2,287 research outputs found

    Analytic structure in the coupling constant plane in perturbative QCD

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    We investigate the analytic structure of the Borel-summed perturbative QCD amplitudes in the complex plane of the coupling constant. Using the method of inverse Mellin transform, we show that the prescription dependent Borel-Laplace integral can be cast, under some conditions, into the form of a dispersion relation in the a-plane. We also discuss some recent works relating resummation prescriptions, renormalons and nonperturbative effects, and show that a method proposed recently for obtaining QCD nonperturbative condensates from perturbation theory is based on special assumptions about the analytic structure in the coupling plane that are not valid in QCD.Comment: 14 pages, revtex4, 1 eps-figur

    CMB temperature anisotropy at large scales induced by a causal primordial magnetic field

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    We present an analytical derivation of the Sachs Wolfe effect sourced by a primordial magnetic field. In order to consistently specify the initial conditions, we assume that the magnetic field is generated by a causal process, namely a first order phase transition in the early universe. As for the topological defects case, we apply the general relativistic junction conditions to match the perturbation variables before and after the phase transition which generates the magnetic field, in such a way that the total energy momentum tensor is conserved across the transition and Einstein's equations are satisfied. We further solve the evolution equations for the metric and fluid perturbations at large scales analytically including neutrinos, and derive the magnetic Sachs Wolfe effect. We find that the relevant contribution to the magnetic Sachs Wolfe effect comes from the metric perturbations at next-to-leading order in the large scale limit. The leading order term is in fact strongly suppressed due to the presence of free-streaming neutrinos. We derive the neutrino compensation effect dynamically and confirm that the magnetic Sachs Wolfe spectrum from a causal magnetic field behaves as l(l+1)C_l^B \propto l^2 as found in the latest numerical analyses.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figures, minor changes, matches published versio

    Convergence of the expansion of the Laplace-Borel integral in perturbative QCD improved by conformal mapping

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    The optimal conformal mapping of the Borel plane was recently used to accelerate the convergence of the perturbation expansions in QCD. In this work we discuss the relevance of the method for the calculation of the Laplace-Borel integral expressing formally the QCD Green functions. We define an optimal expansion of the Laplace-Borel integral in the principal value prescription and establish conditions under which the expansion is convergent.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    αs\alpha_s from τ\tau decays: contour-improved versus fixed-order summation in a new QCD perturbation expansion

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    We consider the determination of αs\alpha_s from τ\tau hadronic decays, by investigating the contour-improved (CI) and the fixed-order (FO) renormalization group summations in the frame of a new perturbation expansion of QCD, which incorporates in a systematic way the available information about the divergent character of the series. The new expansion functions, which replace the powers of the coupling, are defined by the analytic continuation in the Borel complex plane, achieved through an optimal conformal mapping. Using a physical model recently discussed by Beneke and Jamin, we show that the new CIPT approaches the true results with great precision when the perturbative order is increased, while the new FOPT gives a less accurate description in the regions where the imaginary logarithms present in the expansion of the running coupling are large. With the new expansions, the discrepancy of 0.024 in αs(mτ2)\alpha_s(m_\tau^2) between the standard CI and FO summations is reduced to only 0.009. From the new CIPT we predict αs(mτ2)=0.3200.009+0.011\alpha_s(m_\tau^2)= 0.320 ^{+0.011}_{-0.009}, which practically coincides with the result of the standard FOPT, but has a more solid theoretical basis

    Theory of unitarity bounds and low energy form factors

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    We present a general formalism for deriving bounds on the shape parameters of the weak and electromagnetic form factors using as input correlators calculated from perturbative QCD, and exploiting analyticity and unitarity. The values resulting from the symmetries of QCD at low energies or from lattice calculations at special points inside the analyticity domain can beincluded in an exact way. We write down the general solution of the corresponding Meiman problem for an arbitrary number of interior constraints and the integral equations that allow one to include the phase of the form factor along a part of the unitarity cut. A formalism that includes the phase and some information on the modulus along a part of the cut is also given. For illustration we present constraints on the slope and curvature of the K_l3 scalar form factor and discuss our findings in some detail. The techniques are useful for checking the consistency of various inputs and for controlling the parameterizations of the form factors entering precision predictions in flavor physics.Comment: 11 pages latex using EPJ style files, 5 figures; v2 is version accepted by EPJA in Tools section; sentences and figures improve

    Gravitational waves from stochastic relativistic sources: primordial turbulence and magnetic fields

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    The power spectrum of a homogeneous and isotropic stochastic variable, characterized by a finite correlation length, does in general not vanish on scales larger than the correlation scale. If the variable is a divergence free vector field, we demonstrate that its power spectrum is blue on large scales. Accounting for this fact, we compute the gravitational waves induced by an incompressible turbulent fluid and by a causal magnetic field present in the early universe. The gravitational wave power spectra show common features: they are both blue on large scales, and peak at the correlation scale. However, the magnetic field can be treated as a coherent source and it is active for a long time. This results in a very effective conversion of magnetic energy in gravitational wave energy at horizon crossing. Turbulence instead acts as a source for gravitational waves over a time interval much shorter than a Hubble time, and the conversion into gravitational wave energy is much less effective. We also derive a strong constraint on the amplitude of a primordial magnetic field when the correlation length is much smaller than the horizon.Comment: Replaced with revised version accepted for publication in Phys Rev

    Stringent constraints on the scalar K pi form factor from analyticity, unitarity and low-energy theorems

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    We investigate the scalar K pi form factor at low energies by the method of unitarity bounds adapted so as to include information on the phase and modulus along the elastic region of the unitarity cut. Using at input the values of the form factor at t=0 and the Callan-Treiman point, we obtain stringent constraints on the slope and curvature parameters of the Taylor expansion at the origin. Also, we predict a quite narrow range for the higher order ChPT corrections at the second Callan-Treiman point.Comment: 5 pages latex, uses EPJ style files, 3 figures, replaced with version accepted by EPJ

    Detection of gravitational waves from the QCD phase transition with pulsar timing arrays

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    If the cosmological QCD phase transition is strongly first order and lasts sufficiently long, it generates a background of gravitational waves which may be detected via pulsar timing experiments. We estimate the amplitude and the spectral shape of such a background and we discuss its detectability prospects.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figs. Version accepted by PR

    Finding the sigma pole by analytic extrapolation of ππ\pi\pi scattering data

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    We investigate the determination of the σ\sigma pole from ππ\pi\pi scattering data below the KKˉK\bar{K} threshold, including the new precise results obtained from Ke4K_{e4} decay by NA48/2 Collaboration. We discuss also the experimental status of the threshold parameters a00a_0^0 and b00b_0^0 and the phase shift δ00\delta_0^0. In order to reduce the theoretical bias, we use a large class of analytic parametrizations of the isoscalar SS-wave, based on expansions in powers of conformal variables. The σ\sigma pole obtained with this method is consistent with the prediction based on ChPT and Roy equations. However, the theoretical uncertainties are now larger, reflecting the sensitivity of the pole position to the specific parametrizations valid in the physical region. We conclude that Roy equations offer the most precise method for the determination of the σ\sigma pole from ππ\pi\pi elastic scattering