46 research outputs found

    Research technology organisations as leaders of R&D collaboration with SMEs: role, barriers and facilitators

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    Research technology organisations or RTOs have attracted academic interest in the last decade due to their role as technology transfer agents and R&D collaborative leaders for firms and especially for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Although their role within the diversity of specialised structures in generating R&D for industry in National Innovation Systems is recognised, there are scarce publications in relation to their strategies, performance or characteristic, as leaders of R&D collaboration with SMEs. The aim of this work is to identify the role, barriers and facilitators for RTOs performance as well as to develop a contingency relationship between industry environment, strategy, organisational structure and other factors for successful technology transfer from technology organisations to SMEs. This research is based on a field study conducted on 14 technology organisations based in the Valencia region, working with various industry sectors.Albors Garrigós, J.; Rincón Díaz, CA.; Igartua López, JI. (2014). Research technology organisations as leaders of R&D collaboration with SMEs: role, barriers and facilitators. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. 26(1):37-53. doi:10.1080/09537325.2013.850159S375326

    Physical Education Teachers’ Perceived Digital Competences: Are They Prepared for the Challenges of the New Digital Age?

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    The development of information and communication technologies impose great changes that require teachers to be constantly updated. Therefore, it is interesting to analyze the Digital Competence perceived by teachers and their ability to use digital devices in the classroom. The aim of this study is to investigate the technological resources and difficulties that Physical Education teachers have in schools, in addition to the training and methodological strategies required to adequately teach Physical Education classes in present times. For this, through a previously validated survey, we will observe the Digital Competence of teachers and whether there are differences between genders, according to age and teaching experience. A survey has been undertaken by 50 Physical Education teachers of secondary school students. The results show statistically significant differences according to teaching experience and age. In addition, younger teachers have a better perception of their ability to apply Digital Competence in the Physical Education classroom setting.Educació

    Estrategias de sostenimiento de los Centros Tecnológicos. Un modelo contingente para entender su desempeño

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    Abstract: The objectives of this paper are to propose a contingent model linking context, organizational and performance variables, and to identify barriers that Research and Technology Organisations have to overcome to work with companies. Furthermore, there is discussion of the best practices that Research and Technology Organisations carry out in order to develop competitive advantages and adjust to turbulent environments. This research was based on a field study of 14 Research and Technology Organisations in the Valencian Community and 13 Research and Technology Organisations in the Basque Country. The study identifies certain factors which could improve their performance to address properly changes in their environment and become more competitive.Los objetivos de este trabajo son proponer un modelo contingente que relaciona variables de contexto, organizacionales y de resultado, e identificar las barreras que los Centros Tecnológicos encuentran para trabajar con empresas y las buenas prácticas llevan a cabo para desarrollar ventajas competitivas y adaptarse en entornos turbulentos. Esta investigación se baso en un estudio de catorce Centros tecnológicos de la Comunidad Valenciana y trece Centros Tecnológicos del País Vasco. El estudio propone algunos factores a mejorar para que los Centros Tecnológicos afronten adecuadamente los cambios en su entorno y sean más competitivos.Rincón Díaz, CA.; Albors Garrigós, J. (2013). Sustaining strategies and a contingent model for understanding RTOs perfomance. Dirección y Organización. 50(2):63-73. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/45753S637350

    La inteligencia accional: un nuevo paradigma para entender una gestión dinámica y enfocada del conocimiento en las organizaciones

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    [ES] En este trabajo presentamos la Inteligencia Accional como un nuevo constructo que se basa en las ideas previamente expuestas del conocimiento accionable desarrolladas entre otros por Dewey (1949), Argyris (1978, 1995, 1996) y Carlile (2002), el modelo de fuentes del conocimiento nuclear de Leonard Barton (1995), el concepto del trabajador del conocimientoAlbors Garrigós, J.; Ramos Carrasco, JC. (2014). La inteligencia accional: un nuevo paradigma para entender una gestión dinámica y enfocada del conocimiento en las organizaciones. Economía Industrial. 392:15-27. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/111250S152739

    Lemierre Syndrome associated with dental infections : report of one case and review of the literature

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    The first publication on Lemierre Syndrome appears in 1936 by Lemierre. It is defined as an ?oropharynx bacterial infection characterized by the thrombophlebitis in the internal jugular vein, derived in a systemic septic embolism?. In 81% of the cases, the Fusobacterium necrophorum is the most frequent etiologic agent. Fever is the most common symptom, but it can depending on the primary infection, tonsillitis, mastoiditis or odontogenic infection. According to the literature the mortality is very low, but with a significant morbidity, that is why the diagnosis and early treatment is very important. The diagnosis it´s clinical, even though the CT scan and other diagnosis methods (echography, MRI) help to determine the extent of the infection. It?s necessary to administrate the antibiotics endovenous at high dose, (keeping in mind that the most frequent micro organism is anaerobic), and vital support measures if neccessary. We present a case report of Lemierre Syndrome associated to an odonthogenic infection caused by the 4.8 molar

    Adiciones y correcciones a la orquidoflora valenciana, VI

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    Se aportan datos sobre algunos táxones poco abundantes en la Comunidad Valenciana; a destacar la presencia de Barlia robertiana en Monòver, Himantoglossum hircinum en Bocairent, Orchis fragrans en el Parc Natural de la Serra de Mariola y Orchis italica en Castellonet de la Conquesta.It is shown some data about rare taxa at the Valencian Community, specially about Barlia robertiana in Monòver, Himantoglossum hircinum in Bocairent, Orchis fragrans in the Natural Park Serra de Mariola and Orchis italica in Castellonet de la Conquesta

    Adiciones y correcciones a la orquidoflora valenciana, VII

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    Se aportan datos sobre algunos táxones de Orchidaceae que resultan escasos en la Comunidad Valenciana o en determinadas de sus comarcas; a destacar la presencia de Ophrys santonica y O. × pseudospeculum en Alicante.It is shown some data about rare taxa of Orchidaceae at the Valencian Community (E Spain) or expansions of area to new shires; to emphasize the presence of Ophrys santonica and O. × pseudospeculum in Alicante

    Los contratos sobre el buque en Derecho Español. Análisis práctico

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    Prólogo / José Luis Gabaldón García (pp. 9-13). -- Introducción (pp. 15-18). -- El contrato de construcción naval: aspectos prácticos / Gonzalo Alvar Ezquerra (pp. 19-37). -- El contrato de compraventa / Carlos López-Quiroga, Luz Martínez de Azcoitia y José Sánchez-Fayos Martín-Peña (pp. 39-58). -- El contrato de arrendamiento de buque / Rodolfo González Lebrero (pp. 59-75). -- El contrato de fletamento por tiempo / José María Alcántara González (pp. 77-102). -- El contrato de fletamento por viaje: contenido obligacional / Juan Pablo Rodríguez Delgado (pp. 103-144). -- El contrato de transporte marítimo en régimen de conocimiento de embarque / Javier del Corte (pp. 145-186). -- Los documentos de transporte / Carlos Llorente (pp. 187-205). -- Contratos de utilización del buque para fines distintos del transporte de mercancías / José Manuel G. Pellicer (pp. 207-221). -- El contrato de arrendamiento náutico / León von Ondarza (pp. 223-244). -- El contrato de pasaje marítimo / Hannah de Bustos, Antonio Quirós de Sas y Julio López Quiroga (pp. 245-260). -- Los contratos de gestión naval para la dotación del buque / Bernardo Ruiz Lima (pp. 261-279). -- El contrato de gestión naval / Víctor Mata Garrido (pp. 281-302). -- El contrato de consignación de buques /Jesús Barbadillo Eyzaguirre (pp. 303-323). -- El contrato de manipulación portuaria / Carlos Pérez (pp. 325-338). -- El contrato de practicaje / Alicia Velasco Nates (pp. 339-356). -- Los contratos de mediación en la explotación del buque / Carmen Codes Cid y Martín Prieto Sulleiro (pp. 357-372). -- El contrato de remolque / Ana Sánchez Horneros (pp. 373- 392). -- El contrato de remolque / Jaime de Castro (pp. 393-412). -- El contrato de salvamento / Luis Souto (pp. 413-430). -- El contrato de remoción de restos / Verónica Meana (pp. 431-446). -- El contrato de clasificación del buque / Jaime Rodrigo de Larrucea (pp. 447-463). -- El seguro de casco y máquina / Carlos Cerdá Donat y Diego de San Simón Palacios (pp. 465-491). -- Los clubes de protección e indemnización (P&I) / Miguel Caballero (pp. 493-504). -- El seguro de protección e indemnización (P&I) / Jaime Albors (pp. 505-524). -- El seguro del acreedor hipotecario / Luis F. Gómez de Mariaca Fernández (pp. 525-540)