1,609 research outputs found

    Computerized tomographic determination of spinal bone mineral content

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    The aims of the study were three-fold: to determine the magnitude of vertebral cancellous mineral loss in normal subjects during bedrest, to compare this loss with calcium balance and mineral loss in peripheral bones, and to use the vertebral measurements as an evaluative criterion for the C12MDP treatment and compare it with other methods. The methods used are described and the results from 14 subjects are presented

    Electronic aperture control devised for solid state imaging system

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    Electronic means of performing the equivalent of automatic aperture control has been devised for the new class of television cameras that incorporates a solid state imaging device in the form of phototransistor mosaic sensors

    A 14-day ground-based hypokinesia study in nonhuman primates: A compilation of results

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    A 14 day ground based hypokinesia study with rhesus monkeys was conducted to determine if a spaceflight of similar duration might affect bone remodeling and calcium homeostatis. The monkeys were placed in total body casts and sacrificed either immediately upon decasting or 14 days after decasting. Changes in vertebral strength were noted and further deterioration of bone strength continued during the recovery phase. Resorption in the vertebrae increased dramatically while formation decreased. Cortical bone formation was impaired in the long bones. The immobilized animals showed a progressive decrease in total serum calcium which rebounded upon remobilization. Most mandibular parameters remained unchanged during casting except for retardation of osteon birth or maturation rate and density distribution of matrix and mineral moieties

    Experiment K-6-04. Trace element balance in rats during spaceflight

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    Exposure to microgravity causes alterations in the skeletal and mineral homeostatic systems. Little is known about the effects of flight in an older skeleton; limited data suggest that bone resorption is increased after 5 days but no data are available about other metabolic effects. The response of a more slowly-growing skeleton to microgravity may be different than that of a younger animal, similar to the different responses seen in adolescents and adult humans to immobilization. This experiment was designed to investigate changes occurring in skeletal and mineral homeostatis in these older rats flown for two weeks in space. We may expect that the two portions of the rat vertebra, the vertebral body and the posterior elements, will show different responses to spaceflight. The results of the analyses from this study confirm major differences between portions of the vertebra. The posterior bone is more highly mineralized, evidenced by increased concentration (per unit weight of bone) of calcium (5 percent), phosphorus (6 percent) and osteocalcin (37 percent), similar to the differences seen between proximal and mid humerus in previous studies. The major increase in osteocalcin content indicates the presence of mature, low-turnover bone. The difference between flight and control animals were minimal in these older, slower-growing rats. Mass of whole vertebrae increased 6.2 percent in synchronous rats compared to less than 2 percent in flight rats over the 16 days when compared to basal controls, suggesting a decreased rate of bone growth in flight. Compared to young rats in which vertebral mass increased over 40 percent in 10 days in controls and 20 percent in flight rats, this may be a clear indication that even in the older skeleton bone growth will slow in microgravity

    Method for improved prediction of bone fracture risk using bone mineral density in structural analysis

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    A non-invasive in-vivo method of analyzing a bone for fracture risk includes obtaining data from the bone such as by computed tomography or projection imaging which data represents a measure of bone material characteristics such as bone mineral density. The distribution of the bone material characteristics is used to generate a finite element method (FEM) mesh from which load capability of the bone can be determined. In determining load capability, the bone is mathematically compressed, and stress, strain force, force/area versus bone material characteristics are determined

    Experiment 305: Pathophysiology of Mineral Loss During Space Flight

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    The objective of this SLS-2 experiment was to determine the pathophysiology of mineral loss during space flight. This was to be accomplished by (1) determining the concentrations of blood minerals and of calciotropic hormones (parathyroid hormone-PTH, vitamin D metabolites) before, during, and after a 14 day shuttle flight, and (2) determining, by calcium kinetic analysis (using stable calcium isotopes), the influence of space flight on intestinal calcium absorption

    The Identity of the Curator and Educator: A phenomenological analysis of the curation of Postcards From Home

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    This thesis explores the hybrid pedagogical identities of curator and educator, specifically where they overlap, converge, and conflict in the curation of an art exhibition. In this study, I curated an exhibition locating my identity and enacting the hybrid identity of educator, artist, and curator. I constructed a phenomenological text as an account of the connections and disconnections between the role of the educator and curator. The tension between inclusivity and exclusivity in the arts is discussed as a major tension between these roles, as well as didactic versus open-ended pedagogical strategies. The phenomenological account of the curation of the exhibition Postcards From Home at Ste. Emilie Skillshare in Montreal, Quebec was used as the data for this study, as well as interviews with audience members and participating artists

    Tectonic evolution of 200 km of Mid-Atlantic Ridge over 10 million years : interplay of volcanism and faulting

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2015. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (2015): 2303-2321, doi:10.1002/2015GC005797.We reconstruct the history of the mode of accretion of an area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Kane fracture zone using bathymetric morphology. The area includes 200 km of the spreading axis and reaches to 10 Ma on either side. We distinguish three tectonic styles: (1) volcanic construction with eruption and intrusion of magma coupled with minor faulting, (2) extended terrain with abundant large-offset faults, (3) detachment faulting marked by extension on single long-lived faults. Over 40% of the seafloor is made of extended terrain and detachment faults. The area includes products of seven spreading segments. The spreading axis has had detachment faulting or extended terrain on one or both sides for 70% of the last 10 Ma. In some parts of the area, regions of detachment faulting and extended terrain lie close to segment boundaries. Regions of detachment faulting initiated at 10 Ma close to the adjacent fracture zones to the north and south, and then expanded away from them. We discuss the complex evidence from gravity, seismic surveys, and bathymetry for the role of magma supply in generating tectonic style. Overall, we conclude that input of magma at the spreading axis has a general control on the development of detachment faulting, but the relationship is not strong. Other factors may include a positive feedback that stabilizes detachment faulting at the expense of volcanic extension, perhaps through the lubrication of active detachment faults by the formation of low friction materials (talc, serpentine) on detachment fault surfaces.2016-01-2

    Surface-plasmon-enhanced light scattering from microscopic spheres

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    Copyright © 2003 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Applied Physics Letters 83 (2003) and may be found at http://link.aip.org/link/?APPLAB/83/3006/1The enhanced light scattering from microscopic latex spheres placed in the optical field associated with a surface-plasmon resonance is explored. Spheres of 200 nm diameter are placed on an optically thin gold film that supports the surface-plasmon and the scattered intensity is then measured as a function of scattering angle. This is compared to the scattering profiles obtained from spheres placed on a bare glass substrate. In both cases, the experimental data are compared to theory. This system is of interest in the field of optical biosensing