203 research outputs found

    From research to policy: optimizing the design of a national monitoring system to mitigate soil nitrous oxide emissions

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    Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agricultural soils are a key source of greenhouse gas emissions in most countries. In order for governments to effectively reduce N2O emissions, a national inventory system is needed for monitoring, reporting and verifying emissions that provides unbiased estimates with the highest precision feasible. Inventory frameworks could be advanced by incorporating experimental research networks targeting key gaps in process understanding and drivers of emissions, with a multi-stage survey to collect data on agricultural management and N2O fluxes that allow for development, parameterization and application of models to estimate national-scale emissions. Verification can be accomplished with independent estimation of fluxes from atmospheric N2O concentration data. A robust monitoring system would provide accurate emission estimates, and allow policymakers to develop programs to more sustainably manage reactive N and target mitigation measures for reducing N2O emissions from agricultural soils

    Relative efficacy and stability of biological and synthetic nitrification inhibitors in a highly nitrifying soil: Evidence of apparent nitrification inhibition by linoleic acid and linolenic acid

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    Biological nitrification inhibition is a plant‐mediated rhizosphere process where natural nitrification inhibitors can be produced and released by roots to suppress nitrifier activity in soil. Nitrification is one of the critical soil processes in the nitrogen (N) cycle, but unrestricted and rapid nitrification in agricultural systems can result in major losses of N from the plant–soil system (i.e., by NO3− leaching and gaseous N emissions). In this study, we explored the potential efficacy of biological nitrification inhibitors (linoleic acid [LA] and linolenic acid [LN]) and a proven efficient synthetic (dicyandiamide [DCD]) nitrification inhibitor on N dynamics, nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in a highly nitrifying soil. 14C‐labelled LA, LN and DCD mineralization was determined in a parallel experiment to explore the fate of inhibitors after application. We found that LA and LN had no effect on soil NH4+ concentrations, but significantly decreased NO3− concentrations. Soil that received DCD had lower NO3− and higher NH4+ concentrations than the control (soil without nitrification inhibitors). LA and LN increased the cumulative N2O and CO2 emissions when they were applied at high concentrations (635 or 1,270 mg kg−1 dry soil). LA and LN had a much greater mineralization rate than that of DCD: 47–56%, 37–61% and 2.7–5.5%, respectively, after 38 days incubation. We conclude that in contrast to the direct inhibition of nitrification caused by DCD, addition of LA and LN may cause apparent nitrification inhibition by promoting microbial immobilization of soil NH4+ and/or NO3−. Future studies on nitrification inhibitors need to clearly differentiate between the direct and indirect effects that result from addition of these compounds to soil

    Measuring denitrification and the N2_{2}O:(N2_{2}O + N2_{2}) emission ratio from terrestrial soils

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    Denitrification, a significant pathway of reactive N-loss from terrestrial soils, impacts on agricultural production and the environment. Net production and emission of the denitrification product nitrous oxide (N2_{2}O) is readily quantifiable, but measuring denitrification\u27s final product, dinitrogen (N2_{2}), against a high atmospheric background remains challenging. This review examines methods quantifying both N2_{2} and N2_{2}O emissions, based on inhibitors, helium/O2_{2} atmosphere exchange, and isotopes. These methods are evaluated regarding their capability to account for pathways of N2_{2} and N2_{2}O production and we suggest quality parameters for measuring denitrification from controlled environments to the field scale. Our appraisal shows that method combinations, together with real-time monitoring and soil-gas diffusivity modelling, have the potential to significantly improve our quantitative understanding for denitrification from upland soils. Requirements for instrumentation and experimental setups however highlight the need to develop more mobile and easily accessible field methods to constrain denitrification from terrestrial soils across scales

    Metrics of biomass, live-weight gain and nitrogen loss of ryegrass sheep pasture in the 21st century

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    This study was partially supported by Soil to Nutrition, Rothamsted Research’s Institute Strategic Programme supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBS/E/C/000I0320).The North Wyke Farm Platform is a UK National Capability, also supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBS/E/C/000J0100).This study was also partially supported by the Natural Environment Research Council’s ADVENT project (NERC NE/M019691/1).Climate data were measured at the MIDAS Land Surface Station DLY3208 DEVON, UK, a weather station of the UK Meteorological Office. We would especially like to thank Dr Nadine Loick of Rothamsted Research for advice on preparation of N2O model calibration parameters, and the data team of the North Wyke Farm Platform. We owe our gratitude to the late Mr Robert Orr, grassland specialist at the North Wykesite, for his invaluable advice and information on sward growth.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Nitrification represents the bottle-neck of sheep urine patch N2O emissions from extensively grazed organic soils

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    Extensively grazed grasslands are understudied in terms of their contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from livestock production. Mountains, moorlands and heath occupy 18% of the UK land area, however, in situ studies providing high frequency N2O emissions from sheep urine deposited to such areas are lacking. Organic soils typical of these regions may provide substrates for denitrification-related N2O emissions, however, acidic and anoxic conditions may inhibit nitrification (and associated emissions from nitrification and denitrification). We hypothesised urine N2O-N emission factors (EFs) would be lower than the UK country-specific and IPCC default value for urine, which is based on lowland measurements. Using automated GHG sampling chambers, N2O emissions were determined from real sheep urine (930 kg N ha−1) and artificial urine (920 kg N ha−1) applied in summer, and from an artificial urine treatment (1120 kg N ha−1) and a combined NO3− and glucose treatment (106 kg N ha−1; 213 kg C ha−1) in autumn. The latter treatment provided an assessment of the soils capacity for denitrification under non-substrate limiting conditions. The artificial urine-N2O EF was 0.01 ± 0.00% of the N applied in summer and 0.00 ± 0.00% of the N applied in autumn. The N2O EF for real sheep urine applied in summer was 0.01 ± 0.02%. A higher flux was observed in only one replicate of the real urine treatment, relating to one chamber where an increase in soil solution NO3− was observed. No lag phase in N2O emission was evident following application of the NO3− and glucose treatment, which emitted0.69 ± 0.15% of the N applied. This indicates nitrification rates are the bottle-neck for N2O emissions in upland organic soils.We calculated the potential impact of using hill-grazing specific urine N2O EFs on the UK inventory of N2O emissions from sheep excreta, and found a reduction of ca. 43% in comparison to the use of a country-specific excretal EF

    Disaggregated N2O emission factors in China based on cropping parameters create a robust approach to the IPCC Tier 2 methodology

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    Acknowledgements This work was funded by Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and the United Kingdom Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), UK under the UK-China Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network (SAIN; Project DC09-06). Rothamsted Research receives strategic funding by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Mechanisms of nitrogen transfer in a model clover-ryegrass pasture: a 15N-tracer approach

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    Purpose Nitrogen (N) transfer from white clover (Trifolium repens cv.) to ryegrass (Lolium perenne cv.) has the potential to meet ryegrass N requirements. This study aimed to quantify N transfer in a mixed pasture and investigate the influence of the microbial community and land management on N transfer. Methods Split root 15N-labelling of clover quantified N transfer to ryegrass via exudation, microbial assimilation, decomposition, defoliation and soil biota. Incorporation into the microbial protein pool was determined using compound-specific 15N-stable isotope probing approaches. Results N transfer to ryegrass and soil microbial protein in the model system was relatively smallwith one-third arising from root exudation. N transfer to ryegrass increased with no microbial competition but soil microbes also increased N transfer via shoot decomposition. Addition of mycorrhizal fungi did not alter N transfer, due to the source-sink nature of this pathway, whilst weevil grazing on roots decreased microbial N transfer. N transfer was bidirectional, and comparable on a short-term scale. Conclusions N transfer was low in a model young pasture established from soil from a permanent grassland with long-term N fertilisation. Root exudation and decomposition were major N transfer pathways. N transfer was influenced by soil biota (weevils, mycorrhizae) and land management (e.g. grazing). Previous land management and the role of the microbial community in N transfer must be considered when determining the potential for N transfer to ryegras