76 research outputs found

    L’expérience paternelle entourant la naissance sous l’angle du discours social

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    Dans ce texte, j’aborde la question de l’expérience du père lors de la période entourant la naissance d’un enfant de manière à introduire les quatre articles faisant partie de ce dossier. Dans un premier temps, une mise en contexte sociohistorique est proposée. Cela permettra d’abord de situer les préoccupations actuelles à propos des pères, de l’identité paternelle et de l’engagement paternel et ensuite de montrer que ces préoccupations sont directement liées aux transformations récentes de la famille et des identités au sein des sociétés occidentales. Dans un deuxième temps, l’idée que les pères, tout autant que les mères, vivent une expérience personnelle lors de la période entourant la naissance de leur enfant sera présentée de façon à mettre en relief ses origines (d’où vient cette idée que les pères ont une expérience de cette transition à la paternité?) ainsi que la forme de discours social qui y est rattaché (comment parle-t-on de cette expérience paternelle?) en particulier à l’intérieur des contextes professionnels et institutionnels qui servent à procurer des soins et des services périnataux. Le texte se termine par une brève description du contenu des quatre articles.In this text I address the question of the paternal experience during the period surrounding the birth of a child, as a means of introducing the four articles dealing with this subject. We begin with a sociohistorical contextualization that allows us to first situate current concerns involving fathers, paternal identity and paternal commitment, and subsequently demonstrates how these concerns are directly linked with contemporary transformations affecting families and identities in western society. We then look at the origins of the idea that during the period surrounding the birth of their child, fathers, just like mothers, go through a personal experience, (where does the idea come from that fathers experience such a transition?) and examine the form of social discourse that accompanies it (how is this paternal experience put into words?) more especially in those professional and institutional contexts that are there to provide perinatal care and services. The text concludes with a brief description of the content of the four articles

    Les défis de la psychologie face aux phénomènes conjugaux contemporains

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    Impact de la naissance du premier enfant sur la perception interpersonnelle des conjoints

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    Le stress parental chez les mères d’enfants d’âge préscolaire : validation et normes québécoises pour l’Inventaire de Stress Parental

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    Les qualités métrologiques d'une version française du Parenting Stress Index (Abidin, 1983 ; Loyd et Abidin, 1985) sont examinées à partir d'un échantillon de 122 mères québécoises ayant un enfant d'âge préscolaire. Les résultats indiquent que l'inventaire de stress parental possède des indices de consistance interne équivalant à ceux obtenus avec l'échantillon américain. Cependant, les échantillons québécois et américain diffèrent pour 7 sous-échelles sur 13 ainsi qu'au niveau du score du domaine de l'enfant et du score de stress total. Les mères québécoises rapportent des scores plus élevés. L'analyse factorielle des sous-échelles supporte la présence d'une structure hiérarchique constituée d'un facteur général de stress parental et de deux facteurs spécifiques : le domaine de l'enfant et le domaine du parent. Le score du domaine du parent varie selon le niveau socio-économique et le statut conjugal de la mère. L'âge de la mère est négativement corrélé au score du domaine de l'enfant. Le niveau d'agressivité/hyperactivité de l'enfant, tel que perçu par l'éducatrice en classe, est positivement corrélé au score de la sous-échelle Difficulté à accepter les caractéristiques de l'enfant et de la sous-échelle Distraction et hyperactivité de l'enfant. Des normes sont présentées afin de tenir compte des différences observées entre l'échantillon québécois et l'échantillon américain.The authors examine the metrological qualities of a French version of the Parenting Stress Index (Abidin, 1983; Loyd and Abidin, 1985) based on a sampling of 122 Québec mothers with a preschool child. Results show that the Parental Stress Inventory presents internal consistency indices that are equivalent to those obtained in the U.S. sampling. However, the samplings differ on seven out of 13 subscales, as well as concerning the scores obtained for the child's realm and the overall stress, Québec mothers show higher scores. The factorial analysis of the subscales supports the existence of a hierarchical structure composed of a general factor of parental stress and two specific factors: the realm of the child and the realm of the parent. The score relative to the realm of the parent varies according to the socioeconomic level and the marital status of the mother. The mother's age is negatively correlated with the score of the child's realm. The child's aggressiveness/hyperactivity level, as perceived by the teacher in a class situation, is positively correlated with the score of the subscale Difficulty to accept the child's characteristics and the subscale Distraction and hyperactivity of the child. The authors present benchmarks that were developed in order to take into account the noted differences between the Québec and U.S. samplings

    The intervention in neglect problems: clinical reference

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    Le présent texte vise à présenter de manière schématique un ensemble de repères cliniques permettant de guider l'intervention en négligence, intervention qui exige des connaissances multiples concernant le développement socio-affectif de l'enfant et les déterminants du parentage. Afin de bien cerner les aspects importants de l'aide et du soutien à donner aux parents et aux enfants vivant cette problématique, il nous apparaît nécessaire de faire le point sur les principaux éléments du lien parent-enfant impliqués dans la négligence. Trois dimensions du lien parent-enfant seront examinées afin de faire ressortir les particularités de la conduite parentale négligente et de l'expérience subjective de l'enfant négligé: les dimensions comportementale, psychologique et environnementale. Ces dimensions sont interreliées et organisées de façon hiérarchique.This text has as its main objectif to present, in a summarized way, some clinical references able to guide the intervention in neglect problems, intervention that exiges multiple knowledges about infant's social and affective development, as about parenting determinants. It is necessary to emphasize the main elements of parent-child attachment that are present in neglect problems so it could be possible to give some informatins about important aspects of help. Three dimensions are examined in parent-child attachment with the focus on neglect behaviour of the parents and what is experienced by the child in this situation: behavioural, psychological and environmental. These dimensions are interelated and organized in a hierarchical way

    Tornar-se pai: modelo da experiência dos pais em período pós-natal

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    Perceiving oneself as parent is a key challenge during the transition to parenthood. The importance of health professionals in determining perceived efficacy in parents upon the birth of their child is few explored. The objective of this study is to analayze the relations between the first time parents' perceived efficacy and their perceptions of nurses' help-giving and critical events during post-partum period. SAMPLE AND METHOD: One hundred sixty couples participated in a correlational study by completing questionaires after the birth of their first child. RESULTS: A model of parents' postpartum experience was established where nurses' collaboration and help-giving practices contribute directly and indirectly to the parents' perception of control and perceptions of events. They contribute indirectly to parent's perceived self-efficacy. IMPLICATIONS: The help given by health professionals, especially nurses, to parents following the birth of a child makes a major positive difference in the parents' experiences.Perceber-se como pai é um desafio grande na transição para a paternidade. A importância do papel dos profissionais da área da saúde na determinação dessa percepção após o nascimento dos filhos tem sido pouco explorada . O objetivo deste estudo é analisar as relações entre a eficácia percebida por pais primíparos e sua percepção do auxílio recebido das enfermeiras, e dos acontecimentos importantes no período pósparto. AMOSTRAGEM E MÉTODO: 160 casais participaram de um estudo correlacional preenchendo questionários após o nascimento de seu primeiro filho. RESULTADOS: Um modelo da experiência pós-parto foi estabelecido, no qual a colaboração das enfermeiras e seu auxílio contribuíram diretamente e indiretamente para a percepção do controle e dos acontecimentos pelos pais. Elas contribuem indiretamente para a percepção da própria eficácia pelos pais. IMPLICAÇÕES: O auxílio dado pelos profissionais da saúde, principalmente pelas enfermeiras, aos pais após o nascimento de uma criança, faz uma diferença positiva importante nas experiências dos pais

    Portrait de paraprofessionnelles oeuvrant auprès de familles en situation difficile : leurs motivations et leur profil d’engagement

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    Cette étude basée sur une perspective ethnographique porte sur les motivations et les besoins d’encadrement des paraprofessionnelles oeuvrant auprès de familles ayant des conduites négligentes. Seize paraprofessionnelles et quatre responsables ont été rencontrés lors d’entrevues semi-structurées et d’observations participantes. Les résultats démontrent trois grandes motivations (valorisation, soutien et relation avec la famille aidée) ainsi que quatre profils d’engagement basés sur la nature de la relation et les attentes face à la famille aidée. Quelques avenues en lien avec les motivations et l’encadrement sont abordées, notamment l’importance à accorder à l’entourage des paraprofessionnelles ainsi que les avantages et les inconvénients de chaque profil.This study, which has an ethnographically-based standpoint, deals with the factors of motivation and the supervisory needs of auxiliary health workers overseeing families suffering from negligent behaviour practices. Meetings took place with sixteen auxiliaries and four lead persons in semi-structured interviews and participant observations. The results include three major motivation factors (enhancement of the auxiliaries’ self esteem, the support with which they are provided and their relationship with the family assisted) to which are added four profiles of commitment based on the nature of the relationship and of the auxiliary’s expectations with respect to the assisted family. Certain avenues are explored in relation to motivations and supervisory needs, more especially regarding the importance to be given to those with whom the auxiliaries associate professionally, and the advantages and drawbacks of each profile

    L’intervention auprès de jeunes mères et de leur enfant : perspective de la théorie de l’attachement

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    The children of adolescent mothers are among those presenting the highest level of psychosocial risk, compromising their socio-emotional development on a number of levels. Several intervention strategies have been designed to address some of the problems that characterize these mother-infant dyads. While these strategies have proven to be beneficial to young mothers, relatively little impact has been found on the level of infant and child development. The purpose of this article is to address the issue of intervention aimed at adolescent mothers and their infant, and underline that the relational dimension, while absent from most intervention programs, is necessary to our understanding of the problems presented by these dyads. An intervention program, currently undergoing evaluation, is described having as a main objective the improvement of the early mother-infant relationship. Attachment theory is presented as an organizing construct. Characteristics of the intervention, as well as the evaluation strategy, are described

    Professionals and interfamily violence against children and adolescents: in between legal and conceptual precepts

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    OBJECTIVE To identify the conceptions of professionals regarding interfamily violence against children and adolescents. METHOD A qualitative study conducted with 15 professionals who had taken children and adolescents under their care as a result of interfamily violence. Data were collected between November, 2013, and March, 2015, through semi-structured interviews. Data were organized and analyzed using the Textual Discourse Analysis technique. RESULTS The professional discourse highlighted that some legal aspects regarding the handling of interfamily violence against children and adolescents are neglected; an omission supported by the justification of professionals to preserve the family. We highlight the confrontation between the concept of family as a caregiver and the family that commits violence against children, in addition to the positioning of professionals, which does not include the family or the aggressor in the intervention process in facing situations of interfamily violence attended to by the services. CONCLUSION Acting against interfamily violence requires professionals to do away with some pre-established concepts in ordee to put the actual needs of victims and families into evidence.OBJETIVO Identificar, con base en el discurso de los profesionales, sus concepciones con respecto a la violencia intrafamiliar contra niños y adolescentes. MÉTODO Estudio cualitativo, realizado con 15 profesionales que tuvieron bajo sus cuidados a niños y adolescentes atendidos en consecuencia de la violencia intrafamiliar. Se recogieron los datos entre noviembre de 2013 y marzo de 2015, mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas. Los datos fueron organizados y analizados empleando la técnica de Análisis Textual Discursivo. RESULTADOS El discurso de los profesionales puso en evidencia que se descuidan algunos aspectos legales con respecto al manejo de la violencia intrafamiliar contra niños y adolescentes, omisión esa respaldada por la justificación de los profesionales de preservar a la familia. Se destaca el confronto entre la concepción de familia como cuidadora y la familia que violenta a los hijos, además de la postura de los profesionales, quienes no incluyen a la familia y al agresor en los procesos de intervención frente a las situaciones de violencia intrafamiliar atendidas en los servicios. CONCLUSIÓN Actuar ante la violencia intrafamiliar requiere que el profesional rompa algunas concepciones prestablecidas para poner en evidencia las reales necesidades de víctimas y familias.OBJETIVO Identificar, com base no discurso dos profissionais, suas concepções a respeito da violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes. MÉTODO Estudo qualitativo, realizado com 15 profissionais, que tiveram sob seus cuidados crianças e adolescentes atendidas em decorrência da violência intrafamiliar. Os dados foram coletados entre novembro de 2013 e março de 2015, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os dados foram organizados e analisados utilizando a técnica de Análise Textual Discursiva. RESULTADOS O discurso dos profissionais colocou em evidência que alguns aspectos legais em relação ao manejo da violência intrafamiliar contra crianças e adolescentes são negligenciados, omissão respaldada pela justificativa dos profissionais de preservar a família. Destaca-se o confronto entre a concepção de família como cuidadora e a família que violenta os filhos, além do posicionamento dos profissionais, os quais não incluem a família e o agressor nos processos de intervenção frente às situações de violência intrafamiliar atendidas nos serviços. CONCLUSÃO Atuar frente à violência intrafamiliar requer do profissional romper com algumas concepções preestabelecidas para colocar em evidência as reais necessidades de vítimas e famílias
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