14 research outputs found

    New Directions in Understanding Atopic March Starting from Atopic Dermatitis

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    Recent evidence showed that the postulated linear progression of the atopic march, from atopic dermatitis to food and respiratory allergies, does not capture the heterogeneity of allergic phenotypes, which are influenced by complex interactions between environmental, genetic, and psychosocial factors. Indeed, multiple atopic trajectories are possible in addition to the classic atopic march. Nevertheless, atopic dermatitis is often the first manifestation of an atopic march. Improved understanding of atopic dermatitis pathogenesis is warranted as this could represent a turning point in the prevention of atopic march. In this review, we outline the recent findings on the pathogenetic mechanisms leading to atopic dermatitis that could be targeted by intervention strategies for the prevention of atopic march

    Atopic dermatitis

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common in ammatory skin disease, clinically characterized by recur- rent eczematous lesions and intense itching, leading to excoriations and susceptibility to cutaneous infections. Although it is considered a pediatric disorder, mainly starting in infancy, it is also very common in adults. Etiology of AD is complex and multifactorial: interaction between genetic susceptibility and environment, but also cutaneous barrier impairment, change in microbiome composition and innate and adaptive immune dysregulation are the main factors involved in the pathogenesis of the disease. Originally, the disorder was considered mediated by an imbalance towards a T-helper 2 response and excessive IgE production to aller- gens, but now it is recognized as a lifelong disposition with variable clinical expressivity, where dysfunctions of the epidermal barrier, immune system and microbiome play a central role. AD leads to a substantial psycho- social burden on patients and their relatives and increases the risk of other allergic and non allergic disorders. e real economic impact of AD is di cult to measure due to the broad spectrum of disease severity and the multiple direct and indirect costs, but the overall medical expenses seem to be very high and similar to those of other diseases such as diabetes. Currently, a multiple therapeutic approach is aimed only at improving the skin state, reducing itching and keeping a stable condition. New safety and curative treatments may be devel- oped only after enhancing our understanding on the pathogenesis of AD and the heterogeneity of its clinical manifestations. (www.actabiomedica.it

    Immune control of HIV-1 infection after therapy interruption: immediate versus deferred antiretroviral therapy

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    Abstract Background The optimal stage for initiating antiretroviral therapies in HIV-1 bearing patients is still a matter of debate. Methods We present computer simulations of HIV-1 infection aimed at identifying the pro et contra of immediate as compared to deferred Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART). Results Our simulations highlight that a prompt specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes response is detected when therapy is delayed. Compared to very early initiation of HAART, in deferred treated patients CD8+ T cells manage to mediate the decline of viremia in a shorter time and, at interruption of therapy, the virus experiences a stronger immune pressure. We also observe, however, that the immunological effects of the therapy fade with time in both therapeutic regimens. Thus, within one year from discontinuation, viral burden recovers to the value at which it would level off in the absence of therapy. In summary, simulations show that immediate therapy does not prolong the disease-free period and does not confer a survival benefit when compared to treatment started during the chronic infection phase. Conclusion Our conclusion is that, since there is no therapy to date that guarantees life-long protection, deferral of therapy should be preferred in order to minimize the risk of adverse effects, the occurrence of drug resistances and the costs of treatment.</p

    Consensus Conference on Clinical Management of pediatric Atopic Dermatitis

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    Oral Immunotherapy in Children with IgE-mediated Hen's Egg Allergy: Follow-ups at 2.5 and 7 Years

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    Background The present report was a follow-up investigation at 2.5- and 7-year intervals of a previous study of 20 children with moderate-to-severe immunoglobulin E (IgE) mediated hen's egg (HE) allergy who received oral immunotherapy (OIT) with raw HE. The study design of the previous study divided the 20 subjects into two groups of 10 each: (1) group 1, the OIT group (OIT-G), and, (2) group 2, an age-matched control group (C-G). In that study, 8 of 10 of the children in the OIT-G were successfully desensitized, one child was partially desensitized, and desensitization failed in one child. The aims of the present study were to evaluate the long-term effectiveness and safety profile of OIT with raw HE, and to assess the course and prognostic value of skin-prick tests (SPT) and serum-specific HE-IgEs in this study population. Methods Of the 20 children who were recalled, 2 dropped out, which left 18 to be evaluated. Information on their HE intake was recorded, and SPTs with HE allergen extracts and with raw and hard-boiled HE were performed. Ovomucoid- and ovalbumin-specific IgE levels were also measured. Results At the first (2.5-year) and second (7-year) follow-ups, 87.5% of the children in the OIT-G who tolerated raw HE were still tolerant, whereas the children in the C-G were significantly less tolerant. Overall, cutaneous sensitivity to HE significantly decreased after the 6-month desensitization period and at both follow-ups with regard to the OIT-G but not with regard to the C-G. A significant reduction in serum ovomucoid- and ovalbumin-specific IgE levels was seen in both the OIT-G and the C-G. Conclusion Clinical raw HE tolerance induced by OTT persists over time. Negativization of SPTs could be considered a more reliable prognostic indicator of clinical tolerance to raw HE than the reduction in specific-HE IgE levels. Raw-HE OIT would seem to be a promising method to treat HE allergy

    Il \u201cperch\ue9\u201d dello skin care nella dermatite atopica

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    \uc8 noto come la patogenesi della dermatite atopica sia determinata dall\u2019interazione fra fattori genetici, epigenetici ed ambientali, eterogeneo spettro di difetti immunologici e numerose alterazioni della barriera e del microbioma cutaneo. Questa complessa patogenesi ci induce subito a comprendere perch\ue9 attualmente non esista ancora una terapia definitiva della malattia. Il trattamento di base consiste nel cercare di raggiungere rapidamente un buon miglioramento cutaneo e un buon controllo del prurito e mantenere questa situazione \u201cottimale\u201c stabile il pi\uf9 a lungo possibile mediante un corretto e costante utilizzo di emollienti e detergenti specifici, il cosidetto skin care. L\u2019utilizzo quotidiano dello skin care, consigliato da tutte le pi\uf9 recenti Linee Guida, rappresenta infatti un complemento indispensabile per aiutare il ripristino delle funzioni della barriera cutanea sempre altamente compromessa nella dermatite, anche in apparente fase di benessere

    Atopic dermatitis and atopic march: which link?

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    There is a long standing debate on the atopic march in childhood. The natural progression of allergic manifestations may be considered as comorbidities, which occur more frequently in a specific evolutive age. On the other hand, the natural history of allergies in children may follow trajectories that may be heterogeneous. The effects of atopic march in clinical practice have also been reported

    Modified expression of peripheral blood lymphocyte muscarinic cholinergic receptors in asthmatic children

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    Lymphocytes possess an independent cholinergic system. We assessed the expression of muscarinic cholinergic receptors in lymphocytes from 49 asthmatic children and 10 age matched controls using Western blot. We demonstrated that CD4+ and CD8+ T cells expressed M2 and M4 muscarinic receptors which density were significantly increased in asthmatic children in comparison with controls. M2 and M4 receptor increase was strictly related with IgE and fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) measurements and with impairment in objective measurements of airway obstruction. Increased lymphocyte muscarinic cholinergic receptor expression may concur with lung cholinergic dysfunction and with inflammatory molecular framework in asthma

    Narrative review on the management of moderate-severe atopic dermatitis in pediatric age of the Italian Society of Pediatric Allergology and Immunology (SIAIP), of the Italian Society of Pediatric Dermatology (SIDerP) and of the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP)

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    Currently, there are a few detailed guidelines on the overall management of children and adolescents with moderate-severe atopic dermatitis. AD ​​is a complex disease presenting with different clinical phenotypes, which require an individualized and multidisciplinary approach. Therefore, appropriate interaction between primary care pediatricians, pediatric allergists, and pediatric dermatologists is crucial to finding the best management strategy. In this manuscript, members of the Italian Society of Pediatric Allergology and Immunology (SIAIP), the Italian Society of Pediatric Dermatology (SIDerP), and the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP) with expertise in the management of moderate-severe atopic dermatitis have reviewed the latest scientific evidence in the field. This narrative review aims to define a pathway to appropriately managing children and adolescents with moderate-severe atopic dermatitis