6 research outputs found

    Current situation of Phyllitis scolopendrium in the Serra de Mariola Natural Park

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    Es dóna referència de la primera població d’esta rara espècie trobada al P.N. de la Serra de Mariola, i es fan alguns comentaris sobre la seua distribució i ecologia.Se refiere el hallazgo de la primera población de esta rara especie en el P.N. de la Serra de Mariola, y se realizan algunos comentarios sobre su distribución y ecología.The discovery of the first population of this rare species refers in the PN Serra de Mariola, and some comments on their distribution and ecology are made

    Conservation status of Narcissus perezlarae Font Quer (Amaryllidaceae) in the Valencian Community

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    Narcissus perezlarae está incluido en el Catálogo Valenciano de Especies de Flora Amenazadas de la Comunidad Valenciana (Orden 6/2013) en la categoría "En peligro de extinción". Estudios recientes han demostrado su origen híbrido (= N. cavanillesii × N. miniatus [= N. serotinus auct.]). Por otro lado, el mayor especialista y monografía del género reclamó recientemente su autonomía como especie independiente, como N. piifontianus. Esta especie es endémica de la península Ibérica, presente en Alto Alentejo (Portugal), Sevilla y Cádiz (España), y en la parte oriental de la Cordillera Bética, entre Alicante y Valencia. Sin embargo, si se tratara como una especie independiente, sería un endemismo exclusivamente restringido a la Comunidad Valenciana. Siete poblaciones naturales han sido monitoreadas, cuyos datos censales oscilan anualmente. El último censo contiene 1.634 plantas. Desde 2010, se han llevado a cabo cinco experiencias de translocación en la provincia de Alicante. De un total de 8.970 ejemplares introducidos se ha registrado una tasa de supervivencia del 28,4% (2.545 plantas) en el último censo. Las poblaciones recién creadas aumentan el número de localidades conocidas de la especie en la Comunidad Valenciana y amplían considerablemente su distribución a lo largo del territorio.Narcissus perezlarae is included in the Valencian Catalogue of Threatened Species of the Valencian Community (Order 6/2013) in the category "In danger of extinction". Recent studies have demonstrated its hybridogenic origin (= N. cavanillesii × N. miniatus [= N. serotinus auct.]). On the other hand, the greatest specialist and monograph of the genus has most recently claimed its autonomy as an independent species, as N. piifontianus. This species is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, present in Alto Alentejo (Portugal), Sevilla and Cadiz (Spain), and in the eastern part of the Baetic Mountains, between Alicante and Valencia. However, if treated as an independent species, it would be an endemism exclusively restricted to the Valencian Community. Seven natural populations have been monitored, whose census data oscillate annually. The latest census contains 1634 plants. Since 2010, five translocation experiences have been carried out in Alicante province. A total amount of 8,970 plants were translocated and a survival rate of 28,4% (2,545 plants) was observed in the latest census. The newly created populations increase the number of known locations of the species in the Valencian Community and considerably expand their distribution range along the territory

    Conservation and recovery program for Boerhavia repens L. (Nyctaginaceae), an endangered species in the Valencian Community (Spain)

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    Boerhavia repens está incluida en el Catálogo Valenciano de Especies de Flora Amenazadas de la Comunidad Valenciana (Orden 6/2013) en la categoría “En peligro de Extinción”. La única población española conocida está localizada en Teulada (Alicante, España), siendo la segunda población conocida en toda Europa. La población alicantina desapareció en 2012, y hasta el momento se han realizado 10 plantaciones en la provincia de Alicante. De un total de 615 plantas introducidas se ha registrado una tasa de supervivencia del 8,7% (54 plantas) en el último censo. Diferentes trabajos con la germinación de las semillas y cultivo de esta planta han sido realizados en el CIEF.Boerhavia repens is included in the Valencian Catalogue of Threatened Species of the Valencian Community (Order 6/2013) in the category “In danger of extinction”. The only known Spanish population is located in Teulada (Alicante, Spain), being the second known population in Europe. This population disappeared in 2012, and so far 10 plantations have been made in the province of Alicante. A total amount of 615 plants were translocated and a survival rate of 8,7% (54 plants) was observed in the latest census. Different works with the germination of seeds and cultivation of plants have been carried out at CIEF

    Estrategias de conservación para Cotoneaster granatensis (Rosaceae), especie catalogada En Peligro de Extinción en la Comunitat Valenciana (España)

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    Cotoneaster granatensis (Rosaceae) is an endangered species in the Valencian Community with two natural populations known and 37 wild plants located in Alicante province. The strategy applied for conservation of this species comprises three steps in a cyclical method: in situ (first step) - ex situ - in situ (second step). Current conservation status for this species has been evaluated as a part of the first step in situ actions. Ex situ conservation activities consisted of germplasm conservation on seed banks, creation and maintenance of collections of livings plants and production of new plants in order to develop reintroductions (in situ actions: second step) in natural populations. The seed germination is a complex issue, but an effective protocol has been established reaching values over 60% of germination. The plant propagation by cuttings has not been successful. In situ actions such as reducing the threat of herbivory has been also essential to enhance natural populations. The initial results on plantations in the natural habitat show high survival rates of specimens

    Colecciones ex situ de planta viva para la conservación de la planta amenazada Silene hifacensis, Rouy ex Willk (Caryophyllaceae)

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    The establishment of seed orchards has allowed obtaining a great deal of germoplasm of Silene hifacensis, an endangered endemic Ibero-Balearic species. In four years, 3.958.531 seeds have been collected in our four seed orchards from a total of 570 plants/year per average, including all genetic variability from natural populations of this species in Alicante province (Illot of Mona, the Pessebret, Cova de les Cendres, Morro de Toix)

    Planes de recuperación de flora amenazada de la comunidad valenciana. Resultados tras tres años de la aprobación de la normativa legal

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    The Valencian Community (Spain) holds three plant species (Cistus heterophyllus Desf., Limonium perplexum L. Sáez & Rosselló and Silene hifacensis Rouy ex Willk.) listed into the category In danger of extinction, for which there is a joint Recovery Plan passed by the Valencian Government through the Order 1/2015, January 8, of the Department of Infrastructures, Land and Environment. Among the aims of this Recovery Plan, to improve the conservation status of these species in the Valencian territory, provisions of its Article 3 are highlighted. This article specifies that they population values that justify their passage of the category In danger of extinction to Vulnerable must be reached. Three years since the publication of this Order, the Generalitat Valenciana?s Wildlife Service shows here, the results achieved the conservation of these three specie