sobre todo dequienes le generaron seguridad cognitiva, emocional y relacional, o inseguridad.En la tercera, pudo conocer algunas de las dificultades de sus estudiantes parael aprendizaje de la física, particularmente para realizar actividades de clasetipicas (resolver problemas estandarizados de lápiz y papel y leer textos científicosescolares) y para comprender algunos conceptos y sistemas conceptuales(como la diferencia entre los significados del lenguaje cotidiano y del lenguajecientífico, o cómo inferir las relaciones significativas entre conceptos). Se analizaronalgunas implicaciones de estos resultados para la formación inicial delprofesorado de física.Neste artigo é discutido como uma licencianda em física desenvolveu seus conhecimentos sobreseus alunos durante o primeiro ano de estagio (practicum). Para fazer isso, foi adotada uma metodologiade corte narrativa: as histórias foram usadas como um subsidio retórico para expressaros conhecimentos da professora e ao mesmo tempo foram consideradas como fenômeno emétodo de pesquisa. Foram usados vários instrumentos para a coleta dos dados: gravações deáudio de entrevistas e conversas, gravações de vídeo de episódios de ensino, notas de campodos pesquisadores e registros realizado pela professora. A análise narrativa dos dados mostroualgumas das características dos conhecimentos da professora sobre seus alunos, e evidenciou seudesenvolvimento como um processo de construção de novos sentidos diante a situações particularesde aula conforte três etapas: Na primeira etapa, a professora começou a conhecer a motivação,o desempenho acadêmico e o comportamento dos alunos. Na segunda etapa, conheceu algumasestratégias de motivação e maneiras pertinentes de favorecer a aprendizagem de alguns dosalunos, especialmente para aqueles que geraram segurança cognitiva, emocional e relacional,ou insegurança. Na terceira etapa, conseguiu conhecer algumas das dificuldades de seus alunospara a aprendizagem da física, em particular para fazer atividades de aula particulares (soluçãode problemas de lápis e papel e da leitura de textos de ciência da escola) e compreender algunsconceitos e sistemas conceituais (como a diferença entre os significados de linguagem cotidianae os de linguagem científica, ou como inferir as relações significativas entre conceitos). Foramanalisadas algumas implicações desse resultados para a formação inicial de professores de física

    Multi-criteria modeling applied to regulatory issues of privatized port areas

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma proposta de modelagem multicriterial aplicada a problemas de regulação em áreas portuárias privatizadas, tratando da hierarquização de áreas com fins de rateio de investimentos em questões de arrendamento. Os métodos multicriteriais de análise de decisão (MMAD) mostraram-se mais apropriados para a modelagem, pois o problema é de natureza multidisciplinar, envolve juízos de valor socioeconômico, ambiental e político e maior número de atores, apresenta muitos grupos de interesses com objetivos conflitantes e requer soluções de compromisso. A modelagem contou com a participação de técnicos e gerentes em regulação da Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários (ANTAQ) e de pesquisadores especializados no tema. Na modelagem, foi considerada a conjugação do método de análise hierárquica (AHP) a procedimentos de normalização, resultando em um sistema de classificação de áreas portuárias segundo escalas de atratividade. A aplicação piloto considerou uma situação com cinco áreas hipotéticas a serem arrendadas e, ao término do processo, os técnicos em regulação podiam identificar instantaneamente a repercussão de suas escolhas na classificação final das áreas e na parcela correspondente do investimento para fins de arrendamento.The purpose of this paper is to propose a multi-criteria model applied to issues of regulation in privatized port areas with focus on prioritization of areas for purposes of investment distribution in lease issues. The multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) method was used for modeling, since the problem is multidisciplinary, involves socioeconomic, environmental, and political judgments involves a larger number of actors, has many interest groups with conflicting goals, and requires compromise to reach a solution. The modeling was assisted by technicians and managers involved in the regulation of National Agency for Waterway Transportation (Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários [ANTAQ]) as well as by researchers specializing in the topic. The model was built using a combination of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with standardization procedures, which resulted in a rating system for port areas according to their own scales of attractiveness. The initial application considered a hypothetical situation with five areas available for lease. At the end of the process the technicians involved in regulation could instantly identify the impact choices have on area's final rankings and the corresponding portion of the investment appropriate for leasing

    Modelos de prática docente para futuros professores de física: entre normas e possibilidades

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    This article investigates the impact of public policy on the teaching practice model of an initial teacher education program for Physics teachers, through the content analysis of the self-evaluation document of a Bachelor’s program in Physics, which is attached to a Colombian public university. The results show that education Resolution 18583 of 2017 from Ministry of Education (men), prescribes a teaching practice model that seems to be directed towards technical rationality. Likewise, the impact of this regulation is noticeable in the selfevaluation documents, where a possible gap between the referential framework and the programming is present; that is, the necessary conditions to develop a model of educational practice in accordance with theoretical approaches. Finally, it is concluded that it is necessary to generate conditions to strengthen the link between University-School moving towards critical rationality: recognizing subjects and roles, contexts and educational issues, as well as generating communities of practice and public policies that consider all the actors involved in initial teacher education processes.Este artículo reflexiona sobre la configuración del modelo de práctica en la planeación de un programa de formación inicial de profesores de Física y la incidencia de la política pública en sus alcances y posibilidades. Para esto, se realizó un análisis documental de la normativa colombiana vigente y un análisis de contenido del documento de autoevaluación de un programa de Licenciatura en Física adjunto a una universidad pública del país. Los resultados evidencian que la resolución 18583 de 2017, prescribe una práctica docente modélica que pareciera encaminarse a una racionalidad técnica. Asimismo, el impacto de esta reglamentación es notorio en los documentos de autoevaluación, en los que se hace presente un posible desfase entre el marco referencial y la programación, esto es, las condiciones materiales necesarias para desarrollar un modelo de práctica educativa acorde con los planteamientos teóricos y normativos. Se concluye que es necesario generar condiciones para fortalecer el vínculo entre Universidad y Escuela para avanzar a modelos de formación basados en una racionalidad crítica. Esto implica reconocer los sujetos y sus roles, contextos y problemáticas educativas, generar comunidades de práctica y políticas públicas que consideren a todos los actores implicados en los procesos de formación inicial

    Mechanisms of hypertension during and after orthotopic liver transplantation in children

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    The aim of this study was to assess the hormonal alterations that may mediate the systemic hypertension that develops in patients during the perioperative period of orthotopic liver transplantation. We studied nine pediatric patients without previous hypertension or renal disease during six time points, starting before transplantation and ending at 48 hours after surgery. Hypertension developed in all patients in association with central venous pressures <10 mm Hg. Free water clearance was negative in all nine patients. Vasopressin levels increased intraoperatively but fell as hypertension developed. Atrial natriuretic factor levels increased as systemic blood pressure rose. A high level of plasma renin activity was observed in four patients with renal insufficiency. In six patients, postoperative 24-hour urinary norepinephrine excretion was within the normal age-adjusted range. These findings suggest that the combination of cyclosporine, corticosteroids, and, in some patients, an elevated plasma renin activity prevents the kidney from responding to the acute volume and salt overload with an appropriate diuresis and natriuresis, thus leading to systemic hypertension. The treatment of hypertension after liver transplantation may include salt restriction, diuretics, and, in those patients with a low creatinine excretion index, anglotensin coverting enzyme inhibitors. © 1989 The C. V. Mosby Company

    Identifying static and dynamic prediction models for NOx emissions with evolving fuzzy systems

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    Antipollution legislation in automotive internal combustion engines requires active control and prediction of pollutant formation and emissions. Predictive emission models are of great use in the system calibration phase, and also can be integrated for the engine control and on-board diagnosis tasks. In this paper, fuzzy modelling of the NOx emissions of a diesel engine is investigated, which overcomes some drawbacks of pure engine mapping or analytical physical-oriented models. For building up the fuzzy NOx prediction models, the FLEXFIS approach (short for FLEXible Fuzzy Inference Systems) is applied, which automatically extracts an appropriate number of rules and fuzzy sets by an evolving version of vector quantization (eVQ) and estimates the consequent parameters of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems with the local learning approach in order to optimize the least squares functional. The predictive power of the fuzzy NOx prediction models is compared with that one achieved by physical-oriented models based on high-dimensional engine data recorded during steady-state and dynamic engine states.This work was supported by the Upper Austrian Technology and Research Promotion. This publication reflects only the author's view. Furthermore, we acknowledge PSA for providing the engine and partially supporting our investigation. Special thanks are given to PO Calendini, P Gaillard and C. Bares at the Diesel Engine Control Department.Lughofer, E.; Macian Martinez, V.; Guardiola García, C.; Klement, EP. (2011). Identifying static and dynamic prediction models for NOx emissions with evolving fuzzy systems. Applied Soft Computing. 11(2):2487-2500. doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2010.10.004S2487250011

    During muscle atrophy, thick, but not thin, filament components are degraded by MuRF1-dependent ubiquitylation

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    Loss of myofibrillar proteins is a hallmark of atrophying muscle. Expression of muscle RING-finger 1 (MuRF1), a ubiquitin ligase, is markedly induced during atrophy, and MuRF1 deletion attenuates muscle wasting. We generated mice expressing a Ring-deletion mutant MuRF1, which binds but cannot ubiquitylate substrates. Mass spectrometry of the bound proteins in denervated muscle identified many myofibrillar components. Upon denervation or fasting, atrophying muscles show a loss of myosin-binding protein C (MyBP-C) and myosin light chains 1 and 2 (MyLC1 and MyLC2) from the myofibril, before any measurable decrease in myosin heavy chain (MyHC). Their selective loss requires MuRF1. MyHC is protected from ubiquitylation in myofibrils by associated proteins, but eventually undergoes MuRF1-dependent degradation. In contrast, MuRF1 ubiquitylates MyBP-C, MyLC1, and MyLC2, even in myofibrils. Because these proteins stabilize the thick filament, their selective ubiquitylation may facilitate thick filament disassembly. However, the thin filament components decreased by a mechanism not requiring MuRF1