17 research outputs found

    Influence of severity of traumatic brain injury at hospital admission on clinical outcomes

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    O traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE) é um problema de saúde pública com muitos casos de mortalidade e repercussões socioeconômicas. Este estudo visa investigar a influência da gravidade do TCE no tempo de ventilação mecânica (VM) e hospitalização, e na prevalência de casos de traqueostomia, pneumonia, neurocirurgia e morte. É um estudo retrospectivo e observacional, que avaliou prontuários de 67 pacientes com TCE na Irmandade Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo. A gravidade foi avaliada pela escala de Glasgow (ECG): leve (13-15 pontos; 36 pacientes; 53.7%); moderado (9-12 pontos; 14 pacientes; 20.9%); ou grave (3-8 pontos; 17 pacientes; 25.4%). Pacientes com TCE grave apresentaram maior prevalência de traqueostomia, pneumonia e neurocirurgia. Não houve diferença significativa entre gravidade do TCE, óbito e tempo em VM, apesar de a gravidade do TCE ter influenciado o tempo de hospitalização. A gravidade do TCE na admissão, avaliada pela ECG, influenciou a prevalência de traqueostomia, pneumonia, neurocirurgia e de maiores tempos de internação.El traumatismo craneoencefálico (TCE) es un problema de salud pública con alta mortalidad y repercusiones socioeconómicas. Este estudio ha tenido el objetivo de investigar la influencia de la gravedad del TCE en el tiempo de ventilación mecánica (VM) y de hospitalización y en la prevalencia de traqueotomía, neumonía, neurocirugía y mortalidad. Este estudio retrospectivo, observacional ha evaluado historias clínicas de 67 pacientes con TCE admitidos en Irmandade Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo. La gravedad ha sido evaluada por la escala de Glasgow (ECG): leve (13-15 puntos; 36 pacientes; el 53,7%), moderado (9-12 puntos; 14 pacientes; el 20,9%) o grave (3-8 puntos; 17 pacientes; el 25,4%). Pacientes con TCE grave han presentado prevalencia más grande de traqueotomía, neumonía y neurocirugía. No ha habido diferencia significativa entre la gravedad del TCE, la mortalidad y el tiempo en VM; mientras tanto, la gravedad del TCE ha influenciado el tiempo de hospitalización. La gravedad del TCE en la admisión, que ha sido evaluada por la ECG, ha influenciado la prevalencia de traqueotomía, neumonía, neurocirugía y ha sido asociada la internación prolongada.Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a public health problem with high mortality and socioeconomic repercussions. We aimed to investigate the influence of TBI severity on the length of mechanical ventilation (MV) stay and length of hospital stay and on the prevalence of tracheostomy, pneumonia, neurosurgery and death. This retrospective, observational study evaluated medical records of 67 patients with TBI admitted to Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo. Severity was determined according to the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS): mild (13-15 points; 36 patients; 53.7%), moderate (9-12 points; 14 patients; 20.9%) or severe (3-8 points; 17 patients; 25.4%). Severe TBI patients had higher prevalence of tracheostomy, pneumonia and neurosurgery. No significant differences were observed between TBI severity, mortality and length of MV stay. However, TBI severity influenced the length of hospital stay. TBI severity at admission, evaluated according to the GCS, influenced the prevalence of tracheostomy, pneumonia, neurosurgery and was associated to prolonged hospital stay

    Evaluation of speed-accuracy trade-off in a computer task to identify motor difficulties in individuals with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Individuals with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) present with progressive loss of motor function which can impair both control of speed and accuracy of movement. Aim: to evaluate movement time during a task at various levels of difficulty and to verify whether the level of difficulty affects the speed and/ or accuracy during the task. Methods: the DMD group comprised of 17 individuals age matched with 17 individuals with typical development (TD group). The task evaluates the relationship between speed and accuracy, consisting of the execution of manual movements (using the mouse of the computer) aimed at a target at three different levels of difficulty (ID). Results: A MANOVA demonstrated statistically significant differences in dispersion data and intercept values between the groups with greater movement time in the DMD group. An ANOVA indicated differences between groups for ID, except for when there was a higher accuracy demand (higher ID). In the other IDs that required lower accuracy demand, individuals in the DMD group had significantly longer movement time when compared to the TD group. Conclusion: These results show that the TD and DMD did not differ in the higher ID, therefore it can be concluded that for those with DMD, motor performance is more affected by speed than accuracy of movement. What this paper adds? It is known that individuals with DMD have considerable motor deficits, however this paper shows that when the task involves higher accuracy compared with speed, people with DMD have performance similar to typically developed peers. This insight is a novel finding and can inform the rehabilitation team, to focus on training of speed, whilst maintaining accuracy for better execution of daily life tasks

    Anthropometric profile, physical activity level, degree of anxiety, and posture in college students

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    O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o perfil antropométrico, o nível de atividade física e a postura em universitários da área da saúde. Este é um estudo transversal envolvendo 100 estudantes de uma universidade na Zona Oeste de São Paulo. Peso, altura, circunferência da cintura e índice de massa corporal foram coletados. Também foram aplicados o Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física, o Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado e o Instrumento de Avaliação Postural. Os resultados deste estudo mostram que 67% dos estudantes têm IMC médio de 22,12±4,84 kg/m² e 38% são regularmente ativos. Acerca dos níveis de ansiedade, a amostra obtida (média IDATE E 40,6 pontos e IDATE T 40,05) pode ser classificada como moderada. Além disso, 50% da amostra tem concavidade lombar. Portanto, a maioria dos estudantes demonstrou valores antropométricos normais, eram regularmente ativos, tinham nível moderado de ansiedade e nenhum defeito na postura corporal.El objectivo de este estudio fue evaluar perfil antropométrico, nivel de actividad física, grado de ansiedad y postura de estudiantes universitarios de la salud. Este es un estudio transversal de observación envolviendo 100 estudiantes universitarios de cursos de la salud en una universidad del Oeste del estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Datos como peso, altura, circunferencia de la cintura y índice de masa corporal (IMC) fueron recogidos. Nosotros también aplicamos el Cuestionario Internacional de Actividad Física para actividad física; el Inventario de Ansiedad Trazo-Estado (Idate) para ansiedad; y el Instrumento de Evaluación Postural para defectos de postura. Los resultados de este estudio mostraron que 67% de los estudiantes tienen IMC medio de 22.12±4.84 kg/m² y 38% son regularmente activos. Considerándose los grados de ansiedad, el ejemplo obtenido (Idate-E de 40,6 puntos y Idate-T de 40,05) puede ser clasificado como moderado. Además, 50% de los estudiantes del ejemplo presenta concavidad lumbar. Por lo tanto, la mayoría de los estudiantes de la salud analizados presentan valores antropométricos normales, son regularmente activos, tienen grado moderado de ansiedad y no presentan defectos posturales.The objective of this study was to evaluate the anthropometric profile, level of physical activity, anxiety level, and posture of graduate students in the health field. This is a cross-sectional study involving 100 college students from health courses at a university in the western state of São Paulo. Weight, height, waist circumference, and body mass index data were collected. We also applied the International Physical Activity Questionnaire for physical activity; the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for anxiety; and the Postural Assessment Instrument for postural defects. The results of this study show that 67% of students have an average BMI of 22.12±4.84 kg/m², and 38% are regularly active. Regarding anxiety levels, the sample obtained (mean STAI E 40.6 points and STAI T 40.05) can be classified as moderate. In addition, 50% of the sample have lumbar concavity. Therefore, most health care university students displayed normal anthropometric values, were regularly active, had a moderate level of anxiety and had no postural defects

    Effect of combined therapy of virtual reality and transcranial direct current stimulation in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: A study protocol for a triple-blinded randomized controlled crossover trial

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    Background: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and therapy-based virtual reality (VR) have been investigated separately. They have shown promise as efficient and engaging new tools in the neurological rehabilitation of individuals with cerebral palsy (CP). However, the recent literature encourages investigation of the combination of therapy tools in order to potentiate clinic effects and its mechanisms. Methods: A triple-blinded randomised sham-controlled crossover trial will be performed. Thirty-six individuals with gross motor function of levels I to IV (aged 4–14 years old) will be recruited. Individuals will be randomly assigned to Group A (active first) or S (sham first): Group A will start with ten sessions of active tDSC combined with VR tasks. After a 1-month washout, this group will be reallocated to another ten sessions with sham tDCS combined with VR tasks. In contrast, Group S will carry out the opposite protocol, starting with sham tDCS. For the active tDCS the protocol will use low frequency tDCS [intensity of 1 milliampere (mA)] over the primary cortex (M1) area on the dominant side of the brain. Clinical evaluations (reaction times and coincident timing through VR, functional scales: Abilhand-Kids, ACTIVLIM-CP, Paediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory-PEDI- and heart rate variability-HRV) will be performed at baseline, during, and after active and sham tDCS. Conclusion: tDCS has produced positive results in treating individuals with CP; thus, its combination with new technologies shows promise as a potential mechanism for improving neurological functioning. The results of this study may provide new insights into motor rehabilitation, thereby contributing to the better use of combined tDCS and VR in people with CP

    Evaluation of movement time as a function of level of difficulty in Duchenne muscular

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    Distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é a forma mais severa das distrofias e considerando as dificuldades que caracterizam a doença, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o tempo de movimento durante uma tarefa com diferentes níveis de dificuldade e verificar se a dificuldade na execução do movimento prevalece em realizar a tarefa quando a demanda for velocidade ou acurácia. Participaram 17 indivíduos com DMD (com média de idade de 15 ± 2,2) e 17 indivíduos com desenvolvimento típico (DT), pareados por sexo e idade. A tarefa que avalia a relação velocidade e acurácia de movimento, baseada na Lei de Fitts, consiste na realização de movimentos manuais direcionados a um alvo, em 3 índices de dificuldade (ID). O tempo de movimento foi obtido por meio da divisão entre segundos pré-estabelecidos para a tarefa (10) e o número de toques realizados no alvo. O software que simulou a tarefa foi \"Fitts Reciprocal Aiming Task v.1.0 (Horizontal)\". A MANOVA demonstrou diferenças estatisticamente significantes nos dados de dispersão do tempo de movimento entre o grupo DMD (r2: M= 0.70, SD=0.04) e o grupo DT (r2: M= 0.85, SD=0,04) [F(1.32)=5,93; p=0,021; ?2=0.16] e nos valores do intercepto [F(1,32)=5.16; p=0.030; ?2=0.14], com maior tempo de movimento no grupo DMD (M= 321 ms, SD= 73 ms) comparado ao grupo DT (M= 86 ms; SD= 73). A ANOVA indicou efeito para grupos entre os ID, exceto entre ID4 e ID6. Os indivíduos do grupo DMD apresentaram um tempo significativamente maior se comparado ao grupo DT apenas nos ID2 e ID4. No ID6, onde há maior exigência por acurácia, os grupos tiveram desempenho semelhante. Estes dados demonstram que o desempenho dos indivíduos com DMD é mais afetado quando a tarefa envolve velocidadeDuchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most severe form of all the dystrophies, and taking into account the motor difficulties that characterize the disease, the aim of this study was to evaluate movement time during a task at various levels of difficulty and verify whether the difficulty in task execution in movement had prevalence over the demand of speed or accuracy. The DMD group comprised of 17 individuals (mean age 15 years ± 2.2) who were age- and sex-controlled matched paired with 17 individuals with typical development (TD group). The task which evaluates speed and accuracy of movement was based on Fitts´ Law, consisting on the execution of manual movements aimed at a target at 3 different indices of difficulty (ID). Movement time was obtained through division, pre-established in seconds, for a task and the number of touches performed to target. The software which simulated the task was \"Fitts´ Reciprocal Aiming Task v.1.0 (Horizontal)\". MANOVA demonstrated statistically significant differences in dispersion data of between DMD group (r2: M= 0.70, SD=0.04) and TD group (r2: M= 0.85, SD=0.04) [F(1,32)=5.93; p=0.021; ?2=0.16] and intercept values [F(1,32)=5.16; p=0.030; ?2=0.14], with greater movement time in DMD group (M= 321 ms, SD= 73 ms) compared to TD group (M= 86 ms; SD= 73). ANOVA indicated effect among groups between ID, except among ID4 and ID6. Individuals in DMD group had significantly longer movement time when compared to DT group only in ID2 and ID4. In ID6, where there is greater demand on the accuracy of the movement, the groups had similar performance. These data show that the development of individuals with DMD is more affected when the task involves spee

    Cardiac autonomic modulation in people with spinal cord injury in postural transition during a virtual reality task

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    Objetivo: A transição da postura sentada para o ortostatismo é um momento crítico para ocorrência de eventos disautonômicos em pessoas com lesão medular (LM). Nosso objetivo foi analisar a modulação autonômica cardíaca em pessoas com LM durante a transição postural da posição sentada para ortostatismo usando uma tarefa de realidade virtual (RV) cognitiva. Métodos: Os sujeitos foram posicionados no aparelho Easy Stand®, permaneceram sentados em repouso (0º considerando o ângulo entre o assento e o chão), elevação 45º e ortostatismo 90º, em cada posição por 5 minutos. Os grupos foram subdivididos em um grupo que realizou RV como intervenção e o outro grupo não realizou atividade de RV. A análise da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) foi feita com um receptor de frequência cardíaca (Polar V800). Resultados: Foram avaliados 76 indivíduos, sendo 40 com diagnóstico médico de LM e 36 indivíduos para compor o grupo controle sem LM, pareados por idade e sexo. Os resultados mostram que apenas o grupo LM que realizou a tarefa em RV não apresentou diferença significativa entre as posições sentada versus 90º na ativação parassimpática e na variabilidade global. Houve um melhor equilíbrio simpatovagal nos grupos LM e controle que realizaram a tarefa de RV entre as posições sentada versus 90°. Conclusão: O uso da tarefa de RV parece contribuir para um melhor equilíbrio simpatovagal durante as trocas posturais.Purpose: The postural transition from sitting to standing is a moment of dysautonomic events occurrence in people with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). We aimed to analyze cardiac autonomic modulation in people with SCI during postural transition from sitting to orthostatism position using a cognitive virtual reality (VR) task. Methods: The subjects were positioned on the Easy Stand® device, they remained at sitting rest (0º considering the angle between the seat and the floor), elevation 45º and orthostatism 90º, in each position for 5 minutes. The groups were subdivided into one group that performed VR as an intervention and the other group did not perform VR activity. The analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) was done with a heart rate receiver (Polar V800). Results: We evaluated 76 individuals, 40 with a medical diagnosis of SCI and 36 individuals to compose the control group without SCI, matched by age and sex. The results show that only the SCI group that performed the task in VR showed no significant difference between the sitting versus 90º positions in the parasympathetic activation and global variability. There was a better sympathovagal balance in SCI and control groups who performed the VR task between the sitting versus 90° positions. Conclusion: The use of VR task seems to contribute to better sympathovagal balance, with the potential to reduce dysautonomia during postural changes.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Virtual reality in multiple sclerosis - A systematic review

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    Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease in which the insulating cover of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are damaged. The methods used for motor rehabilitation of patients with neurological problems require the performance of several rehabilitation exercises. Recently, studies related to the use of video game consoles have proliferated in the field of motor rehabilitation. Virtual reality (VR) has been proposed as a potentially useful tool for motoring assessment and rehabilitation. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the results shown in previous studies on "Multiple Sclerosis" and "Virtual Reality". Method: A bibliographic review was performed without time limitations. The research was carried out using PubMed and BVS databases. Considering keywords, we included articles that showed the terms "Multiple Sclerosis" and "Virtual Reality". The review was according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines Results: The initial search yielded 41 articles. After the duplicates were removed, two authors independently evaluated the title and abstract of each of the articles with the study inclusion criteria. From these, 31 articles were excluded based on the title and abstract. Finally, 10 articles were isolated that met the inclusion criteria. Conclusion: VR represents a motivational and effective alternative to traditional motor rehabilitation for MS patients. The results showed that VR programs could be an effective method of patients with MS rehabilitation in multiple cognitive and / or motor deficits. Additional research is needed to support the rehabilitation protocols with VR and increase the effects of treatment. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Univ Sao Paulo, Fac Med, Postgrad Program Rehabil Sci, Rua Cipotanea 51, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Paulista Sch Med, Postgrad Program Cardiol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFac Med ABC, Dept Morphol & Physiol, Santo Andre, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Paulista Sch Med, Postgrad Program Cardiol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Influence of severity of traumatic brain injury at hospital admission on clinical outcomes

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a public health problem with high mortality and socioeconomic repercussions. We aimed to investigate the influence of TBI severity on the length of mechanical ventilation (MV) stay and length of hospital stay and on the prevalence of tracheostomy, pneumonia, neurosurgery and death. This retrospective, observational study evaluated medical records of 67 patients with TBI admitted to Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo. Severity was determined according to the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS): mild (13-15 points; 36 patients; 53.7%), moderate (9-12 points; 14 patients; 20.9%) or severe (3-8 points; 17 patients; 25.4%). Severe TBI patients had higher prevalence of tracheostomy, pneumonia and neurosurgery. No significant differences were observed between TBI severity, mortality and length of MV stay. However, TBI severity influenced the length of hospital stay. TBI severity at admission, evaluated according to the GCS, influenced the prevalence of tracheostomy, pneumonia, neurosurgery and was associated to prolonged hospital stay.</p></div

    Cardiac autonomic modulation in response to postural transition during a virtual reality task in individuals with spinal cord injury: A cross-sectional study

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    Purpose The postural transition from sitting to standing is a moment of dysautonomic occurrence in individuals with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). Different tools can be used to minimize this event, such as virtual reality. Thus, we aimed to analyze cardiac autonomic modulation in individuals with SCI during postural transition from the sitting to orthostatism position using a cognitive virtual reality (VR) task. Methods Individuals with and without SCI were positioned on the Easy Stand® device, sitting at rest, at 0° considering the angle between the seat and the floor, elevation at 45°, and orthostatism at 90°, for 5 minutes in each position. Heart rate variability (HRV) measures of sympathovagal balance were collected (heart rate receiver: Polar V800). The groups were subdivided into two groups, one that performed VR as an intervention during the postural angle changes and another group that did not perform VR. Results We evaluated 76 individuals, 40 with a medical diagnosis of SCI and 36 who composed the able-bodied control group without SCI, matched by age and sex. The HRV results showed that the SCI group who performed the task in VR demonstrated no significant difference in parasympathetic activation and global variability between the sitting versus 90° positions. There was better sympathovagal balance in SCI and able-bodied control groups who performed the VR task between the sitting versus 90° positions. Conclusion The use of a VR task seems to contribute to better sympathovagal balance, with the potential to reduce dysautonomia during postural changes

    Representation of the mean and standard error of the time domain indices for SCI and able-bodied controls, at the three moments (Sitting rest 0°, elevation 45°, and orthostatism 90°), with and without virtual reality.

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    SCI: spinal cord injury; VR: Virtual Reality activity; bpm: beats per minute; ms: millisecond; HR: heart rate; RR intervals: intervals between heartbeats; RMSSD: square of the root mean difference of successive RR intervals; pNN50: percentage of adjacent RR intervals with a difference in duration greater than 50 milliseconds; SDNN: standard deviation of the mean of all RR intervals over a period.</p