798 research outputs found

    Structural transition in Fe ultrathin epitaxial films grown on Ni(111)

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    A structural study of Fe ultrathin epitaxial films, grown at room temperature on Ni(111), has been performed in the 1.5-18 ML coverage range by angle-scanned photoelectron diffraction. Both backscattering and forward-scattering energy regimes have been employed, in order to enhance the structural sensitivity at lower and higher film thicknesses, respectively. Modeling of the experimental data has been performed with multiple scattering calculations. We found indications that Fe atoms in the first layer occupy fcc hollow sites and stack with a pseudomorphic fcc structure up to 2 ML. Concerning the growth mode at these early stages, data suggest that a good substrate wetting and a sharp Fe/Ni interface take place. Between 3 and 6 ML, transition to a bcc(110) phase develops. By quantitative R-factor analysis, we found that Nishiyama-Wassermann (NW) in-plane orientation of the bcc(110) cell ((bcc)parallel to(fcc)) is favored over the Kurdjumov-Sachs ((bcc)parallel to(fcc)) orientation. The best-fit vertical interlayer distance between bcc(110) planes is d(NW)=2.11 Angstrom (+3.9% expansion) at 6 ML and relaxes to d(NW)=2.05 Angstrom (+1.0%) at 18 ML, in agreement with the angular shift observed for the forward-focusing features. In the same coverage range, the angle between bcc(110) surface basis vectors changes from 67.7degrees to 69.0degrees, corresponding to -1.7% and -1.0% contractions of the surface cell area, respectively

    First report outside Eastern Europe of West Nile virus lineage 2 related to the Volgograd 2007 strain, northeastern Italy, 2014

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    open11noWest Nile virus (WNV) is a Flavivirus transmitted to vertebrate hosts by mosquitoes, maintained in nature through an enzootic bird-mosquito cycle. In Europe the virus became of major public health and veterinary concern in the 1990s. In Italy, WNV re-emerged in 2008, ten years after the previous outbreak and is currently endemic in many areas of the country. In particular, the northeastern part of Italy experience continuous viral circulation, with human outbreaks caused by different genovariants of WNV lineage 1, Western-European and Mediterranean subcluster, and WNV lineage 2, Hungarian clade. Alongside the WNV National Surveillance Program that has been in place since 2002, regional surveillance plans were implemented after 2008 targeting mosquitoes, animals and humans.openRavagnan, Silvia; Montarsi, Fabrizio; Cazzin, Stefania; Porcellato, Elena; Russo, Francesca; Palei, Manlio; Monne, Isabella; Savini, Giovanni; Marangon, Stefano; Barzon, Luisa; Capelli, GioiaRavagnan, Silvia; Montarsi, Fabrizio; Cazzin, Stefania; Porcellato, Elena; Russo, Francesca; Palei, Manlio; Monne, Isabella; Savini, Giovanni; Marangon, Stefano; Barzon, Luisa; Capelli, Gioi

    Chromosome 3p alterations in pancreatic endocrine neoplasia

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    Pancreatic endocrine tumors (PET) are rare neoplasms classified as functioning (F-PET) or non-functioning (NF-PET) according to the presence of a clinical syndrome due to hormonal hypersecretion. PETs show variable degrees of clinical aggressiveness and loss of chromosome 3p has been suggested to be associated with an advanced stage of disease. We assessed chromosome 3p copy number in 113 primary PETs and 32 metastases by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using tissue microarrays. The series included 56 well-differentiated endocrine tumors (WDET), 62 well-differentiated endocrine carcinomas (WDEC), and 6 poorly differentiated endocrine carcinomas (PDEC). Chromosome 3p alterations were found in 23/113 (20%) primary tumors, with losses being predominant over gains (14% vs. 6%). Loss of 3p was found in 5/55 (9%) WDET, 11/52 (21%) WDEC, and never in PDEC. Gains of 3p were detected in 4/55 (7%) WDET, no WDEC, but notably in 3/6 (50%) PDEC (OR 23.6; P = 0.003). Metastases were more frequently monosomic for 3p compared to primary tumors (OR 3.6; P = 0.005). Monosomy was significantly associated with larger tumor size, more advanced tumor stage, and metastasis. No association was found with survival. Chromosome 3p copy number alterations are frequent events in advanced stage PET, with gains prevailing in PDEC while losses are more frequent in WDEC, supporting the view that a specific pattern of alterations are involved in these diverse disease subtypes

    West Nile virus circulation in Veneto region in 2008-2009.

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    SUMMARYWest Nile virus (WNV) was detected in Italy, in late summer 2008 in horses and birds in the Po valley. As a consequence, an intense WNV surveillance was implemented in that area involving Emilia-Romagna, Veneto and Lombardy. This paper presents the results of the September 2008–November 2009 surveillance on equines, mosquitoes, wild birds, dogs and cattle in Veneto. WNV was detected in equines and dogs, and, to a lesser extent in cattle and wild birds. Simultaneous circulation of Usutu virus was detected by testing wild birds found dead. Usutu virus but not WNV was also found in mosquitoes monitored during 2009. Equine practices monitoring allowed the definition of an area of WNV circulation and the 2008–2009 westward and northward spread of the infection. Although a relatively low number of human cases and a low virus circulation in vectors and birds detected in Veneto region could be considered favourable conditions for a limited risk of human exposure, it remains difficult to predict the possible evolution of the epidemiological situation

    No evidence of NRAS mutation in squamous cell anal carcinoma (SCAC)

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    Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is usually expressed in squamous cell anal carcinoma (SCAC) and anti-EGFR agents could represent a valid treatment strategy, also considering that KRAS and BRAF mutations are rare events in this type of cancer. However, no data are available on NRAS status in SCAC. In this study we analyzed NRAS status (exons 2-4) by Pyrosequencing in a case series of 50 SCAC patients previously characterized in our laboratory for KRAS, BRAF, PIK3CA mutations and HPV and HIV infections. We found no mutation in NRAS gene. These results confirm that since the principal anti-EGFR resistance mechanisms are almost absent in SCAC, anti-EGFR agents should be considered for the treatment of this type of cancer

    COVID‐19 disease in professional football players: symptoms and impact on pulmonary function and metabolic power during matches

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    This study aimed at: (1) Reporting COVID-19 symptoms and duration in professional football players; (2) comparing players' pulmonary function before and after COVID-19; (3) comparing players' metabolic power (Pmet ) before and after COVID-19. Thirteen male players (Age: 23.9 Â± 4.0 years, V̇O2peak : 49.7 Â± 4.0 mL/kg/min) underwent a medical screening and performed a running incremental step test and a spirometry test after COVID-19. Spirometric data were compared with the ones collected at the beginning of the same season. Players' mean Pmet of the 10 matches played before COVID-19 was compared with mean Pmet of the 10 matches played after COVID-19. Players completed a questionnaire on COVID-19 symptoms and duration 6 months following the disease. COVID-19 positivity lasted on average 15 Â± 5 days. "General fatigue" and "muscle fatigue" symptoms were reported by all players during COVID-19 and persisted for 77% (general fatigue) and 54% (muscle fatigue) of the players for 37 Â± 28 and 38 Â± 29 days after the disease, respectively. No significant changes in spirometric measurements were found after COVID-19, even though some impairments at the individual level were observed. Conversely, a linear mixed-effects model analysis showed a significant reduction of Pmet (-4.1 Â± 3.5%) following COVID-19 (t = -2.686, p < 0.05). "General fatigue" and "muscle fatigue" symptoms may persist for several weeks following COVID-19 in professional football players and should be considered for a safer return to sport. Players' capacity to compete at high intensities might be compromised after COVID-19
