19 research outputs found

    Low frequency-to-intensity noise conversion in a pulsed laser cavity locking by exploiting carrier envelope offset

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    We report on the dependence of the frequency-to-intensity noise conversion in the locking of an ultrafast laser against a high-finesse optical enhancement resonator from the carrier envelope offset frequency. By a proper combination of the cavity finesse and laser carrier envelope offset frequency, it is possible to optimize the signal-to-noise ratio of the laser intensity trapped into the optical resonator. In this paper, we describe the effect of the laser-enhancement cavity coupling on the intracavity power relative noise, and we demonstrate both theoretically and experimentally its reduction

    A low repetition rate optical frequency comb

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    Reducing the pulse repetition rate of an optical frequency comb increases the pulse energy for a given average power. This enhances the efficiency of nonlinear frequency conversion and it facilitates extending the accessible wavelength range, for example into the extreme ultraviolet (XUV). The resulting spectrally dense frequency comb can still be used for precision spectroscopy of narrow atomic or molecular transitions. In this article, we demonstrate a low-noise infrared frequency comb with a repetition rate as low as 40 kHz using a Yb:KYW mode-locked laser, pulse picking, and subsequent amplification. The frequency comb structure is confirmed by generating a beat note with a continuous wave reference laser. A comb mode is actively stabilized to the reference laser, and the integrated rms phase noise from 20 Hz to 20 kHz is measured to be 195 mrad

    A new method for spatial mode shifting of stabilized optical cavities for the generation of dual-color X-rays

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    We propose an innovative method to shift the transversal position of the focal point of an optical cavity keeping it actively frequency stabilized. Our cavity is a 4 mirrors bow-tie cavity and the spatial shift of the resonant mode is obtained by properly rotating the two curved mirrors by piezo actuators. This method allows us to move the transversal position of the cavity focal point of 135 µm in a time of 50 ms, keeping the resonance condition of the cavity by means of the Pound–Drever–Hall technique. We propose to use this technique for the generation of 2-color X-rays via Inverse Compton Scattering (ICS). This technique exploits the large average power stored in the high finesse cavity by shifting the laser beam with respect to the electron beam trajectory, hence controlling the spatial superposition of the electron and photon beams in the interaction region. Arranging two cavities assembled one on top of the other, with different collision angle with the electron beam, allows the generation of X-ray bursts of different energies just by swiftly moving the two cavities, switching the two focal points onto the electron beam trajectory, thus activating in sequence two different ICS spectral lines

    BriXs ultra high fluxinverse compton source based on modified push-pull energy recovery linacs

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    We present a conceptual design for a compact X-ray Source BriXS (Bright and compact X-ray Source). BriXS, the first stage of the Marix project, is an Inverse Compton Source (ICS) of X-ray based on superconducting cavities technology for the electron beam with energy recirculation and on a laser system in Fabry-Pérot cavity at a repetition rate of 100 MHz, producing 20–180 keV monochromatic X-Rays devoted mainly to medical applications. An energy recovery scheme based on a modified folded push-pull CW-SC twin Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) ensemble allows us to sustain an MW-class beam power with almost one hundred kW active power dissipation/consumption

    COVID-19-associated Guillain-Barré syndrome in the early pandemic experience in Lombardia (Italy)

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    Objective To estimate the incidence and describe clinical characteristics and outcome of GBS in COVID-19 patients (COVID19-GBS) in one of the most hit regions during the frst pandemic wave, Lombardia. Methods Adult patients admitted to 20 Neurological Units between 1/3–30/4/2020 with COVID19-GBS were included as part of a multi-center study organized by the Italian society of Hospital Neuroscience (SNO). Results Thirty-eight COVID19-GBS patients had a mean age of 60.7 years and male frequency of 86.8%. CSF albuminocytological dissociation was detected in 71.4%, and PCR for SARS-CoV-2 was negative in 19 tested patients. Based on neurophysiology, 81.8% of patients had a diagnosis of AIDP, 12.1% of AMSAN, and 6.1% of AMAN. The course was favorable in 76.3% of patients, stable in 10.5%, while 13.2% worsened, of which 3 died. The estimated occurrence rate in Lombardia ranges from 0.5 to 0.05 GBS cases per 1000 COVID-19 infections depending on whether you consider positive cases or estimated seropositive cases. When we compared GBS cases with the pre-pandemic period, we found a reduction of cases from 165 to 135 cases in the 2-month study period in Lombardia. Conclusions We detected an increased incidence of GBS in COVID-19 patients which can refect a higher risk of GBS in COVID-19 patients and a reduction of GBS events during the pandemic period possibly due to a lower spread of more common respiratory infectious diseases determined by an increased use of preventive measures

    Overview of DISCOVER22 experiment in the framework of INFN-LNGS Cosmic Silence activity: challenges and improvements in underground radiobiology

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    One of the most intriguing and still pending questions in radiobiology is to understand whether and how natural environmental background radiation has shaped Life over millions of years of evolution on Earth. Deep Underground Laboratories (DULs) represent the ideal below-background exposure facilities where to address such a question. Among the few worldwide DULs, INFN-Laboratorio Nazionale del Gran Sasso (LNGS) is one of the largest in terms of size and infrastructure. Designed and built to host neutrino and dark matter experiments, since the 1990 s the LNGS has been one of the first DULs to systematically host radiobiology experiments. Here we present the DISCOVER22 (DNA Damage and Immune System Cooperation in VEry low Radiation environment 2022) experiment recently started at LNGS. DISCOVER22 aims at investigating how the low radiation background modulates the Immune System (IS) response in in vitro and in vivo models. Underground radiobiology experiments are particularly complex and tricky to design and perform. In these studies, the accurate characterization of exposure scenarios is mandatory, but a challenging aspect is to understand how the very few ionizing tracks in the ultra-Low Radiation Environment (LRE) interact with the living matter in space and time in order to trigger different biological responses. In this Perspective, we describe these challenges and how we address them through a microdosimetric and a radiobiological approaches. We aim at linking physical microdosimetric measurements and the corresponding biological radiation responses by using radiation biophysical models that could shed light on many as yet unresolved questions

    Modellazione dei prezzi dell'energia elettrica: un esempio

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    La terra \ue8 bassa (ma noi voliamo altissimi)

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    Questo mese riflettori accesi sui droni agricoli a Bari, e precisamente alla fiera AgriLevante, la pi\uf9 importante manifestazione agricola del bacino del Mediterraneo, dove i droni sono ospitati in una esposizione collettiva organizzata da Dronitaly in collaborazione con FederUnacoma. Ma qual \ue8 la realt\ue0 dei droni \u201cverdi\u201d italiani? Ce lo raccontano gli esperti di Neos, spinoff dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Padova che opera nell\u2019ambito dei rilevamenti da drone a uso agricolo e forestal