56 research outputs found

    Investigation of the clinical behaviors of pediatric dentists working in Turkey during the normalization period of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Objective: Our aim is to investigate the clinical attitudes and behaviors of pediatric dentists during the new normalization period of the COVID-19 pandemic.Materials and methods: Our study was conducted online among pediatric dentistry specialists working in Turkey and a total of 256 people participated. According to personal information, the six questions asked in the second part were analyzed in terms of physicians' adaptation to the new normal order, clinical arrangements, measures to be taken, and their approaches to treatment procedures.Results: The responses to the option "my anxiety has decreased and I have learned to live with this situation" were mostly found in women (42.86%), those with a working period of 1-5 years (42.11%) and pediatric dentists aged 20-25 years (42.86%). In our study, it was observed that ART was practiced more in public hospitals (100%) compared to university and private hospitals. It was observed that 73.91% of pediatric dentists working in university hospitals preferred panoramic films. This rate was significantly higher than those working in state and private hospitals.Conclusions: It was observed that the pediatric dentists participating in our study acted in accordance with the precautions and measures during the new normalization period. In this process, procedures that produce less aerosol were preferred more frequently

    Capacity for the management of kidney failure in the International Society of Nephrology Eastern and Central Europe region:Report from the 2023 ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA)

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    Delivery of care for kidney failure (KF) globally has a significant disparity; even in some countries, it means end-of-life for the person. The International Society of Nephrology Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA) tries to address gaps in KF care and standardize global nephrology care. From the third iteration of the ISN-GKHA, we present data for countries in the ISN Eastern and Central Europe region. The median prevalences of chronic kidney disease (12.8%) and treated KF (873.5 pmp) were higher than the global rates, respectively. Hemodialysis was the most preferred modality for KF in adults, whereas kidney replacement therapy was more balanced in children. Although most of the countries in the region had lower-middle-income and upper-middle-income levels, health expenditures for kidney healthcare were almost generally covered publicly. Nephrologists were responsible for the medical kidney care of people with KF in all countries. There was adequate infrastructure to provide all kinds of treatment for kidney care in the region. Regional characteristics such as high levels of obesity, smoking, and Balkan nephropathy as an endemic disease, coupled with a shortage of workforce and finance, continued to affect kidney care in the region negatively. By making organizational and legislative arrangements, partnerships with national authorities and societies may accelerate the improvement of kidney healthcare in the region

    Актуальные вопросы развития правового регулирования арбитража (третейского разбирательства) в Российской Федерации

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    В магистерской диссертации ставились следующие цели и задачи: Целью работы является изучение теоретических и практических проблем, связанных с отдельными вопросами арбитрабельности споров в развитии законодательства и судебной практики. Актуальность вопроса вызвана произошедшей в 2015-2016 гг. в РФ реформой третейского разбирательства, связанной с принятием Федерального закона от 29.12.2015 № 382-ФЗ «Об арбитраже (третейском разбирательстве) в Российской Федерации» и Федерального закона от 29.12.2015 № 409-ФЗ «О внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации и признании утратившим силу пункта 3 части 1 статьи 6 Федерального закона „О саморегулируемых организациях“ в связи с принятием Федерального закона „Об арбитраже (третейском разбирательстве) в Российской Федерации». В основу исследования легли правовые позиции, выраженные в Постановлении Президиума ВАС РФ от 11.02.2014 № 11059/13 по делу № А26-9592/2012, а также отдельных выводов, сформулированных в Определениях КС РФ от 15.01.2015 № 5-О и от 29.09.2015 № 2214-О, касающихся вопросов установления критериев, позволяющих сделать вывод о неарбитрабельности споров, возникающих из природоресурсных договоров, и, в частности, из такого основания для возникновения специального права лесопользования, как договор аренды лесного участка, заключенного в целях заготовки древесины. Помимо вышеуказанного, к задачам и целям исследования относятся: 1. Обзор существующих в доктрине права третейского разбирательства научных взглядов и представлений об институте арбитрабельности споров, их краткая характеристика. Изложение автором собственной позиции в отношении критериев арбитрабельности. 2. Характеристика лесных имущественных правоотношений, основанных на договорных основаниях возникновения права природопользования. Исследование вопроса арбитрабельности споров, возникающих из лесных имущественных правоотношений, с позиции материально-правового (позитивного) критерия установления арбитрабельности. Анализ стадий заключения, исполнения, расторжения договора аренды лесного участка, а также признания его недействительным. 3. Исследование вопроса о допустимости передачи гражданско-правового спора, возникшего из лесных имущественных правоотношений, на рассмотрение в третейский суд с позиции обеспечения необходимых гарантий прав участников юрисдикционного процесса в рамках процессуальной формы арбитража, в её соотношении с судопроизводством, осуществляемом по правилам АПК РФ и ГПК РФ. Выводы, сделанные по результатам исследования: • Изменения, внесенные в правовое регулирование арбитража в результате третейской реформы, позволяют расширить категории споров, относимых к компетенции третейского суда ввиду «юридизации» процедуры третейского разбирательства с одной стороны, и усиления диспозитивных начал в определении правил арбитража – с другой. • Ввиду особенностей третейского процесса, следует согласиться с позицией ВАС РФ о том, что споры, возникающие на стадии заключения договора аренды лесного участка, в настоящий момент являются неарбитрабельными по причине необходимости учёта законных интересов заведомо неопределённого круга лиц – потенциальных участников аукциона по продаже права на заключение договора аренды лесного участка. Представляется, что соответствующая позиция правомерна до принятия изменений в законодательном регулировании, обеспечивающих учет интересов широкого круга субъектов при обращении за юрисдикционной защитой в третейский суд – по аналогии с арбитражем корпоративных споров. • Публичный интерес РФ, субъектов РФ, выражающийся в необходимости соблюдения природоохранных требований, а также в администрировании неналоговых доходов бюджетов, не может являться аргументом в признании данной категории споров неарбитрабельными. Данный публичный интерес в конкретном деле, рассмотренном ВАС РФ, не сводим к содержанию «публичного порядка», либо «основополагающих принципов российского права», являющимися безусловными основаниями для отмены решения третейского суда. Аналогичный вывод следует и применительно к объекту лесного правоотношения – земельного участка лесного фонда. • Процессуальная форма арбитража как до проведения третейской реформы, так и после неё позволяет отнести к категории арбитрабельных споров, возникающих в связи с исполнением, изменением, расторжением договора аренды лесного участка, признания его недействительным, поскольку стороны третейского соглашения вправе предъявлять повышенные требования к механизму юрисдикционной защиты прав участника арендного правоотношения, а также приспособить процедуру третейского разбирательства к особенностям экономической деятельности в сфере лесного хозяйства. • С учетом судебной практики Европейского Суда по правам человека, заключение сторонами арбитражного соглашения рассматривается как допустимое в определенной степени ограничение права на судебную защиту. В связи с этим, стороны арбитражного соглашения, признавая компетенцию третейского суда по окончательному разрешению гражданско-правового спора, несут повышенный риск совершения, либо не совершения ими необходимых процессуальных действий, в том числе при выборе арбитра. Вынесенное третейским судом решение по существу обладает свойством обязательности для сторон, выражающейся, в том числе, в запрете последующего пересмотра данного решения по существу. По обстоятельствам дела, рассмотренного ВАС РФ, действия проигравшей арбитраж стороны были направлены на преодоление окончательного решения третейского суда и представляли собой злоупотребление правом. В свою очередь, ВАС РФ необоснованно не применил в отношении заявления проигравшей спор стороны правило эстоппель, применимое и в процессуальных правоотношениях.In the master's thesis, the following goals and tasks were set: The aim of the work is to study theoretical and practical problems related to specific issues of arbitrability in the development of legislation and judicial practice. The urgency of the issue is caused by happened in 2015-2016. in the Russian Federation the reform of arbitration proceedings related to the adoption of Federal Law No. 382-FZ of December 29, 2015 "On Arbitration (Arbitration) in the Russian Federation" and Federal Law No. 409-FZ of December 29, 2015 "On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and the invalidation of paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Self-Regulating Organizations" in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law "On Arbitration (Arbitration Proceedings) in the Russian Federation". The research was based on the legal positions expressed in the Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of 11.02.2014 No. 11059/13 in the case No. A26-9592 / 2012, as well as certain conclusions formulated by Constitutional Court of RF, Decrees No. 5-O of 15.01.2015 and 09/29/2015 № 2214-О, concerning the issues of establishing criteria allowing to conclude, that the disputes, arising from nature resources contracts are not arbitrary, and in particular from such grounds for the emergence of a special forest use right, as a lease contract for a forest plot, concluded for the purpose of harvesting timber . Besides the above-mentioned, there are following goals and tasks of the research: 1. Review of existing in the doctrine of the right of arbitration proceedings of scientific views and representations about the institution of arbitrability of disputes, their brief description. The author's statement based on his own position with respect to the criteria of arbitrability. 2. Characteristics of forest proprietary relations, based on the contractual grounds for the emergence of the right to use nature. Investigation of the issue of arbitrability of disputes arising from forest proprietary relations, from the position of a substantive (positive) criterion for establishing arbitrability. Analysis of the stages of conclusion, execution, cancellation of the lease contract for the forest plot, and its recognition as invalid. 3. Investigation of the issue of the admissibility of the transfer of a civil dispute, arising out from a forest property relations to the arbitration court, for ensuring the necessary guarantees of the rights of participants in the jurisdictional process within the procedural form of arbitration, in its relation to legal proceedings, carried out per rules of Arbitrage Procedural Code and Civil Procedural Code of Russian Federation. Conclusions drawn from the study: • The changes made to the legal regulation of arbitration because of the arbitration reform make it possible to expand the categories of disputes falling within the competence of the arbitral tribunal due to the "legalization" (formalizing) of the arbitration procedure on the one hand, and the strengthening of the discretionary principles in determining arbitration rules, on the other. • Due to the peculiarities of the arbitrage, we should agree with the position of the Supreme Arbitration Court of RF, that the disputes, arising at the stage of concluding the lease contract for the forest plot are currently non-arbitrable, considering the legitimate interests of an uncertain circle of potential participants in the auction for the sale of the right to concluding a lease agreement for a forest plot. It seems, that the corresponding position is legitimate until be made changes in the legislative regulation, that ensure the consideration of the interests of a wide range of subjects, applying for jurisdictional protection in an arbitrage - by analogy with arbitration of corporate disputes. • The public interest of the RF, RF subjects, expressed in the propositions of complying by land plot leaser environmental requirements, as well as in the administration of non-tax revenues of budgets, cannot be an argument in recognizing this category of disputes as non-arbitrable. This public interest in a case, considered by the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation is not reduced to the content of "public policy" or "fundamental principles of Russian law", which are unconditional grounds for canceling the decision of the arbitral tribunal. A similar conclusion follows also regarding to the object of the forest legal relationship - the land plot of the forest fund. • Remedial form of arbitration as before the arbitration reforms, and after them can be attributed to the category of arbitrability of disputes, arising about the execution, modification, cancellation of lease agreement, annulment; as for the parties of the arbitration agreement causes to demand higher mechanism jurisdictional protect the rights of parties, as well as to adapt the arbitration procedure to the peculiarities of the economic activity in the forestry. • Considering the judgment practice of the European Court of Human Rights, conclusion by the parties the arbitration agreement is considered as valid to some extent, restrictions on the right to judicial protection. In this regard, the parties of the arbitration agreement, recognizing the competence of the arbitral tribunal for the final settlement of a civil dispute, bear an increased risk of committing or not committing the necessary procedural actions, including choosing an arbitrator. The decision, made by the arbitrage has the property of binding on the parties, which is expressed, inter alia, in the prohibition of the subsequent revision of this decision on the merits. Due to the circumstances of the case, considered by the Supreme Arbitration Court of RF, the actions of the losing party were aimed at overcoming the final decision of the arbitration court and represented abuse of law. In turn, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation unreasonably denied to apply estoppel rule to the statement of the losing party of the dispute, which is also applicable in procedural legal relations

    A partial response to abatacept in a patient with steroid resistant focal segmental glomerulosclerosis

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    Background. Herein we present our experience with abatacept in a patient diagnosed with primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and resistant to steroid and other immunosuppressives. Case. A 17-year-old girl was diagnosed with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (NS) at the age of 8 years. Kidney biopsy was performed when she did not respond to 6-weeks of steroid (2mg/kg) therapy followed by three doses of pulse methylprednisolone (PMP) and considered as steroid resistant NS. The biopsy revealed focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and cyclophosphamide was added to the steroid treatment but the patient had no response. The genetic analysis revealed G34G/A318A compound homozygous synonym aminoacid variation in NPHS2 gene, thus all immunosuppressive regimes were stopped and she was put on supportive treatment. Throughout this period, she had nephrotic range of proteinuria, however serum albumin levels were >3g/dl. At the end of two years, the patient had NS with severe edema and hypoalbuminemia. When the genetic analysis was interpreted again, it was found to be consistent with a polymorphism rather than a mutation. Following 3 doses of PMP, oral steroid treatment was resumed and cyclosporine (CsA) was added to the treatment at the fifth year of follow up. However, she was unresponsive to CsA at the end of the first year as well as mycophenolate mofetil used for 12 months and rituximab used for 6 months, respectively. Then abatacept was instituted and proteinuria decreased below 1 gr/day and serum albumin levels increased to 3 g/dl at the end of 6 doses. Serum albumin levels remained stable in the following 7 months. Conclusion. Partial remission including the decrease in proteinuria and increase in albumin levels achieved in our patient encourages the usage of abatacept in patients who do not respond to multiple immunosuppressive therapies

    A Retrospective Study of the Risk Factors Worsening Prognosis in Children With Vesicoureteral Reflux

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    Amaç: Vezikoüreteral reflü (VUR) genelde tekrarlayan üriner enfeksiyonlarla birlikte olan ve böbrek parankiminde hasara yol açabilen, çocukluk çağında sık görülen bir sorundur. Tüm çocuk nüfusunun %0,5-1,5’inde görülür. Tedavi edilerek kontrol edilmezse, kronik böbrek yetmezliğine neden olabilir. Vezikoüreteral reflüde prognozun kötüleşmesi; reflü nefropatisi, skar gelişmesi ve kronik böbrek yetersizliği tablosunun gelişmesi ile anlaşılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, VUR’lü olguların özelliklerini tanımlamak ve kötü prognoza neden olan riskleri saptamak amaçlanmıştır, Gereç ve Yöntem: 1990-2014 yılları başvurularını kapsayan kesitsel bir çalışma gerçekleştirildi. Retrospektif olarak veriler kayıtlardan toplandı. Sonuç değişkeni VUR kötü prognozudur ve skar varlığı, reflü nefropatisi, kronik böbrek hastalığı gelişmesi ile belirlenmiştir. Kayıtlardan alınan demografik, öz-soygeçmiş, klinik özellikler nedenler olarak incelenmiştir. Veri analizinde sayı ve yüzdelerle tanımlayıcı sunulan veriler ki-kare ve çok değişkenli lojistik regresyon analizi ile SPSS 24.0 programı ile çözümlenmiştir, p<0,05 istatistik anlamlılık sınır değeri kabul edilmiştir. Bulgular: Vezikoüreteral reflülü çocuğun 2 yaş ve altında olması ve öyküde bildirilen idrar yolu enfeksiyonu varlığı prognozun kötüleşme nedeni olarak bulunmuştur. İzlem sonrası idrar yolu enfeksiyonu sayısının prognozu etkilemediği belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Bu çalışmada indirek bir bulgu olarak elde edilen sonuca göre, VUR’lu çocuğun izlemde iyi yönetilmesi ile prognoza olumlu katkı ortaya konulmuştur.Objective: Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is a common problem in childhood, often associated with recurrent urinary infections, which can cause damage to the renal parenchyma. It occurs in 0.5-1.5% of the whole children population. If not treated and controlled, it may cause chronic renal failure. Worsening prognosis of VUR becomes evident as reflux nephropathy, scarring and chronic renal failure. in this study, we aimed to define the characteristics of VUR patients and to determine the risks that cause a poor prognosis. Material and Method: A cross-sectional study of 1990-2014 was performed. Data were collected retrospectively. the outcome variable was poor prognosis of VUR and was determined by the presence of scarring, reflux nephropathy, and the development of chronic kidney disease. the demographic, self-family history and clinical characteristics of the children were examined as causes. in the data analysis, descriptive data with numbers and percentages were analyzed by chisquare and multivariate logistic regression analysis with SPSS 24.0 program. Results: the fact that the child with VUR was 2 years or younger and the presence of urinary infection reported in the history was found to be the cause of worsening of the prognosis. the number of urinary infections after follow-up did not affect the prognosis. Conclusion: According to the results obtained as an indirect finding in this study, good management of the child with VUR has a positive contribution to prognosis

    The exchange of radon gas concentration along Manisa fault

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    Rocks and soils form the main radon source, a radioactive noble gas. For this reason, radon is the most useful and studied natural gas, providing information about the earth's movement. Faulting and fracturing also play an important role in transporting radon. In this study, radon gas concentrations along the Manisa fault and at stations perpendicular to the fault were monitored monthly for two years using LR-115 type 2 radon detectors. The results showed that radon levels were higher at sites near the fault than at sites farther away

    The association between monosymptomatic enuresis and allergic diseases in children

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    This clinical study was designed to evaluate correlation between monosymptomatic enuresis (MSE) and allergic diseases (asthma, allergic rhinitis, eczema, and food allergy) in pediatric patients