3,624 research outputs found

    Dystonia: sparse synapses for D2 receptors in striatum of a DYT1 knock-out mouse model

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    Dystonia pathophysiology has been partly linked to downregulation and dysfunction of dopamine D2 receptors in striatum. We aimed to investigate the possible morpho-structural correlates of D2 receptor downregulation in the striatum of a DYT1 Tor1a mouse model. Adult control Tor1a+/+ and mutant Tor1a+/− mice were used. The brains were perfused and free-floating sections of basal ganglia were incubated with polyclonal anti-D2 antibody, followed by secondary immune-fluorescent antibody. Confocal microscopy was used to detect immune-fluorescent signals. The same primary antibody was used to evaluate D2 receptor expression by western blot. The D2 receptor immune-fluorescence appeared circumscribed in small disks (~0.3–0.5 μm diameter), likely representing D2 synapse aggregates, densely distributed in the striatum of Tor1a+/+ mice. In the Tor1a+/− mice the D2 aggregates were significantly smaller (μm2 2.4 ± SE 0.16, compared to μm2 6.73 ± SE 3.41 in Tor1a+/+) and sparse, with ~30% less number per microscopic field, value correspondent to the amount of reduced D2 expression in western blotting analysis. In DYT1 mutant mice the sparse and small D2 synapses in the striatum may be insufficient to “gate” the amount of presynaptic dopamine release diffusing in peri-synaptic space, and this consequently may result in a timing and spatially larger nonselective sphere of influence of dopamine action

    Rare exclusive semileptonic b -> s transitions in the Standard Model

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    We study long-distance effects in rare exclusive semileptonic decays B -> (K, K*) (l+ l-, nu bar{nu}) and analyze dilepton spectra and asymmetries within the framework of the Standard Model. The form factors, describing the meson transition amplitudes of the effective Hamiltonian are calculated within the lattice-constrained dispersion quark model: the form factors are given by dispersion representations through the wave functions of the initial and final mesons, and these wave functions are chosen such that the B -> K* transition form factors agree with the lattice results at large q**2. We calculate branching ratios of semileptonic B -> K, K* transition modes and study the sensitivity of observables to the long-distance contributions. The shape of the forward-backward asymmetry and the longitudinal lepton polarization asymmetry are found to be independent of the long-distance effects and mainly determined by the values of the Wilson coefficients in the Standard Model.Comment: revtex, 17 pp., 5 figures with epsfig.st

    Comparison among Hamiltonian light-front formalisms at q+ = 0 and q+ <> 0: space-like elastic form factors of pseudoscalar and vector mesons

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    The electromagnetic elastic form factors of pseudoscalar and vector mesons are analyzed for space-like momentum transfers in terms of relativistic quark models based on the Hamiltonian light-front formalism elaborated in different reference frames (q+ 0 and q+ 0). As far as the one-body approximation for the electromagnetic current operator is concerned, it is shown that the predictions of the light-front approach at q+=0 should be preferred, particularly in case of light hadrons, because of: i) the relevant role played by the Z-graph at q+ 0, and ii) the appropriate elimination of spurious effects, related to the orientation of the null hyperplane where the light-front wave function is defined.Comment: version to appear in Phys. Rev. C. No change in the results and in the conclusion

    A connection between inclusive semileptonic decays of bound and free heavy quarks

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    A relativistic constituent quark model, formulated on the light-front, is used to derive a new parton approximation for the inclusive semileptonic decay width of the B-meson. A simple connection between the decay rate of a free heavy-quark and the one of a heavy-quark bound in a meson or in a baryon is established. The main features of the new approach are the treatment of the b-quark as an on-mass-shell particle and the inclusion of the effects arising from the b-quark transverse motion in the B-meson. In a way conceptually similar to the deep-inelastic scattering case, the B-meson inclusive width is expressed as the integral of the free b-quark partial width multiplied by a bound-state factor related to the b-quark distribution function in the B-meson. The non-perturbative meson structure is described through various quark-model wave functions, constructed via the Hamiltonian light-front formalism using as input both relativized and non-relativistic potential models. A link between spectroscopic quark models and the B-meson decay physics is obtained in this way. Our predictions for the B -> X_c l nu_l and B -> X_u l nu_l decays are used to extract the CKM parameters |V_cb| and |V_ub| from available inclusive data. After averaging over the various quark models adopted and including leading-order perturbative QCD corrections, we obtain |V_cb| = (43.0 +/- 0.7_exp +/- 1.8_th) 10^-3 and |V_ub| = (3.83 +/- 0.48_exp +/- 0.14_th) 10^-3, implying |V_ub / V_cb| = 0.089 +/- 0.011_exp +/- 0.005_th, in nice agreement with existing predictions.Comment: revised version with pQCD corrections included, to appear in Physical Review

    Effect of gluon-exchange pair-currents on the ratio G(E(P))/G(M(P))

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    The effect of one-gluon-exchange (OGE) pair-currents on the ratio μpGEp/GMp\mu_p G_E^p/G_M^p for the proton is investigated within a nonrelativistic constituent quark model (CQM) starting from SU(6)×O(3)SU(6) \times O(3) nucleon wave functions, but with relativistic corrections. We found that the OGE pair-currents are important to reproduce well the ratio μpGEp/GMp\mu_p G_E^p/G_M^p. With the assumption that the OGE pair-currents are the driving mechanism for the violation of the scaling law we give a prediction for the ratio μnGEn/GMn\mu_n G_E^n/G_M^n of the neutron.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Probing Liquid-Ordered and Disordered Phases in Lipid Model Membranes: A Combined Theoretical and Spectroscopic Study of a Fluorescent Molecular Rotor

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    An integrated theoretical/experimental strategy has been applied to the study of environmental effects on the spectroscopic parameters of 4-(diphenylamino)phtalonitrile (DPAP), a fluorescent molecular rotor. The computational part starts from the development of an effective force field for the first excited electronic state of DPAP and proceeds through molecular dynamics simulations in solvents of different polarities toward the evaluation of Stokes shifts by quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) approaches. The trends of the computed results closely parallel the available experimental results thus giving confidence to the interpretation of new experimental studies of the photophysics of DPAP in lipid bilayers. In this context, results show unambiguously that both flexible dihedral angles and global rotations are significantly retarded in a cholesterol/DPPC lipid matrix with respect to the DOPC matrix, thus confirming the sensitivity of DPAP to probe different environments and, therefore, its applicability as a probe for detecting different structures and levels of plasma membrane organization

    Form factors of the exotic baryons with isospin I=5/2

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    The electromagnetic form factors of the exotic baryons are calculated in the framework of the relativistic quark model at small and intermediate momentum transfer. The charge radii of the E+++ baryons are determined.Comment: 12pages, 2 figure

    Analysis of the Lambda_b -> Lambda_c + l nu_l decay within a light-front constituent quark model

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    We present an investigation of the Isgur-Wise form factor relevant for the semileptonic decay Lambda_b -> \Lambda_c + l nu_l performed within a light-front constituent quark model. Adopting different baryon wave functions it is found that the Isgur-Wise form factor depends sensitively on the baryon structure. It is shown however that the shape of the Isgur-Wise function in the full recoil range relevant for the Lambda_b -> \Lambda_c + l nu_l decay can be effectively constrained using recent lattice QCD results at low recoil. Then, the Lambda_b -> \Lambda_c + l nu_l decay is investigated including both radiative effects and first-order power corrections in the inverse heavy-quark mass. Our final predictions for the exclusive semileptonic branching ratio, the longitudinal and transverse asymmetries, and the longitudinal to transverse decay ratio are: Br(Lambda_b -> \Lambda_c + l nu_l) = (6.3 +/- 1.6) % |V_bc / 0.040|**2 ~ tau(Lambda_b) / (1.24 ps), a_L = -0.945 +/- 0.014, a_T = -0.62 +/- 0.09 and R_L/T = 1.57 +/- 0.15, respectively. Moreover, both the longitudinal asymmetry and the (partially integrated) longitudinal to transverse decay ratio are found to be only marginally affected by the model dependence of the Isgur-Wise form factor as well as by first-order power corrections; therefore, their experimental determination might be a very interesting tool for testing the SM and for investigating possible New Physics.Comment: revised version with inclusion of PQCD corrections and improved discussion of power corrections, to appear in Physical Review

    Delta isobar masses, large N_c relations, and the quark model

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    Motivated by recent remarks on the Delta+ mass and comparisons between the quark model and relations based on large-N_c with perturbative flavor breaking, two sets of Delta masses consistent with these constraints are constructed. These two sets, based either on an experimentally determined mass splitting or a quark model of isospin symmetry breaking, are shown to be inconsistent. The model dependence of this inconsistency is examined, and suggestions for improved experiments are made. An explicit quark model calculation and mass relations based on the large-N_c limit with perturbative flavor breaking are compared. The expected level of accuracy of such relations is realized in the quark model, except for mass relations spanning more than one SU(6) representation. It is shown that the Delta0 and Delta++ pole masses and Delta0 - Delta+ = (Delta- - Delta++)/3 about 1.5 MeV are more consistent with model expectations than the analogous Breit-Wigner masses and their splittings.Comment: 10 pages, including 1 eps figure, revte