9 research outputs found
Tratamiento quirúrgico de mesiodents en odontopediatría
Supernumerary teeth are a relatively frequent disorder of odontogenesis that can interfere with the development of the germs teeth. This pathology is most common in the maxillary anterior area, called mesiodens, and their prevalence is generally reported to occur more frequently in male than female, in a ratio of 2:1. The aim of this article was to report the clinical procedures performed in the Clinic of Pediatric Dentistry at the Araraquara School of Dentistry when the presence of two mesiodens, radiographically shown, caused retention of permanent anterior teeth, resulting in esthetic and funcional disturb. All the surgical procedures, etiology and the importancy of the early diagnostic for the appropriate treatment was detailed described.Los dientes supernumerarios son originados por desórdenes odontogénicos, los cuales son relativamente frecuentes y que pueden comprometer el desarrollo normal de los gérmenes dentarios. Tal patología acomete más frecuentemente en la región anterior de la maxila en una proporción entre el sexo femenino y masculino de 2 a 1, respectivamente. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir el procedimiento clínico realizado en la clínica infantil de la facultad de odontología de Araraquara, UNESP, (SP, Brasil), frente al caso de retención prolongada de dientes deciduos anteriores generada por la presencia de dos dientes supernumerarios, denominados Mesiodents, lo que resultaba en un compromiso estético y funcional para el paciente. Posterior a una comprobación radiográfica de los dientes supernumerarios, los mesiodents fueron quirúrgicamente removidos. Las etapas quirúrgicas, las consideraciones sobre la etiología de la anomalía, resaltando en la importancia del diagnóstico precoz en el establecimiento de un tratamiento adecuado, fueron descritas en este trabajo
Tratamiento Quirúrgico de Mesiodens en Odontopediatría
Supernumerary teeth are a relatively frequent disorder of odontogenesis that can interfere with the development of the germs teeth. This pathology is most common in the maxillary anterior area, called mesiodens, and their prevalence is generally reported to occur more frequently in male than female, in a ratio of 2:1. The aim of this article was to report the clinical procedures performed in the Clinic of Pediatric Dentistry at the Araraquara School of Dentistry when the presence of two mesiodens, radiographically shown, caused retention of permanent anterior teeth, resulting in esthetic and funcional disturb. All the surgical procedures, etiology and the importancy of the early diagnostic for the appropriate treatment was detailed described.Los dientes supernumerarios son originados por desórdenes odontogénicos, los cuales son relativamente frecuentes y que pueden comprometer el desarrollo normal de los gérmenes dentarios. Tal patología acomete más frecuentemente en la región anterior de la maxila en una proporción entre el sexo femenino y masculino de 2 a 1, respectivamente. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir el procedimiento clínico realizado en la clínica infantil de la facultad de odontología de Araraquara, UNESP, (SP, Brasil), frente al caso de retención prolongada de dientes deciduos anteriores generada por la presencia de dos dientes supernumerarios, denominados Mesiodents, lo que resultaba en un compromiso estético y funcional para el paciente. Posterior a una comprobación radiográfica de los dientes supernumerarios, los mesiodents fueron quirúrgicamente removidos. Las etapas quirúrgicas, las consideraciones sobre la etiología de la anomalía, resaltando en la importancia del diagnóstico precoz en el establecimiento de un tratamiento adecuado, fueron descritas en este trabajo
Improving soil fertility with lime and phosphogypsum enhances soybean yield and physiological characteristics
International audienceAbstractIn tropical no-till systems, applying lime (L) and phosphogypsum (PG) on the soil surface may be a potential strategy for reducing soil acidification and improving soybean root growth, thereby enhancing plant nutrition and physiological responses and, in turn, crop resistance to dry spells. This study evaluated the impact of long-term (17 years) surface soil amendment on soil fertility and soybean root development, nutrition, gas exchange, carbon and antioxidant enzyme activity, and grain yield in a tropical region subject to dry spells. The treatments consisted of the following long-term soil amendments: control (no soil amendment); L alone; PG alone; and L + PG (LPG). Liming, especially when combined with PG, improved soil fertility, as evidenced by increases in pH and P, Ca2+, and Mg2+ levels throughout the soil profile, but reduced Al3+ and micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn). The improvements in soil fertility were associated with increased root development throughout the profile. Long-term application of LPG reduced the negative impacts of dry spells on pigment concentrations, gas exchange, Rubisco and sucrose synthase activities and antioxidant metabolism, and increased soybean grain yield. Our results reveal that long-term application of LPG is an important approach for increasing the vertical movement of cationic bases and roots in no-till systems to improve soybean nutrition. Long-term amendment with LPG enhanced both carbon and antioxidant metabolism in soybean plants, resulting in higher soybean grain yield, despite the predisposition of this tropical region to dry spells
NEOTROPICAL XENARTHRANS: a data set of occurrence of xenarthran species in the Neotropics
Xenarthrans—anteaters, sloths, and armadillos—have essential functions for ecosystem maintenance, such as insect control and nutrient cycling, playing key roles as ecosystem engineers. Because of habitat loss and fragmentation, hunting pressure, and conflicts with domestic dogs, these species have been threatened locally, regionally, or even across their full distribution ranges. The Neotropics harbor 21 species of armadillos, 10 anteaters, and 6 sloths. Our data set includes the families Chlamyphoridae (13), Dasypodidae (7), Myrmecophagidae (3), Bradypodidae (4), and Megalonychidae (2). We have no occurrence data on Dasypus pilosus (Dasypodidae). Regarding Cyclopedidae, until recently, only one species was recognized, but new genetic studies have revealed that the group is represented by seven species. In this data paper, we compiled a total of 42,528 records of 31 species, represented by occurrence and quantitative data, totaling 24,847 unique georeferenced records. The geographic range is from the southern United States, Mexico, and Caribbean countries at the northern portion of the Neotropics, to the austral distribution in Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, and Uruguay. Regarding anteaters, Myrmecophaga tridactyla has the most records (n = 5,941), and Cyclopes sp. have the fewest (n = 240). The armadillo species with the most data is Dasypus novemcinctus (n = 11,588), and the fewest data are recorded for Calyptophractus retusus (n = 33). With regard to sloth species, Bradypus variegatus has the most records (n = 962), and Bradypus pygmaeus has the fewest (n = 12). Our main objective with Neotropical Xenarthrans is to make occurrence and quantitative data available to facilitate more ecological research, particularly if we integrate the xenarthran data with other data sets of Neotropical Series that will become available very soon (i.e., Neotropical Carnivores, Neotropical Invasive Mammals, and Neotropical Hunters and Dogs). Therefore, studies on trophic cascades, hunting pressure, habitat loss, fragmentation effects, species invasion, and climate change effects will be possible with the Neotropical Xenarthrans data set. Please cite this data paper when using its data in publications. We also request that researchers and teachers inform us of how they are using these data