73 research outputs found

    Bronsted Acid Mediated Facile Greener Multicomponent Synthesis of 2,4-Diaryl-quinoline Derivatives in Water

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    Quinolines are an important class of natural and synthetic products, with several biological activity and applications in medicine and electronics. In this work we present a greener method of synthesis of 2,4-diaryl-quinoline derivatives by an easy one-pot multicomponent reaction between aniline derivatives, aldehyde derivatives and phenylacetylene in water, with hydrochloric acid as promoter. With this method we could synthesize several compounds with good yield and reaction time, including new alkylamino-containing 2,4-diaryl-quinoline derivatives that could not be synthesized with niobium pentachloride catalyst in similar conditions. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v14i1.168

    Bronsted Acid Mediated Facile Greener Multicomponent Synthesis of 2,4-Diaryl-quinoline Derivatives in Water

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    Quinolines are an important class of natural and synthetic products, with several biological activity and applications in medicine and electronics. In this work we present a greener method of synthesis of 2,4-diaryl-quinoline derivatives by an easy one-pot multicomponent reaction between aniline derivatives, aldehyde derivatives and phenylacetylene in water, with hydrochloric acid as promoter. With this method we could synthesize several compounds with good yield and reaction time, including new alkylamino-containing 2,4-diaryl-quinoline derivatives that could not be synthesized with niobium pentachloride catalyst in similar conditions. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v14i1.168

    Reabilitação energética de um edifício de serviços: convergência para NZEB

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    Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de EdificaçõesAs mais recentes preocupações mundiais têm-se focado sobre a forma insustentável como a população utiliza os diversos recursos energéticos existentes. Os edifícios são responsáveis por grande parte do consumo da energia mundial, facto facilmente percetível visto que atualmente grande parte do tempo é despendido dentro destes. Muitos esforços têm vindo a ser desenvolvidos como forma de proporcionar que os consumos de energia realizados pela normal utilização dos edifícios venham a ser reduzidos. Neste sentido, o conceito NZEB, surge como o mais recente esforço desenvolvido pela União Europeia, para que o consumo nos edifícios possa vir a diminuir. Este conceito surge numa época relevante, visto que grande parte do património edificado na Europa, e especialmente em Portugal, necessita de ser intervencionado. Estas intervenções, apresentam-se como uma importante ferramenta, visto que será expectável que através delas, o consumo de energia nos edifícios venha a ser diminuído. Numa primeira fase, serão nesta dissertação abordadas temáticas afetas ao consumo de energia no Mundo e na Europa. Para além disso, efetua-se uma exposição de conteúdos ligados aos diversos documentos legislativos que regulam a área da eficiência energética nos edifícios, bem como será efetuada uma especificação muito pormenorizada do conceito NZEB. Seguidamente, proceder-se-á a uma exposição de conteúdos afetos a diversas técnicas construtivas, a diferentes tipos de materiais inovadores e a um conjunto de estratégias passivas, que poderão no contexto de uma reabilitação de um edifício proporcionar uma melhoria do seu desempenho energético. Para que se pudesse aprofundar a aplicabilidade deste conceito NZEB em Portugal, procedeu-se à realização de um estudo a um edifício de serviços em Coimbra. Para a realização deste estudo, elaborou-se, numa primeira fase, uma avaliação muito técnica e pormenorizada a um conjunto de elementos existentes, que possibilitaram a caraterização energética do edifício e a construção de um modelo de simulação do mesmo. Com um conjunto de simulações de sensibilidade, foram definidas um conjunto de propostas de melhoria com vista a estimar a possibilidade de este edifício atingir uma convergência ao conceito NZEB. Com a implementação das medidas de melhoria propostas e simuladas, conseguiu-se atingir uma redução do consumo anual do edifício em cerca de 41%, em relação ao consumo anual de 2013. A contribuição das energias renováveis na redução estimada é cerca de 19%. Desta forma, com a implementação das medidas de melhoria propostas, o edifício passará a apresentar um consumo médio anual de cerca 46 kWh/m2.ano. Este valor representa um passo importante na convergência do edifício para NZEB, e vai ao encontro dos valores que outros países já estabeleceram como referencia para este tipo de edifícios.Abstract: The most recent global concerns revolve about the unsustainable way as the population uses the various existing energy resources. Buildings are responsible for much of the world's energy consumption, a fact easily noticeable since currently most of the time is spent inside them. Many efforts have been developed in order to define how to reduce the energy consumption necessary to guaranteethe normal use of a building. In this sense, the concept NZEB, comes as the latest effort from the European Union, so that consumption in buildings is likely to decrease. This concept comes at a relevant time, since much of the real estate in Europe, and especially in Portugal, are in urgent need to be rehabilitated. The real estate rehabilitation may play an important role in the reduction of energyconsumption. In the first part of this dissertation the overview of energy consumption in the world and in Europe will be addressed. In addition, several legislative documents related to energy efficiency in buildingswill be presented and a more precise specification of the NZEB concept will be developed. Additionally several construction techniques, new innovative materials of different types and a set of passive strategies, will be presented. These techniques, new materials and passive strategies provide an improvement of energy performance in the context of the rehabilitation of a building. In order to really understand the applicability of the NZEB concept in Portugal, the thorough study of a service building located in Coimbra was developed. Therefore and on a first step a very technical and detailed energy characterization of the building was developed, followed by the elaboration of a simulation model, based on an existing and adequate software program. Based on simulation a set of proposals for energy performance improvement were studied. The main objective is to evaluate the possibility of this building to achieve a NZEB performance. With the implementation of the simulated and proposed improvement measures, it was possible to achieve a reduction of 41% of the annual energy consumption of the building when compared to the annual consumption in the year 2013.The contribution of renewable energy in the estimated energy reduction is around 19%. Therefore with the implementation of the proposed improvement measures, the average energy annual consumption will be around 46 kWh/m2.year. This value is consistent with the values that other countries have set as a reference for such buildings

    Pro-angiogenic approach for skeletal muscle regeneration

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    The angiogenesis process is a phenomenon in which numerous molecules participate in the stimulation of the new vessels' formation from pre-existing vessels. Angiogenesis is a crucial step in tissue regeneration and recovery of organ and tissue function. Muscle diseases affect millions of people worldwide overcome the ability of skeletal muscle to self-repair. Pro-angiogenic therapies are key in skeletal muscle regeneration where both myogenesis and angiogenesis occur. These therapies have been based on mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), exo-somes, microRNAs (miRs) and delivery of biological factors. The use of different calls of biomaterials is another approach, including ceramics, composites, and polymers. Natural polymers are use due its bioactivity and biocompatibility in addition to its use as scaffolds and in drug delivery systems. One of these polymers is the natural rubber latex (NRL) which is biocompatible, bioactive, versatile, low-costing, and capable of promoting tissue regeneration and angiogenesis. In this review, the advances in the field of pro-angiogenic therapies are discussed

    Metronidazole release using natural rubber latex as matrix

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    Natural Rubber Latex (NRL) can be used successfully in controlled release drug delivery due to their excellent\ud matrix forming properties. Recently, NRL has shown to stimulate angiogenesis, cellular adhesion and the formation\ud of extracellular matrix, promoting the replacement and regeneration of tissue. A dermatological delivery system\ud comprising a topically acceptable, inert support impregnated with a metronidazole (MET) solution was developed.\ud MET 2-(2- methyl- 5-nitro- 1H- imidazol- 1-yl) ethanol, has been widely used for the treatment of protozoa and\ud anaerobic bacterial infections. MET is a nitroimidazole anti-infective medication used mainly in the treatment of\ud infections caused by susceptible organisms, particularly anaerobic bacteria and protozoa. In a previous study, we\ud have tested NRL as an occlusive membrane for GBR with promising results. One possible way to decrease the\ud inflammatory process, it was incorporated the MET in NRL. MET was incorporated into the NRL, by mixing it in\ud solution for in vitro protein delivery experiments. The solutions of latex and MET were polymerized at different\ud temperatures, from –100 to 40 °C, in order to control the membrane morphology. SEM microscopy analysis\ud showed that the number, size and distribution of pores in NRL membranes varied depending on polymerization\ud temperature, as well as its overall morphology. Results demonstrated that the best drug-delivery system was the\ud membrane polymerized at –100 °C, which does release 77,1% of its MET content for up 310 hours.FAPESPCNPq/IMMPCAPE

    Exploring the Properties of Niobium Oxide Films for Electron Transport Layers in Perovskite Solar Cells

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    In this work, niobium oxide films were deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering under different oxygen flow rate and applied as electron transport layer in perovskite solar cells. It was found that the deposition made using 3.5 sccm of oxygen flow resulted in films with better electrical properties which helped the extraction of the photogenerated electrons to the external circuit, improving the Jsc and consequently the device efficiency. In addition, by photoluminescence measurements, we found a better charge transfer from perovskite to TiO2/niobium oxide film deposited at 3.5 sccm of oxygen flow


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    O l\ue1tex de mangabeira, planta nativa do cerrado, apresenta potencial biotecnol\uf3gico para desenvolvimento de novos f\ue1rmacos. Pouco se sabe sobre os m\ue9todos de coleta e produtividade de l\ue1tex em mangabeira, a qual vem sendo explorada comercialmente para produ\ue7\ue3o de frutos de modo principalmente extrativista. Buscando informa\ue7\uf5es sobre a utiliza\ue7\ue3o do l\ue1tex de mangabeira foi avaliada, nesse trabalho, a produtividade do l\ue1tex associada aos m\ue9todos de sangria; \ue0s condi\ue7\uf5es ambientais; \ue0s caracter\uedsticas sazonais e anat\uf4micas dessa esp\ue9cie. Como resultado observou-se que o m\ue9todo de coleta utilizado comumente em seringueira n\ue3o \ue9 apropriado para mangabeira, sendo a sangria feita com fac\ue3o na regi\ue3o do caule o m\ue9todo mais produtivo. Em rela\ue7\ue3o \ue0 anatomia da casca, a espessura, a posi\ue7\ue3o e o n\ufamero de vasos lact\uedferos influenciam na produ\ue7\ue3o. Resultados tamb\ue9m mostraram que a casca de mangabeira \ue9 espessa e que o n\ufamero de vasos lact\uedferos \ue9 superior na regi\ue3o interna, evidenciando que sangrias utilizando cortes superficiais n\ue3o s\ue3o eficientes, pois n\ue3o atingem os vasos lact\uedferos. Tamb\ue9m, foi observado que o aumento da temperatura ambiental tem influ\ueancia positiva na produtividade do l\ue1tex e que na \ue9poca da frutifica\ue7\ue3o a produ\ue7\ue3o de l\ue1tex \ue9 significativamente inferior. Isso provavelmente ocorre porque a planta utiliza uma parcela dos seus metab\uf3litos secund\ue1rios para forma\ue7\ue3o do fruto, gerando uma menor disponibilidade desses metab\uf3litos para a produ\ue7\ue3o de l\ue1tex.The mangabeira latex, plant native from Cerrado, shows biotechnological potential for the development of new drugs. Little is known about the latex productivity and bleeding methods in mangabeira, which is usually utilized in extractive way for fruit production. Aiming to broaden the knowledge about mangabeira latex production it was evaluated the productivity associated with bleeding methods; environmental conditions; anatomical aspects from the bark and seasonal properties. As results it was observed that the bleeding method commonly used in rubber tree is not appropriated to mangabeira; the most productive bleeding method was using a knife in stalk region. The bark thickness and lactiferous vessels number are associated with latex production. Anatomical analysis showed that the bark in mangabeira is thick and the lactiferous vessels are deeply localized, in this way some superficial bleeding methods are not able to reach the vessels. It was also observed that the increase in environmental temperature has a positive influence on the productivity of latex and that during the fruiting time the latex production is significantly lower. This probably occurs because the plant uses part of the secondary metabolites for fruit formation, which reduced the availability of these metabolites to latex production


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    The mangabeira latex, plant native from Cerrado, shows biotechnological potential for the development of new drugs. Little is known about the latex productivity and bleeding methods in mangabeira, which is usually utilized in extractive way for fruit production. Aiming to broaden the knowledge about mangabeira latex production it was evaluated the productivity associated with bleeding methods; environmental conditions; anatomical aspects from the bark and seasonal properties. As results it was observed that the bleeding method commonly used in rubber tree is not appropriated to mangabeira; the most productive bleeding method was using a knife in stalk region. The bark thickness and lactiferous vessels number are associated with latex production. Anatomical analysis showed that the bark in mangabeira is thick and the lactiferous vessels are deeply localized, in this way some superficial bleeding methods are not able to reach the vessels. It was also observed that the increase in environmental temperature has a positive influence on the productivity of latex and that during the fruiting time the latex production is significantly lower. This probably occurs because the plant uses part of the secondary metabolites for fruit formation, which reduced the availability of these metabolites to latex production.O látex de mangabeira, planta nativa do cerrado, apresenta potencial biotecnológico para desenvolvimento de novos fármacos. Pouco se sabe sobre os métodos de coleta e produtividade de látex em mangabeira, a qual vem sendo explorada comercialmente para produção de frutos de modo principalmente extrativista. Buscando informações sobre a utilização do látex de mangabeira foi avaliada, nesse trabalho, a produtividade do látex associada aos métodos de sangria; às condições ambientais; às características sazonais e anatômicas dessa espécie. Como resultado observou-se que o método de coleta utilizado comumente em seringueira não é apropriado para mangabeira, sendo a sangria feita com facão na região do caule o método mais produtivo. Em relação à anatomia da casca, a espessura, a posição e o número de vasos lactíferos influenciam na produção. Resultados também mostraram que a casca de mangabeira é espessa e que o número de vasos lactíferos é superior na região interna, evidenciando que sangrias utilizando cortes superficiais não são eficientes, pois não atingem os vasos lactíferos. Também, foi observado que o aumento da temperatura ambiental tem influência positiva na produtividade do látex e que na época da frutificação a produção de látex é significativamente inferior. Isso provavelmente ocorre porque a planta utiliza uma parcela dos seus metabólitos secundários para formação do fruto, gerando uma menor disponibilidade desses metabólitos para a produção de látex