2,541 research outputs found

    O estagiário em educação física no processo de estágio pedagógico: A percepção das dificuldades dos estagiários da FCDEF-UC na fase inicial e na fase final do estágio pedagógico

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    Dissertação de licenciatura apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física da Univ. de Coimbr

    Demand for higher education programs: the impact of the Bologna process

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    The Bologna process aims at creating a European Higher Education Area where intercountry mobility of students and sta?, as well as workers holding a degree, is facilitated. While several aspects of the process deserve wide public support, the reduction of the length of the first cycle of studies to three years, in several continental European countries where it used to last for four or five years, is less consensual. The paper checks the extent of public confidence in the restructuring of higher education currently underway, by looking at its implications on the demand for academic programs. It exploits the fact that some programs have restructured under the Bologna process and others have not, in Portugal. Precise quantification of the demand for each academic program is facilitated by the rules of access to higher education, in a nation-wide competition, where candidates must list up to six preferences of institution and program. We use regression analysis applied to count data, estimating negative binomial models. Results indicate that the programs that restructured to follow the Bologna principles were subject to higher demand than comparable programs that did not restructure, as if Bologna were understood as a quality stamp. This positive impact was reinforced if the institution was a leader, i.e. the single one in the country that restructured the program. Still an additional increase in demand was experienced by large programs that restructured to offer an integrated master degree, thus conforming to Bologna principles while not reducing the program duration.education policy; European Higher Education Area; economic, social and cultural integration; count data.

    Writing abstracts in higher education: types of discourse

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    Courses on academic writing have become more frequent in higher education to face the challenges of communication on a specific social domain with which students have little or no previous contact. This study analyses a corpus of abstracts produced by undergraduates attending a course on Portuguese Academic Writing in a higher education institution (Cardoso, Sebastião & Teixeira 2018). We adopt the Socio-Discursive Interactionism (SDI) framework, which considers that there is an intrinsic dynamics to each social activity and each text genres has relevant linguistics markers (Bronckart 2008; Dolz, Noverraz, Schneuwly 2001). Special highlight will be given to types of discourse as packages of linguistics units based on mind operations: temporal disjunction or conjunction and enunciative implication or autonomy. Thus it is our aim to demonstrate how socio-discursive analysis tools describe student’s performance on Portuguese Academic Writing. According to data, students progressively acquire some skills more easily than others, especially those related to macrostructure as text plan; however, acquiring the specificities of theoretical discourse, a type of discourse featured by the temporal conjunction in the present and the enunciative autonomy, demands a special effort.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    Demand for Higher Education Programs: The Impact of the Bologna Process

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    The Bologna process aims at creating a European Higher Education Area where inter-country mobility of students and staff, as well as workers holding a degree, is facilitated. While several aspects of the process deserve wide public support, the reduction of the length of the first cycle of studies to three years, in several continental European countries where it used to last for four or five years, is less consensual. The paper checks the extent of public confidence in the restructuring of higher education currently underway, by looking at its implications on the demand for academic programs in Portugal. Precise quantification of the demand for each academic program is facilitated by the rules of access to higher education, in a nation-wide competition, where candidates must list up to six preferences of institution and program. We use regression analysis applied to count data, estimating negative binomial models. Results indicate that the programs that restructured to follow the Bologna principles were subject to higher demand than comparable programs that did not restructure, as if Bologna were understood as a quality stamp. This positive impact was reinforced if the institution was a leader, i.e. the single one in the country that restructured that program. Still an additional increase in demand was experienced by large programs that restructured to offer an integrated master degree, thus conforming to Bologna principles while not reducing the program duration.education policy, European Higher Education Area, economic, social and cultural integration, count data

    Portable “lab-on-chip” platform for bovine mastitis diagnosis in raw milk

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias, Especialidade de Ciências Biológicas e BiomédicasBovine mastitis is an economic burden for farmers mostly because of decreased milk yield, premature culling and cost of veterinary treatments. The identification of mastitis pathogens is of major importance in order for adequate control measures to be taken, to reduce the risk of appearance of chronic infections, and to target antimicrobial therapy. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a sensitive method for magnetic detection of Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus uberis, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis in raw milk samples. Mastitic milk samples were collected aseptically from 81 cows with subclinical mastitis, from 12 Portuguese dairy farms. Ninety one quarter milk samples were selected based on bacteriological results. All samples were submitted to PCR analysis. In parallel, these milk samples were mixed with a solution combining specific antibodies and magnetic nanoparticles, to be analyzed using a lab-on-a-chip magnetoresistive cytometer, with microfluidics sample handling. This immunological recognition was able to detect bacterial presence above 100 cfu/ ml, depending on antibody and targeted bacteria. Comparison with PCR results showed sensitivities of 73% and 41%, specificity values of 25% and 57%, and PPV values of 35% and 54% for magnetic identification of streptococci species with an anti-S. agalactiae antibody and an anti-GB Streptococcus antibody, respectively. Regarding staphylococci species, the sensitivity values found were of 57.1% and 79.3%, specificities of 75% and 50%, and PPV values of 40% and 95.8% for magnetic identification with an anti-S. aureus antibody and an anti-Staphylococcus spp. antibody, respectively. Both bacterial genus studies translated a fair expectation for a “cow-side” use application, making this integrated platform of potential use after further improvements for fast bacteriological infection screening. Some constraints are described as well as the method´s limitations in bacterial quantification.RESUMO - Plataforma portátil “lab-on-chip” para diagnosticar mastite bovina em leite crú - A mastite bovina representa um custo económico relevante para os produtores de leite principalmente devido ao decréscimo da produção leiteira, abate prematuro e custos associados ao tratamento veterinário. Consequentemente, a identificação atempada dos agentes etiológicos é crítica para a implementação de medidas de controlo adequadas, redução do risco de infecções crónicas e aplicação de uma terapia microbiana específica. O objectivo deste estudo foi desenvolver e validar um método de detecção magnética capaz de identificar Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus uberis, Staphylococcus aureus e Staphylococcus epidermidis em amostras de leite crú. As amostras de leite mastítico utilizadas foram recolhidas de 81 animais com mastite subclínica, de 12 explorações leiteiras nacionais. As amostras de leite de 91 quartos de úbere foram selecionadas tendo em conta os resultados bacteriológicos. Todas as amostras foram analisadas por PCR e pelo citómetro magnetoresistivo “lab-on-chip”, tendo sido necessário neste caso, adicionar uma solução com partículas magnéticas funcionalizadas com anticorpos específicos. Este reconhecimento imunológico detectou presença bacteriana acima das 100 ufc/ml, dependendo do anticorpo e da bactéria-alvo. Comparando com os resultados da análise por PCR, este método de detecção magnética apresentou sensibilidades de 73% e 41%, valores de especificidade de 25% e 57%, e valores VPP de 35% e 54% para identificar espécies de Streptococcus com os anticorpos anti-S. agalactiae e anti-GB Streptococcus, respectivamente. No que diz respeito às espécies de Staphylococcus, os valores de sensibilidade encontrados foram de 57.1% e 79.3%, de 75% e 50% para a especificidade, e de 40% e 95.8% para VPP com os anticorpos anti-S. aureus e anti-Staphylococcus spp., respectivamente. Os dois estudos apontam para uma potencial utilização do tipo “cow-side”, tornando a plataforma integrada potencialmente utilizável para uma rápida monitorização de infecção bacteriológica, após melhorias futuras. O método desenvolvido apresenta algumas restrições e limitações relativamente à quantificação bacteriana

    Melhorando a precisão do reconhecimento de texto usando técnicas baseadas em sintaxe

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    Orientadores: Guido Costa Souza de Araújo, Marcio Machado PereiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Devido à grande quantidade de informações visuais disponíveis atualmente, a detecção e o reconhecimento de texto em imagens de cenas naturais começaram a ganhar importância nos últimos tempos. Seu objetivo é localizar regiões da imagem onde há texto e reconhecê-lo. Essas tarefas geralmente são divididas em duas partes: detecção de texto e reconhecimento de texto. Embora as técnicas para resolver esse problema tenham melhorado nos últimos anos, o uso excessivo de recursos de hardware e seus altos custos computacionais impactaram significativamente a execução de tais tarefas em sistemas integrados altamente restritos (por exemplo, celulares e TVs inteligentes). Embora existam métodos de detecção e reconhecimento de texto executados em tais sistemas, eles não apresentam bom desempenho quando comparados à soluções de ponta em outras plataformas de computação. Embora atualmente existam vários métodos de pós-correção que melhoram os resultados em documentos históricos digitalizados, há poucas explorações sobre o seu uso nos resultados de imagens de cenas naturais. Neste trabalho, exploramos um conjunto de métodos de pós-correção, bem como propusemos novas heuríticas para melhorar os resultados em imagens de cenas naturais, tendo como base de prototipação o software de reconhecimento de textos Tesseract. Realizamos uma análise com os principais métodos disponíveis na literatura para correção dos erros e encontramos a melhor combinação que incluiu os métodos de substituição, eliminação nos últimos caracteres e composição. Somado a isto, os resultados mostraram uma melhora quando introduzimos uma nova heurística baseada na frequência com que os possíveis resultados aparecem em bases de dados de magazines, jornais, textos de ficção, web, etc. Para localizar erros e evitar overcorrection foram consideradas diferentes restrições obtidas através do treinamento da base de dados do Tesseract. Selecionamos como melhor restrição a incerteza do melhor resultado obtido pelo Tesseract. Os experimentos foram realizados com sete banco de dados usados em sites de competição na área, considerando tanto banco de dados para desafio em reconhecimento de texto e aqueles com o desafio de detecção e reconhecimento de texto. Em todos os bancos de dados, tanto nos dados de treinamento como de testes, os resultados do Tesseract com o método proposto de pós-correção melhorou consideravelmente em comparação com os resultados obtidos somente com o TesseractAbstract: Due to a large amount of visual information available today, Text Detection and Recognition in scene images have begun to receive an increasing importance. The goal of this task is to locate regions of the image where there is text and recognize them. Such tasks are typically divided into two parts: Text Detection and Text Recognition. Although the techniques to solve this problem have improved in recent years, the excessive usage of hardware resources and its corresponding high computational costs have considerably impacted the execution of such tasks in highly constrained embedded systems (e.g., cellphones and smart TVs). Although there are Text Detection and Recognition methods that run in such systems they do not have good performance when compared to state-of-the-art solutions in other computing platforms. Although there are currently various post-correction methods to improve the results of scanned documents, there is a little effort in applying them on scene images. In this work, we explored a set of post-correction methods, as well as proposed new heuristics to improve the results in scene images, using the Tesseract text recognition software as a prototyping base. We performed an analysis with the main methods available in the literature to correct errors and found the best combination that included the methods of substitution, elimination in the last characters, and compounder. In addition, results showed an improvement when we introduced a new heuristic based on the frequency with which the possible results appear in the frequency databases for categories such as magazines, newspapers, fiction texts, web, etc. In order to locate errors and avoid overcorrection, different restrictions were considered through Tesseract with the training database. We selected as the best restriction the certainty of the best result obtained by Tesseract. The experiments were carried out with seven databases used in Text Recognition and Text Detection/Recognition competitions. In all databases, for both training and testing, the results of Tesseract with the proposed post-correction method considerably improved when compared to the results obtained only with TesseractMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestra em Ciência da Computação4716-1488887.335287/2019-00, 1774549FuncampCAPE

    Portuguese academic writing: peer interaction in abstract production task

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    Goal • to diagnose students’ language and grammar conceptions emerging from peer interaction during an abstract writing task in higher education.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    Digital reading: the transformation of reading practices

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    The paper aims to present the preliminary results of a two-year project having as scope the future of the book and libraries stemming from the current reading practices in Portugal. In the scope of the project, the presentation of the findings will be focused on the mobile consumption practices in Portugal. This research is based on a mixed methodology: a quantitative survey – Network Society in Portugal – articulated with a qualitative analysis of the discourses of the representatives of what Thompson calls the publishing chain (librarians, publishing houses, authors, and content and soft/hardware providers). To understand the impact of mobile devices on reading practices is crucial for libraries and publishing houses. Mobile devices offer augmented mobility – a mobility that is connected, networked and collaborative. Although the hype is currently around eBooks, we are still faced with a market where the vast majority still reads books on paper. The sales of devices have exploded but eBooks are lagging behind. What do people use their tablets, iPads, and eReaders for? What are they reading and where? How do they articulate their readings with other media and cultural consumptions? Those are the central questions that we are aiming at answering.N/

    Monitoring the Tourism Impact of a Cultural and Religious Event: A Case Study in Northern Portugal

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    The Pilgrimage of Our Lady of the Agony (Romaria de Nossa Senhora d ́Agonia), in the north of Portugal, draws hundreds of thousands of visitors. Fernandes and Sampaio (2014) suggest that through the years, this event has served to connect residents and visitors alike with the heritage of the region in which the Pilgrimage has become what is arguably one of the biggest regional icons. However, no field research has ever taken place to confirm these claims. In 2014, a pilot study was carried out using a questionnaire as a basis to evaluate the impact of this event in various sectors - environment, culture, economy and tourism. This paper analyses the results from the perspective of tourism. A total of 490 usable questionnaires were collected using a randomly selected sample of residents and visitors alike, which resulted in a sample of 159 residents and 331 visitors. The question is whether visitors are obtaining more knowledge regarding the texture of culture and understanding (Cohen, 2004) and a meaningful experience, which is highly valued in today’s society. Overall, results suggest that the event attracts essentially the local / regional market and has difficulty attracting foreign tourists with 90% of respondents being domestic residents and 38% residing in the Viana do Castelo geographical area. Findings are expected to lead to a more detailed study, building on the strengths and weaknesses of the methodology applied for the pilot study and possibly extending it to the policy context as well as service providers and the planners of the pilgrimage and processions