12 research outputs found

    Assessing biomass based on canopy height profiles using airborne laser scanning data in eucalypt plantations

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    This study aimed to map the stem biomass of an even-aged eucalyptus plantation in southeastern Brazil based on canopy height profile (CHPs) statistics using wall-to-wall discrete return airborne laser scanning (ALS), and compare the results with alternative maps generated by ordinary kriging interpolation from field-derived measurements. The assessment of stem biomass with ALS data was carried out using regression analysis methods. Initially, CHPs were determined to express the distribution of laser point heights in the ALS cloud for each sample plot. The probability density function (pdf) used was the Weibull distribution, with two parameters that in a secondary task, were used as explanatory variables to model stem biomass. ALS metrics such as height percentiles, dispersion of heights, and proportion of points were also investigated. A simple linear regression model of stem biomass as a function of the Weibull scale parameter showed high correlation (adj.R2 = 0.89). The alternative model considering the 30th percentile and the Weibull shape parameter slightly improved the quality of the estimation (adj.R2 = 0.93). Stem biomass maps based on the Weibull scale parameter doubled the accuracy of the ordinary kriging approach (relative root mean square error = 6 % and 13 %, respectively)

    Report on palliative care development in Uruguay based on the WHO indicators

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    This report describes the current palliative care (PC) situation in Uruguay, highlighting the challenges the country faces in providing PC to over 17,000 Uruguayans who – according to estimates – require PC each year. Commissioned by the WHO - PAHO representation in Uruguay, the WHO Collaborating Centre ATLANTES organised a two-day workshop in Montevideo to examine and adapt the WHO PC development indicators to the Uruguayan context in collaboration with the National PC Program. WHO invited representatives from the health, education, ministries, and social organisations sectors, who worked on a data collection tool whose responses could be categorised into four levels of development: initial, intermediate, established, and advanced. The report highlights each indicator’s strengths and weaknesses and summarises the level of implementation in each area of the country. The empowerment of individuals and communities is explored through two indicators. The first reveals a strong presence of patient and family associations advocating for PC and promoting patient rights, as well as the existence of the Uruguayan Society of Medicine and Palliative Care (SUMCP). The second confirms the existence of a national policy on advance care planning (advanced level). Since 2013, there has been a National PC Plan. PC services are included in the list of health services provided by the primary level of care (with an audit mechanism carried out by the Ministry of Public Health (MSP)), and there is a national authority coordinating PC care crystallised in the National PC Program. The latter depends on and is based on the MSP. Although it has no budget, it has a growing scientific and technical structure with adequate staff (advanced level)

    Temperamento em bubalinos: testes de mensuração Temperament in buffalos: mensurament tests

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    O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar a aplicabilidade, para búfalos (Bubalus bubalis), de testes de avaliação de temperamento, utilizados para bovinos. Foram avaliados os testes de docilidade, teste de reação a objetos novos, de tronco e de isolamento social em 12 bezerros e suas 12 mães, separadamente. Tanto os bezerros como suas mães responderam a todos os testes com vários comportamentos. Para os bezerros e as mães, os testes que promoveram maior número de comportamentos foram o de tronco e de reação a objetos novos. Houve diferenças individuais (coeficiente de variação de 32-51%) nos resultados de todos os testes tanto nos bezerros como nas mães. Os resultados individuais, em testes de isolamento social e de reação a objetos novos apresentaram correlação positiva tanto com as mães (rs = 0,76, P< 0,01) quanto com os bezerros (rs = 0,66, P< 0,01). Baseados em sensibilidade, relevância e aplicabilidade, o teste de isolamento social e o teste de tronco podem ser sugeridos para avaliarem o temperamento de bubalinos.<br>The objective of this study was to assess the applicability of temperament tests commonly used in bovines for water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). The tests for docility, reaction to a novel object, squeeze cage and social isolation were applied individually with 12 calves and their 12 mothers. Both calves and their mothers responded to all tests with a variety of behaviors. The tests that elicited the larger number of behaviors were the squeeze cage and the novel object. There were large individual differences (coefficients of variation of 32-51%) in the scores for all tests for calves and adults. The individual scores for the tests of isolation and novel object were significantly correlated for calves (rs = 0.66, P< 0.01) and adults (rs = 0.76, P< 0.01). Using the criteria of sensitivity (range of individual differences), responsiveness and applicability, the squeeze cage test and the isolation test seem well suited for water buffaloes

    Importância epidemiológica de alguns animais silvestres na esquistossomose mansônica Epidemiologic importance of some wild rodents in the schistosomiasis mansoni

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    Com o intuito de averiguar a importância de alguns roedores como possíveis reservatórios do S. mansoni, na ausência do homem parasitado, foi realizada pesquisa, visando contribuir para o esclarecimento de aspectos ligados à cadeia epidemiológica da esquistossomose, bem como conhecer alguns parâmetros da biologia de certos roedores, em seu habitat semi-natural. O experimento foi realizado num viveiro de 952 m², no município de Taubaté, São Paulo (Brasil), numa área endêmica de esquistossomose mansônica humana, e teve a duração de três anos e seis meses (agosto de 1973 a dezembro de 1976). Foram utilizados como hospedeiros definitivos, Holochilus brasiliensis leucogaster, Zygodontomys lasiurus, Oryzomys nigripes eliurus e Cavia aperea aperea; como hospeideiro intermediário, Biomphalaria tenagophila e posteriormente B. glabrata. Entre agosto de 1973 e janeiro de 1976, não houve encontro de B. tenagophila eliminando cercárias de S. mansoni; não se verificou, também, infecção natural de roedores. Em agosto de 1975, houve introdução acidental de desovas da B. glabrata, cujos adultos, em 1976, apresentaram infecção por S. mansoni em três ocasiões, com índices de 2,0; 1,6 e 0,8%. No mesmo ano de 1976, dois Holochilus, nascidos no Viveiro, eliminaram ovos viáveis de S. mansoni. Foi possível obter dados de 41 H. b. leucogaster, 28 introduzidos e 14 nascidos no local. O exemplar que sobreviveu mais tempo completou 346 dias. Os animais nascidos no Viveiro e capturados pela primeira vez pesavam, em média, 20 a 50 g. Notou-se que o peso corporal aumentou com o tempo e parece não estacionar até a morte do animal. Z. lasiurus e C. a aperea não procriaram e nem adquiriram infecção ao S. mansoni. O. n. eliurus, procriou e permaneceu vivo, em média, menos de 100 dias; não foi observada eliminação de ovos do parasita. É pouco provável que H. b. leucogaster e B. tenagophila mantenham o ciclo da esquistossomose na ausência da contaminação humana, na natureza. Porém, é possível que, futuramente, H. b. leucogaster na presença de B. glabrata, possa servir de reservatório da esquistossomose, na natureza, quando encontrados em abundância e desde que adaptados com cepas adequadas do parasita.<br>The importance of some wild rodents as possible reservoir hosts of S. mansoni related to the epidemiologic chain of this parasite and some biological aspects of these rodents were studied in semi-natural habitats. The experiment was performed in an enclosed area of about 1,000 m² situated in Taubaté, State of S. Paulo, one of the endemic area of human schistosomiasis, during a period of three years and six months (from August 1973 to December 1976). Wild rodents of the following species were used as definitive hosts: Holochilus brasiliensis leucogaster, Zygodontomys lasiurus, Oryzomys nigripes eliurus and Cavia aperea aperea. Biomphalaria tenagophila and B. glabrata were used as intermediate hosts. From August 1973 to January 1976 it was not possible to find any B. tenagophila eliminating S. mansoni cercariae nor any rodents infected with the same parasite. In August, 1975, egg patches of B. glabrata snails were accidentaly introduced into the area and in 1976 some adult snails were eliminating S. mansoni cercariae. In that same year, two Holochilus that were born in the area were discharging S. mansoni eggs in their feces. Some biological data were collected from 41 H. b. leucogaster of which 28 individuals were introduced into and 14 were born in the area. The majority of body weights of rodents born in the area and captured for the first time was between 20 and 50 grams. In this group of 41 rodents observed, body weight continued to increase throughout the life span of each individual sampled. Z. lasiurus and C. a. aperea did not show any infection with S. mansoni and they did not leave any progeny in the area. O. n. eliurus reproduced in the area and remaining there for about 100 days did not show any infection with the parasite. Thus, H. b. leucogaster and B. tenagophila, in the absence of infected humans, will hardly maintain the life cicle of schistosomiasis but Holochilus together with B. glabrata would probably maintain the life cicle of S. mansoni in nature without the presence of infected man, since in the area there is a suitable strain of S. mansoni, both for definitive and intermediate hosts