175 research outputs found

    Metodologia de ensino, estresse e estratégias de estudo e aprendizagem: interrelações em estudantes universitários

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    O ensino superior pode ser oferecido por metodologia de ensino tradicional ou ativa, que podem influenciar de formas diferentes as estratégias de estudo e aprendizagem e o nível de estresse dos universitários. Este estudo teve por objetivo investigar as estratégias de estudo e aprendizagem e a prevalência de estresse entre estudantes de metodologia ativa e tradicional de ensino e verificar a influência do estresse no uso dessas estratégias. 210 estudantes de Fonoaudiologia de uma Universidade Federal brasileira, divididos em dois grupos, TMG (metodologia tradicional) e AMG (metodologia ativa), responderam o Learning And Study Strategies Inventory e o Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp. A metodologia de ensino influenciou nas estratégias de estudo e aprendizagem, mas não no estresse. O estresse interferiu de forma diferente nas estratégias de estudo e aprendizagem a depender da metodologia de ensino.Higher education can be offered by traditional or active teaching methodology, which can influence differently the study and learning strategies and the stress level of university students. This study aimed to investigate the study and learning strategies and the prevalence of stress among students of active and traditional teaching methodology and verify the influence of stress on using these strategies. 210 students in speech, language and hearing sciences from a Brazilian Federal University participated, divided into two groups, TMG (traditional methodology) and AMG (active methodology). They responded to Learning And Study Strategies Inventory and Lipp’s Stress Symptom Inventory for Adults. The teaching methodology influenced the study and learning strategies, but not the stress. Stress interfered differently in the study and learning strategies depending on the teaching methodology.La educación superior puede ofrecerse mediante una metodología de enseñanza tradicional o activa, que puede influir de manera distinta en las estrategias de estudio y aprendizaje y en el nivel de estrés de los estudiantes universitarios. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar las estrategias de estudio y aprendizaje, la prevalencia de estrés entre los estudiantes de metodología de enseñanza activa y tradicional, así como la influencia del estrés en el uso de estas estrategias. Participaron 210 estudiantes de fonoaudiología de una Universidad Federal de Brasil, divididos en dos grupos: TMG (metodología tradicional) y AMG (metodología activa), quienes respondieron al Inventario de Estrategias de Estudio y Aprendizaje y al Inventario de Síntomas de Estrés para Adultos de Lipp. La metodología de enseñanza influyó en las estrategias de estudio y aprendizaje, pero no en el estrés. El estrés interfirió de manera diferente en las estrategias de estudio y aprendizaje según la metodología de enseñanza

    Do bioactive carotenoids contribute to the color of edible mushrooms?

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    Carotenoids are biologically active phytochemicals present as micro-components in fruits and vegetables, being responsible for their yellow, orange and red colors. The chromatographic behavior and the UV absorption spectrum provided by HPLC-DAD analysis constitute the clues for their identification. Mushrooms are of increasing importance in modern nutrition and medicine, due to the presence of metabolites with pharmacological potential. In this work, samples of wild and commercial mushroom species (Agaricus bisporus, Amanita caesarea, Amanita rubescens, Boletus edulis, Cantharellus cibarius, Fistulina hepatica, Hydnum rufescens, Hygrophorus agathosmus, Pholiota nameko, Pleurotus ostreatus, Russula cyanoxantha, Suillus bellini, Suillus bovinus, Suillus granulatus, Suillus luteus, Tricholoma equestre and Tricholoma portentosum) were screened by HPLC-DAD for the presence of carotenoids. By applying this methodology to 22 samples, comprising either lyophilized or fresh materials, only β-carotene was found and just in C. cibarius species. The occurrence of this pigment in other three of the analyzed species previously described raises some questions about the methodology used.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ambiente de trabalho salutogénico num hospital privado: perceção dos enfermeiros

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    O ambiente de trabalho salutogénico em enfermagem carateriza-se por um conjunto de fatores com impactos significativos na qualidade e segurança em relação à prestação de cuidados, saúde e bem-estar dos profissionais, bem como da produtividade dos serviços e da instituição. A abordagem no “local de trabalho” promove intervenções precoces nos fatores de risco dos trabalhadores, sendo uma ação relevante na prevenção da doença, no diagnóstico precoce de patologias e na reabilitação ou reintegração do profissional no local de trabalho.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O jogo como ferramenta de ensino e aprendizagem em fonoaudiologia

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    Objective: To describe the perception of students about the use of the detective game strategy in active methodologies for content review. Method: 22 students of both sexes, with an average of 23 years old participated in a board game as a didactic-pedagogic resource for content of a theoretical and practical module for the review of an undergraduate course in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences on the topic Language in adults and elderly. Conceptual issues and clinical cases were presented to the resolution of the participants, so that, they could integrate theory with clinical practice. The participants responded to a guiding question on the proposed dynamics and the results were handled with content analysis technique. Results: the strategy was described as a dynamic intervention, which opposes the non-participatory model, considered with consistent and significant efficiency to the review of the desired content as flattering to the construction of collective and appropriate knowledge to the module's purpose. Conclusion: the responses obtained showed a positive perception of the students of the research regarding the use of the "Language Detective" game as a teaching and learning method.Objetivo: describir la percepción de los estudiantes sobre el uso de la estrategia del juego de detectives en metodologías activas para la revisión de contenidos. Método: 22 estudiantes de ambos sexos y con un promedio de 23 años participaron en un juego de mesa como recurso didáctico-pedagógico para la revisión del contenido de un módulo teórico-práctico de un curso de posgrado en logopedia, sobre el tema de la lengua en el adulto y Viejo. Las preguntas conceptuales y los casos clínicos fueron presentados para la resolución de los participantes, de modo que pudieran integrar la teoría con la práctica clínica. Los participantes respondieron a una pregunta orientadora sobre la dinámica propuesta y los resultados se trataron con la técnica de análisis de contenido. Resultados: la estrategia se describió como una intervención dinámica, que se opone al modelo no participativo, siendo considerada de una eficacia consistente y significativa para la revisión del contenido deseado, como facilitador para la construcción de la Conocimiento colectivo y adecuado a los efectos del módulo. CONCLUSIÓN: las respuestas obtenidas destacaron la percepción positiva de la investigación de los estudiantes sobre el uso del juego "detective de la lengua" como método de enseñanza y aprendizaje.Objetivo: descrever a percepção de discentes sobre a utilização da estratégia do jogo detetive em metodologias ativas para revisão de conteúdo. Método: 22 discentes de ambos os sexos e com média de 23 anos participaram de um jogo de tabuleiro como recurso didático-pedagógico para revisão de conteúdo de um módulo teórico-prático de um curso de graduação em Fonoaudiologia, sobre o tema Linguagem no adulto e idoso. Questões conceituais e casos clínicos foram apresentados para a resolução dos participantes, para que pudessem integrar a teoria com a prática clínica. Os participantes responderam a uma questão norteadora sobre a dinâmica proposta e os resultados foram tratados com técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Resultados: a estratégia foi descrita como uma intervenção dinâmica, que se opõe ao modelo não participativo, sendo considerada como de eficiência consistente e significativa para a revisão do conteúdo almejado, como favorecedora para a construção do conhecimento coletivo e adequado ao propósito do módulo. Conclusão: as respostas obtidas evidenciaram a percepção positiva dos discentes da pesquisa quanto à utilização do jogo “Detetive da Linguagem” como método de ensino e aprendizagem

    Neuropsychomotor development and auditory skills in preschool children

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    Introduction: Neuropsychomotor development and auditory abilities, influenced by biological and environmental factors, are directly related to school performance. In this way, a screening test in school environment allows the prior identification of change in development, reducing the losses in child life. Objective: To characterize the relationship between neuropsychomotor development and auditory processing skills in preschool children. Methods: 108 preschool children from three public institutions with ages between four years and one month to five years and eleven months, of both sexes were screened. It was performed the screening of Central Auditory Processing (CAP) through the simplified evaluation of auditory processing and the neurodevelopment using the Developmental Screening Test II Denver. The data were analyzed by chi-square tests and bivariate correlation with Pearson coefficient, adopting a significance level of 5% and alpha of 0.1. Results: The screening of the CAP, 100% of the subjects showed normal responses in the test detection, 81.5% in sound localization, 49% in the test of non-verbal sequential memory and 58.3% in the test of verbal sequential memory. In the neuropsychomotor development screening, the frequency of appropriate responses to the chronological age was significant in all areas, being 86.1% (93) in personal social area, 92.5% (100) in the adaptive fine motor, 87 % (94) in language and 92.5% (100) in gross motor. It was found a significant relationship only between the language alterations and proofs of sequential memory (p <0.05). Conclusion: It was found that the group studied was relationship between the language alterations and alterations in the temporal ordering skills of the central auditory processing.

    Características evidenciadas em recém-nascidos de gestantes hipertensas e diabéticas: revisão sistemática da literatura

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    Objetivo: evidenciar quais são as repercussões no leito vascular e as características dos neonatos de gestantes com Síndromes Hipertensivas Gestacionais e/ou Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional. Método: trata-se de uma revisão sistemática de literatura, as buscas da pesquisa foram realizadas no mês de julho do ano de 2017, nas bases de dados da Literatura Latino-Americana do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde e na National Library of Medicine. Os dados foram tabulados em planilhas do Excel, sendo aplicada a análise de conteúdo. Resultados: os recém-nascidos de mães hipertensas estiveram relacionados a prematuridade e baixo peso para a idade gestacional, enquanto os recém-nascidos de mães diabéticas são relacionados a uma maior idade gestacional ao nascimento e peso considerado grande para a idade gestacional. Considerações finais: salienta-se a importância do acompanhamento através do pré-natal desde os primórdios da gestação, como medida protetiva à saúde materno-infantil

    Co-cultivation of Thermoanaerobacter strains with a methanogenic partner enhances glycerol conversion

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    Glycerolrich waste streams produced by the biodiesel, bioethanol and oleochemical industries can be treated and valorized by anaerobic microbial communities to produce methane. As current knowledge of the microorganisms involved in thermophilic glycerol conversion to methane is scarce, thermophilic glyceroldegrading methanogenic communities were enriched. A coculture of Thermoanaerobacter and Methanothermobacter species was obtained, pointing to a nonobligately syntrophic glycerol degradation. This hypothesis was further studied by incubating Thermoanaerobacter brockii subsp. finnii and T. wiegelii with glycerol (10 mM) in pure culture and with different hydrogenotrophic methanogens. The presence of the methanogen accelerated glycerol fermentation by the two Thermoanaerobacter strains up to 3.3 mM day1, corresponding to 12 times higher volumetric glycerol depletion rates in the methanogenic cocultures than in the pure bacterial cultures. The catabolic pathways of glycerol conversion were identified by genome analysis of the two Thermoanaerobacter strains. NADH and reduced ferredoxin formed in the pathway are linked to proton reduction, which becomes thermodynamically favourable when the hydrogen partial pressure is kept low by the hydrogenotrophic methanogenic partner.The authors thank Ruben Gonçalves for preparing the thermophilic biomass and Andreia Salvador for the sup port with the microbial communities’ analysis. This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2019 unit, Project SAICTPAC/0040/2015 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016403) and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER 000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 – Programa Opera cional Regional do Norte. The authors also acknowledge the financial support of FCT and European Social Fund through the grants attributed to C.P. Magalhaes (SFRH/BD/132845/2017) and A.L. Arantes (PD/BD/128030/2016).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enhanced glycerol conversion by Thermoanaerobacter strains

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    Glycerol-rich waste streams produced as a surplus by the biodiesel industry can be treated and valorized by anaerobic microbial communities to produce biogas. Glycerol is a highly reduced compound. Its complete degradation to methane and carbon dioxide requires a syntrophic cooperation of anaerobic bacteria and archaea, either directly or through propionate, lactate or ethanol as intermediates. The aim of this work was to study glycerol valorization to methane by thermophilic microbial communities. Glycerol-degrading methanogenic communities were enriched at 55 ºC. A co-culture of Thermoanaerobacter and Methanothermobacter was obtained pointing to facultatively syntrophic glycerol degradation. This hypothesis was further tested by incubating Thermoanaerobacter brockii subsp. finnii and T. wiegelli type strains with glycerol (10 mmol L-1) in pure culture and with different hydrogenotrophic methanogens. The presence of the methanogen accelerated glycerol fermentation by the two Thermoanaerobacter strains up to 3.3 mmol L-1 day-1, corresponding to 12 times higher volumetric glycerol depletion rates in the methanogenic co-cultures than in pure bacterial cultures. The methanogen acted as a biological electron acceptor, which enhanced glycerol conversion by Thermoanaerobacter species, since it facilitates the redox balance and contributes to a higher energy gain of these bacteria. Therefore, syntrophic glycerol fermentation promotes faster anaerobic treatment of glycerol rich waste streams coupled to methane production.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio