9 research outputs found

    The gene for autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA1) maps centromeric to D6S89 and shows no recombination, in nine large kindreds, with a dinucleotide repeat at the AM10 locus

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    Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1) is an autosomal dominant disorder which is genetically linked to the short arm of chromosome 6, telomeric to the human major histocompatibility complex (HLA) and very close to D6S89. Previous multipoint linkage analysis using HLA, D6S89, and SCA1 suggested that SCA1 maps centromeric to D6S89. Data from this study using nine large kindreds indicate a maximum lod score between SCA1 and D6S89 of 67.58 at a maximum recombination fraction of .004. To localize SCA1 more precisely, we identified five dinucleotide polymorphisms near D6S89. Genotypic analyses at these polymorphic loci were carried out in nine multigeneration SCA1 kindreds and in the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain reference families. A new marker, AM10GA, demonstrates no recombination with SCA1. The maximum lod score for AM10GA linkage to SCA1 is 42.14 at a recombination fraction of 0. Linkage analysis and analysis of recombination events confirm that SCA1 maps centromeric to D6S89 and establish the following order: CEN-D6S109-AM10GA/SCA1-D6S89-LR40-D6S20 2-TEL

    The gene for autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA1) maps centromeric to D6S89 and shows no recombination, in nine large kindreds, with a dinucleotide repeat at the AM10 locus

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    Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1) is an autosomal dominant disorder which is genetically linked to the short arm of chromosome 6, telomeric to the human major histocompatibility complex (HLA) and very close to D6S89. Previous multipoint linkage analysis using HLA, D6S89, and SCA1 suggested that SCA1 maps centromeric to D6S89. Data from this study using nine large kindreds indicate a maximum lod score between SCA1 and D6S89 of 67.58 at a maximum recombination fraction of .004. To localize SCA1 more precisely, we identified five dinucleotide polymorphisms near D6S89. Genotypic analyses at these polymorphic loci were carried out in nine multigeneration SCA1 kindreds and in the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain reference families. A new marker, AM10GA, demonstrates no recombination with SCA1. The maximum lod score for AM10GA linkage to SCA1 is 42.14 at a recombination fraction of 0. Linkage analysis and analysis of recombination events confirm that SCA1 maps centromeric to D6S89 and establish the following order: CEN-D6S109-AM10GA/SCA1-D6S89-LR40-D6S20 2-TEL


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    We report the design and development of a self-contained multi-band receiver (MBR) system, intended for use with a single large aperture to facilitate sensitive and high time-resolution observations simultaneously in 10 discrete frequency bands sampling a wide spectral span (100-1500 MHz) in a nearly log-periodic fashion. The development of this system was primarily motivated by need for tomographic studies of pulsar polar emission regions. Although the system design is optimized for the primary goal, it is also suited for several other interesting astronomical investigations. The system consists of a dual-polarization multi-band feed (with discrete responses corresponding to the 10 bands pre-selected as relatively radio frequency interference free), a common wide-band radio frequency front-end, and independent back-end receiver chains for the 10 individual sub-bands. The raw voltage time sequences corresponding to 16 MHz bandwidth each for the two linear polarization channels and the 10 bands are recorded at the Nyquist rate simultaneously. We present the preliminary results from the tests and pulsar observations carried out with the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope using this receiver. The system performance implied by these results and possible improvements are also briefly discussed