7,839 research outputs found

    A search for Z' in muon neutrino associated charm production

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    In many extensions of the Standard Model the presence of an extra neutral boson, Z', is invoked. A precision study of weak neutral-current exchange processes involving only second generation fermions is still missing. We propose a search for Z' in muon neutrino associated charm production. This process only involves Z' couplings with fermions from the second generation. An experimental method is thoroughly described using an ideal detector. As an application, the accuracy reachable with present and future experiments has been estimated.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, late

    Progress report on the ongoing activity for constructing a catalogue of geological/geotechnical information at accelerometric stations

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    The main goals within Task2 are: • the development of the new standard format for station monograph; • collection, organization and synthesis of geological, geomorphological, geotechnical and geophysical data; • evaluation of the reliability of the existing data; • compilation of station monographs; • a site classification. All the research units are involved in the collection and elaboration of data relevant to the compilation of the monographs. RU2 (INGV-RM1) and RU6 (UniRM1-DISG) have directly contributed in the development of the structure and content of the new monograph, and in the release of the first proposal of site classification. Additional contributions from other RUs concern the assessment of the reliability of the existing shear wave velocity data (RU4 - PoliTO), the preparation of the geomechanical section of the new monograph (RU7 - UniSI-UniRM1-DST) and for web support to data collection and online monograph compilation (RU1 (INGV-MI)

    First results from an aging test of a prototype RPC for the LHCb Muon System

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    Recent results of an aging test performed at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility on a single--gap RPC prototype developed for the LHCb Muon System are presented. The results are based on an accumulated charge of about 0.45 C/cm2^2, corresponding to about 4 years of LHCb running at the highest background rate. The performance of the chamber has been studied under several photon flux values exploiting a muon beam. A degradation of the rate capability above 1 kHz/cm2^2 is observed, which can be correlated to a sizeable increase of resistivity of the chamber plates. An increase of the chamber dark current is also observed. The chamber performance is found to fulfill the LHCb operation requirements.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, presented at the International Workshop on Aging Phenomena in Gaseous Detectors'', DESY-Hamburg (Germany), October 200

    Preliminary results of an aging test of RPC chambers for the LHCb Muon System

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    The preliminary results of an aging test performed at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility on a single--gap RPC prototype developed for the LHCb Muon System are presented. The results are based on an accumulated charge density of 0.42 C/cm^2, corresponding to about 4 years of LHCb running at the highest background rate. We observe a rise in the dark current and noise measured with source off. The current drawn with source on steadily decreased, possibly indicating an increase of resistivity of the chamber plates. The performance of the chamber, studied with a muon beam under several photon flux values, is found to still fulfill the LHCb operation requirements.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, presented at RPC2001, VIth Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, November 26-27 2001, Coimbra, Portuga

    Geoethics and geological culture. Reflections from the Geoitalia Conference 2011

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    This is the first volume of an international scientific journal that is dedicated to issues of geoethics and geological culture. Its goal is to inform the Italian and international scientific communities about what emerged at the GeoItalia 2011 conference, attended by not only Italian geoscientists. At this conference, the geoscientists questioned their role in society and the responsibilities that they have to assume as scholars of the planet Earth and experts of the territory. They highlighted the need for rediscovery of the cultural values of geology as a science that can contribute to the construction of correct social knowledge, and the need to be aware that geoethics cannot exist without a real awareness among geoscientists of the cultural value of the Earth sciences

    Database relativo agli 8.101 comuni italiani, contenente informazioni di pericolositĂ  di base e locale, in formato Microsoft Access

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    Nell’ambito della attività del Task 5/7 “Reti neuronali” è stato messo a punto un database (file in formato Microsoft ACCESS, denominato “Prodotto 1_UO Geologica INGV Roma - UR CNR ITC L'Aquila.accdb”, allegato al presente rapporto) che, per ciascuno degli 8.101 comuni italiani nell’elenco dell’Istat (http://www.istat.it/strumenti/definizioni/comuni/), contiene informazioni sulla pericolosità sismica di base e locale. I dati inseriti sono finalizzati alle elaborazioni previste per il Livello 0. Tutti i parametri di pericolosità sismica sono stati calcolati considerando il comune come un punto, avente coordinate geografiche riferite ad un elemento caratteristico posizionato nel centro abitato capoluogo

    Geoethics and geological culture: awareness, responsibility and challenges

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    The international debate in the field of geoethics focuses on some of the most important environmental emergencies, while highlighting the great responsibilities of geoscientists, whatever field they work in, and the important social, cultural and economic repercussions that their choices can have on society. The GeoItalia 2009 and 2011 conferences that were held in Rimini and Turin, respectively, and were organized by the Italian Federation of Earth Science, were two important moments for the promotion of geoethics in Italy. They were devoted to the highlighting of how, and with what tools and contents, can the geosciences contribute to the cultural renewal of society. They also covered the active roles of geoscientists in the dissemination of scientific information, contributing in this way to the correct construction of social knowledge. Geology is culture, and as such it can help to dispel misconceptions and cultural stereotypes that concern natural phenomena, disasters, resources, and land management. Geological culture consists of methods, goals, values, history, ways of thinking about nature, and specific sensitivity for approaching problems and their solutions. So geology has to fix referenced values, as indispensable prerequisites for geoethics. Together, geological culture and geoethics can strengthen the bond that joins people to their territory, and can help to find solutions and answers to some important challenges in the coming years regarding natural risks, resources, and climate change. Starting from these considerations, we stress the importance of establishing an ethical criterion for Earth scientists, to focus attention on the issue of the responsibility of geoscientists, and the need to more clearly define their scientific identity and the value of their specificities

    Promoting Geoethics in Society: A New Challenge for Geoscientists

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    The Geoscience community is called to play an important role in society: helping in the defense against natural risks, orienting on global issues like climate change, looking for new ways to source natural resources from a sustainable perspective, building a knowledgeable society and help to improve the living conditions of human life especially in low income countries. This implies geoscientists are more aware of their social responsibility and capable of working by the principles of integrity, honesty with respect for land, water and air..
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