36 research outputs found

    Préférences esthétiques et personnalité

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    Summary The results in generai indicate that the subjects tend to project themselves in their choice of pictures. People like in a picture the representation of situations or moods which correspond to their own expressed tendencies and dislike the expression of feelings that they try to repress in themselves. Compensation rarely occurs. It was found that the practical type of person preferred the naturalistic representation of things. The introvert person preferred modem and more abstract paintings. The expansive or manic character disliked rigid forms, but specially liked emotional expression in the pictures. The sociable personality rejected pictures with rigid forms and order. These relationships are consistent with an explanation in terms of a transfer of cathexis from the real object to the picture. To an active orientation toward the world and people corresponds an attraction towards the realistic representation of objects and people. To a passive, subjective attitude corresponds a preference for the world of phantasy of contemporary schools of painting. Subjects who control thesir agressivity and their emotions reject the representation of agressive scenes or emotional effect in the pictures. People who are looking for warmth in personal contacts reject coldness and rigidity in the pictures. A relationship between preference for good form and introversion seems also to have appeared, independently of the subjects' color preferences, and might express an intolerance for ambiguity in perception. Where comparison was possible, the results tended to agree with those of previous research in the same field. Some apparently well established relations on which the studies agree might be summarized as follows : stable introverts like peaceful scenes and dislike any overt appeal to their feelings. Liking for paintings with straight line strokes indicates an assertive attitude in social relationships while preference for curves corresponds to a more affectionate disposition toward people. Neatness and order in paintings is appreciated by people who are self-controlled while impulsive people prefer the life-like impression obtained by the use of hasty strokes. Liking for movement usually correlates with lack of restraint or inhibition, self-assertion and drive. Emotionality is generally manifested by a preference for paintings expressing a definite mood.Cardinet Jean. Préférences esthétiques et personnalité. In: L'année psychologique. 1958 vol. 58, n°1. pp. 45-69

    Cinq dispositifs pour vérifier le progrès

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    Le modèle de la généralisabilité suggère une série de stratégies différentes pour vérifier si une personne progresse. Sa performance doit nécessairement être observée à deux occasions, puis comparée, mais on peut (ou non) généraliser son jugement à l’ensemble des critères qui opérationalisent les objectifs éducatifs, ou des indicateurs utilisés pour chaque critère, ou à toutes les conditions d’observation en ces deux occasions (ces trois facteurs étant emboîtés). Cinq dispositifs de mesure possibles sont présentés et discutés.The generalizability model offers a number of different strategies for checking an individual’s progress. The individual’s performance is necessarily observed on two different occasions and then compared. But the resulting judgment may or may not be generalized over the criteria corresponding to the educational objectives, over the indicators associated with each criterion, or over the assessment conditions on the two occasions (these three factors being nested in one another). Five measurement designs are presented and discussed.O modelo da generalizabilidade oferece uma série de estratégias diferentes paraverificar se uma pessoa progride. A prestação individual deve, necessariamente, ser observada em dois momentos distintos e depois comparada. Porém, o juízo pode (ou não) generalizar-se ao conjunto dos critérios que operacionalizam os objectivos educativos, aos indicadores utilizados para cada critério, ou a todas as condições de observação nestes dois momentos (estando estes três factores interligados). São apresentados e discutidos cinco dispositivos possíveis de medida

    Etude critique - Vers une nouvelle conception de l'évaluation ? - Ardoino (Jacques), Berger (Guy). — D'une évaluation en miettes à une évaluation en actes. Le cas des universités

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    Cardinet Jean. Etude critique - Vers une nouvelle conception de l'évaluation ? - Ardoino (Jacques), Berger (Guy). — D'une évaluation en miettes à une évaluation en actes. Le cas des universités. In: Revue française de pédagogie, volume 90, 1990. pp. 105-112

    La construction des tests d'apprentissage selon la théorie de la généralisabilité

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    Cardinet Jean. La construction des tests d'apprentissage selon la théorie de la généralisabilité. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 42 n°388, 1988. Psychologie différentielle. 7emes Journées. pp. 190-199

    Evaluer sans juger

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    Evaluation without judgment. - From a formative point of view, it remains possible to organise the class so that pupils individually receive a lot of feedback information, enabling them to correct their mistakes and at the same time increasing their familiarity with those characteristics associated with a good performance. From of summative point of view, the school should take account of the varied curricular and extra-curricular achievements of individual pupils instead of simply comparing them globally with one another or merely with reference to the academic programme. Such descriptive evaluation (records of achievement) is an approach which should be most compatible with the teacher's helping role.On a cherché à résoudre les problèmes de l'évaluation scolaire par l'emploi de tests pédagogiques. Plusieurs modèles ont été proposés pour les construire. L'approche psychométrique, d'abord, se révèle insatisfaisante, parce qu'elle repose sur la mise en compétition des élèves. L'évaluation par objectifs manque de théorie statistique. La mesure de l'écart au seuil de réussite demande un nombre excessif d'observations. H faut donc se résigner à ne pas pouvoir situer exactement la position de chaque élève, ce qui d'ailleurs évite le danger d'une catégorisation déshumanisante. Du point de vue formatif, il reste possible d'organiser la classe pour que l'élève reçoive de nombreuses informations en retour, l'aidant à corriger ses représentations et à comprendre les critères d'une performance correcte. Du point de vue sommatif, l'école doit rendre compte des diverses acquisitions de l'élève, au lieu de le comparer aux autres, ou au programme. Cette évaluation descriptive est la seule qui soit compatible avec une relation d'aide de la part de l'enseignant.Cardinet Jean. Evaluer sans juger. In: Revue française de pédagogie, volume 88, 1989. pp. 41-52