21 research outputs found

    Redesigning the course “Research Methods in Social and Clinical Pharmacy”

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    The implementation of this assignment is part of the supervision sessions and the development of my teaching portfolio. This assignment is an attempt to redesign the course “Research methods in social and clinical pharmacy” with the intention of making it more aligned and therefore more effective regarding the development on skills and competencies of the students

    Determinants of women´s health in Europe: using large open data collections to unveil the hidden part of the iceberg

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    Open data collections can be powerful, providing democratic tools to illustrate women’s health across Europe. This article discusses the benefits offered by the large volume of open-access data in comparison with access-restrictive big data, and provides an overview of the main databases publically available which gather sex-disaggregated data information, as well as of their strengths and limitations (The World Health Organization European Health for All database, EUROSTAT, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation – Global Burden of Disease data and OECD data). Examples are provided to illustrate the outcomes that can be obtained from the different databases, with special emphasis on the socioeconomic determinants of women’s health (education, income and wealth, employment and place of residence) in the European Region. Open online data collections accessible to all can be used as tools to argue in favour of not only the implementation of health-care policies, but also social and economic policies aimed at improving women’s health in Europe. However, open-access online data collections have certain drawbacks worth considering such as the need for continuous monitoring and updating, ensuring the reliability of data provided by all countries, and guaranteeing that individuals cannot be identified through links between clinical and socioeconomic data

    Problemas probatorios de la pericia informática en el Derecho Penal Salvadoreño

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    El desarrollo acelerado de las nuevas tecnologías ha generado cambios drásticos en las sociedades y El Salvador no se ha quedado al margen, al igual que el resto de países Latinoamericanos se ha visto en la necesidad de actualizarse y ponerse al día con las tecnologías que se están utilizando en la actualidad. Estamos en presencia de una nueva era denominada “Era de la Informática”, en la cual la humanidad está en un constante contacto con las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TICS)

    The role of antimicrobial stewardship programmes in children: a systematic review.

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    The United Nations and the World Health Organization have designated antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as a major health priority and developed action plans to reduce AMR in all healthcare settings. Establishment of institutional antimicrobial stewardship programmes (ASPs) is advocated as a key intervention to reduce antibiotic consumption in hospitals and address high rates of multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria. We searched PUBMED and the Cochrane database of systematic reviews (1/2007-3/2017) to identify studies reporting about the effectiveness of ASPs in general paediatric wards and paediatric intensive care units (PICU), on reducing antibiotic consumption, on using broad spectrum/restricted antibiotics, and on antibiotic resistance and healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Neonatal units and antifungal agents were excluded. Of 2509 titles and abstracts, nine articles were eligible to be included in the final analysis. All studies reported on the reduction of broad spectrum/restricted antibiotics or antibiotic consumption. One study reported on the reduction of HAI in a PICU, and another evaluated bacterial resistance, showing no effect following ASP implementation. Prospective audit on antibiotic use was the most common ASP core component (eight of nine studies). Antibiotic pre-authorisation was described in two articles. Other described interventions were providing guidelines or written information (five of nine articles), and training of healthcare professionals (one article). There is limited evidence about reducing antibiotic consumption and broad-spectrum/restricted agents following ASP implementation, specifically in PICU. Data evaluating the impact of ASPs on HAI and AMR in PICU is lacking. In addition, there is limited information on effective components of a successful ASPs in PICUs