37 research outputs found

    Root Preparation of Deciduous Teeth: Efficacy of WaveOne and ProTaper Systems with and without Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare root preparation of deciduous teeth with WaveOne Large (WO) and ProTaper F4 (PT) instruments with or without passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI). Methods and Materials: Forty-eight deciduous teeth were scanned before and after root preparation and divided in four groups (n=12): WO+EDTA (WO); WO+EDTA with PUI (WOPUI); PTF+EDTA (PT); and PT+EDTA with PUI (PTPUI). Root canal enlargement by micro-computed tomography and root canal cleaning by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were analyzed. Data were submitted to two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s tests to analyze the root canal volume variation, and Kruskal-Wallis followed by Friedman and Wilcoxon tests were used to evaluate the cleaning efficacy. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results: No significant difference occurred in total volume between groups (P>0.05). On analysis by thirds of the root canal, there was a difference in volume between WO (cervical) compared to WO and PT (apical), and PTPUI (middle and apical) (P<0.05). When cleaning of the thirds within the same group was compared, there was a significant difference in all groups (P<0.05). Among the groups, in the thirds, in the cervical a difference occurred (P=0.028), and the pairwise comparisons indicated statistically difference between WO and PT, and WO and PTPUI (P<0.05). In the pairwise comparisons among thirds, in the groups, difrences occured in all of them when compared the cervical and apical thirds (P<0.05). Conclusion: Passive ultrasonic irrigation has not improved the smear layer removal in deciduous teeth. Despite the differences in performance between WO and PT instruments, both were suitable for preparation of deciduous teeth.Keywords: Deciduous Teeth; Endodontic; Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation; Root Canal Preparation; Ultrasoni

    Analysis of the internal anatomy of mandibular molars using different cone-beam computed tomography protocols

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the root canal anatomy variations of permanent mandibular molars using three different cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) protocols. Material and methods: Thirty-five freshly extracted first and second mandibular molars were collected and subjected to three CBCT protocols: i-CAT Classic (ICC); i-CAT Next Generation (ICN), and PreXion 3D (PXD). Images were evaluated by two previously calibrated and experienced endodontists. The morphological root canal configurations were classified according to Vertucci. Data were analyzed for frequency, and the binomial and Kappa tests were then performed (α = 0.05). Results: ICC and ICN were able to diagnose a higher percentage of anatomical variations in the mesial roots. In this same root, Vertucci’s type V was the most prevalent, and in distal was the type I. In comparisons of CBCT techniques for agreement, significant differences in the mesial root canals were found in the following: ICC versus (vs) ICN; ICC vs PXD; and ICN vs PXD (p 0.05). The level of agreement in mesial roots was poor or absent, while in distal was moderate. Conclusion: Anatomical variations were found in both root canals, with higher variability in the mesial, highlighting ICC and ICN protocols, and the prevalence of Vertucci’s type V, while in the distal prevailed the type I


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    Em muitos ingredientes utilizados na alimentação de perus, estão presentes compostos conhecidos como β-mananos, polissacarídeos não amiláceos que comprometem o aproveitamento dos nutrientes da dieta. O objetivo do presente experimento foi o de avaliar os efeitos da enzima β-mananase em dietas para peruas sobre a altura de vilos e a profundidade das criptas, aos 7 dias, e o desempenho zootécnico, aos 7, 14 e 21 dias de idade. Foram utilizadas 432 aves, distribuídas em delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso composto por 3 tratamentos: T1 – dieta basal; T2: dieta basal com redução de 150 kcal/kg e; T3: dieta basal com redução de 150 kcal/kg + adição da enzima β-mananase. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e, no caso de diferenças significativas, comparadas estatisticamente pelo teste de Duncan (5%). A adição da enzima β-mananase permite reduzir os níveis de energia da dieta sem que sejam afetadas a altura de vilos e profundidade de criptas, aos 7 dias de idade, bem como o desempenho zootécnico das aves, aos 21 dias. 


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    O trigo no Brasil ainda é um ingrediente pouco utilizado em rações devido ao seu alto custo de produção. Na parede de cereais como o trigo, há a presença de polissacarídeos não amiláceos (PNAs), e esses compostos influenciam negativamente o aproveitamento da energia, aumentando a retenção de água no intestino e, como conseqüência, há o aumento da viscosidade do conteúdo intestinal. A enzima xilanase atua rompendo as paredes celulares dos PNAs, aumentando a digestibilidade dos nutrientes. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da enzima xilanase sobre o desempenho de perus de corte dos 28 aos 126 dias. Foram utilizadas 360 peruas da linhagem BUT9, alojadas em baias móveis. As aves foram divididas em três tratamentos de 8 repetições, cada uma com 15 aves, por meio de um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado. As aves e as sobras de ração foram pesadas aos 56, 84, 112 e 126 dias e os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que a adição da enzima xilanase em dietas de perus formuladas à base de milho e farelo de soja não promovem melhorias sobre o desempenho das aves (P>0,05). Entretanto, quando o trigo é adicionado à dieta, a ação da enzima promove uma diminuição no consumo de ração e uma melhora na conversão alimentar das aves (P0,05)

    Inhibition of lysyl oxidases synergizes with 5-azacytidine to restore erythropoiesis in myelodysplastic and myeloid malignancies

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    Limited response rates and frequent relapses during standard of care with hypomethylating agents in myelodysplastic neoplasms (MN) require urgent improvement of this treatment indication. Here, by combining 5-azacytidine (5-AZA) with the pan-lysyl oxidase inhibitor PXS-5505, we demonstrate superior restoration of erythroid differentiation in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) of MN patients in 20/31 cases (65%) versus 9/31 cases (29%) treated with 5-AZA alone. This effect requires direct contact of HSPCs with bone marrow stroma components and is dependent on integrin signaling. We further confirm these results in vivo using a bone marrow niche-dependent MN xenograft model in female NSG mice, in which we additionally demonstrate an enforced reduction of dominant clones as well as significant attenuation of disease expansion and normalization of spleen sizes. Overall, these results lay out a strong pre-clinical rationale for efficacy of combination treatment of 5-AZA with PXS-5505 especially for anemic MN

    Down-regulation of ANAPC13 and CLTCL1: Early Events in the Progression of Preinvasive Ductal Carcinoma of the Breast

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    Alterations in the gene expression profile in epithelial cells during breast ductal carcinoma (DC) progression have been shown to occur mainly between pure ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) to the in situ component of a lesion with coexisting invasive ductal carcinoma (DCIS-IDC) implying that the molecular program for invasion is already established in the preinvasive lesion. For assessing early molecular alterations in epithelial cells that trigger tumorigenesis and testing them as prognostic markers for breast ductal carcinoma progression, we analyzed, by reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction, eight genes previously identified as differentially expressed between epithelial tumor cells populations captured from preinvasive lesions with distinct malignant potential, pure DCIS and the in situ component of DCIS-IDC. ANAPC13 and CLTCL1 down-regulation revealed to be early events of DC progression that anticipated the invasiveness manifestation. Further down-regulation of ANAPC13 also occurred after invasion appearance and the presence of the protein in invasive tumor samples was associated with higher rates of overall and disease-free survival in breast cancer patients. Furthermore, tumors with low levels of ANAPC13 displayed increased copy number alterations, with significant gains at 1q (1q23.1-1q32.1), 8q, and 17q (17q24.2), regions that display common imbalances in breast tumors, suggesting that down-regulation of ANAPC13 contributes to genomic instability in this disease.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (CEPID/FAPESP) [98/14335]Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (CEPID/FAPESP)CNPqCNPq [142790/2008-7]FAPESP [2009/00669-2, 2009/02457-2]FAPES

    Characterisation of Lipoma-Preferred Partner as a Novel Mechanotransducer in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

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    In arteries and arterioles, a chronic increase in blood pressure raises wall tension. This continuous biomechanical strain causes a change in gene expression in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) that may lead to pathological changes. Here we have characterised the functional properties of lipoma-preferred partner (LPP), a Lin11–Isl1–Mec3 (LIM)-domain protein, which is most closely related to the mechanotransducer zyxin but selectively expressed by smooth muscle cells, including VSMCs in adult mice. VSMCs isolated from the aorta of LPP knockout (LPP-KO) mice displayed a higher rate of proliferation than their wildtype (WT) counterparts, and when cultured as three-dimensional spheroids, they revealed a higher expression of the proliferation marker Ki 67 and showed greater invasion into a collagen gel. Accordingly, the gelatinase activity was increased in LPP-KO but not WT spheroids. The LPP-KO spheroids adhering to the collagen gel responded with decreased contraction to potassium chloride. The relaxation response to caffeine and norepinephrine was also smaller in the LPP-KO spheroids than in their WT counterparts. The overexpression of zyxin in LPP-KO VSMCs resulted in a reversal to a more quiescent differentiated phenotype. In native VSMCs, i.e., in isolated perfused segments of the mesenteric artery (MA), the contractile responses of LPP-KO segments to potassium chloride, phenylephrine or endothelin-1 did not vary from those in isolated perfused WT segments. In contrast, the myogenic response of LPP-KO MA segments was significantly attenuated while zyxin-deficient MA segments displayed a normal myogenic response. We propose that LPP, which we found to be expressed solely in the medial layer of different arteries from adult mice, may play an important role in controlling the quiescent contractile phenotype of VSMCs