804 research outputs found

    Grammatical gender selection and the representation of morphemes: The production of Dutch diminutives

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    In this study, we investigated grammatical feature selection during noun phrase production in Dutch. More specifically, we studied the conditions under which different grammatical genders select either the same or different determiners. Pictures of simple objects paired with a gender-congruent or a gender-incongruent distractor word were presented. Participants named the pictures using a noun phrase with the appropriate gender-marked determiner. Auditory (Experiment 1) or visual cues (Experiment 2) indicated whether the noun was to be produced in its standard or diminutive form. Results revealed a cost in naming latencies when target and distractor take different determiner forms independent of whether or not they have the same gender. This replicates earlier results showing that congruency effects are due to competition during the selection of determiner forms rather than gender features. The overall pattern of results supports the view that grammatical feature selection is an automatic consequence of lexical node selection and therefore not subject to interference from incongruent grammatical features. Selection of the correct determiner form, however, is a competitive process, implying that lexical node and grammatical feature selection operate with distinct principles

    The inversion, part-whole, and composite effects reflect distinct perceptual mechanisms with varied relationships to face recognition

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    Face recognition is thought to rely on specific mechanisms underlying a perceptual bias toward processing faces as undecomposable wholes. This face-specific "holistic processing" is commonly quantified using 3 measures: the inversion, part-whole, and composite effects. Consequently, many researchers assume that these 3 effects measure the same cognitive mechanism(s) and these mechanisms contribute to the wide range of individual differences seen in face recognition ability. We test these assumptions in a large sample (N = 282), with individual face recognition abilities measured by the well-validated Cambridge Face Perception Test. Our results provide little support for either assumption. The small to nonexistent correlations among inversion, part-whole, and composite effects (correlations between -.03 and .28) fail to support the first assumption. As for the second assumption, only the inversion effect moderately predicts face recognition (r = .42); face recognition was weakly correlated with the part-whole effect (r = .25) and not correlated with the composite effect (r = .04). We rule out multiple artifactual explanations for our results by using valid tasks that produce standard effects at the group level, demonstrating that our tasks exhibit psychometric properties suitable for individual differences studies, and demonstrating that other predicted correlations (e.g., between face perception measures) are robust. Our results show that inversion, part-whole, and composite effects reflect distinct perceptual mechanisms, and we argue against the use of the single, generic term holistic processing when referring to these effects. Our results also question the contribution of these mechanisms to individual differences in face recognition

    Coexistence of pressure-induced structural phases in bulk black phosphorus: a combined x-ray diffraction and Raman study up to 18 GPa

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    We report a study of the structural phase transitions induced by pressure in bulk black phosphorus by using both synchrotron x-ray diffraction for pressures up to 12.2 GPa and Raman spectroscopy up to 18.2 GPa. Very recently black phosphorus attracted large attention because of the unique properties of fewlayers samples (phosphorene), but some basic questions are still open in the case of the bulk system. As concerning the presence of a Raman spectrum above 10 GPa, which should not be observed in an elemental simple cubic system, we propose a new explanation by attributing a key role to the non-hydrostatic conditions occurring in Raman experiments. Finally, a combined analysis of Raman and XRD data allowed us to obtain quantitative information on presence and extent of coexistences between different structural phases from ~5 up to ~15 GPa. This information can have an important role in theoretical studies on pressure-induced structural and electronic phase transitions in black phosphorus


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    Diversi studi in letteratura riportano come la capacit\ue0 prestativa degli atleti di endurance sia fortemente compromessa in seguito all\u2019insorgenza di anemia sideropenica. Questa, infatti, \ue8 una delle pi\uf9 importanti cause di overtraining negli atleti che pratica attivit\ue0 sportive di lunga durata come: la maratona, la marcia, il ciclismo. Tra le diverse cause di anemia ferropriva ricordiamo: una dieta inadeguata a soddisfare le richieste di ferro dell\u2019organismo, una riduzione dell\u2019assorbimento di ferro a livello intestinale e/o un\u2019eccessiva perdita di questo elemento da parte dell\u2019atleta. Il controllo periodico tramite analisi ematochimiche, metaboliche e funzionali potrebbe essere un valido strumento per individuare precocemente il rischio di insorgenza di anemia negli atleti. Una diagnosi precoce di anemia o del rischio di sviluppare questo pericoloso quadro fisiopatologico potrebbe, infatti, aiutare il tecnico e lo staff medico a rimodulare il carico di lavoro e il regime alimentare dell\u2019atleta a rischio.Several studies showed that athletes\u2019 endurance performance is reduced following the onset of iron deficiency anemia. It, indeed, is one of the main causes of overtraining in athletes who play endurance sports, such as marathon, walking race, cycling. Causes of iron deficiency anemia include: inadequate amounts of iron to meet body demands, decreased absorption of iron from gut and/or excessive loss of iron from athlete\u2019s body. Periodic monitoring evaluation process by ematochemical metabolic and functional analysis could be a valid tool to early identify the risk of anemia in athletes. Early diagnosis of anemia or of the risk of developing this dangerous physiopathological phenomenon could help the technical and medical staff modulate the workload and athlete\u2019s diet at risk of anemia


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    Obiettivo: Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di esaminare se il Metodo Feldenkrais fosse utile per migliorare la flessibilità muscolare e ridurre il dolore alla schiena in musicisti orchestrali professionisti. Materiali e metodi: Diciassette partecipanti sono stati reclutati da un orchestra sinfonica di Palermo (Italia) e divisi casualmente in un gruppo di controllo (C, n = 8) e un gruppo Feldenkrais (F, n = 9). Il primo non ha partecipato al protocollo Feldenkrais e a qualsiasi altra attività fisica; mentre il secondo ha preso parte ad un programma costituito da quattro lezioni di gruppo di Consapevolezza Attraverso il Movimento (CAM) eseguito 2 ore alla settimana per 4 settimane. Al fine di valutare lo stato di salute della colonna vertebrale, abbiamo usato il sit-and-reach test ed il trunk lift test. Le differenze all'interno di ogni gruppo e tra il gruppo C e il gruppo F sono state rispettivamente esaminate con il test di Wilcoxon e quello di Mann-Whitney; e considerate significative con p ≤ 0,05. Risultati: La flessibilità muscolare del bicipite femorale e della regione lombare, e la forza, la flessibilità e la resistenza dei muscoli estensori del tronco era leggermente aumentata nel gruppo F rispetto al gruppo C dopo il protocollo Feldenkrais; anche se questa variazione non era statisticamente significativa. Diversamente, il gruppo C ha mostrato una riduzione del 5% in entrambi i test dopo 4 settimane. Dopo il protocollo Feldenkrais, l’altezza del gruppo F era significativamente maggiore rispetto a prima del trattamento. Inoltre, abbiamo trovato che il numero dei partecipanti, che hanno dichiarato di avere dolore forte e frequente alla schiena e agli arti, diminuiva durante il periodo di svolgimento del protocollo Feldenkrais. Questo effetto era maggiore nella regione cervicale rispetto a quella lombare e agli arti superiori. Conclusioni: I nostri risultati mostrano che il Metodo Feldenkrais ha effetti positivi sulla flessibilità muscolare e supporta l'uso di questo metodo per sciogliere le tensioni e le contrazioni muscolari che possono causare dolore nei musicisti orchestrali professionisti.Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore whether Feldenkrais Method was useful for improving muscular flexibility and reducing back pain in professional orchestral musicians. Materials and methods: Seventeen participants were recruited from a symphony orchestra of Palermo (Italy) and randomly divided in a control group (C, n=8) and a Feldenkrais group (F, n=9). The first didn’t participate in the Feldenkrais protocol and any other physical activity; while the second took part into a program consisting of four Awareness through movement (ATM) classes performed 2 hours/week for 4 weeks. In order to assess muscle fitness of spine, we used sit-and-reach and trunk lift test. The differences within each group and between C and F groups were respectively examined with Wilcoxon matched pair test and Mann-Whitney test; and considered significant with p≤0.05. Results: The muscular flexibility of hamstring and low back, and trunk extensor strength, flexibility and endurance slightly increased in F group compared with C group after Feldenkrais protocol even if this variation was not statistically significant. Differently, C group showed a reduction by 5% in both tests after 4 weeks. After Feldenkrais protocol, height of F group was significantly bigger than before treatment. Moreover, we found that the number of participants, who stated to have strong and frequent pain in the back and limbs, decreased during performing the Feldenkrais protocol. This effect was bigger in the cervical than lumbar spine and upper limbs.Conclusion: Our outcomes illustrate that Feldenkrais method has positive effects on muscle flexibility and supports the use of this method for dissolving muscle tensions and contractions that can cause pain in professional orchestral musicians

    — Reading. Angela e Vera

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