8 research outputs found

    The global burden of tuberculosis: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015

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    Background: An understanding of the trends in tuberculosis incidence, prevalence, and mortality is crucial to tracking of the success of tuberculosis control programmes and identification of remaining challenges. We assessed trends in the fatal and non-fatal burden of tuberculosis over the past 25 years for 195 countries and territories. Methods: We analysed 10 691 site-years of vital registration data, 768 site-years of verbal autopsy data, and 361 site-years of mortality surveillance data using the Cause of Death Ensemble model to estimate tuberculosis mortality rates. We analysed all available age-specific and sex-specific data sources, including annual case notifications, prevalence surveys, and estimated cause-specific mortality, to generate internally consistent estimates of incidence, prevalence, and mortality using DisMod-MR 2.1, a Bayesian meta-regression tool. We assessed how observed tuberculosis incidence, prevalence, and mortality differed from expected trends as predicted by the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a composite indicator based on income per capita, average years of schooling, and total fertility rate. We also estimated tuberculosis mortality and disability-adjusted life-years attributable to the independent effects of risk factors including smoking, alcohol use, and diabetes. Findings: Globally, in 2015, the number of tuberculosis incident cases (including new and relapse cases) was 10·2 million (95% uncertainty interval 9·2 million to 11·5 million), the number of prevalent cases was 10·1 million (9·2 million to 11·1 million), and the number of deaths was 1·3 million (1·1 million to 1·6 million). Among individuals who were HIV negative, the number of incident cases was 8·8 million (8·0 million to 9·9 million), the number of prevalent cases was 8·9 million (8·1 million to 9·7 million), and the number of deaths was 1·1 million (0·9 million to 1·4 million). Annualised rates of change from 2005 to 2015 showed a faster decline in mortality (–4·1% [–5·0 to –3·4]) than in incidence (–1·6% [–1·9 to –1·2]) and prevalence (–0·7% [–1·0 to –0·5]) among HIV-negative individuals. The SDI was inversely associated with HIV-negative mortality rates but did not show a clear gradient for incidence and prevalence. Most of Asia, eastern Europe, and sub-Saharan Africa had higher rates of HIV-negative tuberculosis burden than expected given their SDI. Alcohol use accounted for 11·4% (9·3–13·0) of global tuberculosis deaths among HIV-negative individuals in 2015, diabetes accounted for 10·6% (6·8–14·8), and smoking accounted for 7·8% (3·8–12·0). Interpretation: Despite a concerted global effort to reduce the burden of tuberculosis, it still causes a large disease burden globally. Strengthening of health systems for early detection of tuberculosis and improvement of the quality of tuberculosis care, including prompt and accurate diagnosis, early initiation of treatment, and regular follow-up, are priorities. Countries with higher than expected tuberculosis rates for their level of sociodemographic development should investigate the reasons for lagging behind and take remedial action. Efforts to prevent smoking, alcohol use, and diabetes could also substantially reduce the burden of tuberculosis

    Algunas condiciones de legitimidad del principio del bien jurídico penalmente protegido

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    El Derecho penal sirve para proteger determinados bienes jurídicos, los más importantes para el individuo y la sociedad. Ahora bien, qué límites o márgenes deben exigirse para que los bienes jurídicos protegidos puedan ser considerados bienes jurídicos «legítimamente» protegidos es una pregunta que genera cierta discusión doctrinal. En este sentido, por medio de este artículo se intentará abordar esta cuestión. Criminal law serves to protect certain interests, the most important for the individual and society. However, what limits or margins must be demanded so that protected legal rights can be considered as “legally” protected legal interests is a question that generates a certain doctrinal discussion. In this sense, this article will attempt to address this issue through this article

    El delito urbanístico a la luz de los principios limitadores del derecho penal

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    En el presente trabajo se ha intentado realizar un estudio dogmático del delito urbanístico español, previsto en el artículo 319 del Código penal. En este contexto, actualmente existe un acuerdo doctrinal prácticamente unánime en base al cual, cualquier extralimitación legislativa en la configuración de los tipos penales, supondrá restringir innecesaria e injustificadamente los derechos individuales de los ciudadanos. Por todo ello, el propósito concreto del presente estudio es analizar la legitimidad del delito urbanístico a la luz de los principios limitadores del Derecho penal. Así, el lector encontrará un examen del tipo penal urbanístico la luz del principio de legalidad, exclusiva protección de bienes jurídicos, intervención mínima y proporcionalidad. En este sentido, puedo avanzar que la conclusión del estudio será negativa. Esto es: considero que el actual redactado del delito urbanístico previsto en el artículo 319 del Código penal no respeta los principios limitadores del Derecho penal. Por ello, en el Capítulo final de esta obra acompañaré una propuesta legislativa que intentará solucionar los problemas de legitimidad detectados.In the present work an attempt has been made to make a dogmatic study of the Spanish planning breach, provided for in the article 319 of the criminal code. In this context, in the present, there is a practically unanimous doctrinal agreement on the basis of which, any legislative overreach in the configuration of the criminal types, will mean an unnecessary and unjustifiable restriction of the individual rights of citizens. For all these reasons, the specific purpose of this study is to analyze the legitimacy of planning breach in light of the limiting principles of criminal law. Thus, the reader will find an examination of the planning breech type in light of the principle of legality, exclusive protection of legal rights, minimum intervention and proportionality. In this sense, I can advance that the conclusion of the study will be negative. Thas is, I believe that the current draft of the planning breach provided for in the article 319 of the criminal code does not respect the limiting principles of criminal law. Therefore, in the final chapter of this work I will provide a legislative proposal that will try to solve the problems of legitimacy that have been detected

    El Delito urbanístico a la luz de los principios limitadores del derecho penal

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    En el presente trabajo se ha intentado realizar un estudio dogmático del delito urbanístico español, previsto en el artículo 319 del Código penal. En este contexto, actualmente existe un acuerdo doctrinal prácticamente unánime en base al cual, cualquier extralimitación legislativa en la configuración de los tipos penales, supondrá restringir innecesaria e injustificadamente los derechos individuales de los ciudadanos. Por todo ello, el propósito concreto del presente estudio es analizar la legitimidad del delito urbanístico a la luz de los principios limitadores del Derecho penal. Así, el lector encontrará un examen del tipo penal urbanístico la luz del principio de legalidad, exclusiva protección de bienes jurídicos, intervención mínima y proporcionalidad. En este sentido, puedo avanzar que la conclusión del estudio será negativa. Esto es: considero que el actual redactado del delito urbanístico previsto en el artículo 319 del Código penal no respeta los principios limitadores del Derecho penal. Por ello, en el Capítulo final de esta obra acompañaré una propuesta legislativa que intentará solucionar los problemas de legitimidad detectados.In the present work an attempt has been made to make a dogmatic study of the Spanish planning breach, provided for in the article 319 of the criminal code. In this context, in the present, there is a practically unanimous doctrinal agreement on the basis of which, any legislative overreach in the configuration of the criminal types, will mean an unnecessary and unjustifiable restriction of the individual rights of citizens. For all these reasons, the specific purpose of this study is to analyze the legitimacy of planning breach in light of the limiting principles of criminal law. Thus, the reader will find an examination of the planning breech type in light of the principle of legality, exclusive protection of legal rights, minimum intervention and proportionality. In this sense, I can advance that the conclusion of the study will be negative. Thas is, I believe that the current draft of the planning breach provided for in the article 319 of the criminal code does not respect the limiting principles of criminal law. Therefore, in the final chapter of this work I will provide a legislative proposal that will try to solve the problems of legitimacy that have been detected

    Alineamiento de competencias, actividades y evaluación continuada en grupos grandes. Una propuesta desde el Derecho penal

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    The present study exposes the reflection carried out by the Unit of Criminal Law and Criminology of the UAB in front of the normative requirement of increasing up to 50% of the final grade with the continuous evaluation. The challenge is seen as an opportunity to develop much more practical learning outcomes, to design and implement a continuous assessment model without, in large group contexts, necessarily overflowing the ability of teachers to correct and return of the results to the students and, finally, to implement a collective proposal of constructive alignment between competences, activities proposed to the students inside and outside the classroom and the activities of continuous and final evaluation. The proposal was submitted to a student survey and a discussion group with the teachers, resulting in a positive assessment of the proposed objectives as well as the need to limit the number of evaluable activities to improve the academic performance of the students.El presente estudio expone la reflexión realizada por la Unidad de Derecho penal y Criminología de la UAB frente a la exigencia normativa de incrementar hasta el 50% de la nota final con la evaluación continuada. El reto era visto como una oportunidad para desarrollar resultados de aprendizaje mucho más prácticos; para diseñar e implementar un modelo de evaluación continuada sin que, en contextos de grupos grandes, necesariamente desbordara la capacidad de corrección de los profesores y de retorno de los resultados al alumnado; y, finalmente, para implementar una propuesta colectiva de alineamiento constructivo entre competencias, actividades propuestas a los alumnos dentro y fuera del aula y las actividades de evaluación continuada y final. La propuesta docente fue sometida a una encuesta de los alumnos y un grupo de discusión con los profesores dando como resultado una valoración positiva de los objetivos propuestos, así como de la necesidad de limitar el número de actividades evaluables para mejorar el rendimiento académico de los alumnos

    The global burden of tuberculosis: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015

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