555 research outputs found

    Convergence to the Brownian motion

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    El moviment Brownià és un procés estocàstic que modelitza el moviment de partícules suspeses en un líquid o gas. En matemàtiques, pren un rol vital en el càlcul estocàstic. En aquest treball es demostren tres resultats diferents de convergència cap a aquest. El primer resultat que es demostra és el teorema de Donsker. El segon resultat consisteix en demostrar la convergència en distribució d’uns processos estudiats per Daniel Stroock. L’últim resultat és la demostració de la convergència quasi segura d’uns processos anomenats Processos de Transport Uniforme, els quals són prèviament presentats

    Usage of Network Simulators in Machine-Learning-Assisted 5G/6G Networks

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    Without any doubt, Machine Learning (ML) will be an important driver of future communications due to its foreseen performance when applied to complex problems. However, the application of ML to networking systems raises concerns among network operators and other stakeholders, especially regarding trustworthiness and reliability. In this paper, we devise the role of network simulators for bridging the gap between ML and communications systems. In particular, we present an architectural integration of simulators in ML-aware networks for training, testing, and validating ML models before being applied to the operative network. Moreover, we provide insights on the main challenges resulting from this integration, and then give hints discussing how they can be overcome. Finally, we illustrate the integration of network simulators into ML-assisted communications through a proof-of-concept testbed implementation of a residential Wi-Fi network

    Periodismo y democracia en el entorno digital: hacia formas renovadas y ampliadas de la comunicación

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    Introducción a la sección informe sobre Periodismo y democracia en el entorno digitalIntroduction to the report section on Journalism and Democracy in the digital environment

    Peleas de gallos : comentario de la Sentencia 502/2015, de 23 de diciembre, de la Audiencia Provincial de Tarragona

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    Venimos de una tradición jurídica en que hemos considerado a los animales como cosas, regulados por tanto desde el punto de vista de la propiedad. Recientemente, en nuestro país se ha empezado a cambiar esta concepción y a considerar a los animales como bienes jurídicos de especial protección, derivado del argumento de que no son una cosa más, sino seres dotados de sensibilidad. Por este motivo, se han adoptado normas en materia penal y administrativo para dar una protección a los animales frente al maltrato que puedan sufrir. El autor de este comentario analiza el origen y la evolución del delito de maltrato animal y comenta la sentencia 502/2015 de la Audiencia Provincial de Tarragona, dictada sobre la concreta casuística de las peleas de gallos.Venim d'una forta tradició de considerar els animals des del punt de vista de la propietat. Malgrat això, al nostre país fa relativament poc temps que s'han començat a considerar aquests animals com a bens jurídics als que hem de protegir especialment ja que son éssers sensibles i no coses en sentit estricte. Per aquest motiu s'han elaborat normes en l'àrea penal i a l'administrativa per protegir-los en front del maltractament que puguin patir. Per aquest motiu, en el següent treball analitzarem els inicis i l'evolució del tipus penal del maltractament animal i farem un comentari sobre la sentència de l'audiència provincial de Tarragona 502/2015.We have a legal tradition about animals where we have considered them as things, regulated by a property point of view. In our country, we have recently started to change this idea and regard them as special protection goods, which derives from the idea that they are not just a thing, but conscious beings with feelings. For this reason, we have adopted regulations in criminal and administrative matters to give animals a legal protection from possible abuses. In this commentary, the author analyzes the origin and evolution of animal abuse crimes, and discusses the Judgment 502/2015 of the provincial Court of Tarragona, on cockfight as a kind of animal abuse

    Search for Quantum Black Holes and ADD Extra Dimensions in the opposite sign dimuon channel in proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector at ps = 8 TeV.

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    PhDA search for Beyond the Standard Model physics is performed with the ATLAS detector in the opposite sign dimuon channel using the 20 fb1 of data collected in 2012 at ps = 8 TeV. No excess is found above the Standard Model expectation. Using a Bayesian statistical analysis, model dependent 95% Credibility Level Bayesian exclusion limits are extracted for two models of gravitationally-related beyond the Standard Model phenomena. For the ADD and RS quantum black hole models, limits of 3.32 and 1.95 TeV are set on the extradimensional Planck Scale, and for ADD Large Extra dimensions, limits ranging from 2.8-4.4 TeV are set on the string scale for the GRW, HLZ and Hewett formalisms. In addition, a study is performed to estimate the effect of increasing noise cuts in the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger on the physics efficiency of W ! e and t¯t and on the Level-1 missing transverse energy trigger rate. Results suggest that higher noise cuts could reduce the Level-1 missing transverse energy trigger rate with a minimal loss of physics efficiency

    Processos de renovació

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2022, Director: Carles Rovira Escofet[en] Renewal processes model occurrences of events happening at random times where the times between the events can be approximated by independent, identically distributed random variables. This report consists on the study of renewal processes, some properties and a few derived processes such as risk processes or renewal reward processes. In addition, a comparison between renewal processes and Poisson process is made and culminated on the analysis of an article which shows the improvement that represent renewal processes against Poisson processes in hydrology, when both are used to measure the flow of a river

    A green light-triggerable RGD peptide for photocontrolled targeted drug delivery: synthesis and photolysis studies

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    We describe for the first time the synthesis and photochemical properties of a coumarin-caged cyclic RGD peptide and demonstrate that uncaging can be efficiently performed with biologically compatible green light. This was accomplished by using a new dicyanocoumarin derivative (DEAdcCE) for the protection of the carboxyl function at the side chain of the aspartic acid residue, which was selected on the basis of Fmoc-tBu SPPS compatibility and photolysis efficiency. The shielding effect of a methyl group incorporated in the coumarin derivative near the ester bond linking both moieties in combination with the use of acidic additives such as HOBt or Oxyma during the basic Fmoc-removal treatment were found to be very effective for minimizing aspartimide-related side reactions. In addition, a conjugate between the dicyanocoumarin-caged cyclic RGD peptide and ruthenocene, which was selected as a metallodrug model cargo, has been synthesized and characterized. The fact that green-light triggered photoactivation can be efficiently performed both with the caged peptide and with its ruthenocenoyl bioconjugate reveals great potential for DEAdcCE-caged peptide sequences as selective drug carriers in the context of photocontrolled targeted anticancer strategies

    Optical biosensor for catechol determination based on laccase‐immobilized anionic polyamide 6 microparticles

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    This work presents the preparation, optimization, and testing of an enzymebased optical biosensor for catechol determination. The sensing area is attached to a glass support and contains: anionic polyamide 6 (PA6) porous microparticles supporting laccase from Trametes Versicolor, embedded in a Pebax® MH1657 polymer binder that contains the optical indicator dye 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone (MBTH), responsible for the optical transduction. The catechol analyte, after its enzymatic oxidation, forms o-benzoquinone that can be detected by oxidative coupling with MBTH giving rise to a colored product. The latter can be quantified easuring the UV/VIS absorbance at 500 nm. The PA6 microparticles performed as useful laccase carriers reaching high immobilization yields of up to 99.8% and preserving the enzyme catalytic activity. This permitted the reparation of a new biosensor presenting a detection limit of 11 μM and responding linearly to up to 118 μM of catechol. Biosensor applicability was tested in spiked natural water samples from river and spring. The recovery rates observed were in the range of 97–108% that proves the good accuracy of the proposed biosensor.All authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the project TSSiPRO NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000015, supported by the regional operation program NORTE2020, under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund, as well as the support by National Funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), project UID/CTM/50025/2019. Special thank is due to the ALBA synchrotron governance for financing our WAXS/SAXS experiments at NCD SWEET beamline in the framework of the approved pro posal ID 2018/022726. N. Dencheva is also grateful for the financial support of FCT in the frames of the strategic project UID/CTM/50025/2013 and the personal program contract CTTI-51/18-IPC. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of Dr. Amélie Noel (Arkema, France) for providing a free sample of Pebax® MH 1657