82 research outputs found

    Llegim un quadre. Dibuixem un text : proposta d’una seqüència didàctica sobre l’ensenyament de la gramàtica des d’un enfocament comunicatiu

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    Màster Universitari de Formació del Professorat de Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Facultat d'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017, Tutora: Eulàlia Anna Salvat GolobardesEl canvi vers un enfocament orientat cap a la competència comunicativa obliga a replantejar l’ensenyament de la gramàtica a la classe de llengua. Superant la tradició escolar que promou l’apropament a la gramàtica d’una forma absolutament descontextualitzada de la pràctica comunicativa, tot dificultant la incorporació d’aquests continguts teòrics a l’ús oral i escrit de la llengua, els experts proposen programar de manera que s’interrelacionin les tasques de producció i comprensió de textos, d’una banda, i les tasques específiques dirigides a l’aprenentatge de les formes que la llengua adquireix, de l’altra. Amb aquest objectiu, es presenta una proposta de seqüència didàctica que, més enllà de la transmissió d’uns continguts curriculars propis del curs per al qual ha estat dissenyada, busca crear un espai en què els usos es facin manifestos i en què els coneixements sistematitzats es facin operatius per a la composició i producció d’un text.Changing towards a communicative approach requires rethink the teaching of grammar in language class. Overcoming the educational tradition that promotes an absolutely decontextualized grammar practice communication, which hinders the incorporation of these theoretical contents to the oral and written uses of the language, experts propose programming with the objective of interrelate tasks of production and understanding of texts, on the one hand, and the specific tasks aimed at learning the ways that language acquires, on the other hand. With this objective, this work proposes a didactic sequence which, beyond the transmission of the curricular contents, seeks to create a space in which the uses become manifest and the systematized knowledge become operational for the composition and production of a text

    Abonos para agricultura : apuntes para un libro

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    Accésit del Certamen "Abonos agrícolas" convocado por la Real Sociedad Económica Aragonesa de Amigos del País, en octubre de 188

    Mycosis fungoides and pregnancy

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    Mycosis fungoides is a cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, a subgroup of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, characterized by skin infiltration and occasionally systemic involvement. The association of pregnancy and mycosis fungoides has not been described previously. A case of mycosis fungoides, stage IVb, in a pregnant woman is reported. Prior to pregnancy, the patient received adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine prednisolone (CHOP) and bleomycin and total body irradiation. Around the concepcional period she presented a cutaneous relapse palliated with photon radiotherapy. No obstetrics complications were observed during gestation. At 39 week's gestation a cesarean section was performed and a healthy 2900 g boy was delivered. Mycosis fungoides did not worsen during pregnancy and postpartum period. In conclusion mycosis fungoides did not adversely affect pregnancy outcome and gestation did not worsen the malignancy course. This case report may be valuable in managing patients with mycosis fungoides who are currently pregnant or are contemplating pregnancy

    Healthcare experience among patients with type 2 diabetes: A cross-sectional survey using the IEXPAC tool

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    [Abstract] Aim: To assess the experience with health care among patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and to evaluate patients' demographic variables and healthcare-related characteristics which may affect their experience. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was delivered to T2DM adults. Patient experiences were assessed with the 'Instrument for Evaluation of the Experience of Chronic Patients' (IEXPAC) questionnaire, a validated 12-item survey, which describes patient experience within the last 6 months (items 1-11) and hospitalization in the last 3 years (item 12), with possible scores ranging from 0 (worst) to 10 (best experience). Results: A total of 451 T2DM patients responded to the survey (response rate 72.3%; mean age 69.5 ± 10.1 years, 67.8% men). The mean overall IEXPAC score was 5.92 ± 1.80. Mean scores were higher for productive interactions (7.92 ± 2.15) and self-management (7.08 ± 2.27) than for new relational model (1.72 ± 2.01). Only 32.8% of patients who had been hospitalized in the past 3 years reported having received a follow-up call or visit after discharge. Multivariate analyses identified that regular follow-up by the same physician and follow-up by a nurse were associated with a better patient experience. Continuity of healthcare score was higher only in those patients requiring help from others. Conclusions: The areas of T2DM care which may need to be addressed to ensure better patient experience are use of the Internet, new technologies and social resources for patient information and interaction with healthcare professionals, closer follow-up after hospitalization, and a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach with regular follow-up by the same physician and a nurse

    [Cuestiones de abonos]

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    Obra facticia que contiene: Del aprovechamiento para abono agrícola de los grandes depósitos de hueso enterrado descubiertos en Castilla La Mancha : apuntes acerca de la facultad fertilizante del fosfato de cal, y acerca de los abonos químicos con él fabricados / por Diego López de Quintana. -- Madrid : Imp. de J.M. Lapuente, 1876. -- 44, VIII p. -- Abonos agrícolas : memoria presentada á la Real Sociedad Económica Aragonesa de Amigos del País... / de su autor José Alloza y Temprado. -- Zaragoza : Imp. del Hospicio Provincial, 1888. -- 67, VIII p. -- Elaboración de abonos económicos con destino á los principales cultivos : memoria exponiendo medios seguros para que los agricultores... / por Enrique Sagols y Ferrer. -- Zaragoza : Imp. del Hospicio Provincial, 1988. -- 73 p. -- Indice -- Experiencias comparativas en el cultivo de la Avena empleando el Nitrato de sosa, el sulfato de amoniaco y la sangre desecada : resumen de los resultados obtenidos en veintiún departamentos de Francia... / por D.L. Grandeau. -- Londres : Permanent Nitrate Comité, 1897. -- 15, VIII p. -- Abonos para agricultura : apuntes para un libro / por Juan Juste y Cararach. -- Zaragoza : Imp. del Hospicio Provincial, 1888. -- 128 p., [2] h. de lám

    Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening program using hand-held ultrasound in primary healthcare

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    We determined the feasibility of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening program led by family physicians in public primary healthcare setting using hand-held ultrasound device. The potential study population was 11,214 men aged ≥ 60 years attended by three urban, public primary healthcare centers. Participants were recruited by randomly-selected telephone calls. Ultrasound examinations were performed by four trained family physicians with a hand-held ultrasound device (Vscan®). AAA observed were verified by confirmatory imaging using standard ultrasound or computed tomography. Cardiovascular risk factors were determined. The prevalence of AAA was computed as the sum of previously-known aneurysms, aneurysms detected by the screening program and model-based estimated undiagnosed aneurysms. We screened 1,010 men, with mean age of 71.3 (SD 6.9) years; 995 (98.5%) men had normal aortas and 15 (1.5%) had AAA on Vscan®. Eleven out of 14 AAA-cases (78.6%) had AAA on confirmatory imaging (one patient died). The total prevalence of AAA was 2.49% (95%CI 2.20 to 2.78). The median aortic diameter at diagnosis was 3.5 cm in screened patients and 4.7 cm (p<0.001) in patients in whom AAA was diagnosed incidentally. Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified coronary heart disease (OR = 4.6, 95%CI 1.3 to 15.9) as the independent factor with the highest odds ratio. A screening program led by trained family physicians using hand-held ultrasound was a feasible, safe and reliable tool for the early detection of AAA

    [Cuestiones de abonos]

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    Contiene: Del aprovechamiento para abono agrícola de los grandes depósitos de hueso enterrado descubiertos en Castilla La Mancha : apuntes acerca de la facultad fertilizante del fosfato de cal, y acerca de los abonos químicos con él fabricados / por Diego López de Quintana. -- Madrid : Imp. de J.M. Lapuente, 1876. -- 44, VIII p. -- Abonos agrícolas : memoria presentada á la Real Sociedad Económica Aragonesa de Amigos del País... / de su autor José Alloza y Temprado. -- Zaragoza : Imp. del Hospicio Provincial, 1888. -- 67, VIII p. -- Elaboración de abonos económicos con destino á los principales cultivos : memoria exponiendo medios seguros para que los agricultores... / por Enrique Sagols y Ferrer. -- Zaragoza : Imp. del Hospicio Provincial, 1988. -- 73 p. -- Indice -- Experiencias comparativas en el cultivo de la Avena empleando el Nitrato de sosa, el sulfato de amoniaco y la sangre desecada : resumen de los resultados obtenidos en veintiún departamentos de Francia... / por D.L. Grandeau. -- Londres : Permanent Nitrate Comite, 1897. -- 15, VIII p. -- Abonos para agricultura: apuntes para un libro / por Juan Juste y Cararach. -- Zaragoza : Imp. del Hospicio Provincial, 1888. -- 128 p., [2] h. de lám.Enc. cartonéEnc. varias obras formando un vol. facticioNota ms sueltaSello en guarda : Encuadernador Cayetano Fernández, ZaragozaTít. tomado del lom

    Frequency and management of maternal infection in health facilities in 52 countries (GLOSS): a 1-week inception cohort study

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    Background: Maternal infections are an important cause of maternal mortality and severe maternal morbidity. We report the main findings of the WHO Global Maternal Sepsis Study, which aimed to assess the frequency of maternal infections in health facilities, according to maternal characteristics and outcomes, and coverage of core practices for early identification and management. Methods: We did a facility-based, prospective, 1-week inception cohort study in 713 health facilities providing obstetric, midwifery, or abortion care, or where women could be admitted because of complications of pregnancy, childbirth, post-partum, or post-abortion, in 52 low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) and high-income countries (HICs). We obtained data from hospital records for all pregnant or recently pregnant women hospitalised with suspected or confirmed infection. We calculated ratios of infection and infection-related severe maternal outcomes (ie, death or near-miss) per 1000 livebirths and the proportion of intrahospital fatalities across country income groups, as well as the distribution of demographic, obstetric, clinical characteristics and outcomes, and coverage of a set of core practices for identification and management across infection severity groups. Findings: Between Nov 28, 2017, and Dec 4, 2017, of 2965 women assessed for eligibility, 2850 pregnant or recently pregnant women with suspected or confirmed infection were included. 70·4 (95% CI 67·7–73·1) hospitalised women per 1000 livebirths had a maternal infection, and 10·9 (9·8–12·0) women per 1000 livebirths presented with infection-related (underlying or contributing cause) severe maternal outcomes. Highest ratios were observed in LMICs and the lowest in HICs. The proportion of intrahospital fatalities was 6·8% among women with severe maternal outcomes, with the highest proportion in low-income countries. Infection-related maternal deaths represented more than half of the intrahospital deaths. Around two-thirds (63·9%, n=1821) of the women had a complete set of vital signs recorded, or received antimicrobials the day of suspicion or diagnosis of the infection (70·2%, n=1875), without marked differences across severity groups. Interpretation: The frequency of maternal infections requiring management in health facilities is high. Our results suggest that contribution of direct (obstetric) and indirect (non-obstetric) infections to overall maternal deaths is greater than previously thought. Improvement of early identification is urgently needed, as well as prompt management of women with infections in health facilities by implementing effective evidence-based practices. Funding: UNDP–UNFPA–UNICEF–WHO–World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction, WHO, Merck for Mothers, and United States Agency for International Development

    Estudio del ciclo genital de las pacientes sometidas a tratamiento con hemodiálisis periódica

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    [spa] Desde mi época de estudiante, he estado en contacto con la formación del Servicio de Nefrología, Hemodiálisis y Riñón Artificial del Hospital Clínico y Provincial de Barcelona. Mi dedicación posterior a Obstetricia y Ginecología no me hizo perder el contacto con mis antiguos compañeros del Equipo de Nefrología, por lo que he sido consultado en diversas ocasiones a propósito de l o s problemas ginecológicos que presentaban sus enfermas y concretamente por los relativos a las frecuentes metrorragias de las enfermas sometidas al programa de "Hemodiálisis Periódica". Ello me obligó a revisar el tema y pronto puede comprobar que en la literatura médica existían pocos datos relativos al estudio del ciclo genital y sus alteraciones en el caso de las pacientes sometidas a hemodiálisis periódica. En ese sentido, el propósito de la presente tesis ha sido realizar un estudio del ciclo genital de las pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica, sometidas a tratamiento con hemodiálisis periódicas, en sus aspectos clínicos, hormonal (a los niveles hipofisarios y ováricos) y en lo posible endometrial y vaginal con el fin de aportar algo de luz sobre los trastornos que en se producen el mismo y en especial sobre si existen alteraciones hormonales que expliquen los frecuentes casos de menometrorragia no totalmente justificadas por el efecto de la heparina que dichas pacientes reciben durante la diálisis, ni por las alteraciones en la coagulación de los pacientes urémicos que si bien son parcialmente compensados por las hemodiálisis no logran normalizar totalmente los factores de coagulación

    La clonació humana

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