77 research outputs found

    Mechanism of the microtubule GTPase reaction

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    The rate of GTP hydrolysis by microtubules has been measured at tubulin subunit concentrations where microtubules undergo net disassembly. This was made possible by using microtubules stabilized against disassembly by reaction with ethylene glycol bis-(succinimidylsuccinate) (EGS) as sites for the addition of tubulin-GTP subunits. The tubulin subunit concentration was varied from 25 to 90% of the steady state concentration, and there was no net elongation of stabilized microtubule seeds. The GTPase rate with EGS microtubules was linearly proportional to the tubulin-GTP subunit concentration when this concentration was varied by dilution and by using GDP to compete with GTP for the tubulin E-site. The linear dependence of the rate is consistent with a GTP mechanism in which hydrolysis is coupled to the tubulin-GTP subunit addition to microtubule ends. It is inconsistent with reaction schemes in which: microtubules are capped by a single tubulin-GTP subunit, which hydrolyzes GTP when a tubulin-GTP subunit adds to the end; hydrolysis occurs primarily in subunits at the interface of a tubulin-GTP cap and the tubulin-GDP microtubule core; hydrolysis is not coupled to subunit addition and occurs randomly in subunits in a tubulin-GTP cap. It was also found that GDP inhibition of the microtubule GTPase rate results from GDP competition for GTP at the tubulin subunit E-site. There is no additional effect of GDP on the GTPase rate resulting from exchange into tubulin subunits at microtubule ends

    Kinetics and mechanism of microtubule length changes by dynamic instability.

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    Microtubules at steady state were found to undergo dramatic changes in length, with only very little change in number concentration and mean length. This result is accounted for by a mechanism in which microtubules are capped at ends by tubulin-GTP subunits; loss of the tubulin-GTP cap at one end results in disassembly of all the tubulin-GDP subunits, so that the medial edge of the distal tubulin-GTP cap is exposed; the exposed tubulin-GTP cap is sufficiently stable, so that microtubule regrowth from the cap rather than loss of the cap occurs. This mechanism predicts that a bell-shaped length distribution of sheared microtubules will be transiently bimodal, with peaks of short and moderate length microtubules, in rearranging to an exponential length distribution. We have observed the predicted transient bimodal length distribution experimentally and in a Monte Carlo simulation. Dynamic instability has recently been accounted for by assuming that microtubule ends are capped with only a single tubulin-GTP subunit at each end of the five helices that serve as elongation sites. Such a minimal tubulin-GTP cap is apparently ruled out by our observations, which require that the remnant tubulin-GTP cap generated from disassembly be able to serve as nucleating site; we do not expect that a stable nucleating site can be generated from five tubulin-GTP subunits, oriented as the five helices that serve as elongation sites

    Ubiquitin editing enzyme UCH L1 and microtubule dynamics: Implication in mitosis

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    Microtubules are essential components of the cytoskeleton and are involved in many aspects of cell responses including cell division, migration, and intracellular signal transduction. Among other factors, post-translational modifications play a significant role in the regulation of microtubule dynamics. Here, we demonstrate that the ubiquitin-editing enzyme UCH L1, abundant expression of which is normally restricted to brain tissue, is also a part of the microtubule network in a variety of transformed cells. Moreover, during mitosis, endogenous UCH L1 is expressed and tightly associated with the mitotic spindle through all stages of M phase, suggesting that UCH L1 is involved in regulation of microtubule dynamics. Indeed, addition of recombinant UCH L1 to the reaction of tubulin polymerization in vitro had an inhibitory effect on microtubule formation. Unexpectedly, western blot analysis of tubulin fractions after polymerization revealed the presence of a specific ∼50 kDa band of UCH L1 (not the normal ∼25 kDa) in association with microtubules, but not with free tubulin. In addition, we show that along with 25 kDa UCH L1, endogenous high molecular weight UCH L1 complexes exist in cells, and that levels of 50 kDa UCH L1 complexes are increasing in cells during mitosis. Finally, we provide evidence that ubiquitination is involved in tubulin polymerization: the presence of ubiquitin during polymerization in vitro by itself inhibited microtubule formation and enhanced the inhibitory effect of added UCH L1. the inhibitory effects of UCH L1 correlate with an increase in ubiquitination of microtubule components. Since besides being a deubiquitinating enzyme, UCH L1 as a dimer has also been shown to exhibit ubiquitin ligase activity, we discuss the possibility that the ∼50 kDa UCH L1 observed is a dimer which prevents microtubule formation through ubiquitination of tubulins and/or microtubule-associated proteins

    Non-native Soluble Oligomers of Cu/Zn Superoxide Dismutase (SOD1) Contain a Conformational Epitope Linked to Cytotoxicity in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

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    Soluble misfolded Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) is implicated in motor neuron death in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS); however, the relative toxicities of the various non-native species formed by SOD1 as it misfolds and aggregates are unknown. Here, we demonstrate that early stages of SOD1 aggregation involve the formation of soluble oligomers that contain an epitope specific to disease-relevant misfolded SOD1; this epitope, recognized by the C4F6 antibody, has been proposed as a marker of toxic species. Formation of potentially toxic oligomers is likely to be exacerbated by an oxidizing cellular environment, as evidenced by increased oligomerization propensity and C4F6 reactivity when oxidative modification by glutathione is present at Cys-111. These findings suggest that soluble non-native SOD1 oligomers, rather than native-like dimers or monomers, share structural similarity to pathogenic misfolded species found in ALS patients and therefore represent potential cytotoxic agents and therapeutic targets in ALS

    Glutathionylation at Cys-111 Induces Dissociation of Wild Type and FALS Mutant SOD1 Dimers

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    Mutation of the ubiquitous cytosolic enzyme Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) is hypothesized to cause familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS) through structural destabilization leading to misfolding and aggregation. Considering the late onset of symptoms as well as the phenotypic variability among patients with identical SOD1 mutations, it is clear that nongenetic factor(s) impact ALS etiology and disease progression. Here we examine the effect of Cys-111 glutathionylation, a physiologically prevalent post-translational oxidative modification, on the stabilities of wild type SOD1 and two phenotypically diverse FALS mutants, A4V and I112T. Glutathionylation results in profound destabilization of SOD1WT dimers, increasing the equilibrium dissociation constant Kd to ~10−20 μM, comparable to that of the aggressive A4V mutant. SOD1A4V is further destabilized by glutathionylation, experiencing an ~30-fold increase in Kd. Dissociation kinetics of glutathionylated SOD1WT and SOD1A4V are unchanged, as measured by surface plasmon resonance, indicating that glutathionylation destabilizes these variants by decreasing association rate. In contrast, SOD1I112T has a modestly increased dissociation rate but no change in Kd when glutathionylated. Using computational structural modeling, we show that the distinct effects of glutathionylation on different SOD1 variants correspond to changes in composition of the dimer interface. Our experimental and computational results show that Cys-111 glutathionylation induces structural rearrangements that modulate stability of both wild type and FALS mutant SOD1. The distinct sensitivities of SOD1 variants to glutathionylation, a modification that acts in part as a coping mechanism for oxidative stress, suggest a novel mode by which redox regulation and aggregation propensity interact in ALS
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