163 research outputs found

    Inclusión de indicadores sociales en el análisis de requerimientos energéticos : El caso de la provincia de Salta

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    Pese a que desde hace casi veinte años, y como parte de la etapa de privatización del suministro eléctrico disperso, existen en el NOA programas de electrificación rural, el objetivo central de los mismos solo se cumplió parcialmente. En esta región habitan casi cinco millones de habitantes y representan más del diez por ciento de la población total del país. En la región, más del ochenta y cinco por ciento de la población posee redes convencionales de energía, pero el NBI promedio es de algo menos del 28%. Desde el programa PERMER y otros, se asignan recursos para instalar electricidad con paneles fotovoltaicos, y con mini redes de diferentes tipos, en un esfuerzo notable de gobiernos y empresas. Es de destacar, que no todos los sitios habitados podrán gozar del “beneficio”, dado que las solicitudes son numerosas. En otro orden de cosas, la radiación solar promedio en la región es muy adecuada para su aprovechamiento, por lo que con ella se puede paliar la situación pese a lo elevado de la inversión inicial. Se propone un mecanismo para poder seleccionar objetivamente las localidades que puede servir de herramienta para la toma de decisiones, en el marco de un programa de aplicación regional. Conviene aclarar que existen otros, igualmente valiosos.There are almost twenty years in the NOA rural electrification programs, as part of a process of privatization of companies. The central objective of these only partially fulfilled. This region is home to nearly five million people, representing more than ten percent of the total population. In the region, more than eighty-five percent of the population owns conventional 08.09 energy networks, but the average NBI is just under 28%. Since the program PERMER and others, resources are allocated to electrifies with photovoltaic panels, and mini networks of different types, in a remarkable effort of governments and businesses. It is noteworthy that not all inhabited sites may enjoy the "benefit", given that applications are numerous. In another vein, the average solar radiation in the region is very good for its use, so that it can alleviate the situation despite the high level of initial investment. A mechanism is proposed to objectively select locations that can serve as a tool for decision making in the context of a regional implementation program. It should be clear that there are other, equally valuable.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Sistema integral para la administración de módulos de riego (SIAM), en México

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    The irrigation modules in Mexico carry out the operation, conservation, administration and engineering in a traditional way; they require too much manpower, computer equipment, time and material resources. This process is expensive, time-consuming, inefficient, and produces mistake. The objective is to create a digital platform on the web that allows the programming, execution and monitoring in real time of the activities of the irrigation modules; as well as its capture in the field in electronic devices; that contributes to the governance and comprehensive sustainable use of water resources. The result was the digital platform called SIAM, written in the Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) version 2019, .Net Framework platform. C# and Windows Forms libraries were used for the graphical interface, as well as Syncfusion Essential Studio controls for the advanced interfaces. The relational type databases were worked on in MySql for a fixed or online server. SIAM allows exporting ESRI shapefile files using MapWinGis and QGis 3.22 was used for the elaboration of final thematic maps. The SIAM was evaluated in the irrigation module 3 at D.R. 05 Delicias, Chihuahua and III-4 at D.R. 025 Bajo Río Bravo, Tamaulipas.Los módulos de riego de México realizan la operación, conservación, administración y la ingeniería de forma tradicional; requieren demasiado mano de obra, equipos de cómputo, tiempo y recursos materiales. Este proceso es caro, tardado, ineficiente y produce errores. El objetivo es crear una plataforma digital en la web que permita realizar la programación, ejecución y seguimento en tiempo real de las actividades de los módulos de riego; así como su captura en campo en dispositivos electrónicos; que contribuya a la gobernanza y uso integral sustentable del recurso hídrico. El resultado fue la plataforma digital denominada SIAM, escrita en el Entorno de Desarrollo Integrado (IDE) de Visual Studio versión 2019, plataforma .Net Framework.  Se usó C# y librerías de Windows Forms para la interfaz graphical, así como controles Syncfusion Essential Studio para las interfaces avanzadas. Las bases de datos de tipo relacional se trabajaron en MySql para un servidor fijo o en línea. El SIAM permite exportar archivos de tipo ESRI shapefile usando MapWinGis y se utilizó QGis 3.22 para la elaboración de mapas temáticos finales. El SIAM se evaluó en los módulos de riego 3 del D.R. 05 Delicias, Chihuahua y III-4 del D.R. 025 Bajo Río Bravo, Tamaulipas

    Índice de estrés hídrico (IEH) e índice de servicio del riego (ISR) en función de la huella hídrica de los cultivos en los módulos de riego en México

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    The total water stress to which crops are subjected, caused mainly by the impacts of climate change on water resources; It can be evaluated through quantitative indexes of percentages type. For this reason, the irrigation module III-4 of the Irrigation District 025 Bajo Río Bravo, Tamaulipas was defined as a case study, in which agricultural crops have suffered cyclical water scarcity; since the volumes of water required to achieve their productive potential are not applied to them. The objective is to create and propose the Water Stress Index (WSI) and the Irrigation Service Index (ISI) based on the water footprint of crops. The methodology consisted of establishing the Base Line (BL) for the scenery without water stress and then the Real Condition (RC) for the scenery with water stress of the crop pattern; for which the Evapotranspiration of the Crop (ETc), the Volumes of Water Applied (CWU) and the Water Footprint of the Crops (HH) of both scenery were determined; then the results obtained were normalized. The results obtained were four multidimensional mathematical expressions to calculate the WSI and the ISI.El estrés hídrico total al que se someten los cultivos, ocasionado principalmente por los impactos del cambio climático sobre los recursos hídricos; puede ser evaluado mediante índices cuantitativos de tipo porcentual. Por tal razón, se definió como estudio de caso el módulo de riego III-4 del Distrito de Riego 025 Bajo Río Bravo, Tamaulipas, en el cual los cultivos agrícolas han sufrido escasez de agua de forma cíclica; ya que no se les aplican los volúmenes de agua requeridos para lograr su potencial productivo. El objetivo es crear y proponer el Índice de Estrés Hídrico (IEH) y el Índice de Servicio del Riego (ISR) en función de la huella hídrica de los cultivos. La metodología consistió en establecer la Línea Base (LB) para el escenario sin estrés hídrico y luego la Condición Real (CR) para el escenario con estrés hídrico del patrón de cultivos; para lo cual se determino la Evapotranspiración del Cultivo (ETc), los Volúmenes de Agua Aplicados (CWU) y la Huella Hídrica de los Cultivos (HH) de ambos escenarios; luego se normalizaron los resultados obtenidos. Los resultados obtenidos fueron cuatro expresiones matemáticas multidimensionales para calcular el IEH y el ISR

    Spectral properties of reversible one-dimensional cellular automata

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    Reversible cellular automata are invertible dynamical systems characterized by discreteness, determinism and local interaction. This article studies the local behavior of reversible one-dimensional cellular automata by means of the spectral properties of their connectivity matrices. We use the transformation of every one-dimensional cellular automaton to another of neighborhood size 2 to generalize the results exposed in this paper. In particular we prove that the connectivity matrices have a single positive eigenvalue equal to 1; based on this result we also prove the idempotent behavior of these matrices. The significance of this property lies in the implementation of a matrix technique for detecting whether a one-dimensional cellular automaton is reversible or not. In particular, we present a procedure using the eigenvectors of these matrices to find the inverse rule of a given reversible one-dimensional cellular automaton. Finally illustrative examples are provided

    Plataforma Digital para la Gestión de Módulos de Riego en México: SIAM, en México

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    In Mexico, the traditional management of irrigation modules involves a high consumption of labor, time, and resources, making it costly, slow, and inefficient. To address these challenges, SIAM was developed, a digital platform that facilitates the scheduling, execution, and real-time monitoring of these activities, as well as allowing data collection in the field through electronic devices. This tool, created in the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of Visual Studio and based on the .Net Framework platform, uses C#, Windows Forms libraries, Syncfusion Essential Studio controls, and MySql databases. Furthermore, SIAM can export ESRI shapefile files with MapWinGis and uses QGis 3.22 for thematic map creation. After being tested in the irrigation modules 3 of D.R. 05 Delicias and III-4 of D.R. 025 Bajo Río Bravo, SIAM proved to be an effective solution, offering a transparent and swift evaluation of the performance of the irrigation modules, thus promoting sustainable and transparent water management.RESUMEN En México, la gestión tradicional de los módulos de riego implica un alto consumo de mano de obra, tiempo y recursos, resultando costosa, lenta e ineficiente. Para abordar estos desafíos, se desarrolló SIAM, una plataforma digital que facilita la programación, ejecución y monitoreo en tiempo real de estas actividades, además de permitir la recopilación de datos en campo a través de dispositivos electrónicos. Esta herramienta, creada en el Entorno de Desarrollo Integrado (IDE) de Visual Studio y basada en la plataforma .Net Framework, utiliza C#, librerías de Windows Forms, controles Syncfusion Essential Studio y bases de datos MySql. Además, SIAM puede exportar archivos ESRI shapefile con MapWinGis y emplea QGis 3.22 para la creación de mapas temáticos. Tras ser probado en los módulos de riego 3 del D.R. 05 Delicias y III-4 del D.R. 025 Bajo Río Bravo, SIAM demostró ser una solución efectiva, proporcionando una evaluación transparente y rápida del desempeño de los módulos de riego, favoreciendo así una gestión sostenible y transparente del agua

    México y sus Desafíos Hídricos: una mirada a través del ITA y IER en Zonas de Riego

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    The entirety of the water stress experienced by crops, intensified by the effects of climate change, can be measured through quantitative indicators. In this context, the aim is to introduce and suggest the Water Stress Index (WSI) and the Water Use Efficiency (WUE) based on the water footprint of crops. A study was conducted in the irrigation module III-4 of the Irrigation District 025 Bajo Río Bravo, Tamaulipas, where crops have periodically faced water shortages. A Baseline was defined for situations without water stress, and subsequently, the Current Condition under water stress conditions in the studied crops was estimated. For this, evapotranspiration, water volumes used, and water footprints were measured, and these data were then normalized. Four mathematical formulas were derived to determine the WSI and WUE. The average WSI based on total water footprints was 61.66%, while the average WUE turned out to be 38.34%. These indices provide a tool to effectively analyze total water stress, promoting sustainable water management.La totalidad del estrés hídrico al que están expuestos los cultivos, intensificado por los efectos del cambio climático, puede ser medido a través de indicadores cuantitativos. En este contexto, se busca introducir y sugerir el Índice de Tensión del Agua (ITA) y el Índice de Eficiencia de Riego (IER) basándose en la huella hídrica de los cultivos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio en el módulo de riego III-4 del Distrito de Riego 025 Bajo Río Bravo, Tamaulipas, donde los cultivos han enfrentado periódicamente falta de agua. Se definió una Línea Base para situaciones sin estrés hídrico y posteriormente se estimó la Condición Actual bajo condiciones de estrés hídrico en los cultivos estudiados. Para ello, se midió la evapotranspiración, los volúmenes de agua utilizados y las huellas hídricas, y posteriormente se normalizaron estos datos. Se derivaron cuatro fórmulas matemáticas para determinar el ITA y el IER. El ITA medio basado en las huellas hídricas totales fue del 61.66%, mientras que el IER medio resultó ser del 38.34%. Estos índices ofrecen una herramienta para analizar de manera efectiva el estrés hídrico total, favoreciendo una gestión sostenible del agua

    Phenomenology of reaction-diffusion binary-state cellular automata

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    We study a binary-cell-state eight-cell neighborhood two-dimensional cellular automaton model of a quasi-chemical system with a substrate and a reagent. Reactions are represented by semitotalistic transitions rules: every cell switches from state 0 to state 1 depending on if the sum of neighbors in state 1 belongs to some specified interval, cell remains in state 1 if the sum of neighbors in state 1 belong to another specified interval. We investigate space-time dynamics of 1296 automata, establish morphology-bases classification of the rules, explore precipitating and excitatory cases and scrutinize collisions between mobile and stationary localizations (gliders, cycle life and still-life compact patterns). We explore reaction-diffusion like patterns produced as a result of collisions between localizations. Also, we propose a set of rules with complex behavior called Life 2c22. © World Scientific Publishing Company

    Evaluating mating compatibility within fruit fly cryptic species complexes and the potential role of sex pheromones in pre-mating isolation

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    The study of sexual behavior and the identification of the signals involved in mate recognition between con-specifics are key components that can shed some light, as part of an integrative taxonomic approach, in delimitating species within species complexes. In the Tephritidae family several species complexes have received particular attention as they include important agricultural pests such as the Ceratitis fasciventris(Bezzi), Ceratitis anonae (Graham) and Ceratitis rosa Karsch (FAR) complex, the Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel) complex and the Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) complex. Here the value and usefulness of a methodology that uses walk-in field cages with host trees to assess, under semi-natural conditions, mating compatibility within these complexes is reviewed, and the same methodology to study the role of chemical communication in pre-mating isolation among Anastrepha fraterculus populations is used. Results showed that under the same experimental conditions it was possible to distinguish an entire range of different outcomes: from full mating compatibility among some populations to complete assortative mating among others. The effectiveness of the methodology in contributing to defining species limits was shown in two species complexes: Anastrepha fraterculus and Bactrocera dorsalis, and in the case of the latter the synonymization of several established species was published. We conclude that walk-in field cages constitute a powerful tool to measure mating compatibility, which is also useful to determine the role of chemical signals in species recognition. Overall, this experimental approach provides a good source of information about reproductive boundaries to delimit species. However, it needs to be applied as part of an integrative taxonomic approach that simultaneously assesses cytogenetic, molecular, physiological and morphological traits in order to reach more robust species delimitations.Fil: Juárez, María Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia; ArgentinaFil: Devescovi, Francisco. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Brízová, Radka. Institute Of Organic Chemistry And Biochemistry; República ChecaFil: Bachmann, Guillermo Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Segura, Diego Fernando. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Kalinova, Blanka. Institute Of Organic Chemistry And Biochemistry; República ChecaFil: Fernandez, Patricia Carina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Ruiz, María Josefina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia; ArgentinaFil: Yang, Jianquan. Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University; ChinaFil: Teal, Peter E. A.. No especifíca;Fil: Cáceres, Carlos. No especifíca;Fil: Vreysen, Marc J.B.. No especifíca;Fil: Hendrichs, Jorge. No especifíca;Fil: Vera, María Teresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia; Argentin

    Social representations and community attitudes towards spring breakers

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    Social representations theory has been adopted for explaining tourism impacts and local attitudes. However, its usefulness in segmenting local population in terms of their attitudes towards specific types of tourists has not been tested. This study identifies the attitudes of local people towards spring break, a North American young tourist phenomenon in the context of the Mexican beach resort of Acapulco. Although residents perceive an increase in alcohol consumption, drug use, noise and litter during the spring break season, they largely recognise economic benefits and are thus generally supportive for the phenomenon. Based on these attitudes, three clusters were identified: spring break supporters (identified by their high appreciation of spring break benefits), ambivalents (who are uncertain about both benefits and costs) and realistics (characterised by recognising both benefits and costs). The main contribution of this study lies in the confirmation of the usefulness of social representations theory in explaining residents’ attitudes towards a very specific type of tourists whose hedonist behaviours are a common characteristic