158 research outputs found

    La reforma petrolera inesperada

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    Lo que inició como una propuesta de reforma energética en el gobierno de Felipe Calderón se degradó a una reforma petrolera, para terminar en una reforma de Pemex, siguiéndole el sector eléctrico. El autor explica que la apuesta de ciertos grupos de la clase política de que el monopolio público tendría la capacidad de resolver el problema de la caída de la producción de crudo no fue la certera. En este sentido, tal y como lo había propuesto la izquierda, se trató de una reforma estatista.ITESO, A.C

    Evaluating the adoption of integrated project teams as strategic form to underpin PSI systems in servitizing manufacturers

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    In the search of competitiveness in the knowledge-based economy, developing a successful Product-Service Innovation (PSI) becomes crucial for many manufacturers. In this context, the different configurations that PSI systems may adopt is being object of intense debate. Under this environmental uncertainty about the most accurate configuration, manufacturers make different strategic choices ranging from in-house development to outsourcing, different types of alliances or even mergers & acquisitions. Lately, some manufactures are deploying a recent configuration by adopting project integrated teams as a new way to develop PSI. Following a multiple case-study approach, we expect to assess four main factors surrounding PSI systems configured by manufacturers through creation of projects integrated teams: 1) degree of technological innovation and complexity of PSI; 2) degree of servitization in their business model; 3) Organizational barriers to advanced services introduction; 4) benefits and competitive advantages arising from the implementation of a project- based operation. In the final discussion and conclusion derived from our research we will delve into the study of PSI in project-based context by providing new knowledge to illustrate this operational change and how it influences value creation and business model configuration in servitizing manufacturers

    Servitized business models in project-based firms: The case of energy efficient architecture

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    Business models of project-based firms have traditionally been based on delivering value through the product. In the building sector, the customer perceives value only when it receives the finished building, at which point it terminates its relationship with the firm. New research strands on value in use and the employment of new business models lead us to propose the creation of new solutions that can include services as part of the firm’s offering for the consumer. This proposal involves increasing both the value perceived by the customer and the benefits to be obtained by integrating all phases of the business, thereby achieving a lasting relationship with the customer. In the context of energyefficient buildings, technological innovation and the particularities of design, installations, maintenance and use are presented as an ideal framework for studying the introduction of the phenomenon of servitization into the business models of project-based firms (PBFs). In this article, we attempt to evaluate how servitization gains a leading role in existing business models in this area. We will propose a structure for new business models in this sector and, through case study, examine what kinds of models are emerging. We will then analyse these models and propose improvements for integrating services into all phases of the business

    Comparative Management Analysis Knowledge in Colombian and Chilean SMEs: Theoretical Approach

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    The objective of this study is to develop a comparative study of knowledge management and the most representative models applied in Chilean SMEs versus the models proposed in Colombia, with the purpose of adopting those good practices that allow more SMEs in Colombia to improve performance in the areas of the organization and optimize the transfer of their knowledge to obtain a competitive advantage. © 2022 Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions. All rights reserved

    Policy and Environmental Implications of Photovoltaic Systems in Farming in Southeast Spain: Can Greenhouses Reduce the Greenhouse Effect?

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    Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems have grown in popularity in the farming sector, primarily because land area and farm structures themselves, such as greenhouses, can be exploited for this purpose, and, moreover, because farms tend to be located in rural areas far from energy production plants. In Spain, despite being a country with enormous potential for this renewable energy source, little is being done to exploit it, and policies of recent years have even restricted its implementation. These factors constitute an obstacle, both for achieving environmental commitments and for socioeconomic development. This study proposes the installation of PV systems on greenhouses in southeast Spain, the location with the highest concentration of greenhouses in Europe. Following a sensitivity analysis, it is estimated that the utilization of this technology in the self-consumption scenario at farm level produces increased profitability for farms, which can range from 0.88% (worst scenario) to 52.78% (most favorable scenario). Regarding the Spanish environmental policy, the results obtained demonstrate that the impact of applying this technology mounted on greenhouses would bring the country 38% closer to reaching the 2030 greenhouse gas (GHG) target. Furthermore, it would make it possible to nearly achieve the official commitment of 20% renewable energies by 2020. Additionally, it would have considerable effects on the regional socioeconomy, with increases in job creation and contribution to gross domestic product (GDP)/R&D (Research and Development), allowing greater profitability in agrifood activities throughout the entire region

    O psicopedagogo em relação à dislexia

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    Orientador : Humberto LimaMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Curso de Especialização em Coordenação PedagógicaInclui referênciasResumo : Este artigo apresenta o papel do profissional psicopedagogo em relação ao distúrbio de aprendizagem denominado dislexia. Para sua elaboração foi desenvolvido pesquisa bibliográfica para o embasamento teórico. Da bibliografia disponível, obtivemos os dados, que contribuíram para a nossa análise em relação ao diagnóstico da Dislexia (seus principais sinais) e as ferramentas disponíveis ao psicopedagogo para seu tratamento; as diferenças de atuação do psicopedagogo nos campos clínico e institucional. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram a importância do psicopedagogo na relação entre o disléxico e a aprendizagem

    Diseño de una solución de datacenter en alta disponibilidad: ventajas e inconvenientes de utilizar virtualización de red

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    In this project, based on the requirements of a client for a real environment, we have seen the necessary steps and the challenges that are encountered when designing a high availability datacentre solution distributed among different locations. In the first place, this design has been chosen in a traditional way. That is, using physical equipment to perform the various network functions required in the architecture. The initial design has been made and, once the devices have been chosen and considering the technologies they use, the physical topology has been proposed. As an alternative to this design, it is proposed to implement the solution for the client using a virtual architecture based on Software Defined DataCentres (SDDC) and SDN (Software Defined Networks), technologies that are currently being used to replace the use of traditional architectures in datacentres. In this case the VMWare NSX architecture has been used to do this virtualization. To design this solution, VXLANs overlay technology, distributed network services and network services deployed over virtual appliances used by NSX have been used to offer, from the functional point of view, the same services. The objective is to verify if it is possible to satisfy all the requirements of a real client using network virtualization, and to see what advantages and disadvantages the use of this technology presents, in relation to the traditional architecture proposed

    Servitization and business models in project‐based firms: the case of energy efficient architecture

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    Purpose:In the context of energy-­efficient buildings, technological innovation and the particularities of design, installations, maintenance and use are presented as an ideal framework for studying the introduction of the phenomenon of servitization into the business models of project‐based firms (PBFs). In this article, we attempt to evaluate how servitization gains a leading role in existing business models in this area

    Barriers to capturing the value of advanced services and digitisation in the road transport industry

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    Servitization and digitization together provide significant opportunities to raise the performance and profitability of the road transport industry. To date these opportunities are only sparsely captured and the potential economic, social and environmental value is forgone. We set out to investigate the barriers to capturing the value of servitization and digitization in the road transport industry