149 research outputs found

    Impact of use of oral anticancer drugs on activity of Italian oncology practices: results of a survey conducted by the Italian Society of Medical Oncology (AIOM)

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    AIMS AND BACKGROUND: In recent years, the number of oral anticancer drugs used in clinical practice has rapidly increased. The Italian Society of Medical Oncology (AIOM) conducted a survey to describe the impact of the use of oral anticancer drugs on the daily activity of Italian oncology practices. METHODS AND STUDY DESIGN: A survey questionnaire was distributed to the coordinators of the regional sections of AIOM. A 6-month period was considered, from January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010. The survey addressed (1) quantitative aspects of the use of oral anticancer drugs; (2) practical aspects in the management of patients treated with these drugs; (3) issues related to treatment costs and reimbursement procedures. RESULTS: Thirty-six questionnaires were received from institutions distributed throughout the Italian territory. Oral anticancer drugs (both chemotherapy and molecularly targeted agents) accounted for a significant proportion (17%) of prescribed treatments. Among the responding institutions, there were different dispensation procedures of oral drugs to patients: drugs were dispensed by the pharmacist (57%) or directly by the medical oncologist (23%) or nurse (20%). The medical oncologist played a major role in the communication with patients (73% alone and a further 24% in cooperation with other professional figures) and was the point of reference in the event of side effects in 97% of cases. In most cases, the reimbursement of drug costs was separated ("File F" procedure) from the flat fare received by the hospital for outpatient visits or day-hospital access. CONCLUSIONS: Optimal organization of oral anticancer treatment warrants the cooperation and integration of multiple professional figures. At least three figures are involved in patient management in the hospital: the medical oncologist, the nurse, and the hospital pharmacist. Oral anticancer treatments are associated with specific reimbursement issues: in the majority of cases, the cost of the drug is reimbursed separately from the cost of patient access

    Treatment of advanced pancreatic cancer with the long-acting somatostatin analogue lanreotide: in vitro and in vivo results

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    Fourteen patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma were treated with the long-acting somatostatin (SST) analogue lanreotide. No objective response was obtained, and the median survival was 4 months (range 1.8–7 months). Pancreatic cancer could not be visualized by means of SST-receptor (R) scintigraphy in our patients. In vitro data also demonstrated absence of SSTR2 expression, suggesting pancreatic cancer not to be a potential target for treatment with SST analogues. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    The c-Myc Target Glycoprotein1bα Links Cytokinesis Failure to Oncogenic Signal Transduction Pathways in Cultured Human Cells

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    An increase in chromosome number, or polyploidization, is associated with a variety of biological changes including breeding of cereal crops and flowers, terminal differentiation of specialized cells such as megakaryocytes, cellular stress and oncogenic transformation. Yet it remains unclear how cells tolerate the major changes in gene expression, chromatin organization and chromosome segregation that invariably accompany polyploidization. We show here that cancer cells can initiate increases in chromosome number by inhibiting cell division through activation of glycoprotein1b alpha (GpIbα), a component of the c-Myc signaling pathway. We are able to recapitulate cytokinesis failure in primary cells by overexpression of GpIbα in a p53-deficient background. GpIbα was found to localize to the cleavage furrow by microscopy analysis and, when overexpressed, to interfere with assembly of the cellular cortical contraction apparatus and normal division. These results indicate that cytokinesis failure and tetraploidy in cancer cells are directly linked to cellular hyperproliferation via c-Myc induced overexpression of GpIbα

    Bleeding and thrombotic risk in pregnant women with Fontan physiology

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    Background/objectives Pregnancy may potentiate the inherent hypercoagulability of the Fontan circulation, thereby amplifying adverse events. This study sought to evaluate thrombosis and bleeding risk in pregnant women with a Fontan.  Methods We performed a retrospective observational cohort study across 13 international centres and recorded data on thrombotic and bleeding events, antithrombotic therapies and pre-pregnancy thrombotic risk factors.  Results We analysed 84 women with Fontan physiology undergoing 108 pregnancies, average gestation 33 +/- 5 weeks. The most common antithrombotic therapy in pregnancy was aspirin (ASA, 47 pregnancies (43.5%)). Heparin (unfractionated (UFH) or low molecular weight (LMWH)) was prescribed in 32 pregnancies (30%) and vitamin K antagonist (VKA) in 10 pregnancies (9%). Three pregnancies were complicated by thrombotic events (2.8%). Thirty-eight pregnancies (35%) were complicated by bleeding, of which 5 (13%) were severe. Most bleeds were obstetric, occurring antepartum (45%) and postpartum (42%). The use of therapeutic heparin (OR 15.6, 95% CI 1.88 to 129, p=0.006), VKA (OR 11.7, 95% CI 1.06 to 130, p=0.032) or any combination of anticoagulation medication (OR 13.0, 95% CI 1.13 to 150, p=0.032) were significantly associated with bleeding events, while ASA (OR 5.41, 95% CI 0.73 to 40.4, p=0.067) and prophylactic heparin were not (OR 4.68, 95% CI 0.488 to 44.9, p=0.096). Conclusions Current antithrombotic strategies appear effective at attenuating thrombotic risk in pregnant women with a Fontan. However, this comes with high (>30%) bleeding risk, of which 13% are life threatening. Achieving haemostatic balance is challenging in pregnant women with a Fontan, necessitating individualised risk-adjusted counselling and therapeutic approaches that are monitored during the course of pregnancy

    Phase II study of weekly vinorelbine and 24-h infusion of high-dose 5-fluorouracil plus leucovorin as first-line treatment of advanced breast cancer

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    We prospectively investigated the efficacy and safety of combining weekly vinorelbine (VNB) with weekly 24-h infusion of high-dose 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and leucovorin (LV) in the treatment of patients with advanced breast cancer (ABC). Vinorelbine 25 mg m−2 30-min intravenous infusion, and high-dose 5-FU 2600 mg m−2 plus LV 300 mg m−2 24-h intravenous infusion (HDFL regimen) were given on days 1 and 8 every 3 weeks. Between June 1999 and April 2003, 40 patients with histologically confirmed recurrent or metastatic breast cancer were enrolled with a median age of 49 years (range: 36–68). A total of 25 patients had recurrent ABC, and 15 patients had primary metastatic diseases. The overall response rate for the intent-to-treat group was 70.0% (95% CI: 54–84%) with eight complete responses and 20 partial responses. All 40 patients were evaluated for survival and toxicities. Among a total of 316 cycles of VNB–HDFL given (average: 7.9: range: 4–14 cycles per patient), the main toxicity was Gr3/4 leucopenia and Gr3/4 neutropenia in 57 (18.0%) and 120 (38.0%) cycles, respectively. Gr1/2 infection and Gr1/2 stomatitis were noted in five (1.6%) and 59 (18.7%) cycles, respectively. None of the patients developed Gr3/4 stomatitis or Gr3/4 infection. Gr2/3 and Gr1 hand–foot syndrome was noted in two (5.0%) and 23 (57.5%) patients, respectively. Gr1 sensory neuropathy developed in three patients. The median time to progression was 8.0 months (range: 3–25.5 months), and the median overall survival was 25.0 months with a follow-up of 5.5 to 45+ months. This VNB–HDFL regimen is a highly active yet well-tolerated first-line treatment for ABC

    Early changes in the haemostatic and procoagulant systems after chemotherapy for breast cancer

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    Venous thromboembolism (VTE) following breast cancer chemotherapy is common. Chemotherapy-induced alterations in markers of haemostasis occur during chemotherapy. It is unclear how rapidly this occurs, whether this is upregulated in patients developing VTE and whether changes predict for VTE. Markers of haemostasis, functional clotting assays and vascular endothelial growth factor were measured before chemotherapy and at 24 h, 4 days, 8 days and 3 months following commencement of chemotherapy in early and advanced breast cancer patients and in age- and sex-matched controls. Duplex ultrasound imaging was performed after 1 month or if symptomatic. Of 123 patients, 9.8% developed VTE within 3 months. Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), prothrombin time (PT), D-dimer, fibrinogen, platelet count, VEGF and fibrinogen were increased in cancer. Fibrinogen, D-dimer, VEGF and tissue factor were increased, at baseline, in patients subsequently developing VTE. D-dimer of less than 500 ng ml−1 has a negative predictive value of 97%. Activated partial thromboplastin time, PT and thrombin–antithrombin showed significantly different trends, as early as within 24 h, in response to chemotherapy in patients subsequently developing VTE. Markers of coagulation and procoagulants are increased, before chemotherapy, in patients who subsequently develop VTE. A group of patients at minimal risk of VTE can be identified, allowing targeted thrombopropylaxis to the higher risk group

    Medical treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma: present options and future directions.

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    Secundum formam Benedectine : Riforme monastiche, assetti istituzionali e sopravvivenze d’archivio tra Aquileia e Como (secolo XIV, prima metà)

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    Lo scopo di questo lavoro \ue8 quello di analizzare gli statuta et ordinationes del 30 novembre 1340 indirizzati al monastero di S. Maria di Dona in Valchiavenna da Nicola de Nobialo, visitatore di tutti i monasteri dell\u2019ordo monachorum Nigrorum della diocesi di Como delegato dal capitolo provinciale di Aquileia. Il documento \ue8 studiato non solo in s\ue9, ma anche in relazione al sistema delle scritture documentarie prodotte dagli organi di governo delle congregazioni in risposta alle diffuse richieste di riorganizzazione istituzionale e amministrativa e alla penetrazione di spinte riformatrici pi\uf9 profonde, veicolate da specifici interventi promossi sia dal papato avignonese sia dall\u2019episcopato.The aim of this paper is to analyze the 30th November 1340 statuta et ordinationes adressed to the monastery of S. Maria of Dona in Valchiavenna by Nicola de Nobialo, visitor of all the monasteries of the ordo monachorum Nigrorum of the dio\u2010 cese of Como on behalf of the General Chapter held in Aquileia. The document is studied not only in itself but also in relation to the system of documentary records produced by the governing bodies of congregational in re\u2010 sponse to the widespread requests for institutional and administrative reorgani\u2010 zation and also to the penetration of deeper reformist pressures carried by par\u2010 ticular initiatives encouraged by both the Avignonese popes and the episcopate

    Somatuline and tamoxifen in postmenopausal breast cancer patients.

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