13 research outputs found

    Job satisfaction mediates the association between perceived disability and work productivity in migraine headache patients

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    Migraine headache is the cause of an estimated 250,000,000 lost days from work or school every year and is often associated with decreased work productivity. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to assess the relationship between perceived disability, job satisfaction and work productivity in patients affected by chronic migraineurs. Participants were 98 consecutive adult outpatients admitted to the Regional Referral Headache Centre of the Sant’Andrea Hospital in Rome, Italy. Patients were administered the Italian Perceived Disability Scale, The Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire-Work Subscale and The EndicottWork Productivity Scale. Perceived disability is significantly associated with job satisfaction and work productivity. Job satisfaction is significantly related to work productivity and mediates the association between perceived disability and work productivity in patients affected by chronic migraineurs. Our results confirm that patients suffering from migraine headaches who have negative perceptions © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Trisomic dose of several chromosome 21 genes perturbs haematopoietic stem and progenitor cell differentiation in Down's syndrome

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    Children with Down's syndrome (DS) have 20–50-fold higher incidence of all leukaemias (lymphoid and myeloid), for reasons not understood. As incidence of many solid tumours is much lower in DS, we speculated that disturbed early haematopoietic differentiation could be the cause of increased leukaemia risk. If a common mechanism is behind the risk of both major leukaemia types, it would have to arise before the bifurcation to myeloid and lymphoid lineages. Using the transchromosomic system (mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs)) bearing an extra human chromosome 21 (HSA21)) we analyzed the early stages of haematopoietic commitment (mesodermal colony formation) in vitro. We observed that trisomy 21 (T21) causes increased production of haemogenic endothelial cells, haematopoietic stem cell precursors and increased colony forming potential, with significantly increased immature progenitors. Transchromosomic colonies showed increased expression of Gata-2, c-Kit and Tie-2. A panel of partial T21 ESCs allowed us to assign these effects to HSA21 sub-regions, mapped by 3.5 kbp-resolution tiling arrays. The Gata-2 increase on one side, and c-Kit and Tie-2 increases on the other, could be attributed to two different, non-overlapping HSA21 regions. Using human-specific small interfering RNA silencing, we could demonstrate that an extra copy of RUNX1, but not ETS-2 or ERG, causes an increase in Tie-2/c-Kit levels. Finally, we detected significantly increased levels of RUNX1, C-KIT and PU.1 in human foetal livers with T21. We conclude that overdose of more than one HSA21 gene contributes to the disturbance of early haematopoiesis in DS, and that one of the contributors is RUNX1. As the observed T21-driven hyperproduction of multipotential immature precursors precedes the bifurcation to lymphoid and myeloid lineages, we speculate that this could create conditions of increased chance for acquisition of pre-leukaemogenic rearrangements/mutations in both lymphoid and myeloid lineages during foetal haematopoiesis, contributing to the increased risk of both leukaemia types in DS

    Down syndrome-recent progress and future prospects

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    Down syndrome (DS) is caused by trisomy of chromosome 21 (Hsa21) and is associated with a number of deleterious phenotypes, including learning disability, heart defects, early-onset Alzheimer's disease and childhood leukaemia. Individuals with DS are affected by these phenotypes to a variable extent; understanding the cause of this variation is a key challenge. Here, we review recent research progress in DS, both in patients and relevant animal models. In particular, we highlight exciting advances in therapy to improve cognitive function in people with DS and the significant developments in understanding the gene content of Hsa21. Moreover, we discuss future research directions in light of new technologies. In particular, the use of chromosome engineering to generate new trisomic mouse models and large-scale studies of genotype-phenotype relationships in patients are likely to significantly contribute to the future understanding of DS

    The importance of understanding individual differences in Down syndrome

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    In this article, we first present a summary of the general assumptions about Down syndrome (DS) still to be found in the literature. We go on to show how new research has modified these assumptions, pointing to a wide range of individual differences at every level of description. We argue that, in the context of significant increases in DS life expectancy, a focus on individual differences in trisomy 21 at all levels—genetic, cellular, neural, cognitive, behavioral, and environmental—constitutes one of the best approaches for understanding genotype/phenotype relations in DS and for exploring risk and protective factors for Alzheimer’s disease in this high-risk population

    A genetic cause of Alzheimer disease: mechanistic insights from Down syndrome

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    Down syndrome, caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, is associated with a greatly increased risk of early onset Alzheimer disease. It is thought that this risk is conferred by the presence of three copies of the gene encoding amyloid precursor protein (APP), an Alzheimer risk factor, although the possession of extra copies of other chromosome 21 genes may also play a role. Further study of the mechanisms underlying the development of Alzheimer disease in Down syndrome could provide insights into the mechanisms that cause dementia in the general population

    Cohesins functionally associate with CTCF on mammalian chromosome arms

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    SummaryCohesins mediate sister chromatid cohesion, which is essential for chromosome segregation and postreplicative DNA repair. In addition, cohesins appear to regulate gene expression and enhancer-promoter interactions. These noncanonical functions remained unexplained because knowledge of cohesin-binding sites and functional interactors in metazoans was lacking. We show that the distribution of cohesins on mammalian chromosome arms is not driven by transcriptional activity, in contrast to S. cerevisiae. Instead, mammalian cohesins occupy a subset of DNase I hypersensitive sites, many of which contain sequence motifs resembling the consensus for CTCF, a DNA-binding protein with enhancer blocking function and boundary-element activity. We find cohesins at most CTCF sites and show that CTCF is required for cohesin localization to these sites. Recruitment by CTCF suggests a rationale for noncanonical cohesin functions and, because CTCF binding is sensitive to DNA methylation, allows cohesin positioning to integrate DNA sequence and epigenetic state

    DYRK1A-dosage imbalance perturbs NRSF/REST levels, deregulating pluripotency and embryonic stem cell fate in Down syndrome

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    Down syndrome (DS) is the most common cause of mental retardation. Many neural phenotypes are shared between DS individuals and DS mouse models; however, the common underlying molecular pathogenetic mechanisms remain unclear. Using a transchromosomic model of DS, we show that a 30%-60% reduced expression of Nrsf/Rest (a key regulator of pluripotency and neuronal differentiation) is an alteration that persists in trisomy 21 from undifferentiated embryonic stem (ES) cells to adult brain and is reproducible across several DS models. Using partially trisomic ES cells, we map this effect to a three-gene segment of HSA21, containing DYRK1A. We independently identify the same locus as the most significant eQTL controlling REST expression in the human genome. We show that specifically silencing the third copy of DYRK1A rescues Rest levels, and we demonstrate altered Rest expression in response to inhibition of DYRK1A expression or kinase activity, and in a transgenic Dyrk1A mouse. We reveal that undifferentiated trisomy 21 ES cells show DYRK1A-dose-sensitive reductions in levels of some pluripotency regulators, causing premature expression of transcription factors driving early endodermal and mesodermal differentiation, partially overlapping recently reported downstream effects of Rest +/-. They produce embryoid bodies with elevated levels of the primitive endoderm progenitor marker Gata4 and a strongly reduced neuroectodermal progenitor compartment. Our results suggest that DYRK1A-mediated deregulation of REST is a very early pathological consequence of trisomy 21 with potential to disturb the development of all embryonic lineages, warranting closer research into its contribution to DS pathology and new rationales for therapeutic approaches